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S N11 1-11 X

11 \J1 1 c,(, It,

, {r~uhlir 11f tl11.' l ll1ilippinrs

filutt~ri>sz of tlp~J~ilippinrs
~q rtro ~ .nniln

~ irstj prcinl feession

Begu n and held in Metro Manila, on Monday , the twe nty-thi rd

day of M arch, t wo thousand twenty.

[ RErus uc A cT No.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represe nta tives of the

Philippi nes in Congress assembl ed:

SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known and

cited as "Bayani han to Heal As One Act".

SE C. 2. Stale of Nationa l Enierge ncy. - Preside ntial

Proclamation No . 922, s. 2020, was issued declaring a State
of Public Health Emerge ncy through out the Philippines due
2 3

to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Code SEC. 4. Authorized Powers . - Pursuant to Article VI ,
Alert System for COVID-19 was raised to Code Red Sublevel Section 23 (2) of the Constitution, the President is hereby
Two (2) in accordance with.
the recommendation of t·l, l e a uthorized to exercise powers that are necessary 3:nd proper
Department of Health (DOH) and the Inter-Agency Task Poree to carry out the declared national policy. The President shall
for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Further have the power to adopt the following temporary emer?ency
Presidential Proclamation No. 929, s . 2020 , wa s issued meas ures to respond to crisis brought by the pandemic:
declaring a State of Calamity throughout the Philippines and
imposed an Enhanced Community Quarantine throughout (a) Following World Health Organization guidelines and
Luzon. best practices, a dopt and implement measures to prevent or
suppress further tra nsmission and spre_a d of COVID-19 through
In view of the continuing ri se of confirm ed cases of effective educati on , detection, protection, and treatment;
COVID-19, the serious threat to the health, safe ty , security ,
a nd lives of our countrym en, the long-term adverse effects on (b) Expedite a nd streamline the accreditation of testing
their means of livelihood, a nd the severe disruption of economic ki ts a nd facilita te prompt testing by public and designated
activities, a state of na tional emergency is hereby decl ared over priva te institution s of PUls and PUMs, and the compulsory
the entire country . a nd immedia te isola tion and treatment of patients: Provided,
Th a t the cost of treatme nt for COVID-19 patients shall be
SEC. 3. Declaration of Policy. - The COVI D-19 pandemic covered under the Na tional Health Insurance Program of the
ha s gre a tly affecte d n a ti on s worldw i d e , in cl u d in g t h e Philippi ne Healt h Ins ura nce Corporation;
Philippines, and has ca used a nd is continuin g Lo ca use loss
of lives and disruption to th e eco nomy. Th us , t he re is a n (c) P rovide a n emergency subsidy to around eighteen (18)
urgent need to: (a) miti gate , if not conta in , th e tr a nsmission milli on low income house holds: Provided, That the subsidy
of COVID-19; (b) imm edi a t ely mobili ze a ssis ta nce in the shal l a mount to a minimum of Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00)
provision of basic necessities to families a nd i11dividua ls a ffected t.o a ma ximum of Eight thousand pesos (PS,000.00) a month
by the impos ition of Community Qu ar a ntine, es pecia lly fo r t wo (2) months: Pro vided, further, That the subsidy
indigents and their famili es; (c) und ertake measu res tha t wiJJ sha ll he computed based on the prevailing regional minimum
prevent th e ove rburd e ning of th e h ealth ca r e sys te m; (d) wage rates: Prou,:ded, finally, That the subsidy received from
immediately and amply provide healthca re, includ in g medi cal the current cash transfer program and rice subsidy
tests a nd treatm e nts, to COVl D- I 9 pa ti e nts, pe rsoni-; und er sh all he t ak e n into consideration in the computation of the
investigation (PUJ s), or pe rson s und e r monitorin g _('.U0s); eme rge ncy subsidy a s provided for in this Act;
(e) und erta ke a program for r ecove ry a nd re ha b1l1 tat10n ,
including a Rocial am eliornt.ion progra m a nd provision of_· _s~fcty (d) Ensure that al1 public health workers are protected
nets to a ll a ffected sectorR; (f) e ns ure t~ ;:,i t th e re is suffi cie:t, by providing them with a "COVID-19 special risk allowance",
ad equ a te a nd readily a va il a bl e fundin g to und e rtake t c in addition to th e hazard pay granted under the Magna Carta
fnr; (g) partn e r with th e priva t e sector and o_t~~r of Publ ic H ealth Workers or Republic Act No. 7305;
1-1 t akcholdc rH to delive r th cl:lc mc:-ui ures a nd progr a ms qui c. Y
a nd <: ffici c ntly ; a nd (h) prom ote a nd protect th e collective (c) Direct the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
int<m :At i; of nil Filipin oH in t.h csc ch all engin g tim es. By r~ason (PhilHealth) to shoulder all medical expenses of public and
th<:re:of., ~1nd m . ord e r to optim.1:le . . t,•h e e f"f'or t s of th e President
· . d private health workers in case of exposure t.o COVID-19 or any
t..o carry uut t,hc t.riAl< H d to imple me nt t'. he a fo~em_e ntion\ work -r elated injury or disease during the duration of the
. 11;
f}O IICY, · lH
· Jmpcra
· · to ~ra n1, 111m
t1vc · r.l, U 1·hor1t·y
, ,. 'subJect to sue emergency;
limitation,; aH he reinafte r provid ed .
. of One h u ndre d Lh ou s ::t nd p esos to th e p<.r ~o n e nlltl c d t o t h e 5
dr con1 p,,n,-a 1100 k
tD Provi bl . , nd ll n n~ tc h ('a lth w o r ·('rn who ma y pro p crtieb o r bus inesses a fte r t h possessio n Of
()()) LO pu I ( , I ~ • t s uch pri vate
t1'100 000 ('()\. lD -19 1n ft'ct10n whil e Ill t h e l m c ot d u t y · e s1 ua tion h
al t h e: s oo n es t tLJTi e p ra cticable · p , d d . as stabilized or
cont.rilet ,;e,·rr~ Th n t n co mp C' n :-:1 t 1o n o f O n e m1 II1011 p C'!'los .
d;?<i fu , r I it?r ' fo rcgo mg e n te rp n scs unJu s t w a blyrovif e · (mally . 'l'h at ,J the
ProH • (){}) :::twll he give n t o p u b li c a nd p n v a t e h ea lth re u se or s10-,-,,f.. . h
a r e n o lo n ger capab le of ope r a ting t h 0
•=y t a t they
tPl 0()0.00oh. e1r enterµ ·
k"-r · \\ o m .1~ L
, . :he wlule fig hl in g t h e C O VlD - 19 p a n de mi c: pur p ose stated h e r e in , th e Presi de nt may tak n ses for the
" or _< .i~ {inalh. Th,it Lins sh a ll h a ve r e t r oact ive a ppb ca t 10n op e r atio n s s u bJ ect to t h e lim its a nd sa"e gu d e over thei r
Prat w , · ·J •)Q · i, ar s enshnn d
from Februa ry l _Q_ . t h e Con s b t ut1 o n ; e m

