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Communication, its Types, Barrier

The 7 Cs of Communication
Demonstrative knowledge of Various methods of Communication
Principles of Communication
Importance of Stress Management
1. Entrepreneurship and society
2. Qualities and functions of an entrepreneur
3. Role and importance of an entrepreneur
4. Myth about entrepreneurship
5. Entrepreneurship as a career option

Environmental pollution
factors causing ecological imbalance
types of natural resources
Green economy
Enhancing Ability to Work Independently
Stress Management Techniques

Web Application
Networking Fundamentals (LAN/WAN)
Networking Components
Advantages of Networking
Dial Up Connection
Cable internet connection
Networking architecture (P2P/ Client-Server)
Instant Messaging & Types
Blog & Types
Chatting with a contact (Hangout)/Google Talk
Online Transactions + Merits/Demerits
Internet Security
Serial Keys
Character Formatting
Header & Footer
Line Spacing
Page Break & Section Break
Managing Styles
Text Wrapping
Setting Columns
Spelling & Grammar
two ways of checking spelling and grammar in a document:
• Using Auto Spell check
• Using the Spelling and Grammar option

Conditional Formatting
Types of View- Normal , Page Layout, Page Break Preview, Custom, Full Screen
Linking & Embedding Objects
Types Of Charts
Page Layout and its different tabs-
• Margins
• Orientation
• Page headers and footers
• Hide or display grid lines
• Size of the page
• Define the print area
• Specify the background
Page Break & Section Break
Apply Cell Name
Range Name
Modifying and Format Charts
Elements of Charts
Types Of Charts
Using multiple workbooks and linking cells
Sharing worksheet data

Audio clips, Movie clips
Types of view
Animation & Transitions
Speaker Notes/Notes/Presenter View
Reviewing a presentation
Rehearse The slide show along with slide timing to make sure that your presentation gets over a
stipulated time.

Email Messaging
Calendaring Software
Schedule Appointment
Categories Appointment
Share/Print a Calendar
Create & Respond – Meeting, Task, Notes, Journal
View of Calendar (5 types)
Recurring Appointment
Database development
Database & Types of Databases-Flat File, RDBMS
Keys- Primary, Foreign, Alternate, Candidate
Data Types
Ole Object, Look Up Wizard
Creating Tables/Form/Report/Query in Access
DML and its types
Report—Report Wizard, Report Tools
Query-Design View, Datasheet View, SQL, Pivot Table, Pivot Chart
Form- Form View, Design View, Layout View
Table-Design, Datasheet
SQL- Insert, Select, Update, Alter, Create, Delete, Drop
where, Between, Not Between, order By, >,<=,
Data redundancy, Data inconsistency
Features of MS Access
To create a form
A computer is meant to be accessible to everyone regardless of any disability or impairment, this is
known as Computer Accessibility.

When a combination of hardware and software, it enables a person with a disability or impairment
to use a computer. It is known as Assistive Technology.

Impairments that impact Computer Usage

There are numerous types of impairment that impact computer usage. These include:
• Cognitive impairments and learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, attention deficit-
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism.
• Visual impairment such as low-vision, complete or partial blindness, and color blindness.
• Hearing impairment including deafness.
• Motor or dexterity impairment such as paralysis, cerebral palsy, or carpal tunnel syndrome
and repetitive strain injury.

Accessibility Options (Ease of Access Center) in Control Panel are used to customize the way
your keyboard, display, or mouse function. Many of these features are useful for people with

StickyKeys allows the user to press and release a modifier key, such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or the
Windows key, and have it remain active until any other key is pressed.
It is an accessibility feature to help computer users with physical disabilities, but
it is also used by others as a means to reduce repetitive strain.

FilterKeys is an accessibility function that tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated
keystrokes, making typing easier for people with hand tremors. It is a feature of Microsoft

ToggleKeys is an accessibility function which is designed for people who have vision impairment
or cognitive disabilities. When ToggleKeys is turned on, computer emits sound cues when the
locking keys (Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock) are pressed. A high sound is emitted when the
keys are switched on and a low sound is emitted when they are switched off. ToggleKeys is also a
feature of Microsoft Windows.

SoundSentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments. SoundSentry generates visual
warnings, such as a blinking title bar or a flashing border, whenever the computer generates a

High Contrast is an accessibility feature to assist people with vision impairment. You can change
the size and color of fonts and the background for ease of viewing.

Cursor Options is also an accessibility feature that assists people with vision impairment by
changing the blink rate and width of the cursor.

MouseKeys is an accessibility feature that assists people who have difficulty using a mouse. This
option uses the keyboard (especially numeric keypad) as a pointing device instead of a mouse.

SerialKeys is an accessibility feature that assists people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a
mouse (or both). They can use special devices such as Sip, Puff and Breath Switches to provide
input to the computer through Serial Ports.
A computer network is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected
by communication channels (cables or satellites) that allow sharing of resources and information.

Types of Networking Structures

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Architecture:

Networks in which all computers have an equal status are called peer to peer networks. Generally
in such a network each terminal has an equally competent CPU.

Client-Server Architecture:
Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other
computers (in the network) are called client server networks. The computer(s) which provide
services are called servers and the ones that use these services are called clients.

Types of networks
There are two major types of network Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network

Local Area Network

A local area network (LAN) is one which connects computers and devices in a limited geographical
area such as home, school, computer laboratory, office building, or closely positioned group of
Usually local area networks offer very high speeds and are used for connecting computers and
peripherals such as printers, scanners, etc.

Wide Area Network

A wide area network (WAN) is one which covers a broad area (i.e., any network that links across
metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries). The Internet is the most popular WAN, and is used
by businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, individual consumers, artists, entertainers,
and many others.

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard
Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that
consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks.

Internet is widely used by students, educational institutes; scientist and professionals to gather
information for research and general information.

World Wide Web

World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3, commonly known as the Web), is a system of
interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web
pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them
via hyperlinks.

A Web Browser is a software used to view Web sites and acts as an interface between the user and
the World Wide Web. Ex – Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer

A Web server is a computer that stores web sites and their related files for viewing on the
Some of the advantages associated with networking are:

• Data Sharing: One of the most important uses of networking is to allow the sharing of data.
Users can send text files, spread sheets, documents, presentations, audio files, video files,
etc. to other users.

• Hardware Sharing: Hardware components such as printers, scanners, etc. can also be
shared. For example, instead of purchasing 10 printers for each user, one printer can be
purchased and shared among multiple users thus saving cost.

• Internet Access Sharing: You can purchase a single Internet connection and share it
among other computers in a network instead of purchasing multiple Internet connection for
each computer. This is very commonly found in Internet café (browsing centres), schools,
colleges, companies, etc.

• Usage of network based applications: Such as web browsers, email clients, chat application,
audio & video calling, etc is another advantage. can generate random strong passwords.

Following is a general guideline for managing strong passwords.

• Keep the length of the password at least 12-14 characters if permitted.
• Avoid keeping passwords based on repetition, dictionary words, letter or number sequences,
usernames, relative or pet names, etc.
• Including numbers, and symbols in passwords if allowed.
• Use capital and lower-case letters.
• Avoid using the same password for multiple sites or purposes.
• Avoid using something that the public or workmates know you strongly like or dislike.
• Use random password generators if possible.
Example of a strong password: u1vX:,4Hd{]$

Backup your data: Always keep copies of personal data in additional media such as compact discs,
pen drives, etc. This could be helpful in situation when there is a loss of data. Keep the data away
from unauthorized users.
Use encryption software: (Usually available within the operating system) to protect your data from
unauthorized users. If encryption software is not available within the operating system, use a 3rd
party software.
Keeping your username and password private: Never save your username or password on
computers that are used in shared environments such as internet café. Browsers may save your
personal data on the local computer that can be used by another user using the same computer.
Registering with websites: Read the privacy statement or policy whenever you register with a
website, the statement or policy will include information about how the website use personal data.
Do not share personal information: Websites require you to fill out forms containing fields such as
name, gender, age, email address, school, etc. Be cautious when filling out such forms; research and
verify if it’s a trustable website . Your email addressed could be used by unauthorized users to send
you fake or unwanted emails; think twice or thrice before providing information to any website
and decide if it is really necessary.
Secure transactions: If you are using online shopping or transactions, websites even store your
credit card or online banking personal information such as your credit card number, account
details, etc. This information can be tracked and used by un-authorized users often known as
hackers to misuse this information. Again, ensure the website is legitimate and uses secure
practices for performing and maintaining online transactions. Since information such as credit
card details or personal information is sent over the network, it is always recommended to use
only secure websites for such transactions. Verify if the website uses secure transaction; usually it
is indicated through a digital certificate represented as a golden lock in the web browser’s address
Use antivirus and antispyware software: Computers are prone to attacks from software known
as Malware that could harm your computer. Malware track browsing behavior or transmit personal
data from your computer; programs such as keyloggers could be installed on your computer track
and transmit every key that is pressed on a keyboard (keystrokes) to unauthorized users. Antivirus
and Antispyware programs also offer real-time protection monitoring your computer for
any changes by malware software. Keep your Antivirus and Antispyware software always up to
date, this can help in protecting your computer from recent threats.

