Principles of Marketing Project

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Principles of Marketing



Ahmed Ashraf Abdelsalam 12104628
Ehab Wael Abd Elfattah 17204085
Jumana Wael Fareed 17204066
Ahmed Hassan Maher 15104376

Marketing research and Idea generation .1

Drinking regular water can be not so preferable for some
people. Flavored waters are types of beverages which are
basically made from water with added flavor extracted from
natural fruits. This kind of beverages can be with added vitamins
and flavor can be chosen from huge selection. Our product will
not have any artificial flavors or sweeteners so it will not have too
.many calories in it

We have responsibly gathered all kinds of herbal ingredients,

vitamins which are important to humans' body and different kind
of flavors in order to be able to offer you the best kind of flavored

Competitive Analysis .2

Direct competition: There are no direct competitors in local

market; however, some flavored water products can be ordered
.online but with a very high price

Indirect competition: There is indirect competition with regular

water companies like Nestle, Aquafina and Dasani

Threats and Opportunities analysis .3

Our first threat that our product may not make a great success
at the beginning as it's a new product and brand introduced to the

The second threat is that other well-known water brands may
.copy our product and start producing it and compete with us

Our first and most important opportunity that there is no
direct competition because it’s the first flavored water to be
manufactured in Egypt

Our flavored water is going to lack any preserved sugar, artificial

colors and any unnecessary unhealthy ingredients so its going to be
healthy and nutrition for kids as well as its tasty flavor that the children
.will love

And for anyone who like the taste of regular water it will be a great
substation as well as maintaining their health

Finally our product is going to be affordable for everyone, if we

compared the price of regular water and our flavored water the price
difference is unnoticeable as well as the nutrition and vitamins you get
from flavored water rather than the regular water

Market Segmentation and Targeting .4

Psychographic: Specific lifestyles such as athletes and people over

caring about healthier products will be interested in our product
as it is made up of natural fruits with many vitamins, and sugar
.free products will be promoted
Additionally, some people tend to drink soda or juices instead
.of water so our product will be interesting for them

List of advantages .5

The product will have different flavors and some healthy -1

.vitamins in the ingredients

People who don’t like drinking bottled water will have a -2

.healthy alternative
It will not have artificial ingredients as soda and some -3
.people who are on diet will find zero calories products -4
The price will be much less than other flavored water -5
products and the difference between our product's price
.and regular water's price isn't high

Marketing mix .6
 Product strategy: We are offering our flavored water products
(VATER) to the market, which is water with added natural flavors and
vitamins to be healthier; it will be packed in high quality plastic
We will offer a big variety of fruity flavors like
watermelon, peach, strawberry, apple, lemon, raspberry you
will also find some mixes as strawberry kiwi, lemon mint and
.pineapple peach

 Pricing strategy: our product will be offered in two packs , a small

bottle (0.5L) which will cost 7.5 EGP in production and will be sold with
the price of 10 EGP ,the large bottle (1L) will cost 15 EGP in production
and will offered with the price of 18 EGP to the market. The profit will
be bigger in the small pack so it will be produced in bigger numbers.
Our product's price will be relatively not very high compared to regular
water products.

 Place distribution strategy: Our product will be distributed in the same
places any regular water products are distributed. We will also
concentrate on distributing our product in health centers.

 Promotion strategy: It will be promoted through many campaigns as

social network advertisements, billboards, TV commercials and
sponsoring in social events.

Conclusion .7
Finally our product is going to be affordable for everyone, if we
compared the price of regular water and our flavored water the price
difference is unnoticeable as well as the nutrition and vitamins you
get from flavored water rather than the regular water As a conclusion
our product is going to be affordable for everyone, if we compared
the price of regular water and our flavored water the price difference
is unnoticeable.
As well as the nutrition and vitamins you get flavored water rather
than the regular ware is going to advertise our product on social
media to be known in a short amount of time.

Finally we are going to engage with customers through

professionally hired employs to create value and build customer
relationship and we are going to make a website for our customers
complains to be solved immediately for their satisfaction.

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