Lesson Plan Template: Standards of Learning Essential Questions

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Intern Name:Abbie Miller

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic):Parts of speech

Length of Lesson: 60 minutes
Date Taught:Virtual learning

In this lesson… we will learn about the eight different parts of speech.

3.10 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization,
Standards of
punctuation, and spelling.
What are the eight parts of speech?
Essential Questions How are the eight parts of speech different from each other?

Students will be able to… identify parts of speech.


I can define each part of speech and correctly identify what part of
Learning Target speech a word is.

Necessary Prior -How to use a chromebook

- How to write a complete sentence
Materials Computer, headphones, internet access

Students will watch a short video introducing the 8 parts of speech.

Introduction/Hook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQJtIYQ_OgU&t=1s

1. Students will play the game Sortify: Parts of Speech for 20 minutes to
grow their skills.
2. Students will complete the online worksheet and then check their
Instructional answers by clicking check answers. After checking their answers,
Activities & students will need to review their mistakes.
3. Next, students will write eight sentences of their own with one of the
parts of speech in each sentence. When finished writing the sentences
on Google Docs, share with the teacher.

Key Vocabulary or Noun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, interjection, pronoun, and
Students will complete the online quiz to test their knowledge. Once
finished with the quiz, the parents will send a picture of their score to the
Assessments teacher through Class Dojo.
Students will write one thing they learned in the comments section of the
Closure Activity assignment.
Students with a lack of internet should use the free wifi provided by VBCPS.

Resources speech.php

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

Intern Name: Abbie Miller

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic): Parts of speech
Date of Lesson Taught: N/A
Cooperating Teacher & School: Beth Nard, John B. Dey
Grade: 3rd
Time of Day: N/A

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?

I used online resources to research activities for parts of speech. It was a little difficult to find activities that the
students would enjoy. I also talked with my intern teacher about how she gives out online lessons to her students.

2. How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?

Using the SOLs and objectives helped me focus on what the students needed to learn. Instead of the instruction
being all over the place, they narrow it down.

3. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

Each part of the lesson plan worked how I anticipated. The students were able to complete each assignment.

4. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

After creating the lesson plan, I needed to make the instructions more specific and detailed. I was being vague and
that would have made the lesson difficult to follow.

5. How well did you anticipate the materials needed?

Each student has their own chromebook and internet and were able to access the assignments.
6. How effective was the assessment you chose to use? (If no assessment was used, what will the future
assessment be and how will you gauge its effectiveness?)

The assessment was very effective. It showed the teacher what each student received on the quiz after all the other
assignments were completed. The assessment went with the other activities.

7. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)

I think this lesson was a success because all the students were able to access all the work and followed the
directions. Each student completed all the assignments and got above a 70 on the quiz.

8. How did the time spent preparing for your lesson contribute to it’s success?

I spent a good amount of time preparing for the lesson, but I believe I could have put a little more effort in. Since I am
used to creating fun interactive lessons in the classroom, I struggled completing this lesson. I could have spent more
time researching activities, but I started to doubt myself.

9. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?

If I could do this lesson again, I would try to find more enjoyable activities. There aren’t many online activities that
would be considered fun to the students.

10. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

Lesson Plan Assignment: Grade Sheet

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I

Intern Name: ______________________________

Refer to the comments written on your lesson plan for detailed feedback.
Needs a
few Your
to Incomplete
additions or Score
Overview, SOLs, essential questions,
objectives (10)
Introduction/hook & closure (10)
Instructional activities (20)
Accommodations (10)
Assessment (5)
Vocab, materials, resources (5)
Supplemental materials, if applicable (5)

Total (65)
Taught Lesson Plan Grade Sheet
Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow II

Intern Name: ______________________________Lesson #________

● Written (typed) Lesson Plan: _____/50

[See comments on LP]

● Supplemental materials: _____/10


● Self-Evaluation: _____/15


Total: _____/75

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