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Compiled By :

Name : Sri Wahyuni Purba

Nim : 7183342017

Class :B

Study program : Accounting Education

Lecturer : . Mr. Andri Zainal, SE., M.Sc., Ak., Ph.D.

Mr. Choms Gary GT Sibarani SE, S.Pd M.Sc., Ak CA.




APRIL 2020



Thank you for the presence of Jesus who has given His grace, gifts and guidance to all of us
so that finally the task of this paper can be completed in time. Prayers and greetings are
always poured out on the Prophet Muhammad and his loyal followers at the end of time.

The assignment of this critical journal report is one of the six KKNI assignments given to
complete an English language business course.

The authors of this paper cannot be separated from the support and assistance of various
parties, therefore on this occasion the author would like to thank:

1. Mr. Andri Zainal, SE., M.Sc., Ak., Ph.D.

Mr. Choms Gary GT Sibarani SE, S.Pd M.Sc., Ak CA.

As a lecturer in the subject of education profession.

2. The parents of the author who helped in the form of material.

3. All parties that cannot be mentioned one by one have helped a lot, both during the
preparation of this task and beyond.

Finally, the author would like to thank you, hopefully it can be useful and can increase
knowledge for the reader.

Medan, Mei 2020



PREFACE............................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I   PRELIMINARY......................................................................... 1

A. Rationalization of the importance of CJR........................................... 1

B. The Purpose of writing CJR................................................................ 1
C. Benefits of CJR................................................................................... 1
D. Journal Identity.................................................................................... 2

A. Preliminary.......................................................................................... 3
B. Description of contents........................................................................ 4

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION............................................................................ 7

A. Discuss the contents of the journal...................................................... 7

B. Advantages And Disadvantages of the journal................................... 9
CHAPTER IV CLOSING................................................................................... 12
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 12
B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................... 13





A. Rationalization of the Importance of Critical Journal Review (CJR)

Critical Journal Review (CJR) is an important thing for students because it makes it
easier to discuss the core results of existing research. There are several important things
before we review journals, such as finding journals that are in accordance with the topic
raised, reading the whole of the contents of the journal and trying to rewrite it with their own
language of understanding from the journal. Journals have characteristics such as restricted
according to the provisions set by the organizing organization that makes scientific journals,
has the title and author's name and email address and origin of the author's organization, there
is an abstract containing a summary of the contents of the journal, introduction, proposed
methodology, implementation, conclusions and bibliography.

An important step in reviewing a journal, namely presenting the introductory part,

expressing the discussion section, put forward the conclusions section. The things that need
to be displayed in the critical journal review are revealing several theoretical bases used by
the researcher as references in their research and what objectives they want to achieve,
revealing the methods they want to use, research subjects, data collection techniques, and
data analysis used, taking the results of the research that has been done by giving a brief,
clear, and solid description, and concluding the contents of the journal.

B. Purpose of Writing Critical Journal Review (CJR)

1. Understand and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a journal

2. Make it easier to discuss the core results of existing research

3. Search for and find out information in a journal

C. Benefits of Critical Journal Review (CJR)

1. Helping all circles in knowing the core of the results of the research that is available in a


2. Become an evaluation material in making a journal in the next publication

D. Journal identity
Main journal
2. Name of the journal : Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MEC)
3. Year : 2017
4. Author : Ruihui Pu1, Changjiang Tang

5. Publisher : University of Malaysia

6. City rises : Malaysia
7. ISSN : 2521 – 0505
8. Volume :2

Comparison journal
1. Journal title : On the Problems and Countermeasures of Cross-cultural
Business Cooperation between China and Malaysia under The Belt and The Road
2. Name of the journal : Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities
3. Year : 2015
4. Author : Danya Zhu1, Liang Tan, and Yutong Han

5. Publisher : 1School of Business English, Sichuan International Studies

University, School of International Business, Sichuan International Studies
University, and Library, Army Medical University,
6. City rises :
7. ISSN : 2306-8401
8. Volume : 352




