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Top 10 Meditation Skills To Aline Your Mental Health

1 Tremendous Happiness during the Corona Time How?

2 Look at the beautiful future mirrors and achieve it

3 Erase your Past Bitter Memories in five Minutes

4 Discussion with conscience for immunity

5 Meditation for achieving goals
6 Meditation for achieving purpose of life

7 Meditation skills for Moving from Gangotri to Ganga and return back

8 How to heal your body

9 Aline your mental state

10 How and where to find God

Top 10 Meditation Skills To Aline Your Mental Health

1 Tremendous Happiness during the Corona Time How?

Today, when the future of the entire world is moving towards zero

At this time we are being served a tremendous negative atmosphere

Careful we have to protect ourselves from this kind of environment

Part 1

You can cure your negative situation by giving just five minutes time

1 Stands upright in your place

2 Move both your shoulders backwards

3 Straighten necks

4 Straighten spinal bone as well

5 Bring a smile on your face

Part 2

Move your (focus) attention to positive topics in the above situation

For example

When you have gained more than expected in a business deal

Part 3

By staying in the above mentioned position

You have to equip your language with positive energy.

That too for only five minutes

After this you will feel a joyful life.

2. Look at the beautiful future mirrors and achieve it
The time we are spending today is the result of the past. We cannot correct the
deeds that we have done in the past. But in the present, you can try to keep the
future framework in mind, but how?

Only five minutes of your time can create your beautiful future

1 Sit in a lonely place in your house

2 Move both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and straighten the spinal

3 You order your brain to calm down; do not let any kind of thought come to mind

4 After about 1 minute you have to feel that you are sitting alone on a beach.

5 The path of your future is going from the seaside, on which you are able to walk
comfortably. When you cross a distance of about 1 kilometre

6 The board appears on which the year 2021 is registered In the year 2021, you have
to build your life right now, you have to feel the kind of life that you want that you
have got.

7 Now close your eyes and feel that life with happiness

8 Finally, after opening your eyes after some time, welcome the new future with

In this way you can lay the foundation for building your beautiful and bright future

3 Erase your Past Bitter Memories in five Minutes
Memories of the past are not forgotten, whether bitter or sweet. In today's time when
the time of lock down is going on, man has only free time and free mind, then the
saying is right that empty mind is the house of Devil.

So, use this free time to erase the bitter memories of the past.

1 Sit in a lonely place in your house

2 Move both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and straighten the spinal
3 You order your head to calm down, do not let any kind of thought come to mind.

४ After about 1 minute you have to remember an old sad incident and see it written
on a board.

5 Suddenly everything written on that board is erased by the shower of rain and with
that our mind also disappears.

6 Now close your eyes and feel the infinite joy.

4 Discussion with conscience for immunity
In order to strengthen the immunity power, we have to discuss a special talk with our
inner soul. As you all know that our brain works for the efficiency of our body.

But we inadvertently ignore his warning.

By following the action given below, we can strengthen our immune system
by following the advice of our brain.

1 After sitting in a secluded place, you stop every thought that comes in
your brain, after about one minute you request your brain that you want to
talk to them.

2 Until your brain accepts your request, then you keep on asking. You will
get the feel of the nature of the brain in the form of a voice or a picture or a

3 When you get Permission from brain, then you have to ask the pleasing
brain, how can I make my immunity powerful.

Your mind will definitely get you down and gives the suggestion for
improving immunity power

For example, he will ask someone to walk for an hour or someone to leave

In this way, you will help strengthen the immunity of brain disease.

5 Meditation for achieving goals

The following is a simple meditation method to achieve the goal

1 Sit in a lonely place in your house

2 Move both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and straighten the spinal

3 You order your brain to calm down, do not let any kind of thought come to
mind.After about 1 minute you close your eyes. Take care of your breathing. And feel
the movement of the breathing and repeat the word Relax five times in your mind.

4 Now remember your goal and bring to mind the realization of that goal.

5 Realize the happiness of achieving the goal, you can concentrate your mind and tell
that happiness to your body. First of all, tell your eyes in this way to the whole body.
This action will help you in moving towards your goal.

6 Now after counting 1 to 10 in your mind, open your eyes softly.


6 Meditation for achieving purpose of life

The purpose of life is different from the goal of life, The purpose of life is to provide
happiness to the complete human life, whereas the goal of life is only to lead oneself
towards progress.

Example of life's purpose

1 Construction of  hospital for poor people

2 Old age homes for the elderly etc.

How to achieve life's purpose is given below....

