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Plan of Investigation………………………………………………………………………. 1

Artifacts…………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Reflection…………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Oral Presentation…………………………………………………………………………..7

Written Report……………………………………………………………………………. 9
The topic Religion is a belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, especially a
personal God or gods. The researcher choose the subtopic “Does religion matter in a
relationship” because it is an important issue no one really knows about which is why the
researcher choose this subtopic to research on. The subtopic “Does religion matter in a
relationship” is to show that many persons struggle in different relationships. The researcher
intends to learn how being raised in a religious home can affect your relationship with others.

As a student of English, the researcher expect to improve persuasive, comprehension and

reading skills by researching and arranging this School Based Assessment (SBA). The researcher
plans to collect information via the internet and questionnaire.

Does Religion Matter When It Comes To Relationships And Marriage

Address it immediately

We all know how the story goes. Two people meet each other, there is undeniable chemistry
between them and they decide to date. In a perfect world, this is a fairy-tale love story, but then
reality hits home. What if you don’t share the same religion? Is it such a big deal? Religion is a
topic that should be addressed at the very beginning of any relationship. An open and honest
conversation with your partner might help you discover where exactly you both stand when it
comes to religion.
You have a problem!

Is your partner a staunch Christian? Maybe you are grounded by Buddhist beliefs. Or maybe you
are an atheist. Whatever the situation, is it a problem for either one of you? If your family is
deeply rooted in a different religion, it could affect your relationship with your partner. What
about if you get married and become parents? Will your children have a religion chosen for
them, or will you allow the kids to decide on their own?
What works and what doesn’t?

To begin with, it is important to be aware of your personal attitudes toward another religion. This
will help you make the choice on whether you are able to accept your partner’s religion without
asking them to convert, or if it is something you are not willing to compromise on. Would you
accept their religious value system if it didn’t go hand in hand with what you believe in? For
example, they may be against the use of contraceptives in a relationship or marriage. They may
not want to engage in sex before marriage. They may have a problem if you eat meat. It is easy
to see how even the choice of a meal can cause issues between two partners of different
Do kids get to choose?

The consequences of not having a conversation with your partner at the beginning of the
relationship are obvious. It can be the source of arguments and may brew resentment between
two people who care about one another deeply. And where children are involved, it will cause
even further confusion for the young ones. Will you go alone to church with the kids every
Sunday? Will your partner want to take the kids to their place of worship another day of the
week? You will have to decide if it matters to both of you where your children worship.
For greater good

The question you will have to answer eventually is whether you are willing and ready to
overlook your partner’s religion for the greater good of your relationship. And eventually, the
family you create together

Will you be willing to stand your ground against it all?

If religion is indeed a deal breaker, then find someone who shares your faith. Otherwise, your
relationship will have its share of challenges, especially if you don’t address the issues you feel
strongly about.

Does religion really matter in a relationship?

Religion is an integral part of any individual's mind. Behavior is induced by the belief system,
and therefore religion affects our love lives as well. Having said that, it’s not the religion itself
but the perception of religion that an individual holds which influences behavior.

The general opinion of the opposite sex is often shaped by religious and cultural values. Adding
personal experiences and taboos intensifies it further. Diet, lifestyle, clothing and general
outlook to life varies greatly across faiths. A simple difference of belief in an all-powerful deity
vis-a-vis another divine entity changes perception. Focus on devotion to God, humanity,
treatment of non-believers is other points of debate.

The idea of 'my partner should do what I do' often emerges. For example, an atheist man might
be dragged to church everyday by his girlfriend. Or a Muslim husband might insist that the non-
Muslim spouse only bring 'halaal' meat to the house. Although these incidents look trivial, they
leave a deep impact. The partner might feel dominated and robbed of his/her space.

Tolerance is not always seen, because we're always used to wanting to make others like
ourselves. However, reconciling differences is both probable and possible.

Is Religion An Issue In Our Relationship?

The first piece supporting the subtopic “Does religion matter in a relationship” is an article
about do religion matters when it comes to relationships and marriage which can be found here at Another
piece supporting the subtopic is another article about do religion really matter in a relationship
which can be found here .
And the final piece supporting the subtopic is an audio talking about is religion an issue in our
relationship which can be found here The
pieces supporting the subtopic, the researcher felt sad for the individuals in this situation,
especially when the individuals’ parents have to meet each other. There was a time when man
didn’t tell his Jewish parents that he has be dating a Christian girl and plan on marrying her in a
few months. Couple days before the wedding, his parents flew in the country ready to meet the
bride to be and her family. As they approach what they thought was their son’s house ready to
meet the bride to be and her family. Introduction was being made and his mother arise the
question of which church will the wedding taken place. Then their son cleared his throat to
answer but his soon to be wife answer and said,” At Christ the King”. After she said that
everything went from perfect to disastrous as his and her parents’ start to argue about the
wedding and it was called off.

