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● When restoring the edentulous maxilla with implants one of the major decisions to make is
often whether the patient should be restored with a fixed or removable prosthesis.
● The number of implants to be placed depends on quality of bone, anticipated force and
arch form.
● Removable restorations require more maintenance than their fixed counterparts.

Treatment planning of the
edentulous maxilla
S. Jivraj,1 W. Chee2 and P. Corrado3

The predictability of successful osseointegrated implant rehabilitation of the edentulous jaw as described by Branemark
et al.,1 introduced a new era of management for the edentulous predicament. Implant rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla
remains one of the most complex restorative challenges because of the number of variables that affect both the aesthetic
and functional aspect of the prosthesis.2 Among the prosthesis designs used to treat the edentulous maxilla are fixed or
removable implant-supported restorations. Since the aesthetic requirements and preoperative situation of each patient varies,
considerable time must be spent on accurate diagnosis to ensure patient desires are satisfied and predictable outcomes are
achieved. The purpose of this article is to compare the treatment options and prosthesis designs for the edentulous maxilla.
Emphasis will be placed on diagnosis and treatment planning. Criteria will be given to guide the practitioner in deciding
whether a fixed or removable restoration should be placed. This objective will be accomplished through the review of cases
with regard to varying design considerations and factors that influence the decision-making process.

IMPLANTS As in all phases of dentistry diagnosis is critical stability are also well documented. Patients are
in obtaining a predictable outcome. An incom- also more likely to wear a maxillary prosthesis
1. Rationale for dental implants plete or erroneous diagnosis can yield unsatis- for longer periods of time before complications
2. Treatment planning of implants in factory results for both the patient and treating arise. When implant rehabilitation of the eden-
posterior quadrants
clinician. tulous maxilla was required the principles fol-
3. Treatment planning of implants in Historically most of the research for implant lowed the same as that of the edentulous man-
the aesthetic zone
rehabilitation of edentulous patients was con- dible. Screw retained prostheses were fabricated
4. Surgical guidelines for dental
implant placement
ducted in the mandible. Due to the reduced with cantilever pontics. When there was exces-
5. Immediate implant placement:
denture bearing surface of the mandible and sive resorption, long standard abutments were
treatment planning and surgical the mobility of the tongue, patients often com- installed which entered the oral cavity and the
steps for successful outcomes plained of instability of the denture and an ina- prosthesis was built on top of that. These proce-
6. Treatment planning of the bility to adapt to a removable prosthesis. Many dures were acceptable for the mandibular pros-
edentulous maxilla prostheses designs were evaluated ranging from theses however the open interproximal spaces
7. Treatment planning of the subperiosteal implants to implants supported in the maxilla would compromise both the aes-
edentulous mandible
complete dentures. thetics and function.
8. Impressions techniques for implant Patients are more likely to wear and accom- Following the same prosthetic concepts for
modate to a maxillary denture compared to its the maxilla as existed in the mandible is not
9. Screw versus cemented implant
supported restorations mandibular counterpart. Aesthetics are satis- feasible. The long term prognosis for implants in
10. Designing abutments for factory and the greater retention, support and the maxilla is less secure than that of the eden-
cement retained implant supported tulous mandible.1 Following tooth extraction in
restorations 1*Chairman, Section of Fixed Prosthodontics and Operative the anterior part of the maxilla horizontal bone
11. Connecting implants to teeth Dentistry, University of Southern California School of Dentistry / resorption is almost twice as pronounced as ver-
12. Transitioning a patient from teeth Private Prosthodontics Practitioner, Burbank, California; 2Ralph tical resorption.3 The vertical distance between
to implants W. and Jean L. Bleak Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Director
of Implant Dentistry at the University of Southern California
the alveolar crest and the base of the nasal
13. The role of orthodontics in School of Dentistry / Private Prosthodontics Practitioner, sinuses provides a limiting factor for placement
implant dentistry Pasadena, California; 3Private Practice, Verona, Italy of implants. In the posterior maxilla vertical and
14. Interdisciplinary approach to *Correspondence to: Dr Sajid Jivraj, School of Dentistry, Rm. 4375 horizontal atrophy occur at about the same rate,
implant dentistry University Park, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
90089-0641, USA in addition there is pneumatisation of the max-
15. Factors that affect individual Email: illary sinuses. The width of the ridge is usually
tooth prognosis and choices in
Refereed Paper
sufficient; however, the limiting factor is the
contemporary treatment planning
© British Dental Journal 2006; 201: 261-279 vertical distance between the crest and the base
16. Maintenance and failures
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4813952 of the sinuses. The reduced quantity and quality