A. Preliminary

Main Journal In the Asian market, China is part of the greatest trade
partners of Malaysia. In these years, the industries of China
and Malaysia are Reforming to become service and product
industry oriented. In addition to China, In the past the last 15
years the economy, political, and social Systems have
undergone significant changes in the former Soviet Union,
Eastern Europe, and China. While much of the trade between
China and Malaysia is associated with manufacturing.
Therefore, the paper is based upon discussion and cultural
differences between Malaysia and China in Business relations
by discussing the Cultural values regarding to the five cultural
dimensions of a group researchers’ implications particularly
cultural differences among the process of business strategy,
conflict management, decision- making and business
negotiations [1]. Additionally, the findings of this paper
together could provide such pertinent information to
international managers who intend to do global business
between China and Malaysia. Malaysia is centralized
according to the shown tendency toward decentralized power
while China is relatively decentralized. In terms of power
distance cultures, authority is inherent in one’s position within
a and international trade cooperation between Malaysia and
China has also brought tremendous opportunities for business
development were to build such a bridge between Malaysia
and China on furthering development of economics and trade
relations. Therefore, understand correctly and cope with
cross-cultural differences when conflicting between China
and Malaysia that should be very
significant especially for targeted selection of rational


business strategy, which is essential to succeed in

international business between the two countries. Thus, I am
meant for discussion and expression of cultural differences
for instance, styles of business negotiation and perspectives of
cross-cultural awareness based on cultural context between
Malaysia and
China, to contribute business strategies to have win-win
Comparison journal Within Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),
Malaysia conducts most trade with China. In the meanwhile,
China serves as the most important import partner for
Malaysia and the fourth most important export destination by
trade volume. On January 1, 2010, Sino-ASEAN Free Trade
Zone has officially come into being. Malaysia, as a key player
of ASEAN, deserves our special attention. The makeup of
Malaysia’s population is unique. Among its 23 million
people, 59% are Malay,32% Chinese, 8% Indians. A country
with multiple religions, Islam is the state religion. The
Official language is Malay, among other six major languages.
As an export-oriented economy, in addition to traditional
agricultural products such as palm oil, rubber, and pepper, it
exports a large
variety of manufactured goods such as semiconductors,
audio-visual products, computer accessories, air conditioners,
rubber products and chemicals. Malaysian culture is a mixture
of local cultures including Malay, Chinese and Indian, among
many others. Malay is the most dominant due to its
population size. Malaysian culture started to be under big
influence of China and India, as a result of the earliest trade
activities, to be followed by Persian, Arabian and British
cultures. The cultural diversity of Malaysia poses unique
obstacles to
its trade partners. The paper intends to dwell on such


obstacles and their solutions.

B. Description of contents


Main journal Malaysia has been hit by the Chinese and Indian cultures on
top of the Islamic culture, resulting in Malaysia’s cultural
diversity [2]. Certain differences can be founded as for the
research on differences among various cultures, the value /
cultural dimension presented by Hofstede it the most
recognized, the detail of the theory is give. Conceptual
decision makers are achievement oriented like their analytic
counterparts, but crave extrinsic rewards, such as praise,
recognition, and independence. They are comfortable with a
high degree of cognitive complexity and also have a strong
people orientation and typically gather information from
multiple sources and consider many alternatives. They tend to
take a long-term perspective, exhibiting considerable
and idealism. Chinese and Malaysian managers are different
from their attitudes for risks and decision making when
making decisions for their values regarding uncertainty
avoidance. Chinese managers with high uncertainty-
avoidance lack of adventurous spirit and the sense of risks.
Immediate decisions which make them lose the opportunity to
compete in a market are avoided in the case they feel the
circumstance is uncertain. Most of the time, they want to be
safe by taking less risky
decisions. or Malaysian managers, middle and lower level
supervisors are less willing to make decisions without
deference to superiors. The result is that decision-making
takes much longer than anticipated in and required more input
from players of various social and professional levels.


avoidance measures for Malaysia indicated low risk taking

and a resistance to change which can further delay projects
which encounter problems. Malaysia is a very macho
determined country. For instance, Malaysia is emale
dismissive society when negotiating that is the reason why
man who are Malays and Indians will not shake hands with
women when meeting. The latter will provide a nod, followed
by a smile . It has to keep in mind that Malaysians are very
indirect when negoiation begin femal hey will beat around the
bush and give vague replies.
Comparison journal Largely shaped by Confucianism, Chinese culture attaches
much importance to kinship and human relations, worldly
achievements, self-cultivation, and rationality. Confucian
thoughts have been held dear as the spiritual core of corporate
culture in many Chinese enterprises. While the general culture
in Malaysian constitutes a combination of regional cultures
including Malay, Chinese and Indian, Malaysian government
implemented the “National Cultural Policy” in 1971. The
policy definitively describes the characteristics of Malaysian
culture, stating that the importance of indigenous Malaysian’s
(Malay) tradition and Islamism must be representedThe UAI
(Uncertainty Avoidance Index) of Chinese society in this
dimension is 30, meaning
China has medium level of uncertainty avoidance as a
country. Malaysia's UAI resides at 50, which
suggests that Malaysian employees, to avoid uncertainty and
ambiguity are likely to make more
formal rules, to evade deviant ideas and practices, and to seek
consistency. They are rather cautious about future crisis and
thus display a high degree of loyalty towards their employers.
They prefer unequivocal orders and specific instructions over
ambiguous and less-defined supervision. Therefore, managing
personnel in Malay enterprises need to adopt workplace