The language used was informal in all the artifacts. Since it was simple for the researcher to
understand the first artifact because the author of the article was able to be persuade his or her
readers to think about being with someone with a different religion and the causes of being in
that religion. The second artifact was also simple to understand because the author is talking
about how religion can influence individual behavior. The final artifact was another simple video
artifact since the two persons in the video is talking about what will happen when their parents
meet and which religion their children will take. The reason the researcher is writing about these
three artifacts is to educate and bring awareness among persons that don’t take the time to
discuss these things with your partner to prevent problems in the future.

The first artifact influenced the researcher to discuss your religion status with your partner
that you are dating or planning to spend the rest of your life with. If your parents are deeply into
religion and you are dating someone outside of your religion, it can become a problem. If you are
dating someone outside your religion and eventually have a child, then conflict may arise when
choosing a religion that child should follow. The second artifact the researcher learns that being
in a relationship with someone with a different religion influences how individual thinks and
behave in society. In the final artifact the persons in the video, the researcher learns that
complications can come if you do not discuss your religion status. The relationship can only
continue if your partner is comfortable with your religion. The researcher is motivated to have a
group discussion with the youths of a church to educate them about discussing their religion
status with their partner that there are planning to have a committed relationship with.

Topic: Religion

Subtopic: Why Does Religion Matter In a Relationship?

Audience: Students

Mode: Poem

Duration: 2 to 3 Minutes

Structure: Narrative Poem

Beginning: Introduction about the topic and subtopic. The researcher got inspired from the
research that was conducted.

Middle: The researcher will now say the poem.

Ending: Conclusion is to reemphasize on the subtopic.


In every religion there is love,

Yet love has no religion for those who seek it out
Religion doesn’t matter in a relationship whether being a Christian or not.
I don’t care one bit about race, gender, sexuality, wealth, education but sometimes I catch
myself judging someone for their religion.
In every religion there is love,
Yet love has no religion, not at all religion doesn’t matter in a relationship
Every religion in the world has destroyed people because of love.
When its time for souls to meet, there’s nothing on earth that can prevent them from what they
seek no matter the religion.
In every religion there is love
Yet love has no religion
Not all religion don’t matter in a relationship
Sometimes even though I have a good time, I can’t help but to stop and think about the
consequences of religion.
Does religion determine how strong your relationship is? Or how deeply your family is rooted to
a religion there are in? No! Because in truth, it doesn’t. You what does? Love
In every religion there is love,
Yet every religion there is love,
Yet love has no religion
Not at all! Religion doesn’t matter in a relationship
People you should love no matter if you have scars, the age, the race, the religion you have if
you’re rich or poor you will always be a part of me!
In every religion there is love,
Yet love has no religion doesn’t matter in a relationship
It doesn’t matter which religion you are or even
If you believe, there will be people that love you just the way you are and you don’t have to pay
anything for it because your religion doesn’t determine how your relationship starts.

This research was conducted by five students who chose the topic ‘Religion’ and further created
sub-topics for each member of the group. Each member chose a sub-topic that was of interest to

From the fifteen pieces of artifacts collected, three were chosen to further enrich the topic of
religion. The three artifacts are Preserving Religious Freedom (piece 1), Why is religion
important in society? (Piece 2) and Does religion matter in relationship? (piece3). Piece 1 was
used to show the views of individuals about how important religious freedom is and also what
they believe religious freedom is. Piece 2 explains that religion is important in society because it
gives hope that we will make it in life and provides a meaning as to why we are here and how we
should live. Does religion matter in relationship (piece 3) was used to explain the consequences
different religions might have in relationships if it wasn’t discuss at the starting of the

The researchers found the task of executing this SBA to be one remarkable experience although
there were some challenges, the researchers still made the effort to get it done. In the beginning
the researchers sat together as a group to discuss what they want to investigate. In those
discussions the researchers got to know each other better as they sat on a weekly basis. The
researchers decided on a suitable time for everyone to meet and assist each other during the
completion of this SBA and that help the research to be easier. Most of the information gathered
was from the internet.

In conclusion, being in this group helped each researcher to be better at compromising and how
to find a resolution in misunderstandings.

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