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A Simulation Model

for Malt Enzyme Activities in Kilning

Jari J. Hämäläinen 1,3 and Pekka Reinikainen 2

ABSTRACT et al.17. In addition to dehydration, kilning results in the

formation of malt colour and flavour compounds, and the
J. Inst. Brew. 113(2), 159–167, 2007
inactivation of malt enzymes, the extent of which is de-
The drying and survival of enzyme activities during the kilning pendent on the temperatures used during kilning.
of malt were modelled. A set of experiments at the micro- Mathematical models for drying in malt kilning have
malting scale was carried out for model identification and vali-
been previously developed by Bala and Woods 2, Kuntze
dation. The dynamic models predict the effects of the kilning
programme, i.e. the temperature profile on grain moisture, ac- and Saxén 9 and López et al.11 In addition, Coonce et al.3
tivities of ␤-glucanase, ␣-amylase and limit-dextrinase, and and Hämäläinen et al.6 have reported initial trials of mod-
diastatic power during kilning. The process behaviour was ana- elling biochemical phenomena during barley malt kilning.
lysed by simulations. The predictions match the malting experi- Coonce et al.3 used a simple zero order model with an
ence well. The models increase the general understanding of Arrhenius type temperature dependence for the formation
enzyme inactivation and can be used in planning the kilning of colour. A first order kinetic model was selected for the
programme. inactivation of ␤-glucanase in which the moisture was
Key words: ␣-amylase, ␤-glucanase, diastatic power, kilning of assumed to affect both the activation energy and the fre-
malt, limit-dextrinase, mathematical model. quency factor. Only one figure of the results for the latter
model was shown and the authors concluded that the
INTRODUCTION model was not satisfactory. Hämäläinen et al.6 shortly
described a model for lipoxygenase activity.
In malting, barley seeds are germinated in a controlled The present article focuses on modelling and simula-
way to modify the kernels suitable for further processing tion of the effect of the kilning programme on malt prop-
in breweries. Malting consists of three major phases: erties important for amylolysis and glucanolysis in the
steeping, germination and kilning. Germination is a cru- mashing process. Dynamic models for the drying of ker-
cial process where most of the targeted changes, such as nels and the survival of starch hydrolysing activities of ␣-
malt modification and the synthesis of enzymes, take amylase, diastatic power and limit-dextrinase as well as
place. When the germination of kernels has reached a de- ␤-glucan hydrolysing ␤-glucanase were developed. The
sired stage, germination is terminated by the controlled paper completes a series of authors’ previous articles fo-
drying of the seeds, or in other words, kilning the green cusing on modelling and simulation of the malting pro-
malt by blowing hot air through the grain bed. The kilning cess 4–6,10.
of green malt, which has moisture of over 40% (wet basis)
is started at a temperature of ca. 50°C. It is raised gradu-
ally and finally the curing and the ‘kilned off’ temperature MATERIALS AND METHODS
of 80–85°C is reached for lager malt, normally used in
breweries. This results in relatively low grain moistures of Experiments and analytical methods
4–5%. Traditional ale malts may have a ‘kilned off’ tem- The malting barley Kustaa (crops 1992 and 1994) was
perature of 100–110°C and, on the other hand, for malts steeped and germinated under constant malting condi-
aiming at high enzyme activity, a curing temperature of tions. Kilning trials with a total time of 22 h were carried
only 65°C can be used 15. During the first hours of kilning, out at micro-malting scale using different programmes
when there is still free water in the kernels and tempera- according to an experimental plan. It consisted of drying
ture is below the inactivation temperature of the malt en- at constant temperatures of 40, 50, 55, 60 and 65°C,
zymes, modification continues and seeds may even show and programmes having initial kilning temperatures of
increased biological activity as described by Reinikainen between 40 and 55°C, and curing temperatures of be-
tween 78 and 90°C (Table I). Green malt and early kilning
1 VTT,
samples were freeze-dried and stored at room tempera-
Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1000, FIN-
02044 VTT, Finland.
ture before analysing. Sample moisture, ␣-amylase and
2 Viking Malt, LP Research Centre Ltd., P.O. Box 22, FIN-15141 diastatic power were determined as described in Ana-
Lahti, Finland. lytica-EBC 1. Limit-dextrinase was analysed as described
3 Corresponding author. E-mail: in instruction13, and ␤-glucanase activity according to
McCleary and Shameer 12. Crop 1994 was used in experi-
Publication no. G-2007-0726-496 ments 10–13; these were only used for drying model iden-
© 2007 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling tification.