Do not immediately respond to mails from unknown users: It may be a fake mail trying to
gather personal information such as your bank account details, home address, etc. Some mails
could promise you jobs or announce lottery results which in turn could compromise the user. And
in some cases, virus or scripts that are dangerous could be attached to the mail; NEVER open the
attachment from an unknown source.

Clear browser cookies frequently: Cookies are programs that are created on your local computer
when you visit websites. Though cookies are meant for storing data based on your activity
performed during your earlier visit such as logon details, details of a shopping cart, visited pages in
a website, etc. they could also be tracked by unauthorized users and possibly gain access to your
personal information.
Keep the operating system and software applications up to date, though operating systems and
applications are designed, tested and distributed, sometimes they may have security holes through
which a hacker can take advantage; they may track and gather information or even damage the
whole computer. In general, most vendors notify the users whenever a security hole is identified
and an update is available to address that particular issue. You can also visit respective vendor’s
website to check if there are any updates available, download and keep your operating system
and software applications up to date, free from security holes.

Install firewalls: Firewalls could be software or hardware and can assist in keeping a computer
and a network secure. Firewalls analyze the network traffic and determine if the traffic should be
allowed or not. In most cases, operating systems such as Linux, Windows or Mac include firewall
software as a part of operating system thus keeping the computer secure. In rare cases, you may
need to configure your firewall for additional security.
Never install software from unknown sources: As they might not be trustworthy; download
only from well-known or reputed websites. Verify the source if it is legitimate by searching the
internet or referring to comments from other users before downloading them; understand the
nature and the purpose of the software before attempting to download and install them.

Remove unwanted or unknown software applications: These might have got installed without
your knowledge when you have visited some websites. Unwanted software could get installed as
they might have been bundled along with necessary software. Some programs such as toolbars get
installed usually through bundled software and are programmed to send personal data without
your consent.

Data transfer on the Internet

Having talked of data transfer and the Internet, have you ever wondered how sitting in one corner
of the world, you get information from another distant area in a few seconds?
In very simple language, let’s see what happens to a piece of data, say a Web page, when it is
transferred over the Internet:
• The data is broken up into bits of same sized pieces called packets.
• A header is added to each packet explaining where the data has come from, where it should
end up and where it fits in with the rest of the packets.
• Each packet is sent from computer to computer until it finds its destination. Each computer
on the way decides where next to send the packet. All packets may not take the same
• At the destination, the packets are examined. If any packets are missing or damaged, a
message is sent asking for them to be re-sent. This continues until all packets have been
received intact.
• The packets are now reassembled into their original form. All this done in seconds!

Key Features of an instant messaging are as follows:

• Text Messages can be sent to one or more person (Similar to SMS)
• Audio calling and conferencing.
• Video calling and conferencing.
• File transfers (Not limited to documents, spread sheets, audio files, video files, etc.)
• Message history (Save messages for future reference).

1. Explain the purpose of a blog.

BLOG:A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (and technical users) users for creating personal
web pages. Blogs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use.
Use of Blog: we can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements, news, reviews, etc. Blogs
are usually managed using a web browser and this requires active internet connection.
2. List any 5 websites that provide blog service.
Some of the popular blogs include:
3. How to create Blog?
WordPress is free web service that we can use to create a beautiful website or blog. WordPress has
support for “themes” for customizing the design of a blog. Themes can make the blog or the
webpage look attractive.

• Before we start using a blog, a blog account is required. To create one, you need a web browser
and an internet connection.

• Open the Web Browser.

• On the address bar type should now get to a page

with the fields Blog address, Username, Password, Email Address and Language.
• Blog Address: You must provide a unique address to your WordPress Blog. This is the address
which others will use to view your blog.

• Username: You should choose a username for managing this blog.

• Password: Securing your WordPress blog account with a strong password is important. A
combination of uppercase and lowercase letters with some 31 digits along with symbols would be a
strong enough password. You need to enter the password twice.

• Email Address: You must provide your Email Address here. An activation link will be send to you
from WordPress after you click “Create Blog”.

• Language: You can choose your own language for blogging from the list given.

• Click Create Blog.


Q.Explain the purpose of offline Blog Editor?

Ans: If you do not have an active internet connection , you can create blogs application and publish
the blog whenever internet connectivity is available.
Q. List out Some Offline Blog Editors?
Ans:There are several free offline blog editors available that can be downlodedand installed on the
local computer such as:
• Qumana
• windows live writer
• Blog desk
1. Explain the purpose of online transactions.
• A Customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
• Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
• A product or service that are not available on local market is available online.

2. List any Five websites that allow Online transactions

3. List any three payment tools to use online transactions.

1. Amazon payments
2. billdesk
3. wepay
4. pay pal

1. What do you mean by computer threat?

Ans: Anything which has a potential to harm the computer and endanger the security of the
computer called the threat.

2. Write about types of threat?

Ans: there are 4 types of threats. They are
2. Spyware
3. Hackers / crackers
Virus: virus are malicious programs that cause damage to data files on a system. Virus
Abbreviation is vital information resource under Sieze.
types of virus are:
Worm: A worm is a self replicating program which eats of the entire disk space or memory evam
keeps on creating its copies and tell on the disk space or memory is filled.
Trojan horse: Trojan Horse is a program that appears harmless but actually performs malicious
functions such as deleting organising files.
• Boot sector: this virus attaches itself to the boot sector of the disk this virus is very dangerous.
File infector:This is a very common type of virus attacks virus code to the regular programming
code within the program files.

3. What is Spyware?
Spyware: spyware is a software which is installed on your computer to spy on your activities and
report this data to people willing to pay it.
Adware:adware are the programs that deliver unwanted ads to your computer.
4.What is malware?
Malware:Malware is General term used to refer to virus,worms, spyware, adware.

5. what is spamming?
Spamming: spamming refers to the selling of bulk mail by an identified or unidentified source.

6.What is Phishing?
Ans: phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent communication that appear to come from a
reputable source.It is usually done through email the goal is to steal sensitive credit card and login
information or to install Malware on the victims machine.

7. Why we need internet security?

Ans:Internet security packages. With broadband security software you can protect your
computer when browsing the web or downloading. To avoid viruses, as well as online threats –
including hackers, spyware, spam and identity theft – it’s essential that you have
a security package installed.

8. How to send an email write all steps?

Write an email
1. On your computer, open Gmail.
2. In the top left, click Compose.
3. In the “To” field, add recipients. If you want, you can also add recipients in the “cc” and “bcc” fields.
4. Add a subject.
5. Write your message.
6. At the bottom of the page, click Send.

9. What is email write brief note on email?

Ans:Short for electronic mail, e-mail or email is information stored on a computer that is
exchanged between two users overtelecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may
contain text, files,images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or
group of individuals.

10. List any four types of Tab alignment available in a word processor?
Ans: Four types of Tab alignment available in a word processor are:
Left alignment shortcut key is Control + l.Centre alignment shortcut key is Control + e.Right
alignment shortcut key is Control + r.Justification shortcut key is Control + J.

