Assessment of Young Learners

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Nelda Rose Lucas Pinnace

Lic. David Bertrand

English Evaluation

March 10th, 2018

Assessment of Young Learners

Assessment, in particular forms, personal – response and performance based on assessment as an
integral part of teaching culminating in formative evaluation.

Importance of assessment

Assessment is considered a mechanism to help teacher make decision that will students to
improve their linguistic ability.

Students depend on teacher assessment because teachers have to use the appropriate materials.
Also teachers have to evaluate student’s assessment to see if student are progressing.

Alternative in assessment

Alternative assessment is technique to find out what student already knows or to see if student
are growing or showing improvement.

Furthermore, it helps students demonstrate to young learners that are making progressive in their
linguistic development, which boost motivation. Formative assessment can help decrease the
level of anxiety generated by concentration linguistic accuracy and increase students comfort
zone and feeling of success by stressing communicative fluency. Concluding characteristic of
alternative assessment method for young learners are different task or class room activities.

Types of student responses

There are three different types of responses: selected response (true-false, matching, and multiple
choices), constructed response (fill-in, short answers, performance), and personal-response
(conference, portfolio, self and peer assessment).

Classroom assessment techniques

This technique can be used for effective and practical measures of students’ abilities, progress,
and achievement in variety of education settings. Nonverbal responses: Are physical
performance responses. Oral interview suggest using visual signals. Role play using physical
activities lends itself to cooperative learning is seen fun way. Learning logs is record of student’s
experiences out classroom. Dialogue journals are interactive in nature. Peer and group
assessment is ability work with other groups. Students portfolio is demonstrate the extent of a
student’s, also record of a students work.

To sum up, it was based the different types of assessment. Also alternative assessment.

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