Braking System Design For All Terrian Vehicle (Atv)

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018, pp. 983–990, Article ID: IJMET_09_04_112

Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Boddu Raviteja, Nakirikanti Nitesh, Ganti Pavan Kumar and Gujjula Haravind Reddy
B.Tech, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and
Technology, Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

This main objective of this paper is to explain the Optimized design of Braking
system for an ATV by using the Reverse Engineering Technique and enable us to
obtain the various performance parameters. This also includes the Design
Methodology which follows the order as Introduction, Selection of types of Brakes,
Calculations, Benchmarking, Comparison Graphs, Conclusion and References.
Key words: Braking System, ATV, Reverse Engineering, Braking Torque, Braking
Force, Pedal Effort, Rolling Resistance.
Cite this Article: Boddu Raviteja, Nakirikanti Nitesh, Ganti Pavan Kumar and
Gujjula Haravind Reddy, Braking System Design for All Terrian Vehicle (ATV),
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(4), 2018,
pp. 983–990.

A general misconception is that brakes are used to stop the vehicle but it’s to decelerate the
vehicle. Law of Conversation of energy is the main principle behind this system i.e. Kinetic
energy is converted into heat energy via generation of friction. Brakes are classified into two
categories namely
a) Drum Brakes
b) b. Disc Brakes
But based on the actuation they are classified into many as illustrated below
1. Mechanical Brakes: Actuation by means of linkages / wires. This type can be seen in
Bi-cycles and Motor-cycles.
2. Hydraulic Brakes: Actuation by means of liquid. This type can be seen in Motor-
cycles, Cars and Auto-rickshaw.
3. Pneumatic Brakes: Actuation by means of compressed gas. This can be seen in Heavy
Commercial Vehicles and locomotives.
4. Electrical/Regenerative brakes: Actuation by means of electricity. This mostly seen in
locomotives. 983

Braking System Design for All Terrian Vehicle (ATV)

5. Magnetic Brakes: Actuation by means of Magnetism power.


All the above mentioned types have their uniqueness but mostly Hydraulic brakes suits the
most as they are easy to install, effective and less cost. Mechanical brakes are exceptional for
Coming to Hydraulic brakes disc type is more efficient because less weight, easy to
install, water drain capability and effective heat dissipation which cannot be find in drum
Also most of ATV’s are rear driven so inboard brakes are sufficient for rear side of
vehicle and out board brakes for front side. Doing this improves the performance of the
vehicle and also reduces the unsprung mass of vehicle.

3.1. Pre-requisites (Assume)
 Track width- 50’’ and Wheel base- 54’’
 Stopping Distance- 3mts
 Speed of vehicle- 60Kmph
 Centre of gravity location along 3-D axes- 29.68’’ longitudinally from the front
wheels, 26’’ laterally from the left wheels and 14.5’’ vertically from ground.
 Weight of vehicle including driver- 145+75Kg = 220Kg

3.2. Let’s calculate the following step by step

 Total Kinetic Energy
 Angular displacement of wheel
 Total Braking force followed by its distribution to the front and rear side of the vehicle
 Parts dimensions abstraction and finally plotting performance graphs.

3.2.1. Total Kinetic Energy

As it is previously assumed that weight of vehicle including driver is 220Kg.
Total Kinetic Energy =Translational KE+ Rotational KE
= 0.5xmxv2 + 0.5xIxω2
= 32,031.116J (Approx.)
m- Mass of vehicle
v- Max. Velocity of vehicle
I-Mass moment of Inertia
ω- Angular velocity of rotating parts

3.2.2. Angular displacement of wheel

We have this from law of conservation of energy
KE=BTx θ 984

Boddu Raviteja, Nakirikanti Nitesh, Ganti Pavan Kumar and Gujjula Haravind Reddy

BT- Braking Torque
θ- Angular displacement
= (BTf+ BTr) xθ
= (r1*x BFf+r2*x BFr) xθ
= (r1* x kbf x BFt+r2*x kbr x BFt) xθ
Here r1*=r2*=r* (Disc effective radius)
= r*x BFt x θ x (kbf+kbr)
= r*x BFt x θ x 1
KE= r*x BFt x θ (1)
BTf & BTr – Braking toque for front wheels and rear wheels
We have
a = dv/dt
= dvxds/dsxdt
= dv x (ds/dt) /ds
a x ds = v x dv
Integrating on both sides we get
a x s = v2/2
(BFt/m) x s = v2/2
BFt = m x v2/2 x s (2)
a – Deceleration
s – Dtopping distance
= 220 x 16.662/2 x 3
BFt = 10,177.03 N
θ = 50.35c from (1)

3.2.3. Brake force distribution

If this is not distributed properly there are two situations can occur
a) Only front wheels gets locked and it leads to loose direction control
b) Only rear wheels gets locked and it leads to loose directional stability
For avoiding these all the four wheels has to lock simultaneously and this is achieved by
the following distribution
Ideal brake force distribution
Kbf/kbr= (b + h x (µ + fr))/(a - h x (µ + fr )) (3)
a ,b ,h are the locations of C.O.G longitudinally, laterally and vertically
µ - Coefficient of friction
fr – Coefficient of rolling resistance
Substituting all these we get
kbf= 0.737 & kbr= 0.262 985

Braking System Design for All Terrian Vehicle (ATV)