11. Illustrate the use of header and footer in your word document?
Ans: Headers are text or images included at the top of the page. They usually contain important
information such as company or department name, logo, page numbers, name of the author, etc.
separated from the work or actual document area.
Footers are text or image included at the bottom of the page and may repeat in all pages of the
document. The procedure for creating a footer is similar to that of headers

11. write down the necessary steps to add a footer to your document?
Ans:To insert footer to a document, open a new document in Word processor
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Footer in the Header & Footer group.
3. A drop down list appears which lists collection of predefined Footer options.
4. Select any one from that.

12. What is hacking?

Ans: Hacking generally refers to unauthorized Access into a computer or a network. The person
engaged in hacking activities is known as a hacker.

13. what are cookies?

Ans: cookies are messages that a web server transmits to a web browser so that the web server can
keep track of the user activity on a specific website. Cookies are saved in the form of text file in
client computer.

14. Differentiate between hacking and cracking?

Hacking generally refers to unauthorized Access into a computer or a network. The person engaged
in hacking activities is known as a hacker.
Cracking is the act of breaking into a computer system, often on a network. A cracker can be doing
this for profit, maliciously, for some altruistic purpose or cause, or because the challenge is there.

15. what is the difference between email and chat?

1. chat is a type of software why email is protocol.
2. chat requires the permission of both parties by email does not require permission.
3. chat is typically software dependent while email is not.
4. Chat needs accounts on the same provided by email does not.

16. What is firewall?

Ans: Firewall is a program that protect your computer from unauthorised access over the internet.
It Acts like interface between a computer and internet.
UNIT – 7
Database Development
Data:data is information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or
Database – A database is an organized collection of data. For example:- In a stationary shop, detailed
records of the materials available in the shop is database. Similarly in a computerized system, we
need to maintain several files, we would used database programs such as Microsoft Access, Base, and MySQL. These database programs are used to organize the data as per our
needs in the computer system.
Database Management System (DBMS) – A database management system is a software package
with computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance and use of a database. A DBMS
allows different user application programs to concurrently access the same database. Some of the
DBMSs are Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL server, Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FoxPro and

Data can be organized into two types:-

Flat File: Data is stored in a single table. Usually suitable for less amount of data.
Relational: Data is stored in multiple tables and the tables are linked using a common field.
Relational is suitable for medium to large amount of data.

Database Servers – Database servers are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and
run only the DBMS and related software. Databases on the database servers are accessed through
command line or graphic user interface tools referred to as Frontends; database servers are
referred to as Back-ends. Such type of data access is referred to as Client-server model.
RDBMS:- A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system
that is based on the relational model. In the relational model of a database, all data is represented in
terms of tuples (rows), grouped into relations (tables). A database organized in terms the relational
model is a relational database.

Database Concepts:- Database contains objects that are used for storing and managing information.
1. Item : – Item is about which information is stored in the database.
2. Field:- Each question that we ask about our item is a Field.
3. Record:- Record is a set of information (made up of fields) stored in your database about one of the
4. Value:- Value is the actual text or numerical amount or date that you put in while adding information
to your database.
For example,
Database :- Employee
Emp_Cod Emp_Nam Emp_Addres Emp_Designatio Emp_ContactN Emp_Salar
e e s n o y

E001 ABC Meerut Manager 9876543210 Rs. 50,000

Item : Employee
Field : Emp_Code , Emp_Name , Emp_Address , Emp_Designation , Emp_ContactNo , Emp_Salary
Record :
E001 ABC Meerut Manager 9876543210 Rs. 50,000
Value : E001 , ABC , Meerut , Manager , 9876543210 , Rs. 50,000

5. Key Field :- Key Field is a value in a Field that uniquely identifies the record. Eg. E001 which is
unique to every employee.
Important Question :- How data is organized in a RDBMS ?
Ans :- In RDBMS, data is organized in the form of inter linked tables.


TABLE :- A table is a set of data elements that is organized using a model of vertical columns and
horizontal rows. Each row is identified by a unique key index or the key field.
COLUMNS OR FIELD :- A column is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one for each row
of the table. For eg. Emp_Code , Emp_Name , Emp_Address etc.
ROWS OR RECORDS OR TUPLES :– A row represents a single, data items in a table. Each row in a
table represents a set of related data, and every row in the table has the same structure.
DATA TYPES :- Datatypes are used to identify the type of data we are going to store in the database.

Categories of data types:– Data types can be broadly classified into five categories:-
1. Numeric Types
2. Alphanumeric Types
3. Binary Types
4. Date Time
5. Other variable Types

NUMERIC TYPES:– They are used for describing numeric values like mobile number, age, etc.
The different types of numeric data types available are-
1. Boolean (Yes / No) 6. Numeric
2. TinyInt (Tiny Integer) 7. Decimal
3. SmallInt (Small Integer) 8. Real
4. Integer 9. Float
5. BigInt (Big Integer) 10. Double
The list of different datatypes available in alphanumeric types are :-
1. LongVarChar (Memo) (Long Text)
2. Char (Text-fix) (Small Text)
3. VarChar (Text) (Text of specified Length)
4. VarChar_IgnoreCase (Text) (Comparisions are not case sensitive)

Binary types are used for storing data in binary formats. It can be used for storing photos, music files
or (in general file of any format) etc.
The list of different datatypes available in Binary types are :-
1. LongVarBinary (Image)
2. Binary (Binary (fix) )
3. VarBinary (Binary)

Date time data types are used for describing date and time values for the field used in the table of a
database. It can be used for storing information such as date of birth, date of admission etc.

The list of different data types available in Date Time type are :-
1. Date (Stores month, day and year information)
2. Time (Store hour , minute and second information)
3. Timestamp (Stores date and time information)

PRIMARY KEY:- A primary key is a unique value that identifies a row in a table. These keys are also
indexed in the database, making it faster for the database to search a record.
FOREIGN KEY:– The foreign key identifies a column or set of columns in one (referencing) table that
refers to a column or set of columns in another (referenced) table.
Note:- The “one” side of a relation is always the parent, and provides the PK(Primary Key) Attributes
to be copied. The “many” side of a relation is always the child, into which the FK(Foreign Key)
attributes are copied.
Memorize it : one, parent, PK (Primary Key) ; many, child , FK (Foreign Key)


In a database we can define the structure of the data and manipulate the data using some commands.
There are two types of languages:-
1. DDL (Data Definition Language)
2. DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DATA DEFINITION / DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE:- It is a standard for commands that define the
different structures in a database. DDL statements create,modify and remove database objects such
as tables, indexes and users.
Common DDL Statements are:–
1. Create :- Used to create database objects.
2. Alter :- Used to modify database objects.
3. Drop :- Used to delete database objects.
DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE:– It is a standard for commands that enables users to access
and manipulate data in a database.
Common DML Statements are:–
1. SELECT :- Used for retrieval of information from the database.
2. INSERT :- Used for insertion of new information into the database.
3. DELETE :- Used for deletion of information in the database.
4. UPDATE :- Used for modification of information in the database.
Types of DML:-
1.Procedural:- The user specifies what data is needed and how to get it.
2. Non Procedural :- The user only specifies what data is needed.
Note:- A popular data manipulation language is SQL (Structured Query Language.)


A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database
views. In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly used Data Manipulation Language
(DML) command.
The SELECT statement has many optional clauses:
• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which to return the rows.
To retrieve all the columns in a table the syntax is:SELECT * FROM <TABLENAME>;
Eg: For example, if you want to display all the data in the table that you created in the early
session,then the select statement will be: select * from SDetails;After executing the select query the
output will be shown similar to the one displayed below.
To get details about the list of students whose favorite color is blue, you can use:
select * from SDetails where Color=’Blue’;
After executing the select query the output will be shown similar to the one displayed below.

