Compilation of Theorist (METAPARADIGMS)

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1. Florence Nightingale Multidimensional; component Environment could be altered Not only to be well, but to Place patients in best possible
of biological, psychological, to improve conditions so that be able to use well every conditions for nature to act
Born: May 12, 1820 social and spiritual natural laws would allow power we have
In Florence, Italy healing to occur. Activities that promote health
which occur in any care giving
Fleidner School of Nursing Poor environment led to poor situation
Kaiserwerth, Germany health and disease

St. Thomas Hospital, London,


“Lady of the Lamp”

Crimean War
Ukraine 1854

“Notes on Nursing”

“Order of Merit Award”

By Queen Victoria

2. Virginia Henderson An individual who requires Aggregate of all external Quality of life is very basic Help both the sick and well
assistance to achieve health conditions and influences for a person to function individual. People from all walks
“The 1st Lady of Nursing” and independence, peaceful affecting the life and fully. of life, from new-born to dying.
death development of an organism
“The 1st Truly International Requires independence Assist the sick and healthy
Nurse” and interdependence. individuals to gain independence
in meeting the 14 basic needs.
The 14 Basic Human Needs

3. Faye Glenn Abdellah The beneficiary of care are The center and purpose of Nursing is grouped into 21
the individuals nursing services problem areas for nurses to work
Patient-centred Approaches to on based on their judgment and
Nursing appropriate care

First Nurse to serve as Deputy

Surgeon General of the US

21 Nursing Problem

4. Jean Watson A valued person, respected, The environment provides the Unity and harmony within Nursing is committed to human
nurtured, understood, and values that determine how the mind, body and soul. care ideals in theory, practice,
Theory of Human Caring assisted. one should behave and goals and research.
to achieve.
10 Carative Factors A fully functional integrated

5. Dorothea Orem Human beings are very much An external source of influence WHO’s “state of physical, Nursing is helping clients to
different from other living in the internal interaction of a mental and social well- establish or identify ways to
Self-care Deficit Theory of things in terms of their person’s different aspects. being and not merely the perform self-care activities.
Nursing capacity. absence of disease on
“Guides for Development Human can reflect upon
curricula for the education of events, themselves and their These integrated aspects of
Practical Nursing was developed environment. health are inseparable
in 1959

“Nursing: Concepts of Practice”


6. Myra Estrine Levine Holistic being Where the person is constantly Being “whole” not just the Promote wholeness through the
and actively involved absence of illness or use of the 4 Conservation
The Four Conservation disease Principles
Principles of Nursing

7. Dorothy Johnson Biological and behavioural Events in environment affects Retain equilibrium or Help develop equilibrium within
systems behaviour balance the individual
Behavioural System Model

8. Sr. Callista Roy A bio-psychosocial being in Conditions, circumstances & The process of being The promotion of 4 modes of
constant interaction with a influences that surround & becoming an integrated & adaptation (physiological, self-
Roy’s Adaptation Model changing environment. affect the development & whole person. concept, role function,
behaviour of the person. interdependence) and contribute
An open, adaptive system to the persons health, quality of
who uses coping skills to deal life & dying with dignity.
with stressors.

9. Betty Neuman An individual, family, An internal, external & created Dynamic in nature Requires a holistic approach that
community, society. force that interacts with a considers all factors affecting
System Model in Nursing person’s state of health. State of wellness when all client’s health.
Practice An open system with parts of parts of the system work
the body working together. Stressors are the tensions that harmoniously. The nurse must adjust to meet
produce alterations in the the unique needs of every client.
normal flow of the
1. Intrapersonal
- Occurs within self, man
as psycho spiritual being

2. Interpersonal
- Occurs between 1 or
more persons, man as
social being.

10. Hildegard Peplau “Man” who is an organism Forces outside the organism; Movement of the Must be significant, therapeutic
that lives in an unstable the socially approved way of personality & other human interpersonal process.
“Interpersonal Relations in balance of a given system living, from which social processes that directs the
Nursing” 1952 (Emphasis on the processes are derived such as person towards creative,
Nurse-Patient Relationship in norms, customs & beliefs. constructive, productive
health care) and community living.

“Psychiatric Nurse of the


11. Ida Jean Orlando Unique & developmental Pt’s needs can be met Freedom from mental or Assist individuals to avoid,
being with needs that may anywhere there is nurse- physical discomfort. relieve, diminish, cure person’s
Deliberative Nursing Process not be observable. patient contact. sense of helplessness.
Theory Person has feelings of
adequacy & well-being.

12. Joyce Travelbee Human being is a unique, Subj: State of well-being in An interpersonal process to assist
irreplaceable ind’l in accord with self-appraisal and ind’l, family, cmty to prevent
continuous process of of physical-emotional or cope with experience of illness
Human to Human Relationship becoming, evolving & spiritual status. & suffering, & find meaning in
Theory (Humans constantly face changing. theses experiences.
choices & conflicts & is
accountable to the choices
made in life.
Obj: Absence of discernible
Book: disease, disability or defect
Interventions in Psychiatric per PE, lab tests,
Nursing (1971) assessment by spiritual
director or psychological

13. Madeleine Leininger Human being; is caring and Totality of an event, situation, Culturally defined, valued A humanistic art & science that
capable of being concerned or experience. and practiced. focuses on personalized
Transcultural Nursing- aims to about others. behaviours, functions, processes
provide culturally congruent to promote & maintain health or
nursing ca Related to the concept of Ability of individuals to recovery from illness
“Living Legend” culture. perform their daily roles.
- American Academy of

14. Imogene King Spiritual being & rational The process of balance Ability to adjust to The nurse interacts &
thinker who makes choices & involving internal &external stressors of internal & communicates with client.
Goal Attainment Theory existing in an open system. interactions inside the social external environment of
system. client The goal of the nurse is to help
the client maintain health thru
health promotion &
maintenance, restoration &
caring for the sick & dying.

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