VOL. 113, NO. 2, 2007 159

On the development of the dynamic models The moisture transfer rate from the inner to the outer
A model for grain drying was based on physical princi- seed part is assumed to be proportional to the moisture
difference with parameter d and the proportion of the seed
ples and the results of the earlier published models. The
goal was a model with the simplest structure that still de- inner dry mass to the outer dry mass described by m12 (see
scribes the effects of the kilning programme on the aver- also Holmberg et al.4 ). The moisture transfer rate from the
outer part to the drying air flowing through layer j is cor-
age grain moisture in the bed with sufficient accuracy.
The structures of the models for the activities of ␤-glu- respondingly assumed to be proportional to the difference
canase, ␣-amylase, diastatic power and limit-dextrinase between x2, j and xeq, j with parameter s and the so-called
humidity-potential coefficient ⌽ defined by Keey 8. Since
were based on biochemical knowledge and the data ob-
tained from the experiments. The models can be classified drying takes place in transient conditions and not in a
as so-called grey box models with certain predetermined steady state, ⌽(x2, j (t), xeq, j (t)) is actually a function that is
close to the value of 1 in very mild drying conditions
structures, but several free parameters that were estimated
by fitting the models to experimental data. The final when the vapour flux is proportional to the humidity po-
model structures are presented with the explanation of the tential. Since the air inside the bed can be assumed to be
very humid at least at the beginning of kilning, the so-
assumptions made in the identification phase. The goal of
each model was to describe the effect of the kilning pro- called zero-flux limit approximation is made, i.e.,
gramme on enzyme inactivation in order to make it pos- D
sible to analyse the thermostabilities of the enzymes by Φ( x 2, j (t ), x eq, j (t )) = (2)
D + x 2 , j (t )
where D denotes the molar mass ratio of water and dry
A model for drying
gas (D = 0.62197; for details of the approximation, see
In order to describe the effect of grain moisture on the Keey 8 ).
enzyme activities, drying needs to be modelled. In this xeq, j (t) is assumed to depend on Tj (t) and rhj (t) by the
section, a model is formulated that describes the effect of relationship
drying temperature on grain moisture during kilning.
The grain bed is divided into N layers in a vertical di- x eq , j (t ) = a1 − a 2 ln T j (t ) − a3 ln(1 − rh j (t )) (3)
rection with equal dry masses. Layers are indexed by j developed by Nellist 14 and also analysed by Bala and
(j = 1, ... ,N) such that j = 1 denotes the bottom layer. The Woods 2. The parameters a1 , a2 , and a3 are estimated by
drying temperature refers to the temperature T1 (t ) of the
fitting the model to experimental data.
drying air incoming to the bottom layer. The humidity of the drying air increases and its tem-
The equations perature decreases as water is transferred from grains into
x&1, j (t ) = −d ( x1, j (t ) − x 2, j (t )) the air. The change in air humidity is obtained from the
(1) mass balance for H2O and described by
x& 2, j (t ) = dm12 ( x1, j (t ) − x 2, j (t ))
Y j +1 (t ) = Y j (t ) − m f x& j (t ) (4)
− sΦ( x 2, j (t ), x eq, j (t ))( x 2, j (t ) − x eq, j (t ))
where Yj (t) is the humidity of the air incoming to layer j
describe the drying of single seeds in the jth layer at time (g H2O /g dry air) and mf denotes the proportion of the dry
t. In (1) x1, j (t) denotes the moisture content (dry basis, g mass of grain (kg) in one layer to the dry air flow (kg/s).
H2O /g dry grain) in the inner and x2, j (t) in the outer part The average grain moisture in layer j is
of the seed, respectively. xeq, j (t) denotes the equilibrium m12 x1, j (t ) + x2, j (t )
moisture content corresponding to the temperature Tj (t) x j (t ) = (5)
(in K) and the relative humidity of the drying air rhj (t) (in 1 + m12
decimal) in layer j. The heat balance is approximated by assuming that the
heat loss of the drying air between layers j and j + 1
Table I. The kilning experiments. equals the heat required for evaporation. Thus, the change
Experiment Kilning programme (hours, °C)
in air temperature between layers j and j + 1 is obtained
1 4 h 48°C + 14 h 60°C + 4 h 84°C
2 3 h 40°C + 3 h 47°C + 3 h 54°C + 3 h 61°C + 3 h 68°C c a + c v Y j (t ) ΔH j (t )
+ 3 h 75°C + 3 h 82 + 1 h 90°C T j +1 (t ) = T j (t ) − m f x& j (t ) (6)
3 22 h 40°C c a + c vY j +1 (t ) c a + c v Y j +1 ( t )
4 4 h 55°C + 14 h 62°C + 4 h 90°C
5 4 h 40°C + 1 h 44°C + 1 h 48°C + 1 h 52°C + 1 h 55°C where the first and second terms on the right hand side are
+ 10 h 58°C + 4 h 81°C due to heat flow incoming to layer j and heat of evapora-
6 4 h 55°C + 11 h 58°C + 1 h 63°C + 1 h 68°C + 1 h 73°C tion, respectively. ⌬Hj (t) (in kJ /kg) is the specific vapour-
+ 1 h 78°C + 1 h 84°C + 2 h 90°C
7 6 h 55°C + 10 h 60°C + 6 h 84°C
isation enthalpy of hygroscopic malt given by Tuerlinckx
8 4 h 52°C + 14 h 60°C + 4 h 78°C and Goedseels 19 and also used by Kuntze and Saxén 9 in
9 4 h 43°C + 14 h 60 + 4 h 90°C the simulation of deep-bed kilning of malt
10 22 h 50°C −17.4 x j ( t )
11 22 h 55°C ΔH j (t ) = (2501 − 2.42(T j (t ) − 273.1))(1 + 0.572e )
12 22 h 60°C
13 22 h 65°C (7)


