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ee eet ee Eon Ee Ce Ree MUN EL Rear ed pee ey to) toeat Peer ey to eat; Ordering food and drink Vocabulary Food: countable and uncountable nouns Work in pairs. Match the words in the box with the photos. grapes anapple water —_ bread chicken abanana eggs cheese tomatoes. «a sandwich clive oil salad biscuits orange juice fruit Work in pairs. Complete the table with the words in exercise 1. Can uncountable nouns have a plural form? Things you can count Things you can't count {countable nouns) (uncountable nouns) grapes water Listen and check Practise saying the words. Work in pairs and discuss, What other food words do you know? ‘Add three more to each column in exercise 2a, een) 1. Lookat audio script 62 on page 169 and listen again Notice how the sound at the end of one word can join onto the next word. There'sgn apple. Therearea/otof bananas. 2. Practise saying the sentences. PRACTICE 1 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 Thaven't got biscuits in my picnic basket. 2 For a healthy snack, you can eat fruit. 3 Are there ‘oranges left in the fruit basket? 4 We've got rice and vegetables for dinner. 5 Don't drink coffee before you go to bed 6 Have you got olive oil for the salad? 7 There's coffee on the table for you. 2a Write four true sentences and four false sentences about what you can see in the photos. b_ Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: Say your Grammar focus 1 sentences. Student B: Close your book and say if there is and there are; some and any the sentences are true or false. 1 Gi6.2Listen to eight sentences about the things in There are seven biscuits. the photos. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? True. Eun There's some rice. there is and there are 1 Choose the correct answers. False. There isnt any rice. Countable There's There are an apple. (singular) 3a Heather and her friends are having a picnic, Turn to age 135 and look at the items on the picnic blanket Countable There's There are five grapes for two minutes. (otra) > if b. Work in pairs and take turns. Can you remember the Uncountable There's / Thereare some olive oi 12 items? Ask and answer Yes/No questions. some and any 2. Choose the correct answers. Are there any olives? | Yes, there are, Countable There are some / any tomatoes. (plural) There aren't some / any tomatoes Is there any orange juice? Uncountable There's some / any water. ‘There isn't some / any water. No, there isn’t. 3. Notice that we normally use any in questions. ‘© What picnic foods do you like? Compare your ideas ‘Are there any tomatoes? Have you got any biscuits? with other students. Is there any water? Has she got any rut? Reading Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss the questions. + Which three countries / parts of the world 4do you think the photos show? + What kind of food do you think people eat there? Read the article and check your answers. Read the article again. Match statements 1-8 with diets A-C. They eat a lot of fish They eat a lot of olive oil They eat a lot of vegetarian food. They eat vegetables as a main dish, They eat vegetables for breakfast. They use spices when they cook. They don't eat large amounts of food. They take a long time to eat their dinner. @Nouauns Work in pairs and discuss. + What are your favourite types of food? + Which food don’t you like? Healthy diets around the world Harry Chen is a fitness expert. In his new book, he describes three healthy diets from around the world and tells us what we can learn from them, A The Japanese diet People in Japan ate generally very healthy and one of the main reasons is fish. The Japanese diet includes a lot of fish, which contains healthy oil, Another reason is that hey also eat a lot of fruit and vegetables - for any meal micluding breakfast. People in Japan eat less than in other countries. Ths is because: firstly, people eat small portions. con separate small plates, not one big plate. Secondly, some people eat until they are about 80 percent full, the: wait for ten minutes to see if they are still hungry. This is called hara hachi bu. B The Mediterranean diet Health experts know t is unhealthy. The Mediterranean diet (for example, in