5p261-279.indd 261 31/8/06 15:20:56


of bone in the maxilla together with increased the edentulous maxilla proceeds cranially and
aesthetic demands makes treatment planning medially and this often results in a retruded
more complex. A different approach based on position of the anterior maxilla.3
the ultimate aesthetic outcome is required com- When evaluating a diagnostic set up with the
pared to that of the edentulous mandible where anterior teeth in proper relation to the lip, the
function is the more critical factor. position of the anterior teeth are often anterior
to the alveolar ridge. Depending on the sever-
DIAGNOSIS ity of the resorption there can be a discrepancy
George Bernard Shaw once said ‘One of the most between the ideal location of the teeth and the
dangerous diseases is diagnosis’. The decision ridge. This in turn leads to a discrepancy of the
making parameters when rehabilitating patients anticipated position of the implants in relation
requires the clinician to make a decision as to to the teeth. This discrepancy must be taken
whether a fixed or a removable prosthesis would into consideration to achieve a prosthesis that
be more suitable. A patient presenting with a satisfies the parameters of adequate speech, lip
satisfactory complete denture requesting transi- support, sufficient tongue space and patient
tion to an implant supported restoration may be acceptance. When deemed to be large the dis-
a difficult patient to satisfy. Patients must be told crepancy can only be managed with the flange
about the risks and potential pitfalls of treat- of a removable prosthesis (Figs 7-10). The
ment. Informed consent must include surgical patient must be made aware of this from the
risks of treatment as well as a realistic assessment outset and must be told unless extensive graft-
of whether the patient’s chief complaint can be ing procedures are carried out it is unlikely that
addressed and their expectations satisfied. a fixed restoration can be provided.
When restoring the edentulous maxilla with
implants, one of the major decisions to make Smile line and lip length
is often whether the patient should be restored The movement of the upper lip during speech
with a fixed or removable prosthesis. Several and smiling should be evaluated. Tjan et al.5
designs can be used to restore patients. With described the average smile as having the posi-
overdenture type designs we can obtain support tion of the upper lip such that 75% to 100% of
from both the implants and the mucosa; when the of the maxillary incisors and interproximal
there are enough fixtures the restoration can be gingiva are displayed. In a high smile line addi-
entirely implant supported. tional gingiva was exposed and in a low smile
Zitzmann and Marinello4 described in detail line less than 75% of the maxillary anterior
parameters that need to be evaluated. A fixed teeth are displayed. Patients should be asked
restoration should not be promised to a patient to smile with and without the denture in place
until all diagnostic criteria are evaluated. These (Figs 11-12). If the alveolar ridge is displayed
criteria must include quality and quantity of during smiling the aesthetics can be very chal-
bone available to support implants, lip line, lip lenging as the junction between the restoration
support and aesthetic demands. Implants should and the gingival complex will be visible. Lip
not be placed till a definitive treatment plan has support should also be evaluated as it influences
been established as implant positions may vary the position of the maxillary anterior teeth. In
depending on type of prostheses to be delivered a patient with a short upper lip the maxillary
(Figs 1-2). anterior teeth will be exposed in repose whereas
in patients with a long upper lip the anterior
EXTRA-ORAL EXAMINATION teeth will usually be covered. A long upper lip
Facial and lip support is a more favourable situation for the treating
One of the best diagnostic tools is the patient’s restorative dentist (Figs 13-14).
existing maxillary denture. The clinician can
evaluate the patient’s denture to determine what INTRA-ORAL EXAMINATION
likes and dislikes there are regarding aesthetics, Thickness of the mucosa
speech and function. Each point should be noted The mucosal quality can be assessed by pal-
for improvements in the new restoration. pation, sounding or with the help of radio-
There is always a tendency for patients to graphs. Often in edentulous patients the inter-
prefer fixed over removable prostheses. It is the dental papillae is absent. When a tooth is lost
restorative dentists’ responsibility to determine the interseptal bone disappears and the bone
if this is feasible. Facial support is an impor- remodels. What is often the result is a flattened
tant decision in this regard. Assessment of the papilla. The papilla height is also depressed as
patient’s facial support with and without the there is lack of interproximal contacts.
denture in place with the patient facing forward When papillae are lost it is very difficult if
and in profile needs to be made so we can deter- not impossible to regenerate it. Patients must
mine which type of prostheses would be more be told that achieving the papillary architec-
suitable (Figs 3- 4). ture that existed prior to the extraction of their
Facial support if inadequate is obtained teeth is unlikely. This illusion is created by
mainly by the buccal flange of a removable res- manipulating the soft tissues with ovate pon-
toration (Figs 5-6). Lip support is derived from tics and varying the position of the interproxi-
the alveolar ridge shape and cervical crown mal contact. On occasion when implants are
contours of the anterior teeth. Resorption of in the incorrect position, soft tissue is replaced