The coefficients ca (= 1.00 kJ /K · kg dry air) and cv (= 1.91 depends on the temperature according to an Arrhenius
kJ /K · kg H2O) refer to the heat capacities of dry air and type relationship.
vapour, respectively.
The dependence of the saturation partial pressure of A model for diastatic power
the moisture vapour p̂j (t) (in kPa) on the temperature was The diastatic power during kilning was described by
described by the equation given by Kuntze and Saxén 9 the model
11.78 (T j ( t ) − 273.1− 99.64 )
δ& (t ) = s δ (δ(t ), T1 (t ), xT (t )) − k δ (T1 (t ))δ(t ) (13)
T j ( t ) − 273.1+ 230.0
pˆ j (t ) = 100 e (8)
that accurately enough matched the data given by Keey 8 ⎛ δ(t ) ⎞
at 100 kPa atmospheric pressure (Appendix A8 ). The rela- s δ (δ(t ), T1 (t ), xT (t )) = rδT1 (t )( xT (t ) − x δ )⎜⎜1 − ⎟
tive humidity at 100 kPa is then ⎝ K δ ⎟⎠

100 Y j (t ) when xT (t) ≥ x␦ (⬅ 0 otherwise) and

rh j (t ) = (9) − Eδ
pˆ j (t )( D + Y j (t ))
k δ (T1 (t )) = k0 e RT1 ( t )

The average moisture in the bed at time t is

␦(t) is the diastatic power at time t, k0␦ is the frequency
1 N factor for inactivation (1/min), and E␦ is the activation
xT ( t ) = ∑ x j ( t ) (10) energy (J /mol). In (13) the diastatic power is assumed to
N j =1
increase at the beginning of kilning when the moisture is
It should be noted that in (6) it was assumed that the over x␦ and ␦(t) is less than K␦ . The rate of increase is as-
effects of the heating of the grains due to convection and sumed to be proportional to the drying temperature and
radiation from the dryer structures and also the heat gen- grain moisture and it slows down when ␦(t) approaches
erated in the grain are negligible when compared to heat K␦ . The inactivation due to the second term in (13) is
of evaporation and heat transfer with moist air. assumed to mainly take place due to the inactivation of
A model for ␤-glucanase activity
A model for limit-dextrinase activity
The ␤-glucanase activity during kilning was described
by the model The limit-dextrinase activity during kilning was de-
scribed by the model
β& (t ) = − k β(T1 (t )) xT (t )β(t ) (11)
λ& (t ) = s λ (λ(t ), xT (t )) − k λ (T1 (t ))λ(t ) (14)
− Eβ

