Stability Analysis of A Bedded Weak Rock Slope: ARMA 18-788

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ARMA 18–788

Stability analysis of a bedded weak rock slope

Rafiei Renani, H. and Martin, C.D.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Copyright 2018 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in Seattle, Washington, USA, 17–20
June 2018. This paper was selected for presentation at the symposium by an ARMA Technical Program Committee based on a technical and critical
review of the paper by a minimum of two technical reviewers. The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of ARMA, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent
of ARMA is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 200 words; illustrations may not be copied. The
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was presented.

ABSTRACT: Stability analysis of weak rock slopes with daylighting bedding planes pose a challenge as a number of competing
mechanisms of failure involving failure through the weak rock mass and sliding on the bedding plane are at play. A bedded weak
rock slope was analyzed using limit equilibrium analysis and finite difference analysis with shear strength reduction method. The
effect of long term cohesion degradation on slope stability was explored using perfectly-plastic and strain weakening models. Lower
values of rock mass cohesion led to lower factors of safety and smaller zones of failure. Excluding the weak bedding plane from
shear strength reduction resulted in a considerable increase in the critical shear strength reduction factor and a smaller zone of failure.
The critical shear strength reduction factors from strain weakening models were in between those obtained from perfectly-plastic
models using the peak and residual values of cohesion. This illustrates that stability of slopes in strain weakening materials can be
dangerously overestimated assuming peak strength and unnecessarily underestimated using residual strength.
More realistic material models such as strain weakening
can be implemented in full stress analysis using finite
Slope stability analysis has long been a subject of interest difference or finite element methods. While stress
in geotechnical engineering and numerous approaches analysis with a given material model and associated
have been suggested over the years. Currently, limit parameters provides stress and displacement distribution
equilibrium analysis (LEA) is carried out in most practical within the slope, it does not automatically give the factor
applications to determine slope factor of safety. In this of safety. Implementing the Shear Strength Reduction
approach, the deriving and resisting forces and/or (SSR) method in stress analysis makes it possible to also
moments acting on a potential sliding mass are used to estimate the factor of safety. In this method, shear strength
calculate the corresponding factor of safety. parameters of the model are gradually adjusted to bring
Implementing a slip surface search algorithm, it is the slope to the verge of equilibrium which is the
possible to find the critical slip surface with the lowest boundary between numerical convergence and
factor of safety (Krahn, 2003). divergence. The ratio of actual strength parameters to
Since limit equilibrium analysis is solely based on adjusted parameters at limit equilibrium is used to
equilibrium of forces and moments, displacements never estimate slope factor of safety. In this approach, no
enter the equations. It means that limit equilibrium assumptions or secondary algorithms are required to find
analysis cannot provide any information regarding the the critical slip surface as it naturally develops during
amount and rate of slope displacement. Perhaps more numerical analysis.
importantly, it implies that driving and resisting forces are It has been shown that the results of limit equilibrium
independent of displacements. This corresponds to analysis and shear strength reduction method are in
assuming a perfectly-plastic behavior in which strength reasonable agreement for slopes with simple geometry
remains constant after failure. As much as this assumption and perfectly-plastic behavior (Dawson et al, 1999). For
is questionable and contrary to the observed behavior of strain weakening materials, however, proper comparison
most geomaterials, it is deeply rooted in many commonly- between the two methods is less clear as limit equilibrium
used methods of geotechnical analysis and design due to analysis does not take into account displacement and
its simplicity. thereby displacement-dependent strength.
Fig. 1. Weak bedding planes and stress release fractures bedding plane or rain-fall induced pore pressures
associated with valley rebound in weak rocks (Adapted from developing along the back of block.
Patton and Hendron, 1974).
One of the most common means of simulating instability
mechanism in clay rich rocks assumes elastic-perfectly
In this study, stability of a bedded weak rock slope is plastic behavior for the rock mass. This is the assumption
investigated using the perfectly-plastic and strain underpinning the limit equilibrium analysis method of
weakening material models. Limit equilibrium analysis slices. In order for this instability mechanism to be viable,
and strength reduction method were adopted. The effect the cohesion of the rock mass must already be very low
of strain weakening behavior on the slip surface is
or none existent. In natural weak rock slopes found in
investigated and the results of stability analysis using
Western Canada, this mechanism is unlikely.
different methods and models are compared.
It is well known that weak clay rich rocks are susceptible
to a gradual loss of strength due to cohesion weakening.
2. INSTABILITY MECHANISMS IN BEDDED This cohesion loss can be related to the classical
WEAK ROCK SLOPES mechanism of “softening” first described by Terzaghi
River down cutting in weak rocks is known to produce (1936) for overconsolidated stiff clays. Alternatively,
valley rebound causing shearing displacements along progressive loosening of the slope as valley rebound
weak bedding planes and sub vertical stress release occurs and stress release fractures form could also aid in
fractures on the valley walls (Figure 1). Ferguson (1967) reducing the cohesion of the rock mass. The process of
first described these features in excavations in the cohesion loss can be captured using a strain weakening
Allegheny Plateau, and Matheson and Thompson (1973) model were the progressive loss of cohesion is a function
reported similar observations for excavations in the Clay of plastic strain. Such an approach has been used to
Shales of Western Canada. simulate cohesion loss in brittle rocks (Hajiabdolmajid et
al., 2002; Diederichs, 2007; Rafiei Renani and Martin,
Instability mechanisms in weak rocks with bedding- 2018).
controlled rupture surfaces were reviewed by
Morgenstern (1990), Bromhead (2013) and Alonso and
and Pinyol (2014). When addressing stability concerns in
these materials, the first and dominant issue is to assess
whether or not pre-existing slip surfaces exist. If weak
bedding planes are identified the next step is to establish
the operational strength of the weak rock matrix.
However, in order to estimate rock mass strength, an Fig. 2. Instability mechanisms in weak rock slopes with a
instability mechanism must be assumed. bedding plane rupture surface.