(gl F.nFurl' t hnt a ll Loca l G o\·e rnm e n t U ni ts (LG Us) a r e (i) Co ntinue to e n fo r ce m eas ures to p rotect th
_. L.n the le tte r a nd s pmt of all t h e rul e s. r e gul atio n s
(l(tl.Ilg \' IUU fr o m h oar d rng , p r o f i t ee ri n g inJu r 10 u s s pec eI peop 1e
·e· ac<:u ed bv the :Na t io n a l Gove rnm e n t pu r s u a n t
J.D d dIre Cu\ " 1-~
. · u a t ions
• m a m p ul at 1o n o f prices , prod u ct d e ce pti on s. a nd car tels'
~o tbio Act or e imple m c nt.1 n g s t a nd a rd s o f Co rnmurn ty
m on opolies o r ot h e r combin a t10ns 111 restramt of trade, or othe;
Quar:mune con.s1Ete nt with wh a t the N a tion al Gove rnm e n t h a s
p e r n icio u s practices a ffecti n g t h e s u pp ly , distribution and
!.1id ct O\\ n fo r the s ubJ ec l a r ea . whil e a llo win g L G Us to m ove m e n t o f food . cl oth m g . hy gie ne a n d sanitati on products,
Ct.,ntmue exerosmg the ir a uton o m y in m att e r s unde fin e d by
m e dicine a nd m e dical s u ppbes , fue l, fe rtilizers, chemicals,
thP ~anonal GoYc rnrn e n t or a re within the p a r a m e te r s it h as
b uildin g m a t e ria l s , im pl e m e n t s , machmery eqUJpm ent and
-et an<l are fully coope r a tmg tow a rd s a unifie d , cohesive a nd
s p a r e p a rts r e qu ire d rn a g n c u lt u r e , indu stry a nd oth er
•rdrrly 1mple me n ta t1 o n o f t h e n a t ion a l poli cy to a ddre s s esse n t ia l se r v ices . a nd oth e r a r ti cles of pn me necessity.
('0\1D-19· Pro u d ed , T h a t a ll L GU s s h a ll b e a uth o r ize d to
w h e t h e r im p or t e d o r loca lly produced or m a nufactw-ed :
utilize more t ha n five p e r ce n t (5 %) of th e a m o un t a ll ocated
fr thei r cala m ity fund s u bj e ct t o a ddi t ion a l fundin g a nd
(j) E n s ure t h a t do n atio n . acceptan ce a nd di stribut ion of
~upport fro m t h e ~ at1o n a l Gove rnm e nt;
h ea lt h produ cts i nte nde d to a ddress t h e C0\110-1 9 public
h e a lth e m e r ge n cy a r e n ot unnecess arily delayed a nd that
(h ) Con s is te nt with S e cti o n 17 , Articl e X l l o f th e h e alth produ cts fo r do n a t io n duly ce r t ifie d by t he regulatory
Consi.ltuu on, whe n the pu b lic in te r e s t s o r e quires, dire ct the age n cy or t h ei r accr e dit e d third pa r ty fro m countries with
r,perat1on of any p rivate ly -owne d h os pita ls a nd m e d ica l a nd esta blis h e d r e gulation s h all a u tomaticall~· be cl ear ed: Provided,
he alth fa c il 1t1 ec, 1n clud 111 g p a ss e n ge r v esse l s a nd , o th e r Tha t this s h a ll n ot a pply t o health products which do not
e;ctabl.Js hme nts, to house h ealth w o rke r s , ser ve as qua r a n t m e r e quire a ce r t 1fica t1o n o r cl ea r a n ce from F ood a nd Dr ug
area<:. quara ntm e ce n te r s , m e d ica l r e li e f a nd a id dis tribu t ion
A dmini st r ation (FDA) ;
l()('atlon c; , or othe r te mporas y m e di ca l fa cih t 1e s; an d publi c
tranflport: itio n t o fe rry h e a lt h , e m e rge n cy , a nd fr o ntline (k) U nd e rta k e t h e p rocure m e nt of t he foUowmg as _the
perso nne l a nd ot he r pe r so n s : Provided , ho w eve r, Th a t t h e n ee d a rises, in the m ost ex p e d1 t10u s m a nne r . as exemp twns
manage me nt a nd opc rn t 1on of t h e fo r e go in g e n t e rpri se s s h a ll fr o m th e prov i s i o n s o f R e p u bli c Ac t No . 9 18 4 or th e
he retained by the cJwn c rs of th e e n te rpri se , wh o sh a ll r e nd e r "Gove rnm e nt Proc ure m e n t Refor m Act" a nd other rele\·a nt
a full accou nting t o t h e• Pres id e n t. o r h is dul y a u t h o ri ze d
la w s:
representa ti ve of th<· 0 pern ll 0n R o f t h e u t ili ty o r bus iness as
haaii> for ;ippropnat .c co m pP 11 Rc1 t1 0 11 : Prn uiried , furth er, Tha t . d
rea ~onnbl e compe n~at1o n fo r a ny ;:idd 1t 1orrn l da m a ge or coS t S .
(.1) Goo d s , whi c h m a y 111 c lu e p c n a l pr otecnve
_ L. Id ··
e quipm e nt s u ch as gloves, gowns. m as k s, gogglee:•· face !:'-we . d ts s..
mr-urrf'd hy thE:' owner nr l hl' po Rw•H~o r of the s u hJ c ct p rop e rty
s urgica I e q ui p m e n t a n d s upp I1es: l a b 0 1.a 1.0 1• , eqmpm ent an . .1 d
"<,lely rm account r>f rq m plymg w it h th e d 1rr•ct ivc s h a ll he gw e n r e a ge nt s : m Pd 1ca I e qu ip m e nt a n d d e , , ic e"• · ·.:: uppu rt ;1 n


