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COMPANY 2019/2020

Written to complete the project of

“Public Relations”

Aulia Rahman, M. Pd.

March 2020


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His
love and mercy so that I can finish well. This observation report is the subject of
task to complete the project of “Public Relations”.

For various assistance and support from various parties, the writer thank

1. Mr. AuliaRahman, M.Pd. as a Lecturer Supporting the subject in Public Relations.

2. Beloved parents and families who have provided moral and material motivation and
3. All parties who participated helped and provided motivation that the writer could
not name one by one.

However, the improvement will still be done by the writer in the next
writer's works. Critics and suggestions will be well received by the writer for the
benefit of this observation report. Hopefully, this observationreport can be
useful for readers in participating in educating Nusa and the Nation.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Kediri, 30 March 2020

The Writer


NIM. 12203173179

Table of content

Cover ...................................................................................................................1

Preface ................................................................................................................2

Table of Content .................................................................................................3

1. Background .............................................................................................4
2. Purpose of observation ...........................................................................5
3. Framework ..............................................................................................5
a. Inrduction ..........................................................................................5
b. Content.............................................................................................. 6
c. Conclusion .........................................................................................7
d. Suggestion .........................................................................................7

1. Background of study

Communication as the main tool for delivering company information expected to

build an interactive communication network circulation between lines in a company.
Information channel is needed by communication experts company to form an
organizational communication channel is good. A Public Relation division is needed to
form a good communication channe in the company. Through the devision Public
Relations, it is hoped that organizational communication channels will be more
prioritized, because indeed one of the goals of PR is maintaining the quality of
communication in a company by building relationships good communication within the

Public Relations division is one part that must be owned by company. The central
role of Public Relations Officer ( PRO ) which until now has been owned by several large
companies in Indonesia like Gudang Garam ( GG ) make Public Relations one of the parts
that are needed in a company. The role of the Public Relations must be plan
communication strategies that are right on target make PR practitioners must be able to
creat stigma and good relations between the internal Public Relation with external
company. Various activities are of course carried out by the Public Relations to create a
positive image in the eyes of society through various social activities and other activities
that can grow positive public opinion and make good corporate governance can be

PT Gudang Garam Tbk, Kediri is a multinational company marked by the listing of PT

Gudang Garam Tbk on the Jakarta Stock Exchange in 1990. As a large company, of
course PT Gudang Garam has a long-Standing Public Relations field it has a strategic role
in a company. Directly below corporate secretary division, Public Relations of PT Gudang
Garam Tbk has now become one of the important lines with his contribution as one of
the central figures of channel formation organizational communication.

Internal communication that occurs within the company is needed company. This is
intended so that employees can work optimally and aligned with the company is
business policies and strategies. Effective communication is what must be implemented
by Internal PR to build a solid and conducive atmosphere in the company. “ Public
Relation is a whole form of communication planned, both outward and inward, between

organizations with the public in order to achieve specific objectives on the basic of
mutual understanding. “ ( Frank Jefkins, 2007: 33 ). Therefore, the communication
function and interactive communication channels organization is needed by a company,
through the PR acts as a motor of internal communication that must always build
interactive communication and synergize with external Public Relations and corporate

2. The purpose of Observation

Based on the background above I conclude there are several objectives held Public
Relation in every company, some objective there are :
 Provides an overview of the role of International Public Relation at PT
Gudang Garam Tbk, Kediri.
 Add experience and apply and actualize theoretical disciplines obtained in the
lecture bench use can be implemented in the world of work later.
 Providing stock and capital for students regarding scientific insight to
students about the role PR and PR activities in the world of work.
 In order to increase skills and communication skills which can be applied after
leaving the lecture bench.
 Increase student is competence and professionalism to be ready enter the
competition in the world of work later.
3. Framework
a. Introduction
PT Gudang Garam cigarette company is one of the leading cigarette industries in
the country that was founded in 1958 in the city of Kediri, East Java. Until now,
Gudang Garam has been widely known both domestically and internationally as a
producer of high quality clove cigarettes. Gudang Garam products can be found in a
variety of variations, ranging from klobot kretek cigarettes ( SKL ), hand-rolled
kretek cigarettes ( SKT ), to machine-rolled kretek cigarettes ( SKM ). For you, true
kretek lovers, our commitment is to provide an irreplaceable experience in enjoying
kretek made from high quality choices.

b. Content
According to Dukut Imam Widodo ( historian of East Java ) “ the name of Gudang Garam
Carried by this company is reflected in the company logo which is still used until
today “ .
The logo was designed by Surya along with one of his employees who worked at the
factory. The logo was born from a dream of a five-storey Gudang Garam near the
Kertosono-Bangil. Gudang Garam warehouse in question is a building located near
the NV tjap 93 cigarette factory, Surya is workplace before estabilishing his own
company. The warehouse loction is not far from Kediri Station.

c. Conclusion
The Public Relations section of PT Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri is one an
important part of the company. Public Relation of PT Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri is
divided into two unstructured parts, namely External PR and Internal PR. Each
section has a task after the realm they are working on. External section PR ( service
section social assistance, company relations ) is the part that takes care of it
corporate relations and routine corporate social responsibility programs ( CSR ).
Whereas Internal PR ( data and documentation service section ) more on the part
that takes care of the company is important archives as well as container bottom line
aspirations of the company.
So it can be concluded that the Internal Public Relations of PT Gudang garam
Tbk Kediri fuctions as a communication facilitator as well as an information bridge
between employees, management and directors. The above functions are make
Internal Relations PT Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri must maintain organizational
communication channels, because ornanizational communication channels is one
form of communication network that runs deep a company. Without organizational
communication channels, companies will difficulty in delegating authority between
lines within the company or build chemistry between all internal components
d. Suggestion
Suggestion for PT Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri
 Must further maximize communication channels, so that minimize the
problems that arise from the communication process.
 Can increase the number of skilled Human Resources in the field of
communication, especially PR. Because by having sufficient PR practitioners,
PR activities will be more run with maximum.
 It is hoped to be able to further enhance the relationship between
management, directors and employees.

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