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​ ​Grades: 1-3​ ​ Week: 4

Below are the suggested Daily Physical Activities that your child can do over the course of the week along with some links
to guided lessons. 30 mins of Daily Physical Activity is recommended. Stay active and have fun!

Activity 1:​ Activité d’échauffement ​(Warm up activity) Activity 2:​ Waddle Races
Curricular Focus:​ Functional Fitness Curricular Focus:​ Locomotor skills

Suggested time:​ 5-7 mins Suggested time:

Materials:​ None Materials:​ Two baskets ​(paniers)​, one sock ball

Description:​ ​This activity will serve as the daily warm up activity Description:​ Start with your warm up ​(échauffement)
(échauffement) ​this week. You may choose from one of the two links activity 1.
each day. No tech? No problem! Just complete the exercises below Game play:​ Place the two baskets approximately 5m apart
for 40 secs with a 20 sec break in between.
from each other. Begin at one of the baskets. Try to score
1.) March on the spot​ with high knees ​(genoux) laps by placing the sock ball between your knees and
2.) Mummy kicks:​ arms straight in front, kick each leg straight out waddling your way to drop the sock ball in the basket
in front to a rhythm across from you without using your hands. If you drop it,
3.) Front squats: ​making directional ¼ turn for each squat you may pick it up and continue or return to the basket
4.) Shadow boxing:​ punching in the air: a) jab punches b) upper-
(your choice of play). See how many baskets you can
cut punches c) hook punches (twist) d) punch to sky
5.) Sprinter or scissor steps:​ scissor steps with feet to a rhythm score in one minute. Race against a family member. Play
as a family! Time yourself and try to beat your time!

Link:​ ​Open Phys Ed: Waddle Races

Link:​ ​5-a-day fitness: Disco en francais

​P.E. with Joe: 5 min move

Activity 3:​ Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventures! Activity 4:​ Gross motor skills for home
Curricular Focus:​ Non-locomotor skills, Well-Being Curricular Focus:​ Gross motor skills

Suggested time:​ 20-30 mins Suggested time:​ 30 min ​(including warm up)

Materials:​ None Materials:​ floor tape or simply use string or line on tile
floor, stickers/sticky notes, various small soft objects
Description:​ Choose one of the three links below and go :
on a Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! No tech? No problem! Description: ​ ​Start with warm-up ​(échauffement)​ from
Refer to the yoga pose guide supplied to you in past week Activity 1.
lessons and complete a 20-30 min yoga session. Follow the link to complete the different gross motor skills. . No tech?
No problem! Create a line on the floor aprox 5m long and complete the
following movements
Link:​ ​Cosmic kids yoga adventure:Pokemon 1.)​Walking forwards: ​like on a tight-rope
2.)​Walking backwards:
​Cosmic kids yoga adventure: Minecraft 3.)​Walking sideways:​ cross overs
4.)​On tip-toes:
5.)​Ski jumps:​ from side to side over line
​Cosmic kids yoga adventure: Moana
6.)​Sticker squats:​ squat to stick stickers on line, step forward, squat to
stick next and repeat along the entire line
7.)​Jumping forward and backwards over line
8.)​Jumping over small objects along the line
9.)​Squat walk along line:​ to pick up objects
10)​Giant steps:​ taking giant steps
11.)​Long jumps:​ leaping along the line

Link:​ ​15 Gross motor skills for home

Activity 5:​ 10 locomotor games Bonus Activity:​ Mr. Allison’s “The Floor Is Lava”
Curricular Focus:​ locomotor, non-locomotor skills
Curricular Focus:​ Locomotor, Non-locomotor skills
Suggested time:​ 30 mins ​(including warm-up ​échauffement​)
Suggested time:​ 30 mins
Materials:​ ​2 different colored hand sized soft objects
2 hand towels or tea towels or T-shirts Materials:​ various household items

Description:​ ​This activity challenge ​(défi)​ comes courtesy from Mr.

Description:​ ​Start with warm-up ​(échauffement)​ from activity 1 Allison, a teacher at Alexander Forbes. The goal of this challenge is to
imagine that the floor is lava and to create an obstacle course in your
The link below offers you a collection of 10 simple partner games that home. You must try to travel and maneuver through your created
will support your child’s locomotor and non-locomotor skills. Choose 2
obstacle course​ ​without touching the floor (a little like “Mission
or 3 from the collection and try them out. Try to spend 5 mins or
Impossible” we did in our gymnastics unit). ​Remember to ask your
more on each. No tech? No problem! Here is a description of a few
parent’s permission for household items and props you will have
of the games.
as part of your mission and also for their approval on the safety
Game 1
of your design. Remember that if you are doing this with older or
Partner will stand face to face. Place the two colored objects
younger siblings, to have challenges that are challenging but
approximately 2m to the left and the other 2m to the right. A third
appropriate and safe for each participant’s skill level. ​The link
person is the caller. The caller will call out a color. On the signal, the
below demonstrates an example of “The Floor Is Lava” Challenge Mr.
two players must quickly touch the color object called.
Allison did with his girls. Hopefully it will inspire you to be creative with
Modification: Play the same game but players are in push-up position
yours. Remember! Ask for your parent’s permission, be safe and have
with the colored objects in between them within reach.
Game 2
One player stands holding an object straight out in front of them. The
other player stands facing their partner jogging in place. The partner Link:
with the object will call out a signal then drop the object. The other https://youtu.b
player must catch the object before it hits the floor to score a point. PP3U
Game 3
Decide on a small play zone approximately 4m x 4m. Each player will
tuck a hand towel or tea towel or T-shirt in their waste-band of their
pants (like a tail). On signal, each player tries to grab/swipe/steal the
other player’s tail to score a point.
Link:​ ​10 jeux locomotrice en famille

Additional Activities without Technology:

1. Go for a 5 minute marathon power walk inside or outside, add in skipping, lunging, squats, ABC’s during the time frame to bring
variety & break up the boredom
2. Quietly do stairs in your home, apartment or, noisily do stairs outdoors
3. Go for a walk with your family, take your pet dog or cat if you have one
4. Tapeball Games Find laundry basket(s) make a tape/sock ball of various sizes. Play tapeball hand hockey in a hallway, tapeball
basketball, tape handball or tape raquet ball against a wall, over a homemade net.
​5.. Play Outside
6. Do some yard work for your parents!
7. Draw a Hop-Scotch outside - using chalk
8. Go for a Bike Ride, Scooter Ride, or Run (with parents permission).

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