k β(T1 (t )) = k0β e RT1 ( t ) ⎛ λ( t ) ⎞

s λ (λ(t ), xT (t )) = rλ ⎜⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ K λ ⎟⎠
␤(t) is the ␤-glucanase activity at time t, T1(t) is the tem-
perature of the drying air in the bottom layer of the bed when xT (t) ≥ x␭ (⬅ 0 otherwise) and
(in K), xT (t) is the average grain moisture in the bed (dry − Eλ
basis, g H2O /g dry grain) predicted by the drying model, k λ (T1 (t )) = k 0λ e RT1 ( t )
k0␤ is the frequency factor for inactivation (1/min), E␤ is
the activation energy (J /mol), and R is the gas constant ␭(t) is the limit-dextrinase activity at time t, k0␭ is the fre-
(= 8.3143 J /mol · K). The inactivation rate is thus assumed quency factor for inactivation (1/min), and E␭ is the acti-
to be proportional to grain moisture, instantaneous ␤-glu- vation energy (J /mol). In (14) ␭(t) is assumed to increase
canase activity and depends on the temperature according at the beginning of kilning when the moisture is over x␭
to an Arrhenius type relationship. and ␭(t) is less than K␭ . The rate of increase is assumed to
slow down when ␭(t) approaches K␭ .
A model for ␣-amylase activity
Parameter estimation
The ␣-amylase activity during kilning was described
by the model For the drying model, the set consisting of experiments
1–6, 9, 10, 12, and 13 was initially used for model identi-
α& (t ) = −k (T1 (t ))α(t ) (12) fication (see Table I). The values of the parameters p were
estimated such that the Residual Mean Square Error
where (RMSE)
− Eα

k α (T1 (t )) = k 0α e RT1 ( t ) 1
RMSE = ∑i =1i ( xT (t i ) − xˆ T (t i ; p))2
␣(t) is the ␣-amylase activity at time t, k is the frequency ␣
factor for inactivation (1/min), and E␣ is the activation over the set was minimised. In (15) x̂T refers to the mea-
energy (J /mol). The inactivation rate is thus assumed to sured average grain moisture, i to the ith measurement,
be proportional to instantaneous ␣-amylase activity and and Mi to the number of measurements in an experiment.

VOL. 113, NO. 2, 2007 161

The models were validated using the independent data set then estimated by the least squares method: d, s, a1 , a2 , a3 ,
consisting of experiments 7, 8, and 11. After discovering and mf . mf was also estimated since the dry air flow could
the model structure, the parameters were estimated again not be measured reliably in the experimental conditions.
using data from all experiments 1–13. In the ␤-glucanase model structure identification phase,
In the model structure identification phase, three layers the data from experiments 1–4 and 8–9 were used for pa-
(i.e., N = 3) were chosen in order to keep the model as rameter estimation and experiments 5–7 were left inde-
simple as possible. The compartments in the seed were pendent for validation. The method was analogous to the
also assumed to be of equal size (i.e., m12 = 1). The aver- one described above and RMSE describing the deviation
age temperature of the drying air before heating was 24°C between the predicted and measured ␤-glucanase activi-
and the relative humidity was 41%. Thus moisture content ties was minimised. After the model structure shown in
was Y1(t) ⬅ 0.0077 (kg/kg dry air) and was assumed to (11) was found to be adequate, the data from all experi-
remain constant in all of the experiments. The drying tem- ments 1–9 were used to estimate the best values for the
perature T1 (t ) given as the input was set according to parameters (k␤ and E␤). Measured grain moisture was
Table 1. The values for the following parameters were used for model identification.

Fig. 1. Simulated and measured malt moisture and drying tem- Fig. 2. Simulated and measured ␤-glucanase activity for experi-
perature T1(t) for experiments 1 (A), 5 (B), and 9 (C). ments 1 (A), 5 (B), and 9 (C).