1 You go to a solitary place in your house, light a lamp or a candle there.

2 Sit at a distance of two meters from this lamp, you should sit easy and get lost in the lamp
keeping all your attention towards the lamp.

3 Then take both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and straighten the spinal

4 You order your brain to calm down, do not let any kind of thought come to mind

5 After about 1 minute, in the same state, all kinds of fears and aspirations in the mind say
goodbye to anger and feel the idol of your purpose.
6 Now while moving towards your purpose, see it being fulfilled and feel the joy of life.

7 Meditation skills for Moving from Gangotri to Ganga
and return back
At the time of our birth, our brain is like Gangotri where there is only purity. The origin of the Gangotri
s Ganga, where the Ganges is 100% pure. But as she moves downstream, the world's garbage is put
into it. That mud and dirt from the industries, along with the Ganges, reaches Banaras. Where That
Ganges gets dirty.

Similarly our brain like this Ganga becomes dirty after taking fear, anger, disturbance and various
kinds of dirt and becomes Ganga from Gangotri.

The action that we have to take to become Gangotri back is given below

1 Go to a solitary place in your house and make sit comfortably close both your eyes tenderly.

2 Then take both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and straighten the spinal bone.

3 You order your brain to calm down; do not let any kind of thought come to mind

4 After about one minute, remember your childhood when you were three years old, your mind was
like Gangotri.

5 Your parents were unknowingly putting your fear program in your brain, for Example Children, do not
fall somewhere

6 Now look at yourself at today's age. Whatever negative program is in your brain with them now
slowly you see yourself swimming in the Ganges river and going back to Gangotri water coming from
the opposite direction, all your negative programming in the water force has been cleared.

7 And now you have reached Gangotri, all the problems of anger and weakness in your brain have
gone away. Now you count from 1 to 10 in your mind and slowly open your eyes and enjoy tension
free life.


8 How to heal your body

1 Go to a solitary place in your house and sit comfortably close both your eyes tenderly.

2 Then take both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and straighten the spinal bone.
You order your brain to calm down; do not let any kind of thought come to mind.

3 After about 1 minute, in the same state you feel yourself sitting inside a pyramid. There
blue light is entering your brain from above your head.

4 As a disease in your body, black spots are cleared by moving ahead and black smoke is
coming out of the body. That blue light is going from brain to feet to cure every disease

Now you count your mind from 1 to 5 and open your eyes softly.


9 Aline your mental state

If our state of mind is like a car in which if you turn the staring wheel to the
right, then the wheel of your car rotates to the left then you will be able to
drive the car safely. In the same way, different skills in your brain are going in
different directions; the skill of the art of organizing them in one direction is
given below

1 Go to a solitary place in your house and make it easy close both your eyes
tenderly. Then take both your shoulders back and straighten the neck and
straighten the spinal bone.

2 You order your brain to calm down; do not let any kind of thought come to
mind after about 1 minute you think about your habits in the same state, do
you have any pleasure is the right environment in which you are working for
your progress. Your faith is right about some work or not, if not, how will the
work be finished easily. Whether your attitude is right for your work

3 Now remember your role models and their habits, environment, trust and
faith. He can also be the Bill Gates.

4 Now think in your mind that you have attained the purpose of life, then your
habits, environment, trust , faith and belief has become like your role model.
With this belief, count from 1 to 5 in the mind and slowly open the eyes.


10 How and where to find God

Seeking God is like you are searching for yourself, just as Kasturi Mirg keeps
searching for the fragrance of musk in the entire forest but it is in his navel.

On this it becomes clear that if our luggage is lost inside the house and we are
searching for it outside the house

Therefore, I will try to find you as God according to my intelligence.

1 Take yourself in solitude and sit there comfortably and close both eyes
tenderly and Sit in Vajra Aasan and take breathing fast, after stopping for few
seconds, take it out fast.

2 Now focus all your attention on the place where the Tilak is applied between
the two eyes. This place is also called the third eye of Shiva.

3. If you do this activity continuously for many hours, you are moving towards
God. As long as your body is with stand for this action you have to do for that
time. Then you can open your eyes and feel comfortably.

4. When you do this activity regularly for many years, then God may make you
a Kirpa and give you your vision.

5 But by the time you start doing this action; you and your family will feel a
unique change in your life.This type of change only indicates the attainment of

6 To see God inside, there are many types of steps to be taken. But all those
steps have to be known by the person himself. Trying continuously for many
years and only through your stubbornness can God be found?

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