Greece, Italy and Spain) contains a lot of oll, But itis a very healthy diet. This is because they use olive oil, which is good for your heart. Another important factor is that Vegetables in these shes. Finally, people in this area eat with family and friends and sometimes a meal lasts several hours, This means people are relaxed and they dort eat too much. C The South Indian diet There are many different regions in india with different types of food. The South Indian diet lly healthy as it contains a lot of fruit and vegetables. There is a long tradition of vegetarian food in this area. They eat some meat, but not much. In South India, they add a lot herbs and spices, like cinnamon and turmeric, to their cooking. The spices not only make the food delicious and attractive, but they are also good for digestion, Health experts also know that some of these spices can fight diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Food and drink |06 Vocabulary Food pairs ‘a_Match the words in box A with the words in box B to make word pairs. A fruit herbs knife salt bread fish sweet tea food B chips coffee spices pepper vegetables butter sour fork drink fruit and vegetables herbs and spices b Pe. Listen and check. For word pairs like these, we always say the words in this order and not the other way round (e.g. NOT vegetables and frit). Een eon 1 Listen again tothe word pairs. Notice thatthe main stress usualy on the second word and ‘the secondary stres is usually on the first word. 1 frilt and vEgetables 2 Practise saying the word pairs. ns Grammar focus 2 how much and how many ‘Ta Work in pairs and do the quiz below. 1 How much chocolate does the average British person eat every year? alkg bilkg c21kg 2 How much rice does the average British person eat every year? a4kg bSSkg c96kg 3 How many potatoes does the average British person eat every year? al2z b500 880 4 How many cups of tea does the average British person drink every year? a730 b1,095 € 1,460 b Check your answers on page 134. GRAMMAR 1 Choose the correct answers. ‘When we ask questions, we use: 1 how many with countable / uncountable nouns. 2 how much with countable / uncountable nouns. g PRACTICE ; Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: Say one word of a word pair. Student B: Say the ; ‘word pair. Pay attention to word stress. ‘a Complete the questions with how much or how many. 1 water do you drink every day? eae 2 cups of tea or coffee do you drink every day? 3 sugar do you have with your tea or coffee? 4 oil and butter do you eat with your food? ie nee 5 ted meat do you eat every week? 6 bread, rice and pasta do you eat every day? iBepper 7 vegetables do you eat every day? 8 fruit do you eat every day? 9 sweets and biscuits do you eat every day? peice 10 ou deep do Sa asa ale " time do you spend on a computer every day? 2 Kilometres do you walk every day? b_ Work in pairs and take turns. Ask and answer the questions. How much water do you drink every day? | drink about six glasses of water every day. | Task Describe a favourite place to eat ieee a * Preparation Listening Listen to three people talking about their favourite place to eat. Write J (Jo), T (Tristan) or K (Kate) next to the sentences below. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss. 1 He/She loves fish and chips. + When you have a special meal with your family or 2. He/She doesnt like expensive restaurants. friends, do you usually go to a restaurant or stay 3. He/She likes noodles with meat. at home? Why? 4 He/She often goes to @ restaurant for lunch, + What kind of restaurant do you prefer: a cheap 5 He/She always has Sunday lunch with his/ local restaurant or an expensive restaurant? Why? her family 6 He/She thinks it’s a great place to go with ‘your friends. Listen again and tick the phrases you hearin the Useful language box. USEFUL LANGUAGE ‘2 Describe the place and why you like it The name of my favourite restaurant is ike ft because (| love fish and chips) It's my favoutte place to eat because W's a great place to go with (your friends), My favourite place to eat issn’ Hove eating there because b Describe the atmosphere ‘You can sit outside andthe view is really ice i's always busy W's got a fu, lively atmosphere It's very friendly ‘There are a lat of young peopl. It's (not) expensive, Describe the food ‘The speciality is (bun cha), A typical dish is (lomo saltado) Its made with fish and vegetables, It's cooked with onions and tomatoes. les dalicious! Task Speaking Choose your favourite place to eat. Make notes using. the ideas below. + the name of the place + where itis + why you like it the atmosphere ‘what kind of food you get there a Colt a4 You are going to talk about your favourite place to eat. Spend some time preparing what you are going to say. Ask your teacher for any words/phrases Ferrer a you need. et otete Share your film/recording with > Useful language a-c = he tafe Work in small groups and take turns. Talk about your favourite place to eat. Work in pairs, Tell your partner about the students in your group and their favourite places to eat. Describe a place to eat Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss. + What kind of restaurant do you think itis? + Are there any similar restaurants in your town (or country? Do you ever eat there? Read the restaurant card, menu and review. Complete the information in the table. Restaurant name ‘Address ‘Type of food / Typical dishes Days/times open ‘Words to describe food/atmosphere Read the description of Giuseppe’s restaurant in an ‘email from Marco to his friend Danny. Complete the gaps with information from exercise 1b. Think of a place to eat that you know. Make notes using the ideas in exercise 1b. Write 80-100 words about the restaurant. Use the description in exercise 2 to help you. (GIUSEPPE'S - CARDIFF'S FAMOUS ITALIAN RESTAURANT 15 Market Street, Cardiff Cardi’ oldes lian restaurant! Weare famous fr our delicious walian food and lively atmosphere. (Ovmer: Giuseppe Mazzi Opening hours: 12-2, 610,30 (closed Sunday, Monday) ‘ANY PIZZA OR PASTA, Pizza Margherita tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese £8.95 Pizza Napoli tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, anchovies Pizza Four Seasons tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, mushrooms, olives sessmpesse =the restaurants quite small {there are only 12 tables). But it always busy and the service is very friendly and efficient. Ths a good place to go for a good cheap meal with friends Pasta Spaghetti Bolognese Hi Dani ‘You want recommendations about where the name of my favourite place 1 Itsin 2 near the city centre eat near (On the menu, you can find typical? food there are many types of pizza and pasta. [tS not very expensive: a Pizza Margherita costs only 4 ‘The restaurant is always © | offen go there with some of my friends and we like it because the service is « and ‘and there isa very atmosphere »__days a week, from ®. \eand from * inthe ev Tryit | hope you like it! Marco Small Medium Large 210 170) £1.90 Americano £160 £180 2.00 Muffins all £1.50 lu banana) Speaking 4 Workin pais. Student cou ae the erverina é 5 café. Student B: You are the customer. Use the menu Ordering food and drink from exercise1 and the ideas below to prepare and practise a conversation. Remember to be friendly. 1 Look at the menu and answer the questions. 1 How many sizes of cappuccino can you get? eta Student B 2 How many flavours of muffin can you get? 2 Watch the video and answer the questions. Cr cra 1. What does customer A order? How much does =a it cost? 2 What does customer B order? How much does | wees? = = = Bs complete the phrases with one word only “3 =a 1 Hello, I'd a coffee, please. a youth cappuccino? 3 Anything ? <4 4 have one of those, please? ts J 5 Eat __ortateaway? PS civte mons. | 6 58595, please a 7 What you like? zd esol, —— plage 9 you. 10 Youre eee Sit © Watch and listen to the key phrases and check your answers. Ask and answer questions about food (using there s/ pee nate a) Write a short description of a café or restaurant 1. Watch and listen again to the key phrases. Do they sound es 7 nahi polite and friendly? Order food and drink ina café or restaurant. 