To view records in ascending order of RollNo, from the table the select statement will be:
select * from SDetails order by “Rollno” ASC;

INSERT statement
INSERT statement is used to add one or more records to a database. The general syntax of the
insert statement is shown below.
INSERT INTO <table_name><column1, column2, column3…> VALUES <value1, value2,
value3 …>;
To add a record in the database created earlier, type the following and click Execute.
insert into SDetails (“ID”, “Name”, “Rollno”, “DOB”, “Class”, “Phone”, “Email”, “Color”,
“Location”) values (‘8’, ‘Ranjith Singh’, ’67’, ‘12-03-99’,’X’, ‘435363’, ‘’, ‘White’,
After inserting the data into the table, use select query to view the updated table. After execution
you should see a window similar to the one displayed below.

UPDATE statement
Update statement is used for modifying records in a database. The general syntax of the
update statement is as follows:
UPDATE <table_name> SET <column_name> = value [, column_name = value …]
[WHERE <condition>]
To update a record using update statement, type the following and click Execute.
update SDetails set Location = ‘Bhubaneswar’ where Rollno = 14;
Execute select query to view the updated table. After execution you should see a window similar to
the one displayed below.

DELETE statement
Delete Statement is used to remove one or more records in a database. The general syntax of
the delete statement is as follows:
DELETE FROM <table_name> [WHERE] <condition>;
To delete one of the records in the table created earlier using delete statement, type the
following and click Execute:
delete from SDetails where ID=8;
Execute select query to view the updated table. After execution you should see a window similar to
the one displayed below.

Notice the record with the Roll No 8 is deleted from the database.
CREATE Statement
Create statement is used for creating a database or a table in any RDBMS Software. A
commonly used CREATE command is the CREATE TABLE command. The general syntax of the
create statement is shown below.
CREATE TABLE <TABLENAME> ([column definitions]) [table parameters]
Column definitions: A comma-separated list consisting of any of the following
Column definition: [column name] [data type] {NULL | NOT NULL} {column options}
Primary key definition: PRIMARY KEY ([comma separated column list])
For example, if you would like to create a table using the Create statement, type the following
and click Execute.
Department VARCHAR (50),
Address VARCHAR (120),
Contact_Number INTEGER);
Now create 5 records in the table and use the SQL statements to view, modify and delete them

UNIT – 6
Time management is the act of planning to stay organized that will result in increased efficiency
and productivity. Time management can be performed using simple techniques such as a paper and
pen or you can also use calendar software to plan your time.

CALENDARING SOFTWARE:- Calendaring software provides the user an electronic version of a

calendar. It is a time management tool, a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial,
or administrative purposes.


1. Click Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Outlook
2. Click Calendar located at the bottom left corner.
The calendaring software provides three views:-
1. Day :- To schedule an activity for a particular time in the day.
2. Week :- To schedule the activities for a particular days in the week.
3. a) Show work week:- (Monday to Friday)
4. b) Show full week:- (Sunday to Saturday)
5. Month:- To schedule the activities for the complete month.
Any appointments / meetings / commitments previously set in the day / week view will also be
reflected here. This view is also used to switch over a specific date in the calendar by selecting the
date in the date navigator.
Note:- The default view is by “Day”.


You can schedule an appointment in two ways:-
1. Using Menu Bar
2. Using Calendar View
3. Using Menu Bar– Steps to schedule an appointment are:-
4. Go to File->New->Appointment. A window will appear
5. Create the appointment.
6. Click on Save & Close option. The details will be reflected in the calendar.
2.Using Calendar View – You can create appointments on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.
You can create recurring appointment. To do so,
1. Right click on the calendar. A list of options will appear.
2. Click on New Recurring Appointment.
3. An appointment Recurrence window appears. Specify the appointment time, recurrence pattern
and the range of recurrence here.
4. Enter a recurring event, select multiple days and click OK.

Session 3: Categorize an Appointment

You can categorize the appointments at the time of creation of the appointment or categorize after
creating the appointment.
At the time of creating appointment
While creating an appointment, select a color from the Categorize dropdown list.
For an existing appointment
To apply category for an existing appointment, double-click on the appointment and select a color
from the Categorize dropdown list.

Session 4: Share a Calendar

You can share a copy of your calendar in an email message using email server. The calendar will be
uploaded to the mail server and can be accessed by others using their email id.
Steps to share a calendar:-
1. Click on Publish My Calendar… option available in the Navigation Pane of the Calendar. A window
will appear.
2. Click Finish to publish the calendar on the mail server.
3. Select the time span and configure Detail list and Permission options. Click OK.
4. Enter your email account details to publish the calendar. Click OK.
5.A message will be displayed. To send invitation Click Yes.
6. A window will appear. Enter the email accounts to whom you want to share the calendar and click

Session 5: Print a calendar

Steps to print a calendar are:-
1. Go to File-> Print. A print dialog box will appear.
2. Select the range of the calendar by specifying the dates.
3. Select the Print Style and adjust other settings.
4. Click OK

Session 6: Creating a Meeting Request

A meeting is an appointment to which you invite people or reserve resources for meeting hall,
equipment etc.You can create and send meeting requests and reserve resources for face-to-face
meetings or for online meetings.
Steps to create a meeting request are
1. Go to File->New->Meeting Request, A window will appear.
2. Enter the Subject, Location and Timings of the meeting in the window.
3. Click Send.

Session 7: Respond to a Meeting Request

Steps to respond to a meeting request are:-
1. Open the email application to view the request.
2. Select the desired option from Accept, Tentative, Decline or Propose New Time options.

Session 8: Create and Edit a Task

Task refers to actions that can be performed by an user; tasks may include actions items such as
booking a conference room, booking tickets, reminder for a task completion itself etc.
Steps to create a task are
1. Go to File->New->Task. A task window will be displayed.
2. Define a subject name, the start date and end date of the task, the status of the task and the priority
of the task.
3. Click Save & Close at the top of the page.
Note:- You can edit the task by double clicking the task name available in the email application

Session 9: Create and Edit a Note

Notes are short text messages that can be used for taking quick notes. You can create notes in the
calendar software.
Steps to create note:-
1. Go to File->New->Note, a window will appear.
2. Type the content of the note and click the icon. Once you click icon, a dropdown list appear.
3. Click the Save As… option to save the note.
NOTE:If you would like to edit the note, double click on the note and edit as required.

Session 10: Create and Edit a Journal Entry

Journal entry creates a timeline of transactions that can be linked to a contact. A transaction might
be an email, task, appointment etc. The following activities can be automatically recorded:-
• Emails Sent & Received
• Telephone calls
• Meeting request & responses
• Office documents you manage

Posted onDecember 10, 2018Leave a commenton Email Messaging

Digital Presentation
Movie Clips are added to the presentation in order to make the presentation colourful and
A movie clip can be inserted in two ways:-
1. Using Insert Tab
2. Using Title and Content Layout Option
3. Steps to insert a movie in a presentation using Insert Tab are:-
• Click on Movie option under Media clips group in the Insert tab. A drop down appears.
• Select the Movie from File…option to insert the movie clip. A dialog box appears.
• Select a movie clip and click OK to insert the same in the slide.
• A message box appears asking you how do you play the movie, i.e. Automatically or When C
• Click on any of the options available and movie clip will be inserted in the slide.
• Click on Movie from Clip Organizer… option under Media clips group in the Insert tab to insert
the movie clips that are available under Clip organizer.
• Clip Art pane will be displayed on the right side.
• Select any of the movies available and insert it in the slide.
2. Steps to insert a movie in the presentation using Layout option:-
• Click on Layout option available under Slides group in the Home A drop down list appears.
• Click on Title and Content option and a slide will be displayed with the same Layout.
• Insert a movie in the slide by clicking the movie icon in the Layout
• A dialog box will appear. Select a movie clip and click on
• A message box appears asking you how do you play the movie, i.e. Automatically or When C
• Click on any of the options available and movie clip will be inserted in the slide.
We can include audio clips to a presentation similar to that of videos. For eg. we can play mild
background music while making the presentation.
1. Click on Sound option under Media clips group in the Insert tab.
2. A drop down appears
3. Select the Sound from File… option to insert the sound clip.
4. A dialog box appears.
5. Locate the audio clip and click OK. The same will be inserted in the slide.
Presentation software enables the user to add tables in the slides in order to represent the
statistical data meaningfully.
Tables can be inserted in two ways:-
1. Using Insert tab.
2. Using Title and Content Option
Using Insert tab:- Steps to insert table using Insert tab are:-
1. Click on Table option under Table group in the Insert tab, a drop down list appears.
2. Drag the mouse over requisite number of boxes
2. Click on Insert Table … OR Draw Table options to create the table.
Using Title and Content Layout Option:- Steps to insert table using Title and Content option are:-
1. Click on Layout option available under Slides group in the Home A drop down list appears,
select Title and Content option.
2. Click the icon (Insert Table icon) available in the slide. A dialog box will open.
3. Enter the required number of rows and columns in the requisite boxes.
4. Click on OK button.
Session 4: Working with Charts
Presentation software enables the user to insert charts in slides to present statistical table data in a
pictorial representation.