. . ine Red Cross, as the prim~
mainte nance for la bor a t ory a nd m e dical equipm ent, surgical (1) Partner with the Philipp ili. to the government in
. . that is aux ary · the
e quipment a nd s uppli es; m e dical s upplies , tools , and humanita rian age n cy ub ·ect to reimburse ment, in .
cons um ables s uch as alcohol, sanitizers, tiss ue, thermometers giving aid to the people, s -~s incidental in the fight agrunst
hand soap, detergent, sodium hydrochlorid e, cleaning materials' distribution of goods and servi
povidone iodine, common medicines (e.g., paracetamol tablet and COVID-19;
suspe nsion , mefenamic acid, vitamins tablet a nd suspension, Human Resources for Health
hyoscine tablet a nd suspension , oral rehydration solution, and (m) Engage tempor:r~ed medical staff to complement
cetirizine tablet and su spension); testing kits, a nd such other (HRH) s u ch as m e dical ant health workforce or to man the
supplies or equipment as may be determined by the DOH a nd or s uppleme nt ~h; ~ur-~~:es to be established in accordance
other relevant governme n t age ncies: Pro vided, That the DOH temporary med1ca acf1 hi A t· Provided That HRH to be
. S t" 4 k(4) o t s C · ' .
shall prioritize th e allocation a nd distribution of the aforesaid with ec wn b . hall receive the appropriate
goods, supplies a nd other resources to the following: h ire d on temporary asis s Th 11
·on and allowances: Provided, further, at a
comp e n s ati . f la · ty
· · the front line during the state o ca m1 fro
1. Public health facilities in the regions, provinces, or HR H serving m
due to COVID-19 , s hall r eceive an actual hazard duty pay m
cities, that ar e designated as COVID-19 referral hospitals, such
as , but not limite d to , Philippine General Hospital, Lung the governme nt;
Center of the Philippines, a nd Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial
Hospital; (n) Ens ure the availability of credit to the_ productive
sectors of the economy especially in the countryside through
ii . Private hospitals which h a ve existmg capacities to m e asures s uch as, but n ot limited to , lowering the effective
provide support care and treatment to COVID-19 patients; a nd lending rates of interest and reserve requirements of lending
iii. Public and private labor atories that h ave existing
capacities to test s uspected COVID- 19 pa tients. (o) Liberalize the grant of incentives for the manufacture
or importation of critical or needed equipment or supplies for
(2) Goods a nd services for socia l am elioration measures the carrying-out of the policy declared herein, including
m favor of affected communities; healthcare e quipment and supplies: Provided, That importation
of these e quipment and supplies shall be exempt from import
(3) Lease of real property or venue for u se to house duties , taxes a nd other fees;
health workers or serve as quarantine centers, m edical relief
a nd aid distribution locations, or temporary medical facilities;
(p) Ensure the availability of essential goods, in particular
. ·
food an d me d 1c1ne, b Y adopting measures as may reasonably
(4) Estab li s hm ent, co n str uction , an d operation of
te mporary m edical facilities; b e n ecessa~·y to facilitate and/or minimize disruption to the
supply ch a m , esp ecially for basic commodities and services to
t h e maxIIDum exte nt possible ;
(5) Uti liti es, te lecomm unica tions , an d other criti_c al
se rvices in re lation to operation of quarantine centers, medical
reli ef and a id dis tribution ce nters a nd temporary medical s ub . (q) Re~uire businesses to prioritize and accept contracts,
facilities ; and Ject to fan· and reasonable terms, for materials and services
necessary to promo t e th e h erem. declared national policy;
(6) Ancill ary se rvi ces r elated to th e foregoing.