The structures of the models for ␣-amylase activity, Fig. 1 shows the measured and predicted moisture for
diastatic power, and limit-dextrinase activity were identi- experiments 1, 5 and 9. Malt drying is predicted quite
fied in an analogous way as above. After the model struc- accurately, RMSE for experiments 1–9 being 1.85 (% wet
tures were found to be adequate, the data from all experi- basis).
ments 1–9 were used to estimate the best values for the
parameters. ␤-Glucanase model identification
According to the experimental and model identification
results, the inactivation rate of ␤-glucanase depends on
RESULTS both the temperature and the moisture. The following pa-
rameter values were obtained when experiments 1–9 were
Drying model identification included in the estimation set: k0␤ = 3.089 · 108 1/min and E␤
The following parameter values were obtained when = 7.248 · 104 J/mol.
all experiments (1–13) were included in the estimation The inactivation of ␤-glucanase already starts at the be-
set: d = 2.0 1/s, s = 0.8886 1/s, a1 = 2.172, a2 = 0.4725, a3 ginning of kilning at a relatively low temperature and high
= 1.219, and mf = 0.06382 s. moisture (Fig. 2). The predicted ␤-glucanase activity level

Fig. 3. Simulated and measured ␣-amylase activity for experi- Fig. 4. Simulated and measured diastatic power for experiments
ments 1 (A), 5 (B), and 9 (C). 1 (A), 5 (B), and 9 (C).

VOL. 113, NO. 2, 2007 163

depends on the initial value that is based on a single mea- Diastatic power model identification
surement. The prediction for experiment 1 would be even According to the measurements and the model identifi-
better if the initial value was slightly decreased (Fig. 2a).
cation results, diastatic power slightly increased during
When the moisture was predicted by the drying model, the first hours of kilning and then decreased due to an
RMSE for ␤-glucanase predictions (experiments 1–9) was increase in temperature (Fig. 4). The following parameter
29.8 (BGU /100 g dm).
values were obtained (experiments 1–9): k0␦ = 4.8037 ·
␣-Amylase model identification 1012 1/min, E␦ = 9.5056 · 104 J /mol, r␦ = 5.0361 · 10–2 (in
decimal), K␦ = 470.0 WK /100 g dm, and x␦ = 40.0 (% dry
The following parameter values were obtained (experi-
basis). RMSE was 19.6 (WK/100 g dm).
ments 1–9): k0␣ = 5.7654 · 109 1/min and E␣ = 7.8913 · 104
J /mol. RMSE was 3.1 (DU /g dm).
In the kilning experiments, ␣-amylase was more Limit-dextrinase model identification
thermostable than ␤-glucanase, a fact that is also well As with the diastatic power, limit-dextrinase activity
described in brewing literature (Fig. 3). also slightly increased during the first hours of kilning and
then decreased due to an increase in temperature (Fig. 5).
A similar increase in activity during the early phases of
kilning has been reported earlier 16. The following parame-
ter values were obtained (experiments 1–9): k0␭ = 1.6554 ·
1020 1/min, E␭ = 1.4516 · 105 J /mol, r␭ = 6.4693 (in deci-
mal), K␭ = 93.963 RPU /100 g dm, and x␭ = 40.0 (% dry
basis). RMSE was 5.6 (RPU /100g dm).

The model identification results above show that the
prediction errors for the analysed variables are in the or-
der of 5–10% during kilning. By taking the variability
into account during the process and in the analysis meth-
ods, the predictions should be accurate enough to simulate
the effects of changes in the kilning programme on the
enzyme activities.
The thermostabilities of the enzymes were analysed by
varying the curing temperature during the last four hours
of kilning (Fig. 6). In the case of an 80°C curing tempera-
ture, the ␤-glucanase activity of green malt was reduced
by 43%, ␣-amylase activity by 4%, diastatic power by
15%, and limit-dextrinase activity by 25%. The results
match well with the earlier reported findings. According
to Sissons et al.18 almost similar curing conditions in malt
kilning reduced the ␤-glucanase activity of green malt by
44% and limit-dextrinase activity by 24%. According to
the simulation, increasing the curing temperature from
80°C to 90°C still causes a 10% reduction in the final
␤-glucanase activity, 5% reduction in ␣-amylase activity,
21% reduction in diastatic power, and 47% reduction in
limit-dextrinase activity (Fig. 6).
The effects of drying temperature T1(t) on the relative
enzyme inactivation rates k␤(T1(t))xT (t), k␣(T1(t)), k␦(T1(t)),
and k␭(T1(t)) are shown in Fig. 7 (see (11)–(14)). For ␤-
glucanase, the effect of grain moisture xT (t) was also ana-
lysed (moisture on a wet basis in Fig. 7b).
For temperatures higher than 75°C, the relative inacti-
vation rates of starch hydrolysing enzymes are in decreas-
ing order: limit-dextrinase, diastatic power, and ␣-amy-
lase (Fig. 7a). Such a high temperature is normally only
applied during the last hours of kilning when the grain
moisture is already under 10%. Then the relative inactiva-
tion rate of ␤-glucanase is between that of ␣-amylase and
limit-dextrinase (Fig. 7b). However, at higher moistures
␤-glucanase is inactivated faster than the starch hydrolys-
Fig. 5. Simulated and measured limit-dextrinase activity for ex- ing enzymes, a fact that is well known, for instance under
periments 1 (A), 5 (B), and 9 (C). mashing conditions (for example see Hämäläinen et al.7 ).