Steps to insert a chart in a slide are:-

1. Click on Chart option under Illustrations group in the Insert A dialog box will appear.
2. Select a chart type among different types of the charts available.
3. Click A default chart will be inserted on the slide. The default data table for that chart will be
opened in a spreadsheet application separately.
4. You can edit the values in the spreadsheet and the chart will get automatically updated.
Steps to change the color and effects of the chart are:-
1. Click Chart Styles under Design tab. You can use Design tab to format the chart.
Basic guidelines for creating a chart:-
1. Convey one message per chart. Make the message the heading
2. Make the chart easy to read.
3. Make bars and columns wider than the spaces between them.
4. Be accurate.
5. Eliminate all unnecessary details.
6. Use a few (maximum four) colors per visual
Importing a table/chart in the presentation
Steps to import a table or a chart created in word/excel in the presentation are:-
1. In the Insert Object dialog box, click the Create From File option and click Browse to locate the
file that contains the table or the chart.
2. Click OK, the entire document or the spreadsheet that contains the table or the chart is imported to
your slide.
NOTE: If you check the Link checkbox while inserting, when you update the table in the document
or the spreadsheet, then right click on the imported table or chart in the presentation, select the
option Update Link, the embedded table gets updated automatically.
Session 5: Inserting Transitions
A slide transition is the visual motion when one slide changes to the next during a presentation.

Steps to insert transition effect:-

1. Select a slide.
2. Click on Animation Tab.
3. Select one of the transition effects under Transitions to this slide group and double click on it.
4. The selected effect will be applied to the selected slide.
Note:- You can set the time interval in duration option, and sound schemes in Sound option
under Timing group.
Select Apply to All option under Timing group to apply the selected effect on all the slides of the
Session 6: Inserting Animations
Animations are helpful way to make your slides look more dynamic. Animation allows you to put
slide elements such as text and graphics, in motion within a slide.

Steps to add animations in a presentation are:-

1. Select a slide element. Click Animations tab.
2. Click Animate under Animations group. A dropdown list appears.
3. Select any one of the animation effects. The selected animation effect will be applied to the selected
element of the slide.
4. Play the slideshow to preview the effect.
Session 7: Grouping Objects
Grouping can help when you want to move, rotate or resize multiple objects in a presentation. You
can group objects such as pictures, clipart, shapes and text box, once grouped they appear as a
single object.

Steps to group the objects:-

1. Select all the objects that you want to group. Click the Format tab.
2. Select the Group option available under Arrange group. A drop down list appears.
3. Click on Group, to group all the selected graphical objects in the slide.
NOTE: You can ungroup the grouped objects by selecting the ungroup option available under
Group dropdown list of Group option under Arrange group of Format tab.
Session 8 : Inserting Speaker Notes
Speaker Notes are guided text used by the presenter during a presentation. Speaker notes can be
short or long texts that can be used as a reference by the presenter while making a presentation.
Speaker notes area of the slide is hidden during slide show of the presentation.

Steps to add speaker notes:-

1. Select the slide and type the notes in the Click to add notes area located at the bottom of the
1. Select View tab and click Notes page under Presentation Views group. Type the notes.

Session 9: Reviewing Content

You should always review the presentation and make changes if required before you present it to
the audience. Presentation software includes options such as spell checks for correcting errors in a

Guidelines to review the presentation are:-

• Do a thorough spell check across all slides

• Perform a manual spell check for terms that is not included during the standard spell check.
• Remove irrelevant content such as images or cliparts, terms, etc. if they are not required.
Tips to make an effective presentation:-
1. Know your topic – Do the research first and know your material, think through what and how you
will present the matter before making a presentation.
2. Use Key phrases about your topic – Good presenters use key phrases and include only the most
important information. Highlight key points that are necessary for the audience to remember. Keep
the points as short as possible.
3. Avoid too much text on each slide – Do not write whole speech on the slides. The slide show is
meant to accompany your oral presentation. Summarize the content as bullet points.
4. Limit the number of slides – Too many slides in a presentation may cause you to rush to get
through them and your audience will pay more attention to the changing slide than to what you are
saying. On average, one slide per minute is about right in a classroom presentation.
5. Plan the layout of your slide – Make your slide easy to follow. Put the title at the top. Phrases
should read left to right and top to bottom. Keep important information near the top of the slide.
6. Avoid fancy fonts – Make sure the fonts, design and colors are consistent throughout the
presentation. Don’t use different styles for each slide. Use fonts that are readable. Do not use all
capital letters as it may be difficult to read.
7. Use contrasting colors of text and background – Use reasonable mix of text color and
background. Dark text on a light background is usually the best as this combination offers the
maximum visibility.
8. Use a slide design template to keep your presentation look consistent – Always use a single
background on all slides, do not use multiple backgrounds. Use a pleasant template or style set as it
will attract the audience and they will not lose their focus.
9. Use animations and transitions sparingly – Always use animations and transitions in a limited
amount. As using this feature in every piece and every place can be very distracting for the
10. Also, always review the presentation 2 – 3 times before making a presentation – This can
help in reducing or eliminating any errors in it. Remove irrelevant points during the review, add or
remove images during review. Make necessary corrections before presenting it to a larger


Sometimes, there is a need to provide the print outs of the presentation to the audience, as a
reference material. You can print notes, handouts or outline of the presentation using the
presentation software.

Steps to Print A Presentation (Notes)

1. Open the presentation and select the Print option.
2. Select the Notes Page option under print what: dropdown list.
3. Click OK.
Steps to Print A Presentation (Handouts)
1. Open the presentation and select the Print option.
2. Select the Handouts option under print what: dropdown list.
3. Select the number of slides to be printed on a single page under Slides per page dropdown under
handouts group.
(This option will reduce the wastage of paper as multiple slides can be printed on a single sheet.)

Steps to Print A Presentation (Outline)

1. Open the presentation and select the Print option.
2. Select the Outline view option under print what: dropdown list.
3. Click OK
(This option will print only the text part of the presentation.)

Posted onDecember 10, 2018Leave a commenton Digital Presentation


1. What is Spreadsheet? Explain?

Ans:An electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be
manipulated and used in calculations. In a spreadsheet, spaces that hold
items of data are called cells. Each cell is labeled according to its placement (for example, A1, A2,
A3…) and may have an absolute or relative reference to the cells around it. A spreadsheet is generally
designed to hold numerical data and short text strings.

2. Explain about Autosum feature used for in a Spreadsheet?

Ans:Autosum is us b6-ed for adding the values given in cells automatically without writing the
formula to perform the operation.
AutoSum is a function in Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs that automatically enters
the appropriate formula or function into your spreadsheet. For example, if you wanted to add the
values of cells A1 though A5, highlight cells A1 through A5 and click the AutoSum button, ∑ Clicking
this button after highlighting the cells creates the formula =SUM(A1:A5) in cell A6 (first cell after last
highlighted cell) and gives you the total of all those cells.
3. What do you mean by conditional formatting in spreadsheet?
Ans: Conditional formatting allows you to change the formatting (font color, border,
shading) of the cells based on the values in it.

4. Where this conditional formatting is applied in spreadsheet?

Ans:Conditional formatting allows you to change the formatting (font color, border,
shading) of the cells based on the values in it. When we use huge amount of data. we, specify a
condition for the values in the cell, and if the condition is satisfied then automatically the formatting
of the cell changes. This feature would be very useful if we were working on a profit and loss
spreadsheet, or a temperature variance spreadsheet, or a marksheet. You could highlight cells that
have values are greater than a defined rule with one color and those less than another with a
different color.