(r) Regulate and limit the operation of ( ) The National Disaster Risk Reduction Fund or
· 11
t ranspor t at10n t hrough land, sea or air w h tha sectors
· of 3
public; , e er private or ca lamity fund;
( 4 ) Programs of the Departme nt of Labor and
(s) Regulate tra~c _on all ~oads, streets, and bridges, and t such as but not limited to Tulong
Emp 1oymen ,
sa Ating Disadvanta ged/Displac e d Workers
access thereto; _Proh1b1t putting up of encroachm ents or uhay .
Pangl1anap b
obstacles; . authorize the removal of encroachme nts
. . an d illega 1 and COVID-19 Adjustmen t Measures Program (CAMP);
constructio ns m public places; and perform all other related
(5) Under the Departmen t of Trade and Ind_ustry -
(t) Continue to authorize a lter n ative working Livelihood S ee ding Program and Negosyo Serb1syo sa
arrangemen ts for employees a nd workers in the Executive
~ranch, and whenever it be comes n ecessary , in oth er
mdependen t branches of government and constitution al bodies (6) Under the Departmen t of Agriculture - Rice Farmers
and the private sector; ' Financial Assistance Program;
(u) Conserve and regulate the distribution a nd use of (7) Under the Departmen t of Education - School-Base d
power, fuel, energy and water, and ensuxe a dequate supply of
the sam e; Feeding Program ;