5p261-279.indd 262 31/8/06 15:21:34


by using gingival coloured ceramics (Figs 15- the sinuses makes placement of implants very
16). It is imperative that the patient preview the difficult. Maxillary sinus lift procedures are fre-
final result through the use of provisional res- quently performed to create adequate bone vol-
torations. In some instances there is excessive ume for predictable implant placement.7,8 The
hard and soft tissue loss and the appearance of donor site varies depending on the volume of
interdental papilla can only be made up through bone required. Bone from the iliac crest is often
the use of gingival coloured ceramics or acryl- harvested when both sinuses require augmenta-
ic resin (Figs 17-18). A thick mucosa is easier tion. Augmentation of the sinuses via iliac bone
to mould for an interimplant trigonum than a crest grafting can be a traumatic procedure and
thin mucosa. Thick mucosa can also help hide patients often request alternative options. With
abutment margins and facilitates correct emer- information from the CT scan implants can be
gence of the clinical crown. In some cases where inclined to avoid the maxillary sinuses,9 or
angulated abutments are required the mucosa alternative procedures that use existing ana-
can facilitate hiding the pronounced titanium tomical sites that offer reduced morbidity and
collar. If the patient presents with very thin tis- minimal invasion of the existing structures can
sue consideration must be given to soft tissue be used.
grafting in order to change the tissue type to a Zygomatic implants can be placed to engage
more favourable one. the zygomatic bone inferolateral to the orbital
rim and provide anchorage for a fixed pros-
Bone quality and quantity thesis in conjunction with anterior implants.10
Upon consideration of bone quantity, bone Implants can also be placed in the maxillary
quality, resorptive patterns and maxilloman- tuberosity to provide support (Figs 23-26).11
dibular relationship it usually becomes appar- Clinically Lekholm and Zarb12 have pro-
ent that the actual amount of bone available for posed a classification of jaw shape and quality
placement of implants in the edentulous maxilla which is useful when planning treatment for
may not only be limited but may also be present the edentulous maxilla. They classified eden-
in areas remote from the original site of the nat- tulous maxillae and mandibles into five shapes
ural teeth. In the pre maxilla the tooth position according to the degree of resorption, shape A,
may be much further forward than the implant having minimal resorption and shape E, being
position and this may pose certain biomechani- severely resorbed. Bone quality was classified
cal disadvantages. In the posterior maxilla the into four patterns (1 through 4) depending on
resorption pattern may be so severe that a cross the amount and type of cortical bone present
bite relationship may have to be used or alter- (Figs 19-20). In the edentulous maxilla type 3 or
natively the tooth position may have to be can- type 4 bone quality is often found. This quality
tilevered facially so as to re-create the vertical of bone often dictates over engineering at time
and horizontal tooth relationships that existed of implant placement. Additional implants are
prior to extraction. placed when the surgeon experiences bone of
The clinician’s ability to evaluate the maxil- poor quality, the rationale being if one implant
lary bone both quantitatively and qualitatively were to fail the restorative dentist would still be
makes this one of the most challenging sites for able to progress with the anticipated prosthesis.
successful implant placement.
Visual examination with and without the Inter arch space
denture in place will give the clinician an idea Jaw shape has a significant influence on pros-
of the lip and facial support required and some thesis design. The resorption of alveolar bone
idea as to whether a fixed or removable restora- has been a considerable issue in prosthodontics
tion would be more appropriate. However, vis- for as long as clinicians have tried to replace
ual examination cannot reveal sufficient infor- missing intra-oral structures.
mation about the location, volume, width and To accommodate adequate designs, different
degree of mineralisation of the bone under the types of restorations require different dimen-
soft tissues.2 Computed tomography scans and sional tolerances. Accurately mounted casts are
tomograms reveal the three dimensional archi- critical in assessing prosthetic space limitations.
tecture of the bone and provide the surgeon Spatial constraints must be considered as a mat-
with precise representation of the availability ter of practicality. The limiting factor in edentu-
and location of bone (Figs 19-20). To obtain lous patients is the available interarch space.13
maximal benefit from such a scan a radiograph- An efficient method of evaluating inter arch
ic template is highly recommended.6 Titanium space in a patient with an edentulous maxillary
pins or gutta percha markers should be incorpo- arch is to construct a diagnostic putty cast. A
rated into an acrylic resin duplicate of the diag- facebow record is made with the patient’s den-
nostic denture set up (Figs 21-22). The markers ture in situ. Putty is inserted into the intaglio of
are oriented perpendicular to the occlusal plane the patient’s denture and this is then mounted
and should end apically at the height of the pro- on the upper member of an articulator. In this
spective clinical crown margin.2 manner we now have a replica of the patient’s
CT scans are extremely useful in evaluating maxillary denture bearing area. An impres-
the trajectory of the bone in the posterior max- sion is then made of the opposing arch and a
illa. When a patient has been edentulous for a diagnostic cast poured. Occlusal registrations
significant period of time, pneumatisation of are made between the mandibular arch and the


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Fig. 1 (left) Extra-oral factors that

need to be evaluated (Modified from
Zitzmann NU and Marinello CP4)

Fig. 2 (right) Intra-oral factors that

need to be evaluated (Modified from
Zitzmann NU and Marinello CP4)

Fig. 3 (left) Lip support with denture,

lip looks over-supported

Fig. 4 (right) Lip support without

denture. Patient’s appearance in
profile is satisfactory indicating that
a flange will not be required

Fig. 5 (left) Lip support with denture,

lip looks well supported

Fig. 6 (right) Lip support without

denture. This patient will require a
flange to satisfy aesthetic parameters

Fig. 7 (left) Cross section of tooth

indictaing bone levels

Fig. 8 (right) With minimal

resorption conventional crown and
bridgework can be completed on the


5p261-279.indd 264 31/8/06 15:29:13


Fig. 9 (left) With moderate

resorption pink porcelain may be
required to disguise tooth length if
the patient desires a fixed restoration

Fig. 10 (right) With excessive

resorption a flange of a removal
restoration is required to satisfy
parameters of lip and facial support

Fig. 11 (left) Low smile line

Fig. 12 (right) Ridge displayed when

patient is smiling. This situation is
aesthetically challenging since the
interface between the gingival and
restoration is visible

Fig. 13 (left) Patient displaying a

short upper lip

Fig. 14 (right) Patient displaying a

long upper lip

Fig. 15 (left) Implant placed in

interproximal area, between left
central and lateral incisors. Pink
acrylic resin has been used to disguise
the discrepancy

Fig. 16 (right) Provisional restoration

in the mouth to determine if patient
is accepting of pink acrylic resin

Fig. 17 (left) Provisional restorations in

the mouth. Interdental papillae are very
difficult to generate in full arch implant
rehabilitations. The aesthetics must be
visualised in provisional restorations.
In this particular case the patient did
not show the cervical portion due to a
low smile line, however he continued
to have problems with speech and food

Fig. 18 (right) Final restoration for

patient in Fig. 17. Pink porcelain was
used to close interdental spaces and
provide improved aesthetics and speech

Fig. 19 (left) Cross section of bone

resorption pattern according to U,
Lekholm and GA, Zarb.12

Fig. 20 (right) Diagram indicating

quality of bone according to U,
Lekholm and GA, Zarb.12


5p261-279.indd 265 31/8/06 15:31:30


Fig. 21 (left) Restrictive surgical

guide with titanium pins

Fig. 22 (right) Radiographic guide

with gutta percha markers

Fig. 23 (left) Support gained from

an implant placed in the maxillary
tuberosity area. This patient
wanted to avoid a sinus lift and
augmentation procedures

