Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

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Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

2.1 Existing System

At present, all the activities in transaction are handled manually. Manual data processing
system, completely providing economy, flexibility and adaptability at low data volumes
become more complex when the volume of data becomes large. As an organization
expands in size and function, a stage is reached when manual procedures become
inadequate and inefficient. No matter how many clerks are employed, a stage is reached
then it becomes impossible to systemize such a large amount of information. What is
required then is an upgrading in the class of information processing technology.
The present system is not sufficient to hold all the information that is necessary for the
processing. Therefore, the library is in need of new computerized system, which is very
flexible, user-friendly and capable of holding the system in a robust manner.

Limitations of existing system

There were many reasons for the introduction of the new system. They are mainly due to
the drawbacks and efficiency of the existing system.
 Physical volume of the data is very large.
 The delay in information search and retrieval.
 Problems in updating and backup.
 Damage of papers containing the information.
 Considerable time taken for report generation.

 Accuracy of data is very lower in manual system.

2.2 Proposed System

The system study phase studies the problem, identifies alternate solution, evaluates these
solutions and finally recommends best solution. The system gives the structure and
function of the system. A detailed system study is essential for developing an efficient
system. The proposed system provides a better user interface. The system is a menu
driven program. It has many pros and less cons. However, some of its great advantages
are listed.

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

Advantages of proposed system

 The proposed system can be utilized for easy documenting and accessing various data
carriers such as forms, reports, records etc.
 Automation makes the system to be user-friendly and hastily in manipulation and
generation of valuable reports providing menu driven facilities.
 Accuracy and security of data will be more comfortable for the organization.
 Computerization will avoids human errors due to inexperience in data entry,
manipulation etc.
 The paper work occurred in the manual system can be completely avoided.

In the proposed system customer need not go to the shop for buying the products. He can
order the product he wish to buy through the website in his smartphone or desktop. The
shop owner will be admin of the system. Shop owner can appoint moderators who will
help owner in managing the customers and product orders. The system also recommends
a home delivery system for the purchased products.

2.3 Feasibility Study

Depending on the results of the requirements specification, the survey is expanded to a
more detail of feasibility study. It is focused on many questions. The questions resolve
around investigation & evaluation of the problem identification & description of the
system, specification of performance & the cost of each system, and the selection of the
best system. According to above consideration the given project is feasible as per
condition. The feasibility study is conducted see whether the proposed system is feasible
or not. The site where the system is to be installed can beer all the expense and effect
before and after the installation of the proposed system.

There are four types of feasibility study:

1) Technical feasibility.
2) Economic feasibility.
3) Operating feasibility.
4) Social feasibility.

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

1) Technical feasibility
Under this feasibility, we study whether the technical requirement for the working of the
proposed system are okay or not. The hardware of the software requirement for the
operation of the system is available with the firm or not. Whether or not there is any need
for upgrading the hardware configuration for the running of the system.

This project is designed on a common platform mostly available with all systems
hardware configurations. Therefore, it can run on almost all the computer systems. Only
software is required to run this system, which are commonly available on computer
systems or in the market at reasonable rates.

2) Economic feasibility
Under this section, we study the economic feasibility of the system. Weather the
proposed system is economical to be developed and used in comparison to the previously
used system. If any up gradation of the hardware is required to be done for the running of
the system .whether, it is feasible to spend more money on the up gradation of the
hardware or the software. This system is very economical to be implemented art any
place .if any new system is to be installed, even then, it is cause that is more economical.

3) Operational feasibility
In the operational feasibility study, whether the proposed system will work accordingly to
the policies and estimates of the end user after the implementation or not. The operational
feasibility of the composed system also depends upon the training of the end user
complexity of the system.

4) Social feasibility
Survey of the feasibility is the most important part of the feasibility study. It is most
commonly seen that the end user often resist to adopt the new software and new
hardware. Those persons will be affected by the implementation of new user. So their
opinion must be known.

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

2.4 Requirement Specification

Requirement Specification includes the Hardware and Software specification of the
system. These generally includes the following:

2.4.1 Hardware Specification

Hardware is the term given to the machinery itself and to the various individual pieces of
equipment. It refers to the physical devices of a computer system. Thus, the input,
storage-processing control and the output devices are hardware.