5. List any five conditions/formats/items that can be used for conditional

Ans: The five conditions/formats/items that can be used for Conditional formatting are shown

6. What you can control by using the conditional formatting in spreadsheet?

Ans: You can control the following formats by using conditional formatting:
• Number format
• Font, font style, and font colour (but not font size)
• Fill colour and fill pattern
• Border colour and border style (but not border thickness)

7. Why Hide and Unhide Option is used in spreadsheet?

Ans:In spreadsheet, you can easily show and hide rows/columns, and sheets as well. This is useful
as you may not necessarily want all the data view able in the sheet you can hide that rows and
columns when ever you want the data to be included in the sheet you can use unhide option in the
spreadsheet .
Note: When ever you are using hide option that does not delete the data from the spreadsheet.

8. How will you hide/Unhide a row and column in a spreadsheet? write steps?
Ans: To hide a row/ column follow the given steps: 1. To hide
Rows/Columns select row/column you want to hide and click on home tab go to cells group click
on format dropdown button then click hide & unhide option then selected rows/columns will be

To unhide a row or column follow the given steps:

1. select area where rows/columns are hidden and click on home click on home tab go to cells
group click on format dropdown button then click hide & unhide option then unhide

9. why do you need freeze rows and columns? How will you freeze top most row of the
Ans: To freeze the rows or columns do the following.
• Open a new spread sheet.
• In order to freeze rows or columns click on Freeze Panes option available
under Window group in View tab.
• A drop down list appears as shown below. Click on Freeze Panes. Doing so will
freeze all the rows above and all the columns to the left of the selected cell. Scroll
your mouse in the spreadsheet the frozen rows and columns remain constant.

10. What is freeze pane option in Spreadsheet? Explain?

Ans: Freezing rows and columns is another helpful feature in a spreadsheet. When you are dealing
with a huge amount of data that spans several rows or columns, you may want the headers to remain
constant (frozen) while you scroll through the data so that you can see the identifying names of the
11. What is page break?
Ans: Page break is inserted in spreadsheet to get exact number of printouts.

12. Why page break option is needed in spreadsheet?

Ans:To print a worksheet with the exact number of pages that you want, you can adjust the page
breaks in the worksheet before printing it. This feature is very useful especially when printing huge
sheets. You can use the Page Break view to see how other changes (e.g. changing row height / column
width) affect the automatic page breaks.
13. Where this page break option is available in spreadsheet?
Ans: On the View tab, in the Workbook Views group, click Page Break Preview.

14. How will you insert a horizontal and vertical break in the spreadsheet?
Ans: To insert a page break, select a row (for horizontal page break) or column ( for vertical page
break) and Click on Breaks down arrow under Page Setup group in the Page
Layout tab. Click on Insert Page Break

15. How will you remove a horizontal and vertical break in the spreadsheet?
Ans:To remove a page break, select a row (for horizontal page break) or column ( for vertical page
break) and Click on Breaks down arrow under Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab. Click on
remove Page Break option.

16. Explain Page layout option in Spreadsheet?

Ans:Spread sheet software provides various page layout options for organizing pages using the
Page Layout option.Steps to set the page layout options
Click on Page Layout option under Workbook Views group on View tab. We can set
◦ Margins
◦ Orientation
◦ Page headers and footers
◦ Hide or display grid lines
◦ Size of the page
◦ Define the print area
◦ Specify the background

17. Explain MARGINS in Spreadsheet?

Ans:Click on Margins option under Page Setup group, a dropdown list appears.You can either
select anyone of the predefined margin options available or else you can define your own margin
settings by clicking Custom Margins option and set the margin values manually from the options
available under the dialog box.
18. Explain about page ORIENTATION in Spreadsheet?
Ans:You can set the orientation of the page to either Portrait or Landscape by clicking the
Orientation option under Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.

19. Write about SIZE in Spreadsheet?

Ans: You can set the size of the page by clicking the Size option under Page Setup group in the Page
Layout tab.

20. DEFINE THE PRINT AREA in spreadsheet?

Ans:Click on Set Print Area to set the selected to get printed. You can also clear the print area by
clicking the Clear Print Area option.
21. How to Manage Workbook Views in Spreadsheet?

Ans:Workbook views are used for the purpose of viewing the outcome of the worksheet while
printing. There are five types of views in the spreadsheet:-

1. Normal–This is the default view of the spreadsheet application. It is a collection of cells

arranged in the work area.
2. Page Layout– With page layout view, you can quickly fine tune a worksheet and achieve
professional looking results.
3. Page Break Preview- This option is similar to Page Layout option except you can set the area
that is to be set as a page after inserting page break.
4. Custom View- With custom view, you can view selected areas of a document.
5. Full Screen- Selecting this option the workbook cover the entire screen. All tabs are hidden
from view. To get back the tabs, click on File>Restore.

22. How many types of views are available in spreadsheet?

Ans: There are five types of views available in the spreadsheet.
• Normal
• Page Layout
• Page Break Preview
• Custom Views
• Full Screen

23. How to manage Multiple windows in spreadsheet?

Ans:You can open multiple windows that display the current spreadsheet and then arrange those
windows in a variety of ways.

Steps to open a new window of a workbook

6. Click New Window button on the View tab, in the Window group.
Steps to arrange multiple windows
1. Click Arrange All button in the Window An Arrange Windows dialog box appears.
2. Click either Tiled, Horizontal, Vertical, or Cascade
3. Click ok.

24. Why we assign names to cells in a spreadsheet?

Ans: We can assign names to cells in a worksheet and use it for quickly locating specific cells by
entering the names.

25. What is range in spreadsheet?

Ans: Range is collection of cells.

26. How to apply Cell and Range Names in spreadsheet?

Ans:We can assign names to cells in a worksheet and use it for quickly locating specific cells by
entering the names. Range is a collection of cells.
Steps to apply range names:-
1. Keep the Ctrl key pressed and click on the cells that you want to give a name OR select the range of
2. Right click and select Name a Range…. OR select Define name under Defines Names group in
the Formulas
3. A New Name dialog box appears. Enter the name in the Name
4. Click ok.

27. What is Chart in Spreadsheet?

Ans: A chart is graphical representation of data in which data is represented by symbols such as
bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart or slices in a pie chart. Spreadsheet helps to create, modify
and format charts based on the data given in the spreadsheet.

28. Write steps to create Chart in Spreadsheet?

1. Prepare data in the spreadsheet on which you want to create the chart. Select the data.
2. Click on the chart type that you want from Charts group under the Insert
3. A chart will be displayed in the spreadsheet.
4. You can modify the chart values by making necessary modifications in the data table.

29. What are the elements of a chart in Spreadsheet?

Ans:Chart has many elements, however, only some of the elements are displayed by default.

Following are the elements of a chart:-

1. Chart Area
2. Plot Area
3. Data Points
4. Horizontal and Vertical Axis
5. Legend
6. Chart and Axis Title
7. Data Label

30. Mention and Explain Chart Types in spreadsheet?

Ans: Different charts display data in very different ways. Using the best chart type and format helps
you to display data visually in the most meaningful way. Following are the different types of chart:-

1. Bar charts: A bar chart (horizontal bars) emphasizes the comparison between items at a fixed
period of time. This chart type also includes cylinder, cone and pyramid subtypes.
2. Column Charts: A column chart emphasizes variation over a period of time. This chart type also
includes cylinder, cone and pyramid subtypes.
3. Line Charts: A line chart shows the relation of the changes in the data over a period of time.
4. Pie Charts: A Pie chart shows the relationship of the parts to the whole.
5. Area Charts: An area chart shows the relative importance of values over time.
6. XY (Scatter) Charts: Scatter charts are useful for showing a correlation among the data points that
may not be easy to see from data alone.
31. Define the following terms SORT & FILTER DATA?
Sort:- It is a feature that helps you arrange the selected data either in an ascending or descending
Filter:- It is a feature used for extracting particular data using some conditions.