(8) Un de r various Departmen t of Social Welfare and

(v) Notwithsta nding any law to t h e contra ry, direct the
Developme nt programs, such as but not limited to Assistance
discontinua nce of appropriate d programs, projects or activities
to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS), distribution of food
(P/A/P) of a ny agency of the Executive Departmen t, including
an d non-food items , livelihood assistance grants, and
government -owned or -controlled corporation s (GOCCs), in the
supplement al feeding program for daycare children;
FYs 2019 and 2020 General Appropriati ons Act (GM), whether
released or unrelease d , the a llotments for remain
(9) Under allocations to local governmen t units;
unobligated, and utilize the savings generated therl:' frnm to
augment the allocation for a n y item directly re \::-i ted to
(10) Quick Response Funds lodged in the various relevant
support operations a nd re spo n se me asures, w h1ch are department s, such as, but not limited to the DOH and DSWD.
necessary or beneficial in order to address the COVID- 19
emergency, consistent with the herein declared national policy:
Notwithst anding the provisions of this Act, the
Provided, however, That the following items in the budget
discontinue d program, activity or project may be revived at
shall be prioritized for a ugm entation :
a ny time after the national emergency has ceased, and
notwithstan ding Section 67 of Republic Act No. 11465 or the
(1) Under the Department of Health - operational budgets
"General Appropriati ons Act of 2020", may be revived and
of governmen t hospita ls, primarily those identifie d for
proposed for funding within the next two (2) fiscal years;
treatment of COVID-19; preve ntion a nd control of other
infectious diseases; emergency preparedne ss a nd response;
(w) Any unutilized or unreleased balance in a special
quick response fund;
purpose fund, as of the date of declaration of a State of
Emergency , shall be considered to have their purpose
(2) Under the University of the Philippines - the abandoned for the duration of the State of Emergency. All
operational budget of the Philippine General Hospital; such unspent, unutilized or unreleased money or funds sourced
/ tl II

frvm l·o II , •t .111'11·,. () I' n •rt> tt)• l "' 1ne lud1n . g futurl' n ill t•c·ti•>' r) H nnd )nividc, fo r n 11111111num of th1rly (:JO)-day ,rr.,
J l
(1 >1) . · b ' 1 3
'.:f: Pf'n1~
. ·hull lx· ut1hl'.1.'d a nd 1ll't' hcl't' h.v .ipprupnn lt' d fllt· on r e i;td t> nti a l r cntA f;i ll1ng du e w1th1n th e PPn od of thf
n.•{'\'lP t·" t- , •
f:Htc n
·u"'' ' tu 11ddrt'~:- 1hr ( O\ID - 1!) ~1tu :1t1 0 11 ,ind ni·coi.,... I I co mmu111t.y quarant11w , w ithout m currin g 111 te
!llt'! I:- ' ' t' II p 18 1 en I1:inc e d · · rC>sU:1,
tht' drdnrvd 1ut 1u11 ,1I p nl,n· hC' n ' 1n , "ees 11 nd o t.h l' r c hLl r gt' H;
pc n a It 1Cs , 1' •