Figure 2 illustrates three instability mechanisms that are

observed in this class of weak rocks when the bedding 3. STABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE BEDDED
plane is at residual strength. If the rock mass is relatively WEAK ROCK SLOPE
strong with few geological features rigid block sliding In this study, stability analysis was carried out on a weak
along the bedding planes is a plausible mode of rock slope containing a daylighting subhorizontal bedding
instability. As noted in Figure 2, the stress release plane with low shear strength under three scenarios
fractures can provide the back-scarp for the block. Such namely, dry condition, low water table and high water
sliding blocks are sensitive to pore pressures along the table as shown in Figure 3.
Material parameters adopted in this study are given in As mentioned earlier, long term degradation of cohesion
Table 1. These include the weak rock deformation due to repeated precipitation and accumulated slope
modulus, Em, cohesion, c, friction angle φ and bedding displacement affects the stability of weak rock slopes.
plane normal stiffness, Kn, shear stiffness, Ks, cohesion, Hence, slope stability analysis is typically carried out
cbp and friction angle φbp. These values are considered to using a perfectly-plastic model with a possible range for
be representative of the weak rock mass conditions cohesion. In this study, cohesion values ranging from 250
typically encountered along the river valley slopes found kPa down to 25 kPa were used.
in Western Canada (Cornish and Moore, 1985).
Figure 4 shows the predicted slip surfaces and slope
Factor of Safety (FOS) from LEA and Critical SSR Factor
from SSR method using perfectly-plastic models with the
high water table and cohesion values of 250, 150, and 50
kPa. The effect of cohesion on FOS and Critical SSR
Factor is shown in Figure 5 with cohesion values ranging
from 250 to 25 kPa.
It can be observed that decreasing cohesion results in
lower values of factor of safety and smaller zones of
failure. In addition, lowering the water table with
Fig. 3. Geometry and ground water condition of the slope. effective drainage can significantly increase slope factor
of safety for this class of problem. Figure 6 shows the
Table 1. Material parameters for the bedded weak rock slope relationship between cohesion and length of failure on the
Weak rock Bedding plane bedding plane. The sharp change in the slip length on the
E c φ Kn Ks cbp φbp bedding plane is due to the specific slope geometry which
(GPa) (kPa) (°) (GPa/m) (GPa/m) (kPa) (°) governs the location of critical slip surface.
4.0 250 35 40 4 0 9
3.2. Effect of Bedding Plane Friction Angle
Generally, strength of all materials present in the domain
Limit equilibrium analysis of the slope was carried out of the problem is adjusted to determine factor of safety.
using the SLIDE software (RocScience Inc, 2016). The Limit equilibrium analysis of slopes follows this logic and
General Limit Equilibrium method also known as the involves shear strength parameters of all materials on the
Morgenstern-Price method (Morgenstern and Price, 1965; slip surface. However, shear strength reduction method
Fredlund and Krahn, 1977) was adopted as it assumes a offers more flexibility and allows shear strength of certain
realistic interslice force distribution and satisfies both materials to be excluded from shear strength reduction.
force and moment equilibrium. Among different slip For the bedded weak rock slope analyzed in this study, the
surface search algorithms, the block search algorithm bedding plane has zero cohesion. In addition, the assigned
with Monte Carlo optimization (RocScience Inc, 2016) friction angle of 9° appears to be a lower bound for this
consistently produced lowest values of factor of safety for material and further decrease of bedding plane friction
the analyzed slope. Therefore it was adopted to find the angle in the general process of factor of safety calculation
critical non-circular slip surface above the bedding plane appears too conservative.
with the lowest factor of safety.
Figure 7 shows the comparison between zone of failure
Numerical modeling of the slope was carried out using the when the bedding plane is included and excluded from
finite difference code, FLAC3D (Itasca Inc, 2012). Shear shear strength reduction. Note that when bedding plane
Strength Reduction (SSR) method was used in which trial friction angle is excluded from shear strength reduction,
SSR factors were applied to shear strength parameters. slope movement is more concentrated near the excavation
Too low SSR factors result in stable slopes and numerical surface. The relationship between cohesion and Critical
convergence while too high SSR factors lead to unstable SSR Factor when the bedding plane is excluded from
slopes and numerical divergence. The Critical SSR Factor shear strength reduction is shown in Figure 8.
which brings the slope to the verge of instability marked
by transition from numerical convergence to divergence It can be observed that excluding the bedding plane from
provides an estimate of factor of safety. Since failure strength reduction algorithm leads to a considerable
above the bedding plane was being investigated, an elastic increase in the Critical SSR Factor. That is to be expected
model was assigned to the material below the bedding as a large portion of failure happens on the bedding plane
plane which eliminated the possibility of slip surface and not reducing its friction angle should lead to improved
developing in that region. slope stability.