Fig. 24 (right) Lateral view to

illustrate support from tuberosity

Fig. 25 (left) Occlusal view of

splinted restoration

Fig. 26 (right) Clinical view of

restoration in the mouth

Fig. 27 (left) Intra-oral view of

restorative space between maxillary
ridge and opposing dentition

Fig. 28 (right) Putty casts can be

used to determine available space for

Fig. 29 (left) For a completely

edentulous patient, putty casts can be
made of the intaglio of the denture
and mounted

Fig. 30 (right) The putty casts give us

an indication of space available prior
to embarking upon restoration design

Fig. 31 (left) A conventional screw

retained restoration requires 10-12
mm of space between the head of the
implant and the opposing occlusion

Fig. 32 (right) A removable

restoration on implants requires 14-
16 mm of space between the head
of the implant and the opposing


5p261-279.indd 266 31/8/06 15:34:03


Fig. 33 (left) A diagnostic set up. The

teeth have been set directly against
the ridge, if this satisfies parameters
of aesthetics this patient will be a
candidate for a fixed restoration

Fig. 34 (right) Wax try in indicating

space between the cervical portion
of the tooth and the ridge. This area
has been filled in with wax. If this
satisfies parameters of aesthetics the
patient will be a candidate for a fixed
restoration. The patient must be told
that pink porcelain will be required to
disguise tooth length

Fig. 35 (left) Smile line of patient in

Figure 34

Fig. 36 (right) Aesthetics of complete

dentures can be very pleasing, patients
transitioning from complete dentures
to an implant supported restoration
must be informed that the interdental
spaces resembling papilla will not be
reproduced in a full arch restoration

Fig. 37 (left) Full arch restorations

on implants. Note papillae are absent;
this has been disguised by varying the
level of the interproximal contact

Fig. 38 (right) Square arch form, a

minimum of six implants are required

Fig. 39 (left) Clinical square arch


Fig. 40 (right) Ovoid arch form, an

additional implant is required in
the premaxilla to biomechanically
stabilise the prosthesis

Fig. 41 (left) Clinical ovoid arch form

Fig. 42 (right) Tapering arch form, an

additional two implants are required
in the premaxilla to biomechanically
stabilise the prosthesis

Fig. 43 (left) Clinical tapered arch


Fig. 44 (right) Maxillary occlusal



5p261-279.indd 267 31/8/06 15:34:52


opposing denture and subsequently the man- Treatment planning

dibular cast is mounted. This technique can The long term success of implant rehabilita-
be used for fully edentulous patients too (Fig. tion of the edentulous maxilla is dependent on
27-30). The mounted casts can now be used to consideration of all the factors previously dis-
evaluate the available interarch space and deci- cussed. Treatment planning must address these
sions can be made with regards to the antici- diagnostic findings. Treatment planning must
pated prosthesis design. also address the patient’s original complaints
Conventional screw retained implant pros- and meet the patient’s expectations. The patient
theses have been constructed with 10-12 mm needs to have a relatively good idea of what
between the edentulous ridges and the oppos- the final outcome is likely to be. Aesthetics is a
ing occlusal plane. It provides sufficient space major cause of failure, going through a lengthy
for bulk of restorative material and also per- expensive treatment only to achieve a result
mits a prosthesis design to establish aesthetics which is aesthetically inferior to a complete
and hygiene. If space is limited, re-establishing denture can be hugely disappointing.
a patient’s vertical dimension or altering the Patient communication at the outset is of
opposing occlusion should be considered.13 utmost importance. To avoid any unexpected
A conventional overdenture requires addi- surprises a great amount of time must be devoted
tional space. Guidelines for space requirements to educating the patient into the relative advan-
are between 12-16 mm. Heat processed resin tages and disadvantages of proposed treatment.
requires 2-3 mm to provide adequate strength Informed consent becomes important. The
as a denture base material.14 Space is also patient must fully understand and acknowl-
required for the prosthetic tooth. In the maxilla edge the limitations of the proposed treatment,
it is advisable to splint implants when used for including possibility of implant failure. The
overdenture prostheses and as a result 2-3 mm patient must understand that treatment plan
of space may be required to accommodate the modifications may be required and the fact that
necessary bulk for the tissue bar and any retain- placement of additional implants may be nec-
ing clips (Figs 31-32). essary. Informed consent must constitute the
surgical risks of treatment and also the short-
Incisal edge position comings of treatment to address adequately the
The incisal edge position is determined using patient’s chief complaint and expectations.
the principles taught in complete denture fab- In treatment planning the following factors
rication. Traditional guidelines tell us that when must be considered:
the patient makes the F sound the incisal edge 1. Aesthetics and patient desires
should touch the vermillion border of the lower 2. Type of support
lip. Once the incisal edge position has been 3. Amount of resorption and interarch space.
established the length for the central incisors is 4. Number of implants
determined. On average the length of the central 5. Implant distribution
incisors is 10.5 mm,15 this can be more in elderly 6. Economics.
patients who exhibit gingival recession.
The axial inclination of the central incisor 1. Aesthetics and patient desires
should be placed so as to provide adequate sup- Meeting patient expectations are paramount
port for the upper lip. Once the crown length, when treatment planning. As discussed earlier,
angulation and coronal form have been deter- patients prefer to discard their removable appli-
mined the distance between the cervical crown ance in favour of a fixed alternative. The clini-
margin and residual bone crest can be assessed.4 cian must know early in treatment if this is pos-
To determine if a fixed or removable restoration sible. Promising a patient a fixed reconstruction
would be appropriate a wax try in is done with- when diagnostic considerations present oth-
out a flange. For a fixed restoration the clinical erwise may result in a disappointed patient.
crown should ideally end up at the soft tissue Patients are also satisfied with the aesthetic
level of the alveolar ridge. In this situation mini- appearance of a complete denture. In particu-
mal resorption would have occurred, interarch lar the appearance of the soft tissues is uniform
space will be favourable and an optimal tooth- and interdental papillae between denture teeth
lip relationship is present (Figs 8, 33). When a are reproduced well with pink acrylic resin (Fig.
large vertical distance exists between the cer- 36). When a patient then transitions to a fixed
vical aspect of the tooth and the alveolar ridge reconstruction, interdental papilla between
but the tooth-lip relationship is favourable pink implants is often absent. An illusion of inter-
ceramic may be used to disguise the tooth length dental papilla can be created by altering the
and a fixed restoration is still possible (Figs 9, position of the contact point between adjacent
34, 35). When there is both a vertical and hori- teeth and using interproximal stain (Fig. 37).
zontal discrepancy between the ideal position of
the tooth and the alveolar ridge, and the tooth 2. Type of support
lip relationship is not optimal this may be an Essentially with the edentulous maxilla there are
indication for use of a removable prosthesis. The two categories of prosthesis, fixed and remova-
flange will provide adequate lip support and the ble. Fixed prostheses included metal ceramic res-
teeth can be positioned appropriately to satisfy torations supported by implants and, depending
the parameters of aesthetics (Figs 5, 6, 10). on the severity of the bone resorption some pink