regulations, standardized operational procedures, and work

routine and well-programmed decision-making procedures to
lessen uncertainty. while reinforcing the Malay language as
the mother tongue.



A. Discuss the contents of the journal

Aspect Main journal Comparison journal

Research purposes 1. To Explain to diferences in cina 1. To explain the problem between
and Malaysia business culture the culture of business cina anda
the Asian market, China is part of Within Association of Southeast
the greatest trade partners of Asian Nations (ASEAN), Malaysia
Malaysia. In these years, the conducts most trade with China. In
industries of China and Malaysia the meanwhile, China serves as the
are most important import partner for
reforming to become service and Malaysia and the fourth most
product industry oriented. In important export destination by
addition to China, In the past the trade volume. On January 1, 2010,
last 15 years the economy, political, Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone has
and social systems have undergone officially come into being.
significant changes in the former Malaysia, as a key player of
Soviet Union,eastern Europe, and ASEAN, deserves our special
China. While much of the trade attention.
between China and Malaysia is
associated with manufacturing.

B. Advantages And Disadvantages of the journal

Aspect Main journal Comparison journal

The title First journal title is China – The second On the Problems and
Malaysia cultural differences in Countermeasures of Cross-cultural


international business relations Business Cooperation between

China and Malaysia under The Belt
and The Road Initiativejournal title
Abstract The abstract in the first journal The abstract in the secound journal
describes, research methods and describes Malaysia has been the
research results. most outstanding country for its
profitable development.
So when we read the abstract we Meanwhile, China is the largest
can find out the purpose, methods trade partner of Malaysia (Statics
and results of the study. Bureau of Malaysia). Therefore,
this research employed qualitative
study is to analyze and discuss
between China and Malaysia
cultural differences in business
relations by compared with cultural
Difference in business strategy,
decision making, business
negotiation and conflict
management. By studying cultural
differences between China and
Malaysia, the results show that
knowing another culture will be
fundamentally an
allowable concern of business
activities. Moreover, it is
indispensable for those who make
the effort to understand
another culture and gain knowledge
about how to behave in that cultural
condition. However, this finding
also has A tendency to provide
relevant information towards global


managers who plan to do

international business between
China and Malaysia.

Research Purposes The purposes in the first journal is The purposes in the second journal
not in the journal abstract. is not in the journal abstract.
So readers do not know the purpose So readers do not know the purpose
of the study if they only read the of the study if they only read the
abstract abstract
Conclusion the conclusions in this journal are the conclusions in this journal are
short but clear and can describe short but clear and can describe
clearly the results obtained clearly the results obtained
Material quality  Quality of material  Quality of material
Material presented based on Material presented based on
research objectives research objectives
 Language accuracy  Language accuracy
Language accuracy in this journal, Language accuracy in this journal,
namely the words and sentences namely the words and sentences
used are quite clear used are quite clear




A. Conclusion
understanding other cultures is quite vital and powerful in business relations.
When we consider that people from the diverse economic conditions, political, and
cultural background have problems with communicating effectively, we can
appreciate the obstacles and challenges that people from diverse cultures face when
attempting to
communicate. Misunderstandings will be part of artistic aspects within international
business. Therefore, the objective of this paper is intended to minimize
misunderstanding through an awareness of the priorities and expectations of cross-
cultural business partners. In this period of Globalization, examination of cultural
issues and the subtle ways in which culture affects on business practice and patterns
among market behavior should command increased attention from businessmen.
Companies are required outside the proverbial box when formulating

B. Suggestion

Both of these journals interrelated one another and discussion both of the
journal complete each other. Therefore, will be much better if using both of the
journal. so that, can get more information.



Tang changiaang. 2017. The China – Malaysia Cultural Differences International

Business Relationship (Malaysia E Commerce).

Danya zhul 2015. On The problems and countermeasures of cross cultural business
Cooperation between China and Malaysia under The Belt and The Roa Initiative
(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities)


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