Hardware Specification

Processor/Motherboard Pentium 4 Dual Core 2.6 GHz 2 MB cache

Memory 1 GB DDR2 RAM

Hard Disk 160 GB SATA

Monitor 17” LED Monitor 1024x768

Keyboard Keyboard PS/2/ USB/Wireless

Mouse Mouse Optical


Case ATX 400W

2.4.1 Software Specification

Software means a collection of program where the objective is to enhance the capabilities
of the hardware machine. The following defines the software of the proposed system

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study


Microsoft Windows 10 / WIN-10 Service Pack-1

MySQL 6.0 Server

Internet Information Service Server (Free with Windows OS)

PHP 7.0 framework

Server-side Requirements 

Operation System          : Windows7/8

Web Server          : IIS 8.0(Internet Information Server)

Framework           : PHP 7.0 framework enabled

Database              : SQL Server 2010/2012

Minimum Space   : 1GB (including Database space) and may grow depends on
the customer information PHP Characteristics

PHP 7 (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that

was originally designed for web development, to produce dynamic web pages. It can be
embedded into HTML and generally runs on a web server, which needs to be configured
to process PHP code and create web page content from it. Originally designed for
producing dynamic web pages, it has evolved to include a command line interface
capability and can be used in standalonegraphical applications.

While Rasmus Lerdorf originally created PHP in 1995, the main implementation of PHP
is now produced by The PHP Group and serves as the de facto standard for PHP as there
is no formal specification. Released under the PHP License, the Free Software
Foundation considers it a free software.

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

It can be deployed on most web servers and on almost every operating system and
platform free of charge. PHP is installed on more than 20 million websites and 1 million
web servers. The most recent major release of PHP was version 5.2.6 on May 1, 2008.

PHP is a widely used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web
development and can be embedded into HTML. It generally runs on a web server, taking
PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. It can be deployed on most web
servers and on almost every operating system and platform free of charge. PHP is
installed on more than 20 million websites and 1 million web servers. The most recent
major release of PHP was version 5.3 on May 1, 2013.

Features of PHP
As a programming language for the Web, PHP is hard to ignore. Clean syntax, object
oriented fundamentals, an extensible architecture that encourages innovation, support for
both current and upcoming technologies and protocols, and excellent database integration
are just some of the reasons for the popularity it currently enjoys in the developer

1. Simplicity: Because PHP uses a consistent and logical syntax, and because it comes
with a clearly written manual, even novices find it easy to learn. In fact, the quickest
way to learn PHP is to step through the manual’s introductory tutorial, and then start
looking at code samples off the Web. Within a few hours, you will have learned the
basics and will be confident enough to begin writing your own scripts. This adherence
to the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle has made PHP popular as a
prototyping and rapid application development tool for web applications. PHP can
even access C libraries and take advantage of program code written for this language,
and the language is renowned for the tremendous flexibility it allows programmers in
accomplishing specific tasks.
2. Portability: With programming languages, portability—the ease with which a
program can be made to work on different platforms—is an important factor. PHP
users have little to fear here, because cross-platform development has been an
important design goal of PHP since PHP 3.0. Today, PHP is available for a wide
variety of platforms, including UNIX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and OS/2.

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

Additionally, because PHP code is interpreted and not compiled, PHP scripts written
on one platform usually work as is on any other platform for which an interpreter
exists. This means that developers can code on Windows and deploy on UNIX
without any major difficulties.
3. Speed: Out of the box, PHP scripts run faster than most other scripting languages,
with numerous independent benchmarks putting the language ahead of competing
alternatives like JSP, ASP.NET, and Perl. When PHP 4.0 was first released, it raised
the performance bar with its completely new parsing engine. PHP 5.0improves
performance even further using an optimized memory manager and the use of object
handles that reduce memory consumption and help applications run faster.
4. Open Source: Possibly the best thing about PHP is that it’s free—its source code is
freely available on the Web, and developers can install and use it without paying
licensing fees or investing in expensive hardware or software. Using PHP can thus
significantly reduce the development costs of a software application, without
compromising on either reliability or performance. The open-source approach also
ensures faster bug fixes and quicker integration of new technologies into the core
language, simply due to the much larger base of involved developers.

5. Extensible: Keeping future growth in mind, PHP’s creators built an extensible

architecture that enables developers to easily add support for new technologies to the
language through modular extensions. This extensibility keeps PHP fresh and always
at the cutting edge of new technology. To illustrate this, consider what PHP lets you
do through its add-on modules: dynamically create image, PDF, and SWF files;
connect to IMAP and POP3 servers; interface with MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and
SQLite databases; handle electronic payments; parse XML documents; and execute
Perl, Java, and COM code through a PHP script. MySQL 6.0

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) which has more than 11
million installations. The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a
number of databases.

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

MySQL is owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company
MySQL AB, now a subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, which holds the copyright to most
of the codebase. The project's source code is available under terms of the GNU General
Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements.