5p261-279.indd 268 31/8/06 15:35:50


porcelain may be required to simulate gingival placed to allow the restorative dentist to con-
contours. In the removable category we have tinue with the anticipated prosthesis should one
implant supported overdentures and implant or two implants fail. Over-engineering in the
retained and tissue supported overdentures. A maxilla can be advantageous but consideration
removable prosthesis can be secured by differ- should also be given to the costs that may be
ent methods including, bar and clip, magnet, ball encountered should all the implants integrate.
attachments or the use of a precision milled or Often the restorative dentist will have to pur-
spark eroded components. chase additional abutments and the costs of
The diagnostic factors previously discussed these will need to be passed onto the patient.
will allow the clinician to decide which type of When the patient has had posterior teeth
prostheses will be more suitable. missing for a considerable length of time the
maxillary sinuses pneumatise and often there is
3. Amount of resorption and interarch space insufficient bone for implant placement in these
This parameter dictates the type of prosthesis areas. If the patient refuses to undergo addi-
to be fabricated. The clinician needs to evalu- tional augmentation procedures, the concept of
ate if the patient exhibits, minimal, moderate the shortened dental arch can be used and fewer
or advanced resorption. Each type of prosthesis implants placed.
has a unique dimensional tolerance as previ-
ously discussed. Patients who exhibit minimal or b. Anticipated force to be placed on the
moderate resorption are candidates for a fixed restoration.
restoration providing parameters of facial and Part of the extra-oral examination should
lip support are satisfied. Patients with advanced also involve analysis of the patients build
resorption can be satisfied aesthetically by fab- and facial musculature. The masseter muscles
rication of a removable prosthesis with a flange; should be observed for any hypertrophy that
this replaces necessary support that has been lost may be present. Bruxers often present with a
as a result of resorption. If patients in this cate- pronounced antegonial notch and this can be
gory request a fixed restoration they will need to indicative of the likely force to be placed on the
understand that extensive grafting procedures restorations. In these types of patients it is wise
will be required and even after that the aesthetic to ‘over engineer’ and place additional implants
outcomes may not meet their expectations. for added support and distribution of force.
The opposing occlusion also has to be evalu-
4. Number of implants ated. Patients are likely to exert less force if the
There are many authors who have discussed implant restorations are opposed by a complete
treatment concepts for restoration of the eden- denture as compared to the force that can be
tulous maxilla with a fixed prosthesis. Recom- exerted when the patient has a natural denti-
mendations have been made with respect to tion. The more the anticipated force on the
anticipated prosthesis designs and implants. implant restorations the more implants should
Placement of six to eight implants (10-15 mm be allowed for.
in length) is recommended for a fixed implant
prosthesis with cantilever pontics.16,17 Recom- c. Relationship between shape of residual ridge
mendations have also been made with regard and the dental arch form
to removable restorations on implants — four to Three typical arch forms are prevalent, square,
six implants have been recommended for both ovoid and tapering. The edentulous maxillary
an implant and an implant and tissue supported residual ridge may also have three arch forms.
restoration.17,18 Aesthetic requirements may require a dental
Deciding on the number of implants to place arch form different from the residual ridge form.
is not governed by a formula and is dependent The dental arch form is determined by the final
on multiple factors. The number of implants to teeth position in the premaxilla and not from
place in each patient is determined by: the residual ridge form. The final tooth position
a. Quality of bone may need to be cantilevered to the facial in the
b. Anticipated force to be placed on the final prostheses.
restoration In a dental square arch lateral and central
c. Relationship between the shape of the incisors are not cantilevered facially, compared
residual ridge and the dental arch form. with the canine position. Mandibular excur-
sions and occlusal forces may be reduced on
a. Quality of bone the canine implants. As a result implants in the
Frequently type 3 and 4 bone is encountered canine position may suffice especially if they
in the maxilla. On occasion the quality of the are splinted to posterior implants. The four pon-
bone is such that conventional drills cannot tics between the canines create reduced forces
be used to place the implant and osteotomes because forces are lowest in the incisor region
are required to develop the site to receive the and the square arch form has less cantilevered
implant. The success of implants in the maxilla occlusal forces to the incisors (Figs 38-39).19
is less certain than in the edentulous mandible. In a dental ovoid arch there should be three
When the quality of bone is not optimal often implants in the premaxilla, not two as in the
the surgeon and restorative dentist consider square arch form (Figs 40-41). Sometimes this
placing additional implants. These implants are may require bone augmentation. For an ovoid


