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NAME: Andrés Esteban Ávila DATE:12/04/2020

Objective: Reinforce the topics learned in classes through reading, vocabulary and
grammar activities.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs.
A. Leave me alone- I am trying to work. try / am trying
B. I don’t understand what she's saying. don't understand / am
not understanding
C. 'What's the weather like?' 'It is raining' rains / is raining
D. She usually comes to work by car. come / comes / is coming
E. He doesn’t believe in God. isn't believing / don't believe / doesn't

Choose the appropriate form

1. I often go to the disco with my friends a. go going
2. Rebecca is talking on the phone at the moment a. talks b. is talking
3. Jeff never does his homework on time a. does b. is doing
4. Jenny is riding her bike now. a. rides b. is riding
5. Bill seldom visits his grandparents. a. visits b. is visiting


Do you know your working style? Are you a team worker, a finisher, a supporter or a
leader? This questionnaire will help you find out.


1. to advise 5. overtime 9. to criticize

2. nursery 6. gossip 10. to daydream
3. hardly ever 7. weaknesses 11. to worry
4. strengths 8. ASAP 12. brainstorm

a. Read the statements and put a check mark on the ones that you agree with:

1. ___ I usually meet up with my colleagues out of work.

2. ___ I often find it difficult to advise people on what to do about their problems.
3. ___ Workplace nurseries are a good idea.
4. ___ I can never remember staff birthdays.
5. ___ I am an extrovert most of the time.
6. ___ My boss is hardly ever interested in my opinion.
7. ___ I am just paid to get results.
8. ___ I often feel that people do their jobs better than me.
9. ___ I wish I was somebody else from time to time.
10. ___ I would only work for an employer who treated men and women equally.
11. ___ I have always recognized my strengths.
12. ___ I frequently work overtime and I don’t mind doing this.
13. ___ I can usually help people with their personal problems.
14. ___ I usually know all the office gossip.
15. ___ I prefer to work on a team instead of by myself.
16. ___ I think that problems at home can sometimes become problems at work.
17. ___ I recognize my weaknesses.
18. ___ I hardly ever take part in gossiping during work hours.
19. ___ I like working on one project at a time and like to finish it ASAP.
20. ___ When people criticize me, I sometimes get depressed.
21. ___ I usually get along with my colleagues.
22. ___ I always enjoy meeting new people.
23. ___ I often take work home with me.
24. ___ I daydream a lot.
25. ___ I like working with computers.
26. ___ Job interviews don’t make me nervous.
27. ___ My colleagues usually enjoy my company.
28. ___ Promotions should always be based on length of service in a company.
29. ___ Taking important decisions doesn’t worry me.
30. ___ Promotions should always be based on abilities.
31. ___ I am an introvert most of the time.
32. ___ My colleagues come to me for help.
33. ___ I like working by myself so I can finish faster.
34. ___ I don’t like giving presentations.
35. ___ Most people at work know who I am.
36. ___ I am sometimes too shy to say what I think at meetings
37. ___ I like brainstorming ideas with others
38. ___ I listen to everyone’s point of view
39. ___ I am very organized at work
40. ___ I like to do projects well.

b. Now circle the answers you put a checkmark on and add them up. Then read
the analysis below. Do you agree with it?
1. A 8. C 15. A 22. D 29. D 36. C
2. A 9. C 16. A 23. B 30. D 37. A
3. A 10. A 17. C 24. C 31. B 38. A
4. B 11. D 18. B 25. B 32. D 39. B
5. D 12. B 19. B 26. D 33. B 40. B
6. C 13. B 20. C 27. D 34. C
7. B 14. A 21. D 28. C 35. D

Read the descriptions and choose the profile that fits you.

-Mostly A’s: You are a Team Worker: Your relationship with your colleagues is important to
you and many may be your friends. You are good at working with others to solve
problems. You are a good listener and understand other people’s point of view. You have
a lot of respect for people and you are usually a popular member of the team.

-Mostly B’s: You are a Finisher: You are always very task-centered and committed to
getting the job done. You identify strongly with your workplace and often hide your true
feelings. Sometimes your colleagues find you a little difficult to get to know. You prefer to
keep your opinion to yourself so you don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.

-Mostly C’s: You are a Supporter: You usually think of others positively. You occasionally
lack the confidence and depend on people; maybe too much. You like helping but you
don’t like to be in charge. However, you put the needs of others before your own and that
makes you highly valued at your workplace.

-Mostly D’s: You are a Leader: You are usually confident and clear about what you want
and how to get it. You show a lot of respect for others. Good listening skills come naturally
to you as you frequently like to understand other people’s opinions before making a
decision. You care about the well-being of your workplace.


Read the text and answer -true or - false after reading.

My name is Molly. I am a secretary at MGP. I have a very
busy day. I am responsible for many things. Every day I start
my work at 8 o’clock. I have to prepare different documents,
answer the letters and work with customers. I sometimes
have to write contracts and prepare tenders. The work is
interesting, but it requires much patience. In the afternoon at
12:00 I have a break for lunch. I usually go to the canteen. I
order main course and a dessert. I prefer going with my work
mate. Her name is Jessica. She is the head of the financial
department. She is good at making calculations. We used to
de Autor desconocido está bajo
go to school together. Jessica is three years younger than
me. She used to go to the same form with my younger sister.
We were not good friends then. But since she started to work for MGP we have been very
close friends. We often meet after work too. We help and support each other if it is
necessary. Jessica is a very good friend.

1. Her name is Jane. T F

2. She is a manager. T F

3. She works at town council. T F

4. She starts her work at 8:00. T F

5. She is responsible for documents. T F

6. She does not answer the letters. T F

7. She works with customers. T F

8. She asks Jessica to write a contract if it is necessary. T F

9. She sometimes prepares tenders. T F

10. Her work requires patience. T F

11. She works till 11:00. T F

12. She goes to the cafe. T F

13. She likes to go to the cafe on her own. T F

14. She has a good work-mate. T F

15. His name is Jeff. T F

16. Her friend is good at writing letters. T F

17. They used to be classmates. T F

18. Jessica has a younger sister T F

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