\'i.) :-.:ot\\ 1t bL,ndrn~ n ny lnw to tlw cont rn ry, rc prohri·a ni (cc) lmp lcm c nt a n e xp a nde d ::rnd e nhanced Pa nt.awid
realloratt' . nnd rea lign ;r.0 ~1
:sa v,~ gs o n o t lwr ite ms of
a ppropn nt 1on~ in th e l 'I 2020 CAA 111 t h e Executive
Panulya piJjpino Progra m , r es_p o n s 1ve to t.he need posed hy the
• , a nd provis io n o f a n ass1s ta n ce program , whether m ~ ~h
Dr partru r nt. a:' ma ~· bl? nrcessn ry a nd be n c f1 c w l to fund or non- cas h , whi c h e v e r 1s more prac ti cable , wh e re th e
mra Fur1•s t h3t add r ess :111d r es p o nd t o th e CO VID - lg Secr e tary of Soc ia l W elfare a nd Deve lopm e nt, or the Secretary
e ro e ri:; e ncy , 1n c lud1 n g soc i a l a m e lior atio n for a ffec t e d of Labor a nd Employ m e nt, whe n r e le vant, s hall transfer cash,
c-oromumt11?s . a nd th 0 recove ry of n re as , sec t o r s a nd rndu s tries cash vouch e r , or good s through th e LG Us or directly to
~vel'\'l y ;.iffected Ail amoun ts so re programm ed , rea llocated or hou se hold s who h ave n o m co m es or savings to draw from,
reaLgnrd ::hall be dee m ed a utomat.J call y ap propria te d for s uch including hou se h olds w o rkmg m the informal economy and
mea ~ure<; to add re$S the CO\ 'l D - rn s itua tion withrn th e pe riod those who are not curre ntly r ecipie n ts of the current Pantawid
;;pectfied unde r Secti on 9 h e r eof; Pamilya Pilipino Program , of an amount adequate to restore
capacity to purchase ba sic food a nd other essential items
(yl :--.-ot w1th s t.and111g a n y la w to the contrary , the during the duration of the quarantine . To carry out this
Preqden t 1~ h e r e by a uth o rize d to allocate ca s h , fund s , subsection , the Secretary of the De partment of Social Welfare
tn\'e;;t rn ent.!' . mcl udrn g unut1lized o r uru·e leased s ubsidi es a nd and Deve lopment and the Secretary of the Department of Labor
tram:ferR, he ld by a n y GOCC o r a ny nati o n a l gove rnm e nt and Employm e nt may approve the temporary emergency
/ll{C' ncy 1n ord e r Lo a ddress th e COVTD - 19 e m e rge n cy , as s tandard s of eligibility and level of bene fits .
declared m Section :l he r eof;
(dd) Lift the thirty percent (30%) cap on the amount
(z) ~lo\'c 81.atut.ory d eadlin es a nd t1melmes for the filmg appropriated for the quick r esponse fund , as provided for in
nnrl 'i ubm1ss1on of a ny docum e nt, the paym e nt of tax es, fees,
Republic Act No . 10121 or the "Phtlippine Disaste r Ri sk
nnd olh<' r cha r ge s rPqu1re d by law , a nd th e gra nt of a ny Reduction and Management Act of 2010", during the existen<.l'
henefiL in ord e r t o c::i sc th e burd e n on mdividu a ls und er of the state of national e mergency du e to COVTD-19:
u immun1ty ,iuarn ntm e ;

