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 Review Questions

1. After reading the text, what is your definition of family? What is family composition?

My definition of a family is people who love each other a lot and can be tied my marriage or
blood. Family composition is who a family is made out of.

2. Explain the term cultural bias. What is an example of cultural bias as it relates to parenting?

Cultural bias is the interpretation or judgment of practices by the standards of one's own culture

3. Explain the term stereotype. What is an example of stereotype as it relates to parenting?

Stereotypes are assumed beliefs about a group of people. People can assume that parents act a
certain way or do certain things because of stereotypes of their race or culture.

4. Explain the term prejudice. What is an example of prejudice as it relates to parenting?

Prejudice is a preconceived notion about a group. Prejudice oppresses minority groups in

housing or jobs and makes it more difficult to be a good parent as it affects their whole life.

5. Compare and contrast nuclear and extended families.

Nuclear families are two parents and the child/children while extended families can include
grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins.

Critical Thinking Questions

6. Imagine you and your family just moved to a new country. What are some ways you can
assimilate into a new culture?

Adapting to changes and showing confidene.

7. Describe some problems families face with stereotypes and prejudices.

Finding housing or jobs to be able to sustain themselves

8. Describe a time you or someone you know faced a stereotype or prejudice.

I have experienced prejudice when someone assumed because im latino my family are
undocumented immigrants.

9. Adversity affects today’s families, just as the Black Death affected families from earlier times.
What kinds of adverse challenges do today’s families face and how can they manage the

Many families face having to assimilate to a new culture because of immigration. They can
manage this situation by maintaining their culture and changing what they need to change when
they need to.

10. What has caused today’s families to be more diverse? How are the lifestyles of the families of
today different from those of the past?
In the past families face different challenges than todays parents, infant mortality rate is a lot
lower in some parts of the world. Families being more diverse today is caused by increased
divorce rate.

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