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A proposal for remote delivery of learning module

This proposal has been made by Ayush Kumar Dwivedi, research scholar at Signal Processing and Communication
Research Centre (SPCRC), IIIT Hyderabad to deliver an online learning module to students of HITAM.

This learning module will cover fundamentals statistical methods of Machine Learning with applications in modern day
computer science and wireless communication and IoT. The course will focus on mathematical aspects of ML and will
mathematically rigorous. The course structure is designed in such a way that, all the prerequisites are revised at the
beginning of the course. All the concepts will be covered from basic aspects till the present modern complex form. The
module includes, online lectures, live demonstrations, regular assignments and a course project. Please read the
subsequent sections for more details.

The Objective
• Need #1: bring awareness about statistical methods in machine learning
• Need #2: bring awareness about applications of machine learning in computer science and wireless
communication and IoT.
• Need #3: discussion on future trends and research areas of artificial intelligence.

The Opportunity
• Opportunity #1: Top performing student will get an internship opportunity at SPCRC, IIITH, to do
cutting edge research on next generation wiles communication.
• Opportunity #2: Students will cover most of the syllabus of any popular introductory course on AI/ML.

The module will include 90 minutes online discussion session every alternate day. The other required details are as

15 online lectures with presentations and coding demonstrations. Required resources will be shared on Moodle.

Target Audience and Pre-requisites

• Target audience: C.S.E, E.C.E, E.E.E and Mech. Students with interest in learning basics of ML
• Pre-requisites (basics will be revised): Basics of probability theory, Python coding

• Lecture wise coding assignments (implementation of taught algorithms from scratch)
• Weekly online quiz

• Project presentation (implementation of a seminal IEEE paper)
• Turn wise scribing duties to create resources for future reference

Resources/Support Required
• One teaching assistant (preferable someone with understanding of the subject)
• All the engagement regarding assignment submission and resource sharing will be done via Moodle. A
Moodle course with all the students, instructor and TA enrolled will be required.

Timeline for Execution

The following is the tentative timeline of the online module. The time required by the instructor for content delivery is
1 hour. Remaining time will be used for interaction with the students and to discuss assignment questions.

Milestone Date

First session 23 Apr 2020

First Quiz 30 Apr 2020

Second Quiz 07 May 2020

Third Quiz 14 May 2020

Project Review 21 May 2020

Last Session (Project Presentation) 25 May 2020


Lecture Content

Lecture #1 Introduction to Machine Learning, Introduction to supervised learning

Lecture #2 Decision tree learning and evaluation metrices

Lecture #3 k-nearest neighbor learning method

Lecture #4 Introduction to linear regression and gradient descent optimization

Lecture #5 Logistic regression, Introduction to activation functions

Lecture #6 Dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Lecture #7 Introduction to perceptron learning

Lecture #8 Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Artificial Neural Networks

Lecture #9 Back propagation in ANN

Lecture #10 Introduction to Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)

Lecture #11 Auto Encoders

Lecture #12 Unsupervised learning, k-means clustering algorithm

Lecture #13 Cross Validation techniques

Lecture #14 Project discussion and doubt clearing session

Lecture #15 Project Presentation

1. “David G. Stork, Peter E. Hart, and Richard O. Duda”, “Pattern Classification”, Wiley Publication.
2. “Tom Michel”, “Machine Learning”, McGraw Hill
3. “Video Lectures series by Andrew Ng”, “Coursera”.

I look forward to implementing this proposal at the earliest with the support of HITAM academic team. I will try to cover
all the content mentioned, still a lot will depend on the support received from TA and the pace at which students respond.
Please feel free to discuss about the proposal, its features or any other queries.

Thank you for your consideration,

Ayush Kumar Dwivedi

Research Scholar
IIIT Hyderabad
ayush@hitam.org | +91 9440 283 055

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