(ee) Undertake s u c h other me as ur es as m ay be

frtn) D1 n •c t :di li:m b ;, qu n R1-bank s, frnnn c in g co mp ::i 111 es,
re asonable and n ecessa rv to e nable the President to carry out
IPt1rlin~ cornp rir111 •H, ;rncl ot lwr fi n u ncia I I ns t.1tut1on R, public a nd
the d eclared national p ~li cy s ubJ ect to the BiJl of Ri ghts ::ind
~riv~lt~· 111 dudin 1t t hr> C: ov1• rnm
r nt S 0 rv1 ce I ns ur:i nee Sys te m , other constitutional guarantees.
' ur11 y s • YH11.' n, nn d r n~ -1h1 g- I·,und , to 1mple
f{onn l SP<·
nwnt fl
min un iirn uf a thirt y ('. l(l ) d ay 14" r :H'l' pr•rwd for Uw pn y m r nt.
,,f SE C. 5. Report. s to Congres s a nd Creatwn of an
L nll lri·1n ' -1, 1rw I 111I >nr:, Ii 11t n o t l11111Lr ·d to 1-1: il11r y , pt' r8o n n I , Overs ,:g lit Co 1111ni:1t eP . - The Pres id e nt , during Mond ay of
nri u,., 111r. ,111 1j · I
"' • rn,,t rir v1• hl('l t· lnn n H a H wt·ll :t R c rc•d1t cn rc eve ry W('C' k , ~hnll imbm1t a w ee klv r e port to Congress of :)II
P VTn Pnl ,. f11 11111 I '
1-: ' Ill' w1 th 111 tlw pi · r 1o d of • 0 11h :rn <'NI
1•.c,inm11n1 t\· l'
1 •
nct R p e rform e d purs u a nt to thi s Act dnrin g thr immedi ately
f ', ... Il l I h cunrrI 11t IIH' w1 ut 1nr·11rT111 g ,nt 1• rt ·HI H, 1w 1111 1H' H,I
prccc-dtng w 00 k . Th P r 0port s h:111 bkC'Wi$C' rnclud c t he amount
111\l' '' 'r • 1:, ,-~ 1•11 JH' r H<> ll H with !ll11l11pl1 • l, >1 1n H 1-1 li 11 l
anrl ('O JTC"~ pond1ng ut1h zat1o n o f the funcl s U $ t' d . nu gmrnt('d.
WI -" (· hi • r I cl
f l,(l V t n I H • 111111111111rn t h1rt v (:lm -dn v 1-il'll ' 't ' p1 • rn 1
'>t 1•V1 J ~· 11'•II l '
1·1 •1i ro 1, 1•,1111
t> ' tnr·cI, r(';.illt..>n 1ll' n :1 nd r C'11 lt g 1w d. pu1--t-U» n t to this :\~r
I .'

({) I nd 1v1du <.1 ls or gro up H g. pe rp et rat .

l•'ci r ib is l) llr pu-,c· llw Co n i:;n·KH Hh:ill ,-., 1. il , li Ii d 1l> l n t
. , c.1,n a fa lst1 1n form at1on rcga rd111 g the .COV [[) _19
ing or
('o ngrC':iH IOl1 [1 1 Ov1•n, 11;h1 Cn mlllll.l t' l ' c'0 111p ( H ( •rl ,,r fo ur ( '1 )

sp1 e::i ,., , . . . • , · cn.s1 R on

1nl Pd li v 1'1 , L' 11 ;1Ll' m r1 nc.l otht , pl a tlo r ms , s uch inf orm ation h
rn <' rll b(, ,• u of f'HC h hu uHP LO he ;ippo
O , • , ,, . 6 oc1a I . '
r bc n c fll' w l C' ffcc t on I.h e popul a ti on · a nd a.recea
avm g no
I rly
Pr!'f!Jdr nl ond tlw J l., u.-,(• S pi·n kc r . 1·rHp0ct 1vPly Tli 11 1 ( ' 11 111 rnitLc>e va J1d O
t.o pro m ote ch ar,s , pa ni c. a n a rchy fea r or co f
Rh a ll d Pte rm 1m• wh et h f' r s u c h act.s. or d P r H nill' s :Jnd gea r Cd, _ ' · n us1on·
regul:i t i0 nl-l :in: \\'1th1n th e reH l.l'l cl.1o ns r,rov 1d1•d 1, 1. ,., 111 d I h ose p a rt1 cipatrn g ll1 cy bc r tn ctd e nts tha t ma k e use or·
un ·
ta k e advanta ge o f Lhe c urre . nt cri s. is s1tua t1 on to JJrey on t e
In a dd1t.1 011 . t.o :1r' t.s or o mi ss ions publi c thro u f.{ h sc;;1m s , ph1s hrn g, fraudul e nt emails, or other
SE-:C 6. Pe110/t1 es . •
already pc>n 3 la zed h.'· c·x1 sl in g la ws, t.~ c fnll ow1 ng oflc •n"ll'S Hha ll simil a r act s ;
br punis ha hl r w 11 h 1mpr1 H onm e nt of tw o /2) mnn t hs or ;i fin e
of not le;,s t hnn Ten thousa nd pesos (P J0.000.00) but. not. more (g) F a ilure to co mpl y with rea Ron a bl e limit ations on the
tha n O ne milli o n p eRos (P 1,000 ,000 .00 ). o r bo th , s uc h ope ration of' ce rta in tra n sporta tion sectors or sectors, whether
imp ri so nm e n t a nd fm e. ::i t th e d1 scr e t1 on of' I. he co u rt: la nd , sea o r aH , be it priva te or public; c1 nd

