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2/3/2020 Cowlar


Asad Ali
CLASS: BSEE (16-20)
Milk producing animals have been domesticated for thousands of years. Initially, they were part
of the subsistence farming that nomads engaged in. As the community moved about the country,
their animals accompanied them. Protecting and feeding the animals were a big part of
the symbiotic relationship between the animals and the herders.

Dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting or processing (or both) of animal milk –
mostly from cows or buffaloes, but also from goats, sheep, horses, or camels – for human
consumption. A dairy is typically located on a dedicated dairy farm or in a section of a multi-
purpose farm (mixed farm) that is concerned with the harvesting of milk. Traditionally the cow,
or cows, would stand in the field or paddock while being milked. Young stock, heifers, would have
to be trained to remain still to be milked. In many countries, the cows were tethered to a post and
milked. While in some advanced forms owners use automatic machines to milk their animals.

A cow is very much affected by its environment and so does its capability to produce milk.
Moreover, the reproduction rate of cows is lower than other animals of their class. For the pregnant
cows a little delay in treatment may result into unborn calves followed by month of zero production
of milk. Despite of greater hard work and care a cow is very much prone to diseases and may show
unexpected behavior. Thus even by using all the means it was very difficult for a small (having
less than 10 cows) and medium (having less than 100 cows) range farms to maintain a continuous
milk stream throughout the whole year. During the mid of this decade due to the rapid growth in
reliance in industrialized products the prices of milk were even reduced to almost half of actual
value. This led many small form holders to shut down their facilities.

While seeing this trend a group of freshly graduates and entrepreneurs in Islamabad managed by
Mr. Adnan Umar started to study the behavior of cows. Soon they were able to model a device
named ‘Cowler’ which can read the temperature, activity and behavior of a cow. The operation of
device involves the collection of data at any instant and it’s transmission to the central base station
installed on the farm. After this data is conveyed to the central headquarter where it is analyzed
and recommendations made by the professionals are forwarded to the farm owner in a very cheap
package of 3$ per month. Further for cost optimization the network is powered by solar energy. A
feedback system is also deployed and new updates are made on regular basis.

According to the recent data and fresh reviews the Cowlar has increased the average milk
production up to 12 to 14 liters over preceding values of 6 to 8 liters per cow per day. It is reported
that the health and behavioral issues are also reduced. The reproduction rate of cows is also much
better than the past.

Most of the farm owners are uneducated or have very little knowledge of technologies thus they
are connected via a sms service instead of android application. Now a farm owner can easily look
for the cows even without going to the farm and may utilize the suggestions made by experts while
staying in its hometown. Moreover by using Cowlar one can also trace the location of the cow and
hence it has cut down the chances of theft.

Since the very launch of Cowlar in Pakistan there is a huge demand all across the country.
Nowadays the Cowlar is recognized all across the globe and the team has established many
headquarters in Brazil and some up states in America. Today the dairy market has become a
billions dollar market with a trillion dollar worth of milk is sold every year. However, an increasing
demand for supply still exists which is the true leading agency for presence and rapid development
of Cowlar.

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