32. Define sort and write Steps to Sort Data?

Sort:- It is a feature that helps you arrange the selected data either in an ascending or descending
1. Select the data to be sorted and then click on Sort option under Sort & Filter group in the Data tab.
2. Specify on what basis you need to sort the data in the Sort by field and select the order that is
ascending and descending and then click OK.

33. Define Filter and write Steps to Filter Data?

Filter:- It is a feature used for extracting particular data using some conditions.
Steps to Filter Data
1. Click the Filter option available under Sort & Filter group in the Data tab. Before applying the filter,
select the data along with the header.
2. Once you click on filter, the header will be displayed with a down arrow.


Ans:To summarize and report results from separate worksheets, you can consolidate data from
each into a master worksheet. The worksheets can be in the same workbook as the master
worksheet or in the other workbooks. The assembling of data is required so that updates and
calculations can be performed easily.

1. Create a sheet 1 name it as year1.
2. Create a sheet 2 name it as year2.
3. For using sheet 1 or sheet 2 data in any of the sheets use year1! Or year2! Respectively.
For example:- if you want to add B1:B3 range of sheet 1 in sheet 2 use =SUM(year1!B1:B3).

Note:- using this feature, we can use a value of a cell located at one sheet in the another sheet.

34. How to use multiple workbooks and linking cells in spreadsheet?

Ans:Spreadsheet also allows to link the cells from various worksheets and from various
spreadsheets to summarize data from several sources. In this way, we can create formulas that
span different sources and make calculations using a combination of local and linked information.
We can link the data from other spreadsheets and keep the information up to date without editing
multiple locations every time, the data changes.

Steps :-
1. Open a new spreadsheet workbook.
2. For example, we are using sum formula, type =sum(, while the parenthesis is opened, click on
Switch Windows option under Window group in the View tab. A drop down list appears containing
all the active workbooks names.
3. Click on the other workbook name eg. Book1 and select the desired cells eg. A2:A5
4. Press Enter. After pressing enter, we see that we are back on the previous workbook with the
desired result.
35.What is sharing Worksheet Data in spreadsheet?
Ans:Using this feature of spreadsheet, multiple users can access a single sheet simultaneously in a
network location.

1. Click on Share workbook option under Changes group in the Review tab.
2. A dialog box appears as shown below.
3. Check the option Allow changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows
workbook merging.
4. Click OK.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Automatic Calculation of formulas is one of the most powerful features of
electronic spreadsheets.
2. Autosum is used for adding the values given in cells automatically without writing the formula.
3. AutoSum option is available in Editing group under the Home tab.
4. Autosum automatically selects the values around the cells either Horizontally and Vertically.
5.conditional formatting allows you to change the formatting (font color,
border, shading) of the cells based on the values in it.
6. Conditional formatting is available under Styles group in Home tab.
7. When you freeze a row, Headers to remains constant.
8. Freeze Panes option is available under Window group in view tab.
9. The panes are formed where your Cursor is placed.
10. To insert a Vertical page break, select the row below where you want to insert the page break.
11. T o insert a horizontal page break, select the column to the right of where you want to insert
the page break.
12. The Breaks option is available under Page setup group in the Page Layout tab.
13. To return to Normal view after you finish working with the page breaks, you need to
click Normal in the Workbook views group under the View tab.
14. Spread sheet software provides various page layout options for organizing pages using
the Page Layout View.
15. Margins option is available under Page setup group in the pagelayout tab.
16. Two types of page orientation are Landscape & Portrait.
17. Different types of views are available under Workbook views in the View tab.
18. The five types of views available are Normal , Page layout, Page break, Custom views, Full
screen Views.
19. T he Custom Views helps you to view a selected area of a workbook.
20. Assigning names to cells in a worksheet help you to quickly locating specific cells.
21. The Define Name option is available under Defined Names group in the Formula tab.
22. A chart is a Graphical Representation of data, in which the data is represented
by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or Slices in a pie chart.
23. T he three tabs that are available after inserting the chart in the spreadsheet are Design ,
layout and format.
24.Sort helps you arrange the selected data either in an ascending or Decending order.
25. Using filter you can extract data based on Condition.
26. Sort option is available in Sort & Filter group under the Data tab.
27. Filter option is available in Sort & filter group under the Data tab.
28. Switch Windows option is available in Windows group under the View tab.
29. Linking cells from different worksheets / different spreadsheets helps you to summarize
data from different sources.
30. Linking data helps you help to keep information Up to date without editing at
multiple locations.
31. Share Workbook option is available in Changes group under the Review tab.
32. Shared workbooks don’t allow merging cells, conditional formatting, or inserting
Solve the following question.

1. Given the following spreadsheet, write the appropriate formula/ expression function to be used
for a to e:

a. Write formula to calculate the total points (sum of points+bonus) of each player in cell F2-F6.
b. Write feature used for arranging the rank from highest to lowest.
c. To find the total with maximum total to be written in cell F7.
d. To find average of points to be written in cell C7.
e. To change orientation of the page from landscape to portrait.
Ans: calculate the total points (sum of points+bonus) of each player in cell F2-F6.
in Cell F2 write formula = sum(C2+D2) and press enter result is dispalyed
in Cell F3 write formula = sum(C3+D3) and press enter result is dispalyed
in Cell F4 write formula = sum(C4+D4) and press enter result is dispalyed
in Cell F5 write formula = sum(C5+D5) and press enter result is dispalyed
in Cell F6 write formula = sum(C6+D6) and press enter result is displayed

b. arranging the rank from highest to lowest use Filter options
select the top row in spreadsheet goto editing group in home tab select filter option
click on rank drop down list appears select sort largest to smallest the table displayed as following

c. Maximum total to be written to cell F7

in cell F7 give formula =sum(F2,F3,F5,F4,F6) and press enter result is displayed in cell F7 i.e.,
d. To find average point in Cell C7
in cell C7 give formula =Average(C2,C3,C4,C5,C6) and press enter result is displayed in cell
C7 i.e., 1480
E. To change orientation of page from landscape to portrait follow the given steps:
• click on page layout tab
• goto page setup group
• click on orientation a dropdown list appears
• select orientation from landscape to portrait.
Class 10 Word Processing Notes for remaining sessions
Working with Character Formatting

1. Write about Font Face?

Ans:Font Face: After selecting the text you need to click Font Name in the Font group to select the
particular font style from the fonts listed.

2. Write about Font Size?

Ans:Font Size: After selecting the text you need to click Font Size in the Font group to select the
particular font size from the values given.

3. Write about Grow Font?

Ans: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the
font size larger than the current font size by the specified point.

4. Write about Shrink Font?

Ans: Shrink Font: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the
font size smaller than the current font size by the specified point.

5. Write about Strike through?

Ans: Strikethrough: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make a
strike through the middle of the selected text.

6. Write about Subscript & Superscript?

Ans: Subscript: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the
selected text lower than the normal text position.
Superscript: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the
selected text higher than the normal text position.

7. Write about Clear Formatting?

Ans: Clear Formatting is used to clear the character formatting (such as Bold,
Italics ,Underline, font face & size, superscript & subscript etc.) of the selected text. To remove the
character formatting, select the text and click on icon in the Font group.

8. Write about Text Highlight Color?

Ans:Text Highlight Color: Use this option to change the background color. To do so, select the text
and click on icon in the Font group. You can choose the background color by clicking on the down
arrow on the icon.

9. How to change the Font color?

Ans: Font Color: Use this option to change the color of the text. To do so, select the text and click on
icon in the Font group. You can choose the text color by clicking on the down arrow on the icon.

10. Write about change Case in word Document?

Ans: Change Case: Word processor helps us to change the text case to capital letters or small
You can also capitalize each word in the sentence and capitalize the starting word of the sentence
using Change Case under Font Group. To do so, after selecting the text you need to click the icon in
the Font group
Sentence Case: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the first character in the first word
of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter (Uppercase).
Lowercase: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the selected text will be converted to
Small Letters (lowercase).
UPPERCASE: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the selected text will be converted to
Capital Letters (UPPERCASE).
Capitalize Each Word: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the first character in all
the words of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter (Uppercase).tOGGLE
cASE: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the small letters in the selected text will be
converted into capital letters and capital letters will be converted into small letters.
Fill in the blanks
1. After selecting the text you need to click the Font size in the Font group to make the font size
larger than the current font size.
2. To remove the character formatting, select the text and click on Clear Formatting in the Font
3. On selecting Sentence Case, the first character in the first word of the selected
sentence will be converted to Capital Letter.
4. On selecting Upper Case, the first character in all the words of the selected
sentence will be converted to Capital Letter.


