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While thank you words will never be enough, I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every

one of you for helping me complete this work, my masterpiece of MBA. Your help and assistance is well


Alan Alda once said we must remove our comfort from the city and get into the forest of our limitation.

The problem is that we can't get there by bus, it's the hard work and risk we're going to get there. This

voyage will allow us to discover something beautiful. What we're going to find is ourselves!

For the person in disguise who really deserves great recognition. I am very thankful that Dr. Ali Halawi,

who helped me during my graduate thesis, amazed me. During this step his courage and company helped

me greatly. Without hesitation we were always greeted in his office. His experience, reviews and

suggestions satisfied at every point of the project. Even when I was stressed out, he always inspired me,

always telling me I'm one step forward towards success and that all the hard work will pay off.

Big thanks for making good quality education accessible by Lebanese International University.

This piece of work is dedicated first to the Almighty God, then to the two guardian angels who

accompanied me every step of my life. To those who carved my attitude and believed in me when nobody

else did it.

It is dedicated to your 53 years each and every single year, Dad! You lived to every rough day for our


It's devoted to you, Mama! I felt down for all the days but you got me up. So I can complete this step, for

all the pain you bear. For all the Encouragement, Help, and Blessings that would have left this move

unfinished without them.

By this I put my work in your hands, marking the beginning of a new era with the creation of a new

success story.

Many previous studies have shown the great influence of performance evaluation on inspiring workers

and thereby enhancing their efficiency, which was then greatly reflected on the overall organizational


Through this research we examined the efficacy of performance evaluation on organizational productivity

among employees. Analyzing the efficiency of the whole process at four levels: hiring process,

challenges, methods, and who is responsible for assessing results. To this end, the research was conducted

via an in-depth interview with 9 participants from three separate organizations, because COVID-19

prevents the opening of organizations which led us to use internet interviews.

Analysis of the data obtained from each study demonstrated a strong relationship between organizational

effectiveness and the method of performance evaluation. Ultimately, we come up with a conclusion

summing up the results of our research, reacting to all the inquiries within our project. Recommendations

were then primarily suggested to HR managers for enhancing the quality of the performance assessment

process to maximum organizational results.


Stress is a universal element which employees around the globe experience. Employers today objectively

examine stress management problems that lead to lower employee job performance due to frustration and

high turnover that eventually impact organizational objectives and priorities. The organization's key

concern over the last century is to improve its income and product quality. Employees were seen as a pure

contribution to the business's growth. Employees are not just assets, they are the main contributors and

effective factors for business production, the thoughts that employees are only assets have been changed.

In addition, the conduct of workers is related to their attitudes. Performance evaluation is a commonly

discussed term in performance management. The importance given to performance evaluation systems

stems in part from the complexity of the current business climate, which is defined by the need to achieve

organizational goals and remain important in highly competitive markets through superior performance of

employees, [ CITATION Che121 \l 1033 ]. In this sense, various studies indicate that companies are unable

to monitor their employees' actions, [ CITATION Att07 \l 1033 ].

Nonetheless, companies should track how workers perform their work. However, research into
performance management indicates that a large number of workers continue to want to perform their
work as part of their individual ambitions, as well as demonstrate loyalty to the company, [ CITATION
Wri07 \l 1033 ]. Arguably, the secret to ensuring workers perform well is the ability to have the best work
environment for them. In general, such an atmosphere requires equal care, encouragement, efficient
communication and collaboration. Despite the foregoing shortcomings in approaches to performance
assessment, current literature on performance management still suggests that performance assessment
when performed correctly may significantly lead to high productivity for employees, [ CITATION Tuy12 \l
1033 ]. However, if performance evaluation is carried out in the absence of specific targets, it can have
significant implications in terms of employee cost reduction and organizational commitment. In the other
hand, it was argued that performance evaluation is an effective way of evaluating the job efforts of
employees. So, performance evaluation is the key success of any organization to increase the impact of
employee productivity.


The following research questions are considered in order to achieve the study's aims:

 How successful is organizational performance evaluation?

 To what extent has Management by Objective and 360-degree feedback methods of

performance evaluation enhance employee productivity?

 What are the workers' attitudes towards performance evaluations

 What are the performance assessment obstacles

 What are some of the advantages of performance evaluation

Aim and obj:

The main purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between job performance of employees

and organizational productivity. Knowing these strategies would allow the company to efficiently use the

decision on the type of performance appraisal approach. For that to arise, the following goals should be


 Understand why workers should be evaluated

 Examine the effects of various methods of evaluating employee performance in the

workplace and its effect on company productivity.

 Explain the challenges that evaluation performance system might face

 Explicate the usage of the hiring process that has parts of selecting and recruitment, also

training, and development


Bank of Beirut is a commercial bank in Beirut, Lebanon. It was founded in 1963 as Realty Business Bank

S.A.L. and 10 years later, in 1973, changed its name to the current name. Bank of Beirut a global

financial institution dedicated to serving the widest range of customers by providing them a broad range

of tailored first-class banking services and products, in addition to a comprehensive digital banking

experience. Their dedication to their mission is built into providing quality in service and customer

satisfaction. Domestically we plan to continue to increase our market share by increasing our supply

chain network and offering a range of creative, first-class digital and non-digital services and products to
our customers. We aim to further improve our commercial and correspondent banking activities in

foreign markets, with focus on the MENA region and the Lebanese Diaspora, by making our international

subsidiaries and branches available to them. Their vision at Bank of Beirut is to build a brighter future in

Lebanon and beyond for every person and company.

Founded in 1897, Fattal Group Headquarters is in Beirut, Lebanon. Fatal Group provides comprehensive

distribution solutions supported by a solid infrastructure, a prerequisite for effective market coverage. The

Group handles a large product portfolio covering the following categories: food and beverage, home and

personal care, pharmaceuticals, medical and office equipment, perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry, tobacco,

electronics and home appliances. Using optimized supply chain approaches and advanced technologies,

we contribute to improving people's lives by ensuring access and quality to premium healthcare products

and services. We partners fully transparently with our suppliers and provide efficient regulatory services,

reliable industry analysis and adequate resources. We believe in and rely on development of people in

which preparation, recognition and talent are nurtured in an atmosphere that promotes ethical behavior.

Our vision is to become the leading added value partner for healthcare in the MENA markets

New all of Pharma has continuously followed its ideals since 1997, thus pursuing its dream and mission.

Recognizing the tremendous potential of biotechnology for the successful treatment of rare, chronic and

serious diseases, they work tirelessly to ensure patients in Greece have direct access to novel biotech

therapies. Their dream is to be known as the best pharmaceutical company in Greece in terms of

experience, creativity and responsible entrepreneurship.

Structure :

The project is comprised of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, chapter 2 covers the literature
review, and chapter 3 is the research methodology, chapter 4 finalize findings and analysis, and last but
not least drawing up a conclusion, limitations, and recommendations

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