MySQL" is officially pronounced (My S Q L), not "My sequel". This adheres to the
official ANSI pronunciation; SEQUEL was an earlier IBM database language, a
predecessor to the SQL language. The company does not take issue with the
pronunciation "My sequel" or other local variations.

Uses of MySQL

MySQL is popular for web applications and acts as the database component of the
LAMP, BAMP, MAMP, and WAMP platforms (Linux/BSD/Mac/Windows-Apache-
MySQL-PHP/Perl/Python), and for open-sourcebug tracking tools like Bugzilla. Its
popularity for use with web applications is closely tied to the popularity of PHP and
Ruby on Rails, which are often combined with MySQL. PHP and MySQL are essential
components for running popular content management systems such as Expression
Engine, Drupal, e107, Joomla!, WordPress and some BitTorrent trackers.

Features of MySQL

MySQL’s development history has always been characterized by a clear-eyed focus on

the most important attributes of a good RDBMS: speed and stability. This has resulted in
a system that outperforms most of its competitors without sacrificing reliability or ease of
use, thereby gaining it a loyal base of developers, administrators, and users worldwide.

The following sections describe MySQL’s most compelling features.

1. Speed: In an RDBMS, speed—the time taken to execute a query and return the
results to the caller—is everything. MySQL scores high on this parameter, with better
performance than almost all its competitors, including commercial systems like
2. The Name Game: Well, the acronym PHP originally stood for “Personal Home Page
Tools.” When PHP 3.0 was released, it was changed into a recursive acronym

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

meaning “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.” More tad bits from PHP’s history are
available at
3. Reliability: When it comes to reliability, MySQL’s creeds are impeccable. The
MySQL RDBMS has been tested and certified for use in high-volume, mission-
critical applications by some of the world’s largest organizations, including NASA,
HP, and Yahoo! Because MySQL has deep roots in the open-source community,
every new release is typically “battle-tested” by users all over the world, on different
operating systems and in different operating conditions, to ensure that it
4. Security: Security is an important concern when dealing with multiuser databases,
and MySQL’s developers have taken a great deal of care to ensure that MySQL is as
secure as possible. MySQL comes with a sophisticated access control and privilege
system to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system. This system,
implemented as a five-tiered privilege hierarchy, enables MySQL administrators to
protect access to sensitive data using a combination of user- and host-based
authentication schemes. Users can be restricted to performing operations only on
specified databases or fields, and MySQL even makes it possible to control which
types of queries a user can run, at database, table, or field level.
5. Scalability and Portability: MySQL can handle extremely large and complex
databases without too much of a drop in performance. Tables of several gigabytes
containing hundreds of thousands of records are common, and the MySQL web site
itself claims to use databases containing 50 million records. And once you’ve got
your tables filled with data, you can move them from one platform to another
without any difficulty—MySQL is available for both UNIX and non-UNIX
operating systems, including Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OS/2, Mac OS, and Windows
95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, and NT. It runs on a range of architectures, including Intel
x86, Alpha, SPARC, Power PC, and IA64, and supports many different hardware
configurations, from low-end386s to high-end Pentium machines.
6. Ease of Use: Most commercial RDBMSs are intimidating, with cryptic command-
line interfaces and hundreds of tunable parameters. Not this one, though—well
aware that a complex interface adds to the total cost of ownership of an RDBMS, the

Chapter 2 Feasibility and Requirement Study

7. Compliance with Existing Standards: MySQL 4.0 supports most of the important
features of the ANSI SQL-99 standard, with support for missing features slated to be
added in future versions. MySQL also extends the ANSI standard with its own
custom functions and data types designed to improve portability and provide users
with enhanced functionality.
8. Wide Application Support: MySQL exposes APIs to many different programming
languages, thereby making it possible to write database-driven applications in the
language of your choice. This book focuses specifically on using PHP with MySQL,
but readers working with other programming languages will be pleased to hear that
MySQL AB also provides native ODBC and JDBC drivers for the Microsoft
Windows and Java platforms. Additionally, hooks to MySQL are available in C, C+
+, Perl, Python, and TCL, to offer developers maximum freedom in designing
MySQL-backed applications.
9. Easy Licensing Policy: The MySQL RDBMS is licensed under the GPL, and users
are free to download and modify the source code of the application to their needs,
and to use it to power their applications free of cost. This licensing policy has only
fueled MySQL’s popularity, creating an active and enthusiastic global community of
MySQL developers and users. This community plays an active role in keeping
MySQL ahead of its competition, both by crash testing the software for reliability on
millions of installations worldwide and by extending the core engine to stay abreast
of the latest technologies and newest developments.


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