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Shark Tank
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to…
• Use their creativity and imagination to
construct a prototype of something
they would like to sell to investors (Ms.
Sosa, Mr. Delgado, Mrs. Dillman, Mr.
• Think critically about the needs and
wants of their customer base to
create a product that customers
would want to buy.
• Compose a presentation using google
slides , or post a 2-minute video to
pitch their product to the investors
(Ms. Sosa, Mr. Delgado, Mrs. Dillman,
Mr. Turano).
Rules :
You can only use
recyclable materials—tissue
boxes, paper towel/toilet
paper rolls, amazon boxes,
2. You can only use supplies
found in your house—NO
3. Original work please—this is
an independent project
and not a group project.
4. Your product has to be
something that is useful—
something that solves a
problem, makes something
easier, etc.
Shark Tank
Let’s Review
his Pitch!
1. What was his product:
• Opportunity to sell
lemonade and other
products for kids.
Used a personal story to
2. How was it useful? explain where this idea
• The purpose was to give kids, came from!
like him, a chance to learn
about entrepreneurship and
earn some money.
Now, It’s Your Turn!
You are meeting with investors willing to give $50 thousand dollars to
one person who made a product that is useful to customers. Your
assignment this week is:
1. Come up with and construct a product that you would like to pitch,
or convince, Mrs. Ramirez, Mr. Delgado, Mrs. Dillman, and Mr. Turano
to invest in.
2. Create a name for the product that makes a connection to what it
3. Use recycled material and materials around your house to construct
4. Take a picture of it, attach it to your assignment, and turn it in so we
can see it.
1. Make the file name the name of your product.

Picture of completely constructed product, with name as file name, is

due no later than Wednesday, May 6th for a grade. J
Shark Tank Project Grading Rubric: Pitch Presentation
Presentation Slide 3 2 1 0

Name of product Student communicates Student effectively Student effectively Student did not include
the name of the product, communicates the name communicates either the that information in their
and connection and explains how they of the product, and name of the product or pitch.
to the product. came up with the name explains how they came explains how they came
in a creative and up with the name. up with the name.
engaging way.
Purpose of Student explains the Student effectively Student explains the Student did not include
purpose of the product in explains the purpose of purpose of the product, that information in their
Product a creative and engaging the product. however it is confusing or pitch.
way. not clear.
How it works Student provides a Student effectively Student provides a Student did not include
demonstration or provides a demonstration demonstration or that information in their
directions on how to use or directions on how to directions on how to use pitch.
product in a creative or use product. the product, however
engaging way. they are confusing or not
Professionalism: Student presents pitch in Student presents pitch
professional attire, making with distractions and/or
2-minute Video eye contact, and is free interruptions that make it
from distractions or difficult to follow.
Professionalism: Student presents pitch Student presents pitch
with creative and eye- with basic or no eye-
slide presentation catching designs without catching designs with
grammar or spelling grammar and/or spelling
errors. errors.

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