3.1. Effect of Rock Mass Cohesion

Limit equilibrium analysis Shear strength reduction
FOS = 1.86 Critical SSR Factor = 2.16
Cohesion =250 kPa



100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375

FOS = 1.56 Critical SSR Factor = 1.88

Cohesion =150 kPa


100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375

FOS = 0.95 Critical SSR Factor = 1.51

Cohesion =50 kPa


100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375

Fig. 4. Results of LEA and SSR method with a perfectly-plastic model and high water table.

Limit equilibrium analysis Shear strength reduction

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0
Critical SSR Factor
Factor of Safety

1.5 1.5
Dry Dry
1.0 Low WT 1.0 Low WT
High WT High WT
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Cohesion (kPa) Cohesion (kPa)

Fig. 5. FOS from LEA and Critical SSR Factor from SSR method with a perfectly-plastic model.
200 6.0

Slip length on bedding plane (m) 175


Critical SSR Factor

100 Dry 3.0 Dry
75 Low WT Low WT
50 High WT High WT
0 0.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Cohesion (kPa) Cohesion (kPa)

Fig. 6. Effect of rock mass cohesion on length of failure on Fig. 8. Critical SSR Factor using a perfectly-plastic model
the bedding plane. and bedding plane excluded from shear strength reduction.

Bedding plane included in shear strength reduction, Critical SSR Factor = 2.16

Bedding plane excluded from shear strength reduction, Critical SSR Factor = 3.92

Fig. 7. Slip surface and Critical SSR Factor using a perfectly-plastic model.

