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Unit-V Lecture-18

Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales

Promotions, Events, Experiences And Public Relations.
Developing and Managing
A-Advertising program,
B-Sales promotion,
C-Events and Experiences
D-Public Relations
Learning Outcome
Students will be able
• to develop an advertising campaign and planning
sale promotions techniques effectively.
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
Mass Communication
The imparting or exchanging of information on a
large scale to a wide range of people.

What is Advertising?
Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or
services by an identified sponsor.
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
Developing and Managing an Advertising Program
5 M’s of Advertising
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising

• 1-Setting the advertising objectives

• 2-Deciding on the advertising budget
• 3-Developing the advertising campaign
• 4-Choosing Media
• 5-Evaluating advertising effectiveness
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
1-Setting the Advertising Objectives




A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
2-Deciding on the Advertising Budget

Factors to Consider in Setting an Advertising Budget

Product life-cycle stages
Market share and consumer base-
Competition & clutter
Advertising frequency
Product substitutability
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
3-Developing the Advertising Campaign
• Message generation and

• Creative development and


• Legal and social issues

A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
Deciding on Reach, Frequency, and Impact
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
Choosing Among Major Media Types
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
Selecting Specific Vehicles
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
Selecting Specific Vehicles
Audience size can be measured by:
Circulation—number of physical units carrying the
Audience—number of people exposed to the
Effective audience—number of people with target
audience characteristics exposed to the vehicle.
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
• Place advertising options
• (Alternative Advertising Options)


Public spaces

Product placement

Point of Purchase
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
4-Choosing Media
Deciding on Media Timing and Allocation
A:Managing Mass Communications- Advertising
5-Evaluating advertising effectiveness
B:Managing Mass Communications- Sales Promotion

Sales Promotion
• A collection of incentive tools, mostly short
term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater
purchase of particular products or services by
consumers or the trade
B:Managing Mass Communications- Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion Tools/Tactics
Consumer-directed Trade-directed
• Samples • Price offs
• Coupons • Allowances
• Cash refund offers • Free goods
• Price offs
• Sales contests
• Premiums
• Spiffs
• Prizes
• Patronage rewards • Trade shows
• Free trials • Specialty advertising
• Tie-in promotions
C:Managing Mass Communications- Events and
Why Sponsor Events?
C:Managing Mass Communications- Events and
Major Sponsorship Decisions
C:Managing Mass Communications- Events and

• Creating experiences
– Experiential marketing
D:Managing Mass Communications- Public Relations

Public Relations
D:Managing Mass Communications- Public Relations
Public Relations
PR departments perform the following five functions:
1. Press relations
2. Product publicity
3. Corporate communications
4. Lobbying
5. Counseling
D:Managing Mass Communications- Public Relations
• Marketing public relations (MPR) tasks

new products

Building interest in
corporate image product

target groups
D:Managing Mass Communications- Public Relations
Major Tools in Marketing Public Relations
•1) ________ advertising aims to create brand
awareness and knowledge of new products or
new features of existing products.
•A) Informative
•B) Corporate
•C) Reinforcement
•D) Persuasive
•2) Which of the following is generally
acknowledged as the most powerful advertising
medium and reaches a broad spectrum of
consumers at low cost per exposure?
•A) television
•B) radio
•C) newspapers
•D) magazines
•3) Which of the following consumer promotion
tools offers a free amount of a product or service
delivered door-to-door, sent in the mail, picked up
in a store, attached to another product, or
featured in an advertising offer?
•A) coupons
•B) rebates
•C) premiums
•D) samples
•4) Becoming part of a personally relevant
moment in consumers' lives through ________
can broaden and deepen a company or brand's
relationship with the target market.
•A) advertisements
•B) events and experiences
•C) sales promotions
•D) public relations
•5 ________ refers to the task of securing
editorial space — as opposed to paid space — in
print and broadcast media to promote or "hype" a
product, service, idea, place, person, or
•A) Advertising
•B) Media planning
•C) Communication design
•D) Publicity
•6 Which of the following is a medium of visual
identity for a company?
•A) annual reports
•B) dress codes
•C) press releases
•D) seminars

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