Question and Answers:
1. What is Clip Art?
Ans:Clip Art can help in making a document look colourful and presentable. Clip arts are pre-
defined images available for use in documents. For example, if you would like to create a greeting
card for your friend, you can use clip arts such as balloon, flowers, etc. along with text message.

2. Give Some Websites name which provides free Clip arts?

Ans: Some of the websites that have free clip arts are:

3. How to download a Clipart from the website?

Ans: To download a clip art from,
1. Open the web browser, Type in the address bar and press Enter You
can use the search box available on the website for viewing the list of clip arts to suit your needs.
For example, Type School Bag in the search box and Click Search. You will be displayed with list of
clip arts matching the keyword School bag, Now you can select the clip art you like, download it to
your computer and insert it using the photo option in the word processor.

4. What are Objects in a Word processing software?

Ans:objects can be almost any form that can be generated as a computer file. Sounds,
Music, drawings, documents spreadsheets, etc. are all examples of possible objects that you can
include in a document, or link to a document.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Embedding an object makes it a part of the document while linking an object does not include
the object file into the document files.
2. Readers trying to access the linked object must also have direct access to the
separate file that forms that object.
3. Clip Art can help in making a document look colorful and Presentable.
4. Clip Art is available under inserting Illustrations group in Insert Tab


Fill in the blanks:
1. T o search for a picture, place the cursor before the text, click Insert Tab, and click Picture under
2. After you have inserted the picture, you can wrap the text by using the Wrap Text option.

Answer the following:

1. List any three word wrapping options available in a word processing software.
Ans: The three word wrapping options available in a word processing software are:
tight, square and through.

2. List word wrapping options available in a word processing software.

Ans: The following are the word wrapping options available in word processing software:
• In line with text
• Square
• Tight
• Through
• Top and Bottom
• Behind the text
• Infront of text

Session 10: Inserting Objects
Fill in the blanks:
1. To open an embedded document, double Click on it.
2. Embedded objects cannot be printed.
3. When you embed objects in a document, you may have trouble emailing
it because the size of the document increases significantly.
Question and answers:

1. How to insert objects in word document?

Ans: To insert an object,
• Open a new word document
• Select Insert Tab
• Click Object under Text section. A dialog box will be displayed.
• Select Create from File Tab
• Click Browse and select a file such as a spread sheet or a PDF document that is
available on your computer, Click Open and Click OK
• Notice the document is available embedded within your word document.

Note: If you would like to edit the embedded document, double-click on it. It will
automatically open it for editing using respective application.
2. Mention Key points to embedded object in word document?
Ans:1. The embedded objects cannot be printed.
2. The person opening your document must have the relevant software loaded on
their computer to operate the embedded file.
3. If you embed an object, the size of your document increases significantly and this
may cause problems in emailing the document as an attachment.
4. If you link an object, the person opening that document must have a direct
connection to the original file location of the object.


Fill in the blanks:
1. You can insert lines, basic geometric shapes, arrows, equation shapes, flowchart shapes, stars,
banners, and callouts using the Shape option.
2. Symbol option is available under Symbols group in the Insert tab.
Question and answers:
1. How to insert Shapes in word Processing software?
Ans: To work with shapes, open a new document in word processor,
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Shapes in the Illustrations group, as shown in figure 24.
3. Once you click the Shapes option a dropdown list with pre-defined shape such
as box, circle, etc. appears.
4. You can select the shape from the list of shapes available and draw the shape
by dragging the mouse with the left button clicked. For example, if would like
to insert a square, select the box shaped item from the list, click and drag the
shape to draw a square.

2. How to insert Special characters or Symbols in word document?

Ans:To work with symbols or special characters, open a new document in word processor.
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Symbol in the Symbols group 3. A dropdown
list appears, Select a symbol from the list and double-click on to insert the symbol into the
A word processor is a software that helps you type and work with text on a
computer. You can create a document like, letter, memo, newsletter and save it in
word processor. The main advantage of creating a document is word processor is
that a document can always be opened and edited. such as Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer, and
Star Office.

Selecting Text Using Keyboard

You can select text using even the keys on your keyboard. First, place the cursor to
the left of the first character you wish to select. Then use the following key
To select Key combinations
One character to the left Shift +
One character to the right Shift +
One line up Shift +
One line down Shift +
To the end of the current line Shift + End
To the beginning of the current line Shift + Home
To the end of the current document Shift + Ctrl + End
To the beginning of the document Shift + Ctrl + Home
Entire document Ctrl + A

Inserting and Overtyping Text

You can insert (add) text into the existing text or overtype (replace old text with
the new one) text in OpenOffice Writer.
To insert text, press the Insert key, to turn ON the Insert mode, which is indicated
by INSRT appearing on the status bar
To delete a character, the steps are:
1. Position the cursor to the left of the character to be deleted.
2. Press DELETE.
1. Position the cursor to the right of the character to be deleted.
To delete a block of text, the steps are:
1. Select the text to be deleted.
To delete a word, the steps are:
1. Place the cursor to the left of the word to be deleted.
2. Press Ctrl + Delete.
1. Place the cursor to the right of the word to be deleted.
2. Press Ctrl + Backspace.
Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being self-aware, self-motivated and self-
Let’s now learn what are these:
Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is
called as
self-awareness. It helps individuals to chart their ways for working independently.
Self-motivated individuals have an inner urge to do something, achieve their goals without any
pressure. It is a life skill and must be necessarily developed.
Self-regulation guides independent individuals as it helps them consider long term consequences
than just transient feelings. It leads to a responsible and a value driven behavior.

Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being self-aware, self-motivated and self-
Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is
called as
self-awareness. It helps individuals to chart their ways for working independently.
Self-motivated individuals have an inner urge to do something, achieve their goals without any
pressure. It is a life skill and must be necessarily developed.
Self-regulation guides independent individuals as it helps them consider long term consequences
than just transient feelings. It leads to a responsible and a value driven behavior.

Environment includes both the living things as well as non living things. The living things
broadly include plants and animals. The non-living things is constituted of three main parts –
1. Lithosphere – it refers to the outer layer of the earth. It includes rocks and soils found on
the surface of earth.
2. Hydrosphere – it refers to water bodies found on the surface of earth. E.g., seas, rivers,
oceans, streams etc.
3. Biosphere – it refers to that part of environment where life exists.

Demonstrative knowledge of Various methods of Communication

• smiling
• eye contact, wide open
• forward lean
• nodding
• positive facial expression
• fake yawn
• stare
• moves away from speaker
• shakes head negatively
• negative facial expression

Principles of Communication
Face to Face Communication is most effective:
Communication becomes complex as the number of people we are
communicating with increases:
Communication across cultures differs:

What is communication?
The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or
using some other medium and means of sending or receiving

A communication barrier is thus anything that prevents us from receiving and understanding the
messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts.
Serial Keys is an accessibility feature that assists people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a
mouse (or both). They can use special devices such as Sip, Puff and Breath Switches to provide
input to the computer through Serial Ports.
Kiosk is a computer terminal that features combination of hardware & Software displayed in a
public domain to provide access to information & application for communication, Entertainment,
Education etc.

There are two types of DML:

• Procedural: The user specifies what data is needed and how to get it
• Nonprocedural: The user only specifies what data is needed. This is easier for the user but
may not generate code as efficient as that produced by procedural languages.
To create a form,
Click on Forms option located under Database section
Click Use Wizard to Create Form… option under Tasks group. The Form Wizard dialog box
appears as shown below.

The SELECT statement has many optional clauses:

• WHERE specifies which rows to retrieve.
• ORDER BY specifies an order in which to return the rows.

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