5p261-279.indd 269 31/8/06 15:36:49


Fig. 45 (left) Mandibular occlusal


Fig. 46 (right) Full mouth periapical

radiographs; note failing maxillary

Fig. 47 (left) Pre-orthodontic casts

Fig. 48 (right) Orthodontic set up on

casts illustrating lingual position of
mandibular incisors

Fig. 49 (left) Mandibular surgical


Fig. 50 (right) Maxillary surgical


Fig. 51 (left) Mandibular implant


Fig. 52 (right) Maxillary implant


Fig. 53 (left) First set of provisional


Fig. 54 (right) Occlusal view showing

retraction of mandibular anterior


5p261-279.indd 270 31/8/06 15:37:32


Fig. 55 (left) Second set of

provisional restorations, patient
complained of black triangle between
maxillary central incisors, this was to
be modified in the final prosthesis

Fig. 56 (right) Occlusal view of

maxillary provisional restorations

Fig. 57 (left) Maxillary anterior view

of completed restorations

Fig. 58 (right) Maxillary occlusal

view of completed restorations

Fig. 59 (left) Mandibular occlusal

view of completed restorations

Fig. 60 (right) Pre-operative

situation of patient desiring implant
supported restorations

Fig. 61 (left) Diagnostic set up on

casts. Note amount of wax between
cervical portion of teeth and ridge

Fig. 62 (right) Lip support with

diagnostic appliance

Fig. 63 (left) Anterior view

illustrating tooth display during

Fig. 64 (right) Full contour wax up

Fig. 65 (left) Maxillary anterior view

of provisional restorations, patient
desired increased tooth display on

Fig. 66 (right) Lateral view on

smiling, illustrating lip support


5p261-279.indd 273 31/8/06 15:38:58


dental arch form planning for implants in the Fixed reconstructions require more laboratory
canine positions and at least one additional assistance and implant parts and hence are a lot
implant, preferably in the central incisor region, more expensive.
is important. The additional implant in the inci- However cost needs to be considered not
sor region resists the additional forces created only during fabrication of the prosthesis but
by this arch form and biomechanically the pros- also during maintenance. Overdentures seem
theses design will be more stable as there will be to have more post insertion maintenance than
less stress on the abutment screws. their fixed counterparts.22 If this is consistent,
The restoration of a tapering arch form plac- it could be questioned whether an economic
es the greatest stresses on the anterior implants indication for choosing an overdenture could be
especially when the pontics replace the incisors justified when there is sufficient bone to sup-
(Figs 42-43). The anterior teeth are cantilevered port implants for a fixed prosthesis. The patient
facially from the incisor position with increased must be made aware that maintenance costs for
forces in maximum intercuspation and in excur- removable prostheses on implants will be higher
sions. In this case four implants need to be placed than that of a fixed prosthesis.
in the premaxilla to replace the six anterior teeth. The following 4 case presentations will serve
The worst case scenario is a patient with a tapered to reinforce diagnosis and treatment planning.
dental arch form to be restored on a square resid- Technical details of prosthesis fabrication will
ual ridge form. Four implants are then required also be addressed.
to compensate for the anterior tooth position. In
this case bone grafting may be required.19 CASE 1 – CERAMO-METAL RESTORATIONS ON
5. Implant distribution This 67-year-old female was seeking replace-
Implant distribution and placement is critical in ment of her current removable partial denture
order to obtain optimum emergence profile for with fixed restorations. Her specific complaint
the definitive restorations as well as enabling was the instability of the denture as well as the
the patient to maintain adequate hygiene. For class three tooth relationships of her mandibu-
a patient who presents with minimal resorp- lar anterior teeth (Figs 44-46).
tion and is treatment planned for ceramo-metal On clinical and radiographic examination
restorations on implants, precise placement of teeth a diagnosis of lack of posterior support
implants is imperative and should be facilitated was made. There was also insufficient bone in
by the use of a surgical guide based on the diag- the posterior maxillary and mandibular areas for
nostic wax up. Implants placed in interproximal placement of implant supported restorations.
positions can cause problems from both an aes- The objectives of treatment included provid-
thetic and hygiene perspective. ing the patient with implant supported restora-
For those patients who display moderate tions in both, maxilla and mandible as well as
resorption but still qualify for a fixed restora- orthodontically retracting the mandibular ante-
tion with the use of pink porcelain, implant rior teeth to provide for a more class 1 horizon-
placement is not critical but implant distribu- tal and vertical tooth relationship.
tion is. Implants placed in interproximal tooth When significant numbers of teeth are miss-
positions will not impact the aesthetics as this ing the orthodontist is at a disadvantage because
will be disguised by the use of pink porcelain. of lack of anchorage to effect the desired tooth
Implant distribution is critical since implants movement. The literature has shown that dental
will need to be placed so the load can be shared implants can be used as anchors for both ortho-
equitably. Splinting the implants is also advan- dontic and orthopaedic movement.23-25 By
tageous as this improves the biomechanics of using an interdisciplinary approach implants
the prosthesis design. can be used to provide anchorage and then be
In implant supported overdentures placement restored as implant supported restorations.
is not critical but distribution is. Implants need Diagnostic evaluation included evaluation
to be placed with a sufficient antero-posterior of all the factors that had previously been dis-
spread so that load can be distributed equitably cussed. The treatment plan was to fabricate the
and cantilever length minimised. patient a fixed ceramo-metal prosthesis sup-
In implant and tissue supported overden- ported by implants.
tures both implant placement and distribution With these objectives in mind a treatment
become critical. Implants need to be placed so plan was formulated which required commu-
that when a bar is constructed it has a straight nication between the surgeon, orthodontist and
line connection between the implants and does prosthodontist.
not impinge on the palatal denture bearing area. The first stage was to complete a bilateral
The distribution of implants should also be such maxillary sinus lift with bone augmentation as
so that adequate room is available for the clip. well as onlay grafting of the mandibular poste-
Biomechanically the AP spread should allow the rior sextants.
load to be distributed over a wide area.20,21 Implants are usually placed prior to the start
of orthodontic treatment which can be dif-
6. Cost ficult as the post-orthodontic position of the
Restoration of the edentulous maxilla is costly teeth needs to be determined beforehand. An
whichever method is used to restore the patient. orthodontic set up was completed on the cast