(a) LG l ' offi cia ls d1 sobey111g n a tion a l gove rnm e nt poli cies (h) l mpcdrn g access to roads, strcct.q a nd bridges; puttmg-
or dircct1 vei:: an imp os in g qu a ra nt111 es: up prohibi te d e n cr oac hm e nts or obsta cles: and mamten ance of
iJlegal con stru cti on s 111 publi c pl a ces that have been ordered
(b) Own ers a nd possessors of priva te ly-own ed hospita ls, to be r e moved ;
medi cal and hea lt h fa ciliti es, mcludm g pa sse n ge r vesse ls, a nd
other es ta bli shm e nts wh o unju s tifiabl y r e fu se to op e ra t e Pro vided , however, That 1f th e offe nde r is a corporation,
pursua nt to the d1rect1ve of the Presid e nt.; as soc1at1on , p a rtn e r s hip or a ny oth e r juridical person, the
penalty s h all b e impose d upon th e presid ent , directors,
(c) Eng ag rn g rn hoarding , profitee rrng , 1111uriou s managers , managing partne r s , a s the case may be , wbo
specula twns. marupulat10n of pri ces, produ ct dece pti ons , a nd part1c1pated m the comm1ss10n of the offense or who shall have
cartels, monopolies or other combmat10ns m rcst.ra mt of trad e, knowingly permitted or failed to prevent the commission of the
or other perruc10us pracb ces affecting the s upply , d1 st.nbut1 on same . If the offender is an aL e n , he shall , m addit10n to the
and move me nt of fo od , cl othrng , hygi e n e a nd sa 111ta t10n penaltie s h e r e an prescribed , be deported wi t hout further
products , med1cm e a nd medical supp!Jes , fuel. fe rtilize rs, proceedings: Prouided, further , That if the offender 1s a public
ch e mi ca ls , buddrng m a t e nal s , impl e m e nt s , m ac hrn e ry official or e mploy ee , h e s hall , m add1twn to the penalties
equipm e nt a nd spa re parts r equired 111 agriculture , industry prescribed here in , suffe r pe rpetual or te mporary absolute
a nd other esse ntia l se rvices, and ot h e r a rticl es of pnm e d1squahfication from office , as th e case may be .
necess it y , wh e th e r imp orted or loc a ll y pr o du ce d or
manufactured: SEC. 7 . Construction or Interpretation. - Nothmg herein
shall be con strued as an impairme nt. restnctlon or modificatrnn
(d) Re fusaJ to pnont1 ze a nd accept contracts for m ate rials of the provis ions of the cons t1tut10n . in case the exercise of
and seJ"VJces necessar y to promote the he re in decl a red na l.I onal the powers herein granted conflicts w1th other statutes, order!'.
poli cy: rules or r egulations, the prov1s10ns of this Act shall prevail

(e) Refu sa l to provid e th ir ty (.'30) -day grace p e ri od s · n of this Act or

. . . - I f any prov1s10
S EC. 8 . S eparab1hty
provid ed under Secti on 4: 1. or circumstance
th e appucation of such provision to any person
is declared invaLd , the remai11der of this Act or th e app\JC3ll01l

·ovision to any othe r p erso n or circumsta n
of sueh p1 l .
rr cted by s u ch de e aration.
ce s h al
not be aue
SEC . 9 . Effec tiuity. - This Act s h all tak
. · · <" e ffe t
. d'ately upon its pu bl1cat1on m a n e w spap e r f c
unm e J • :r: . l G· o general
. ulation or in the Of, icw. • a.zelte a nd s hall Le in f 11 .
ci.rc l (3) h u force
and effect only for t u ee mont s , unless e xte nded b
Con gre ss·· Pro vided , That the powers granted und er this Act Y
may be w1 thdrawn sooner by °:1eans_of a concurre nt resolution
of Congress or ended by Presid e nti a l Procl a mation .

Speaker of the Ho use President
of Representatives

This Act was passed b y the Senate of the PhiJjppines as

Senate Bill No. 1418 on March 23 , 2020 a nd adopte d by the
House of Representatives as an am e ndment to House Bill
~o. 6616 on March 23, 2020.

~ ~ .,.l - ~
Secretary General Secreta,y of the SenaLe
House of Representatives

Approved :

President of th e Phil ippines

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