BFf=kbf x BFt = 7500.47 N
BFr=kbr x BFt = 2,676.56 N

3.2.4. Parts Dimensions abstraction

Let’s convert these values at wheels to rotor side as follows
BFf = µ x BFfd (4)
µ - Coefficient of friction between tyre and ground
BFfd – Braking force at rotor at front side of vehicle
Similarly for rear side
BFfd = BFf/ µ
= 7500.47/0.6
= 12,500.78 N
Similarly for rear side
BFrd = BFr/ µ
= 4,460.93 N

a. First let’s find out the front side parts dimensions

BFfd1 = 6,250.39 N
BFfd1 = 2 x µ x CF
CF – Clamping force
= 2 x 0.4 x CF
CF = 7,812.98 N
Let’s consider dual piston caliper for the front side
Then we have
CFp = CF/2 = Clamping force per piston = 3,906.49 N
Fpr/Amcp = CFp/Acp (5)
Fpr/d12 = CFp/d22
d22/d12 = CFp/Fpr (6)
Fpr – Master cylinder push rod force
d1 – Diameter of mc piston
d2 – Diameter of caliper piston
= 7812.98/2,646.9
= 2.95
d2 /d12 = 2.95

d2/d1 = 1.71 (7)

b. Rear side parts dimensions

BFrd = 4,460.93 N 986

Boddu Raviteja, Nakirikanti Nitesh, Ganti Pavan Kumar and Gujjula Haravind Reddy

Let’s have single acting caliper for rear

CFp = 5,576.16 N
d2/d1 = 1.45 (8)

In this various parts are compared with others based on availability, cost & specification.

Table 1 Rotor
S.No. Diameter(mm) DER(m) Type Availability Cost(INR)
1 150 0.0625 Drilled Medium 450
2 160 0.0675 Drilled Medium 570
3 180 0.075 Drilled Medium 750
4 190 0.082 Drilled High 900
5 200 0.087 Drilled High 1200
Note: We have selected 150mm for front side and 160mm for rear side

Table 2 Brake Fluid

S.No. Type Dry Boiling point Availability Wet Boiling point
1 DOT 3 205 High 140
2 DOT 4 230 Medium 155
3 DOT 5.1 200 Low 180
4 DOT 5 200 Low 180
Note: DOT 3 suits our requirement

Table 3 Master Cylinder

S.No. Bore Diameter (cm) Type Availability Cost(INR)
1 1.4 SP High 650
2 1.6 SP High 1070
3 1.9 DP High 900
4 2.5 DP Medium 850-1050
5 3-4.5 DP Low 1800-5000
Note: SP – Single piston
DP – Double piston
Third one suits our requirement

Table 4 Caliper
S.No. Bore Diameter (cm) Type Availability Cost(INR)
1 2 SA, TA Low 1200-4000
2 2.8 DA High 1500-1700
3 3.2 SA, DA High 1800- 6000
Note: SA – Single acting
DA – Double acting
TA – Triple Acting
Second and third one suits our requirement 987

Braking System Design for All Terrian Vehicle (ATV)

Here the various combinations of parts are selected and assessed for its finalization and
finally installed in the vehicle.


Stopping distance is the distance travelled by the vehicle from the moment of deceleration to
its final stop and it’s the combination braking distance and reaction distance.
Braking distance is the distance travelled by the vehicle from the moment of application
of brake to its final stop.
Note: Aerodynamic Effect is ignored in this calculation because it has no significant
And the values are obtained by assuming that the driver always applies constant pedal
effort irrespective of speed i.e.
0 20 40 60 80

Figure 1 Stopping Distance (m) VS Speed (Kmph)

BFt = m x v /2 x s from (2)
s = m x v /2 x BFt
m= 220Kgs
v= Varies from 60 Kmph to 0 Kmph
BFt= remains same always since the applied effort is constant.

It’s very important factor for determining the load transfer and according to which parameters
can be adjusted.
During braking condition the following forces comes into picture i.e. Inertia force,
Braking force and rolling resistance.

Figure 2 Component of forces during braking condition 988

Boddu Raviteja, Nakirikanti Nitesh, Ganti Pavan Kumar and Gujjula Haravind Reddy

Balancing horizontal forces we get,

md = BFf+BFr+RRf+RRr = BFt+RRt (Total Braking force + Total Rolling Resistance)
d = BFt+RRt /m (9)
From the above equation we can plot the following graph
0 20 40 60 80

Figure 3 Deceleration (m/sec2) VS Speed (Kmph)


It is the amount of load transferred to the front axle during braking condition(deceleration
process) and we can also reduce this by implementing the Anti-Dive geometry in the vehicle
and it reduces the chances of toppling(if any).

Figure 4 Component of forces at the moment of deceleration

Considering the moment equation w.r.t to any point can able to find out the Load
transferred to the front and similarly we can also find the amount of load transferred to rear
during acceleration case just by reversing the forces at C.O.G.




0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 5 Weight Transfer (Kg) VS Speed (Kmph) 989

Braking System Design for All Terrian Vehicle (ATV)

Table 5 Overall Technical Specifications

Parameter Value
Stopping Distance 3 mts
Pedal Ratio 6:1
Pedal Effort 441.45 N
32” (longitudinal from front wheels)
COG Location 26” (laterally from the right wheel)
14.5” (height)
Mass of vehicle 268Kgs
Master Cylinder Bore 19 mm
Push Rod Force 2648.7 N
Front-11504.602 N/disc
Clamping Force
Rear-7513.209 N/disc
Front-9203.68 N/disc
Braking Force
Rear-6010.56 N/disc
Front-150 mm
Rotor Diameter
Rear-160 mm
Front-287.5 N-m/wheel
Braking Torque Required per Wheel
Rear-202.5 N-m/Wheel
Deceleration 4g
Stopping time 0.42Sec
Pedal Travel 70 mm
Front-317.851 K/Single stop
Max. Temperature raise in rotor
Rear-306.429 K/Single stop
Brake Fluid DOT 3
Braking Circuit F/R Split
Braking Circuit Balancing Simultaneous locking

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