5p261-279.indd 274 31/8/06 15:39:55


to determine the post-orthodontic position of ridge (Fig. 61). Essentially this wax is indica-
the teeth (Figs 47-48). Using this set up a surgi- tive of the amount of osseous tissue missing and
cal template was fabricated to communicate the if the patient has inadequate lip support and
positioning of the implants to the surgeon (Figs requests a fixed restoration osseous grafting is
49-50). The maxillary and mandibular implants often carried out. In this instance the diagnostic
were placed (Figs 51-52).25 The implant in posi- denture was tried in to evaluate facial and lip
tion of tooth 21 could not be ideally positioned support (Fig. 62). The incisal edge position was
due to the distal root inclination of tooth 22. also verified (Fig. 63). The patient was accepting
Once osseointegration had been estab- of the support provided by the trial denture. A
lished, provisional restorations fabricated from CT scan was taken to confirm adequacy of bone
Poly Methyl Methacrylate were placed on the for placement of implants. It was communicat-
implants (Fig. 53). These restorations simplified ed to the patient that a fixed prosthesis would
the attachment of the orthodontic appliance, be fabricated. The options for the prosthetic
restored occlusal function, improved aesthetics, phase would be to use pink porcelain to dis-
provided posterior vertical support and served guise the length of the teeth. Following implant
as blueprints for the definitive implant borne integration a diagnostic was up was completed
restorations.26 and provisional restorations were fabricated to
Orthodontic brackets were attached direct- verify, aesthetics, phonetics and occlusion (Figs
ly to the provisional restorations using Poly 64-66). Once the patient was satisfied with the
Methyl Methacrylate resin and orthodontic provisional restorations, definitive restorations
treatment was begun immediately. Using nickel were made. The gingival surfaces of the restora-
titanium wires a sustained orthodontic load was tions were contoured so as to allow the patient
applied to effect lingual movement of teeth 22- to clean the prosthesis adequately (Figs 67-69).
26 (Fig. 54). On completion of orthodontic treat-
ment a second set of provisional restorations Fixed ceramo-metal Treatment planning
were fabricated since the vertical and horizontal prosthesis with pink
relationships of the anterior teeth were now a
more class 1 relationship (Fig. 55). Placement Aesthetics Patient has adequate
facial and lip support
of the definitive restorations was facilitated by
the existing provisional restorations, these res- Type of support Implant supported
torations were used to communicate aesthetic Resorption and interarch Moderate resorption, >10
and functional information to both patient and space mm inter-arch space
laboratory technician for a predictable outcome
Number of implants Minimum six if bone
(Figs 56-59). quality and arch form
A summary of treatment planning considera- adequate.
tions is listed below. Implant placement and Placement not critical,
distribution distribution is
Fixed ceramo-metal Treatment planning
Cost Most expensive
Aesthetics Patient has adequate
Type of support Implant supported Implant supported overdentures are fabricated
when excessive tissue defects prevent the use of
Resorption and interarch Minimal resorption, 10
a fixed prosthesis, or when the quality and/or
space mm inter-arch space
the amount of bone will not permit the ideal
Number of implants Minimum six if bone placement of the implants to provide adequate
quality and arch form
adequate support for a fixed restoration.
Overdentures may be implant supported or
Implant placement and Critical
distribution implant and tissue supported. Space require-
ments for implant supported overdentures
Cost Most expensive
are greater than that of fixed restorations on
implants. A minimum of 13 mm of space from
CASE 2 – CERAMO-METAL PROSTHESES WITH the opposing dentition is needed. This space is
PINK CERAMIC required for the metal framework, heat proc-
A 64-year-old male presented requesting essed acrylic resin and the prosthetic tooth.
implant rehabilitation of his dentition. He had As far as implant number and position is
previously worn a maxillary complete denture concerned, a minimum of six implants well dis-
but was unable to tolerate i t due to a severe tributed around the arch is recommended. Other
gagging problem (Fig. 60). The mandibular teeth factors influencing the number of implants
were deemed unrestorable due to extensive car- used will include bone quality and dental arch
ies and were consequently extracted. form. An advantage of ovedentures is that facial
A diagnostic trial denture was fabricated and support can be provided with the flange and
tried in to verify aesthetics and phonetics. It can implant placement is not so critical. One disad-
be seen from the trial denture set up that a sig- vantage with implant supported overdentures
nificant amount of wax was placed between the is the maintenance required. Often patients can
cervical portions of the teeth and the alveolar exert far great forces with an implant supported


5p261-279.indd 275 31/8/06 15:40:26


Fig. 67 (left) Final restoration, not

convex contours of gingival areas so
that patient maintain hygiene

Fig. 68 (right) Final restorations


Fig. 69 (left) Final restorations

illustrating tooth display on smiling

Fig. 70 (right) Acrylic resin

fracturing off of framework. This is
quite common in implant supported

Fig. 71 (left) Pre-operative situation

in patient desiring implant supported
restorations; note failing dentition

Fig. 72 (right) Lip support with

diagnostic set up

Fig. 73 (left) Diagnostic set up

without flange, this patient desired a
fixed prosthesis

Fig. 74 (right) CT scan of patient

in Fig. 73; note absence of bone in
posterior maxilla

Fig. 75 (left) Receptacle for swivel

latch milled into implant bar. Note
two receptacles, patients are often
provided two maxillary prostheses. A
complication of this type of prosthesis
is acrylic resin fracturing off