2 Practise saying ther, using polite friendly intonation. thereis and there are; some and any ‘1 Countable and uncountable nouns Countable nouns ‘Uncountable nouns | eags - mil | apples butter | books money | | dogs music | + We can use countable nouns inthe singular or plural. Have you gota cat? Do you like cats? + Uncountable nouns donot havea plural o,youlike classical music? NOT Do you tke classical musics? Note: A dictionary usually says if @ noun is countable or uncountable. REMEMBER! Bread, toast, cake, milk, frutjuice, water, coffe and tea are al Uncountable nouns, but we can tlk about: + apiece of bread/toast/cake. + alglass of ik frit juice / water, + acup of coffee/tea. ‘We can also talk about a coffee (= a cup of coffee) and two teas. * We usually use any or no in negatives with plural and uncountable nouns, ‘haven't got any money. (= I've got no money.) There aren’tany emails (= There are no emails) There sn‘tany time. (= There's no time) + We usually use any in questions with plural and ‘uncountable nouns. Have yougotany brothers or sisters? ‘Are thereany buses at night? ‘Is there any meat in this soup? + Thewsanaple | THCHE30me | Te gstsone LIE eae sm [TT Thavent got” | Wehavent got” | There ire any [2 | about | ayy sen > | thee cinema. | are there any 7 het REMEMBER! ‘With plural and uncountable nouns * we can also use some in these questions: Would you like some cheese/coffee/grapes? = ave yougot some grapes / mineral water? + we usually use some in this question: (two cups of tea). Can | have some wine/cae/orenges? 2 there is and there are . 0 [practice 7 : Tel ite sentences about your town ssn thereisrthere ae There are sc plates Thre ace restaurants i | Ther ent ary caps 1 sion. Is there a glass of orange Are there any. | 3 trams. l glasses? | 4 university. ah s cinemas. pei 1G beaches Yes, there are ereisnt. | Novthere arent, | 2 Write questions and shor answers using the prompts, restaurants in your town 3 some and any ‘Ave there any restaurants in your town? No, there aren't. some 1 water in that bottle + We use some in positive sentences when we don't say exactly z how many or how much. Ye, lnc roes 2 beaches in your town ‘There's some soup and bread for lunch. ui + some = smal number /@ small amount No, ane anal aut 2: ihn he Fdge someonions _alotofonions ee 7 somemoney _alotefmoney EC 2 BF | ~~ 3 Complete the sentences with some or any ‘Ace there any Mexican students in your class? 1 Téltke water plese. 2 havent got brother or sisters. F000: COUNTABLE NOUNS 3 fe go era from my ste pl 4. I'm sorry but there isn't. milk. a banana 5 Are there. ilms on TV tonight? biscuit 6 There are people outside. onees 7 Weaver got_---oranges - - 8 isthe bead? 000; UNCOUNTARE NOUNS bre m5 STUDY 2 aie, how much and how many F000; woRD Pans + Weuse how many with countable plural nuns, bred and bute How many brothers chienloranges have yo 8? fh and cis How many cakes does Paul eat every day? food and drink + We use how much with uncountable nouns. {fruit and vegetables ‘How much rice/milk/money have we got? (hart and spienn, How much coffe does lena dink ever wek? omen REMEMBER! ee We use how much oak about prices rrr How muchisihs/that? safuey How much are they/thesethose? teat fonheay ‘ttow much doesttcot? Rieger Bise10 an doh ‘AHow much dothey cost? save Be They £50, [practice IP 1 Choose the correct answers. 11 How many / much brothers and sisters have you got? How many / much students is / are there in your class? How many / much money have you got with you today? How many / much languages can you speak? How many / much football do you watch on TV every week? How many / much homework /are there today? eM ee) 2 pope a sandich tomato clive ait orange juice salad water eile and fork salt and pepper sweet and sour tea and coffee ‘pei (basket) receipt 2 side ih smalVinedunarge (fe) a sack : a typical dich vegetarian food) _. 1 Add letters to complete the food words. 2 Make food pairs using the words in the box. Make sure ‘you weite them in the correct order. 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Grange juice are chicken’ is plates many much there dink tea herbs 1 How forks have we got? aeaieaaaia 2 How many do we need? s 3 How soup woul you tke? ae 4 How much ice there? F 5 Howmuch can you eat? a 6 How many people here today? = 7 How anh, do you want? % 8. How much sugars inthis cake? = 8 ‘vegetables fish pepper coffee sour knife bread food sweet salt fork spices frit chips butter

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