Fig. 6. Simulated ␤-glucanase activity, ␣-amylase activity, diastatic power, and limit-dextrinase activity for three
drying temperatures T1 (t ) (A). Note the time scales in (B)–(E).

DISCUSSION thermostable. During the last hours of kilning, when the

moisture is below 10% (wet basis), ␤-glucanase is less
The models describing the drying of kernels and the thermostable than ␣-amylase but seems to be slightly
activities of ␣-amylase, diastatic power, limit-dextrinase, more thermostable than diastatic power. By taking into
and ␤-glucanase increase the general understanding of the account the analysis method of diastatic power, it seems
inactivation of the enzymes and may help in planning the that ␤-glucanase is more thermostable than ␤-amylase
kilning programme. Although each model was identified during the last hours of kilning. However, with higher
for a single barley variety, the same model structures with moistures at the beginning and middle of kilning, ␤-gluca-
different parameter values should work, or are at least nase is inactivated faster than the starch hydrolysing en-
good candidates, for other varieties as well. On a qualita- zymes.
tive level, the predictions for the effects of changes in the The drying process in malting is important for energy
kilning temperature correspond well to the malting experi- economy and has been considered in many papers 2,3,9,11,19.
ence and the literature. From the models, different factors In the present work, drying was described by a model that
can be analysed separately and thus these simulations predicts the effect of kilning temperature on grain mois-
deepen our knowledge of process behaviour. ture with sufficient accuracy at the micro-malting scale,
According to the results, only the inactivation of ␤-glu- but, on the other hand, was as simple as possible. A three-
canase substantially depends on moisture in the kilning layer-bed-model with separate treatment of the inner and
conditions generally practiced in maltings. The relative outer parts of the kernels was found to be suitable. An-
inactivation rate of limit-dextrinase is higher than that of other simplification was that the average bed moisture
diastatic power and ␣-amylase. ␣-Amylase is the most was used in describing the effect of moisture in the en-

VOL. 113, NO. 2, 2007 165

zyme activity models. Thus it was possible to identify the developed and many of them have already been pub-
enzyme activity models separately by using the measured lished 4–6,10. The biochemical analyses are laborious and
average grain moisture. The previous papers referred to thus only a limited number of repeated analyses were pos-
above suggest that in full scale malt house conditions, sible in practice. Based on the modelling results, it can be
more layers should be included in the model (that is a concluded that repeated analyses would be important to
straightforward generalisation). When the moisture differ- increase the reliability of the initial states of the models,
ences in the bed are big, the moisture and the temperature i.e., the measurements at the beginning of each malting
in the enzyme activity models should also be different in stage should be sufficiently repeated. Moreover, the gen-
different layers. In order to make the separate identifica- erality of the suggested model structures would require
tion of the models possible, the same temperature, i.e., the experiments and model validation with other malting bar-
temperature of the incoming air, in the enzyme activity ley varieties and crops.
models was also used. For a more detailed estimation of Simulation can be defined as an experiment using a
the parameters of the enzyme activity models, one should model. When a mathematical model describing the se-
thus either measure the moisture and the temperature in lected relationships has been constructed, the simulations
several layers or predict them with a detailed drying model. give the answers immediately without laborious and ex-
In model identification, it was observed that the in- pensive experiments. On the other hand, the modelling
crease of diastatic power and limit-dextrinase activity process itself reveals the limits of our knowledge of the
took place only at the beginning of kilning at grain mois- system and often suggests additional experiments.
ture over 40.0% (wet basis). This matches the moisture
level below which there was no free water in the kernels, REFERENCES
as discussed in the previous study on germination 10.
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