Fig. 76 (right) Two types of retention

mechanism are incorporated into
implant supported bars. There are
receptacles for the swivel latches and
cylindrical slots

Fig. 77 (left) Auxiliary retention


Fig. 78 (right) Swivel latch open


5p261-279.indd 276 31/8/06 15:41:18


Fig. 79 (left) Swivel latch closed

Fig. 80 (right) Implant bar

Fig. 81 (left) Implant supported

overdenture. With a sufficient
number of implants the palate can be

Fig. 82 (right) Ideal design of implant

and tissue supported overdentures;
this design allows free rotation of the

Fig. 83 (left) This design will

not allow free rotation of the
overdenture. The clips will require
regular maintenance

Fig. 84 (right) Internal of

overdenture for Figure 83; this
distribution of clips will not allow
rotation of the overdenture and will
not allow equitable distribution of
support between the implants and the

Fig. 85 (left) Occlusal view showing

implant bar, often this bar is made
in two sections, joined intraorally
and soldered. Note the distal ERA

Fig. 86 (right) The maxillary denture

is fabricated with spacers for the ERA
attachments. Note support is also
required from the palate

Fig. 87 (left) The spacers are removed

and the attachments are picked up
in the mouth; space is also created
to allow free rotation of the denture
around the anterior clip

Fig. 88 Final maxillary denture

intraorally, this denture is implant
and mucosa supported


5p261-279.indd 277 31/8/06 15:42:23


denture and this can result in the acrylic resin that a bar can be fabricated. This bar should
fracturing off the framework (Fig. 70). not encroach on the palate as this may result in
A 45-year-old male presented with a failing increased bulk of the denture in this area, sub-
dentition and was seeking implant rehabilita- sequently affecting speech. Patients accepting
tion. The patient was edentulated and imme- this type of prosthesis should be warned ahead
diate dentures were fabricated. The immediate of time that there will be resiliency associated
dentures allowed assessment of lip and facial with the prosthesis on biting down. Patients
support and evaluation of incisal edge posi- going through extensive therapy often have
tion (Fig. 71). Following a period of healing a unrealistic expectations and may be better off
diagnostic denture was fabricated. This denture with additional implant placement and fabrica-
provided adequate lip support (Figs 72-73) and tion of a fully implant supported restoration.
a fixed restoration was anticipated. Follow- Use of more than two implants complicates
ing a CT scan it was revealed that inadequate the design of the overdenture in that sometimes
bone existed for fabrication of a fixed pros- the bar configuration does not allow free rota-
thesis (Fig. 74). There was insufficient bone in tion of the prostheses. ERA attachments are
both the anterior and posterior maxillary area positioned adjacent to the distal implants. These
and the patient refused surgery to augment attachments permit the overlying prosthesis to
this. The patient presented with extremely thick be compressed into the mucoperiosteum in the
soft tissue. At the time of implant placement extension areas. As a result, the denture bearing
the soft tissue was thinned and seven implants tissues absorb the occlusal forces (Fig. 82).27 The
were placed. A bar was fabricated to splint the clip needs to be oriented correctly in the ante-
implants together. This bar incorporated recep- rior region so the denture is free to rotate, some-
tacles for a swivel latch attachment and addi- times when this rotation is not allowed, damage
tion auxiliary retention was also included (Figs to the clip results (Figs 83-84).28
75-79) A superstructure was spark eroded to fit A 52-year-old male presented requesting
on top of the framework and allow precision increased stability of his maxillary denture. All
locking of the swivel lock into the receptacle treatment options were offered to the patient.
incorporated in the bar. Following silicoating, As a result of lack of facial support and limited
a denture wax up was processed onto the bar finances, an implant and tissue supported over-
using heat processed acrylic resin (Figs 80-81). denture was treatment planned.
With a sufficient number of implants support Four implants were placed; these implants
does not have to be gained from the palate and maximised the anteroposterior spread and
the patient can benefit from greater perception allowed sufficient space between the anterior
of taste and temperature change. two implants for incorporation of a clip. A cast
bar was fabricated and verified for passive fit
Implant supported Treatment planning on the implants. The configuration of the bar
overdenture was such that it would allow free rotation of the
Aesthetics Flange required for overlying prosthesis. Once passive fit was con-
adequate lip and facial firmed a master cast was fabricated by picking
support up the bar in a border moulded impression. A
Type of support Implant supported cast framework was supported by the bar onto
Resorption and interarch Severe resorption 13-15
which heat cured acrylic resin was processed
space mm inter-arch space (Figs 85-88).
Number of implants Minimum six if bone
quality and arch form Implant supported Treatment planning
adequate overdenture

Implant placement and Implants should be well Aesthetics Flange required for
distribution distributed adequate lip and facial
Cost Less expensive than
ceramo-metal prostheses. Type of support Implant and tissue
More maintenance costs supported
Resorption and interarch Severe resorption 13-15
space mm interarch space
CASE 4 – IMPLANT AND TISSUE SUPPORTED Number of implants Minimum four
Implant placement and Implants should be well
When designing implant overdentures for the distribution distributed
maxilla a configuration of implant place ment/
Cost Less expensive than
bar design is required which will require free ceramo-metal prostheses.
rotation of the prostheses. More maintenance costs
In the maxilla a minimum of four implants is
required. Even with the use of four implants it is
advised to gain support from the palate. Space Implant rehabilitation of the edentulous max-
requirements are similar to implant supported illa is one of the most challenging endeavours
overdentures with 13-15 mm being required. facing the restorative dentist. Comprehensive
Implant placement requires a straight line con- evaluation and precise evaluation of the patients
nection between the anterior two implants so needs, followed by appropriate treatment


5p261-279.indd 278 31/8/06 15:44:00


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