3.3. Effect of Strain Weakening

While the commonly-used material model in slope strain weakening model must be equal to that of a
stability analysis is perfectly-plastic, behavior of perfectly-plastic model with residual shear strength
geomaterials rarely satisfies this assumption. In an parameters. However, as the results of this study
attempt to take into account the possibility of strain illustrates, that is not the case and the Critical SSR Factor
weakening behavior in limit equilibrium analysis, it is from a strain weakening model is between those of
possible to carry out a parametric study and change perfectly-plastic models when using peak and residual
material properties over a possible range (see Section shear strength parameters.
3.2). However, it is worth mentioning that none of those
In Figure 10, solid lines show the relationship between
analyses truly captures strain weakening behavior.
rock mass cohesion and Critical SSR Factor using a
Strain weakening behavior, however, can be implemented perfectly-plastic mode and high water table in shear
in finite difference/finite element method and combined strength reduction method. The horizontal dashed lines
with shear strength reduction method to estimate slope show the values of Critical SSR Factor obtained using the
factor of safety. To explore the effect of strain weakening strain weakening model with the bedding plane excluded
behavior, a cohesion weakening model was implemented from and included in shear strength reduction (Figure 10).
in shear strength reduction method with cohesion It can be observed that at cohesion value of about 60 kPa,
reducing from the peak value of 250 kPa to the residual the corresponding solid and dashed lines intersect. It
value of 25 kPa at 0.1% plastic strain. implies that the Critical SSR Factor of a strain weakening
slope with cohesion rapidly decreasing from 250 to 25
Figure 9 shows the Critical SSR Factor, shear bands and
kPa is similar to a perfectly-plastic slope with constant
velocity vectors obtained from strain weakening models
cohesion of 60 kPa. Interestingly, this relationship holds
with the high water table. Similar to perfectly-plastic
for both cases when bedding plane is included in and
models, excluding bedding plane friction angle from
excluded from shear strength reduction.
strength reduction leads to an increase in factor of safety
and a small zone of failure. Examination of cohesion on the failure surface indicates
that at the time of failure, shear strength on the slip surface
is in fact reduced to residual strength. However, that does
not mean that the Critical SSR Factor from a strain
Figure 4 shows that while the slip surface obtained from weakening model must be equal to that of a perfectly-
limit equilibrium analysis and shear strength reduction plastic model with residual shear strength parameters.
method are in close agreement, the values of Critical SSR
The reason is that in a strain weakening model, onset of
factor obtained from the shear strength reduction method
failure is governed by peak strength and residual strength
are somewhat higher than FOS values obtained from limit
has no effect, whatsoever until the first element fails.
equilibrium analysis and the difference increases for
Afterwards, shear strength of the failed element is reduced
lower values of rock mass cohesion. It should be noted
and its excess load is redistributed to the adjacent
that the results of limit equilibrium analysis are sensitive
elements and this propagation of failure continues until a
to the adopted slip surface search algorithm and using
slip surface is formed. In a perfectly-plastic model with
other search algorithms narrows the gap between the
residual shear strength, on the other hand, onset of failure
results of limit equilibrium analysis and shear strength
and propagation of failure are both controlled by the same
reduction method.
low residual shear strength parameters. Hence, although
Note that the general mechanism of failure obtained from the end product of both models is a slip surface with
perfectly-plastic models (Figures 4 & 7) is similar to the identical residual strength, the strain weakening model
rock mass failure mode shown in Figure 2. On the other with peak cohesion of 250 kPa and residual cohesion of
hand, the contours of plastic shear strain shown in Figure 25 kPa can sustain higher strength reduction factors
9 clearly show the formation of shear bands. This is before onset of failure than a perfectly-plastic model with
similar to the driving wedge mode of failure shown in cohesion of 25 kPa.
Figure 2. Note that the velocity vectors in the driving
It should be noted that the rate of cohesion weakening can
wedge are almost parallel to the back-scarp and their
affect the Critical SSR Factor. The adopted value of 0.1%
direction suddenly changes to horizontal in the passive
plastic strain to reach residual strength may correspond to
a sharp cohesion weakening compared to values of up to
In an attempt to intuitively compare the results of 0.5% used in modeling brittle failure of hard rock
perfectly-plastic and strain weakening model, one may (Hajiabdolmajid et al., 2002; Diederichs, 2007; Rafiei
suppose that at the time of failure, shear strength on the Renani and Martin 2018). As a result, the Critical SSR
slip surface has been reduced to the residual value and Factors obtained from strain weakening models may be
therefore conclude that the Critical SSR Factor from a somewhat conservative.
Bedding plane included in shear strength reduction, Critical SSR Factor = 1.55

Bedding plane excluded from shear strength reduction, Critical SSR Factor = 2.40

Fig. 9. Critical SSR Factor and shear bands obtained from SSR method with a strain weakening model.

5. SUMMARY results of limit equilibrium analysis were found to be

sensitive to the adopted slip surface search algorithm and
For the bedded weak rock slope analyzed in this study,
using other search algorithms could provide results
decreasing cohesion in perfectly-plastic models led to
similar to those from shear strength reduction method. It
lower values of factor of safety and smaller zones of
was shown that excluding bedding plane from shear
failure. While the location of slip surface from limit
strength reduction can considerably increase the Critical
equilibrium analysis and shear strength reduction method
SSR Factor of the slope.
were similar, the values of Critical SSR Factor from the
shear strength reduction method were somewhat higher
than FOS values from limit equilibrium analysis. The
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