Bushfires: Are We Doing Enough To Reduce The Human Impact?: Editorial

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Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.59.4.215 on 1 April 2002. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.

com/ on March 12, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.


Environment mainly short term, but this can still be an

................................................................................... important public health problem if the
exposed population is large.

Bushfires: are we doing enough to Increased PM10 levels, from sources

other than bushfires, have been shown to
be associated with small, but consistent,
reduce the human impact? increases in total mortality from respira-
tory and cardiac conditions in several
M Sim studies.7 A study of mortality in Singa-
pore during the Indonesian bushfires did
not find increased mortality, despite par-
Physical and psychological health effects in the community ticulate levels being subsantially raised.6
This may be explained by differences in
the particle size distribution during this
particular bushfire. This apparent

he recent devastating bushfires near evacuated from their homes, but remark-
Sydney in Australia are a reminder ably, no lives were lost. While serious, anomaly requires further research.
of the potentially serious human this outcome compares favourably with Psychological problems following
health consequences of this type of envi- the impact of the “Ash Wednesday” fires bushfires is likely to be an important
ronmental disaster. There is a consider- in Victoria and South Australia in 1983, public health issue. A longitudinal study
able research literature documenting the where 72 lives were lost and 2000 homes of psychological health in 469 firefight-
effects of fighting bushfires, such as an destroyed, and the “Black Friday” bush- ers was conducted in Australia following
increase in airway responsiveness among fires in Victoria in 1939, ironically on the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983.8
firefighters,1 but less attention has been Friday 13, when 71 people were killed The firefighters reported delayed onset or
paid to the health effects, both physical and 2000 hectares burnt. chronic forms of psychological morbidity
and psychological, on the communities more commonly than acute problems. In
in the area of bushfires. Evidence is “Air pollution can travel this study pre-exposure variables were
accumulating from studies related to a more important determinants than the
long distances” stress of the bushfire itself.
series of severe bushfires over the past 20
years throughout the southern parts of The psychological problems in affected
Australia and in several other countries. Apart from the immediate effects of communities following a major bushfire
Bushfire is not a new phenomenon burns and smoke inhalation, bushfire have also been studied. The main effects
and is part of the natural ecology. In affected communities can suffer other appear to be delayed, developing when
many countries, such as Australia, bush- health consequences. Smoke from bush- people have a chance to stop and reflect
fire has been a necessary part of the life fires can cause serious air pollution, on their experience, and the link with
cycle for several native trees and plants, including high levels of particulate mat- the bushfire may not be fully
some of which have characteristics ter less than 10 µm (PM10).3 4 Other appreciated.9 A prospective study of 1526
which promote the spread of fire, such as pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide or people who had experienced losses in the
loose, flammable bark, and combustible ozone, are usually not increased to the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires found
oils in their green leaves. The Eucalypt in same degree as particulate. This air that after 12 months, 42% were defined
Australia is a good example. Bushfires pollution can travel long distances, de- as a potential psychiatric case using the
pending on the prevailing winds. The General Health Questionnaire, about
also occur regularly in many other areas
recent television footage of the Sydney double the expected community
of the world, the most recent examples
Harbour Bridge being engulfed in a thick prevalence.10 Twenty months after the
being the major series of European fires
haze, although many miles from the fires, this prevalence was found to be
in the summer of 2000,2 and the 1997
fires, was a powerful image of how wide- 23% in a group who suffered major loss,
bushfires in Southeast Asia, which burnt
spread and severe air pollution from suggesting improvement over time, even
an estimated 5.3 million hectares.3 What
bushfires can be. in people who suffer losses during a
is new over the past century, is the estab-
Several researchers have investigated bushfire. In another study, a range of
lishment of human communities in the the respiratory effects of air pollution
bush settings where these fires occur. stress related medical conditions were
from bushfires on the general popula-
This can lead to greater fuel levels in the more commonly reported in the months
tion. There was a small increase in
bush, increasing both the frequency of following a bushfire, but these tended to
hospital emergency room visits for exac-
bushfires and the at-risk population resolve within 12 months.11
erbations of asthma or chronic obstruc-
when fires do occur. tive pulmonary disease following the
The 2001/2002 series of bushfires in 1987 Californian bushfires in the USA, “Economic costs are
Australia has been particularly wide-
spread and prolonged. Over a two week
but no increase in hospital admissions.5 considerable”
Researchers reported a similar pattern in
period, it involved at least 100 separate Singapore following the 1997 forest fires
fires, many of which were started by of Southeast Asia: emergency room Less obviously, human health may be
arson, mainly by juvenile offenders. An attendances for respiratory disorders at risk in the aftermath of a bushfire
area of about 600 000 hectares, more rose by about 30%, but there was no through effects on the drinking water
than twice the area of Luxembourg, was increase in hospital admissions.6 In a supply. A recent study showed that
affected. The total fire perimeter of about prospective study during the 1994 Syd- erosion resulting from a drop in vegeta-
3300 km burnt to the western outskirts ney bushfires, there was no relation tion as a result of the bushfire caused an
of Sydney. Over 150 homes were fully or between the increased PM10 levels and increase in sediment concentration in
partially destroyed along with at least evening peak expiratory flow rate in drinking water in the runoff area.12
200 other buildings, although it has been children, despite PM10 levels of up to 210 However, lead was the only metal in
estimated that more than 12 000 homes µg/m3, seven times the usual level for excess of current drinking water guide-
were saved. Almost 25% of the Blue that time of year.4 Any adverse impact on lines.
Mountains World Heritage Area was community respiratory morbidity associ- There are considerable economic costs
affected. Many thousands of people were ated with bushfires seems likely to be to the community from bushfires. It has

Occup Environ Med: first published as 10.1136/oem.59.4.215 on 1 April 2002. Downloaded from http://oem.bmj.com/ on March 12, 2020 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored. Protected by copyright.

been estimated that the damage bill for “Prescribed burning has an Correspondence to: Associate Prof. M Sim, Unit
the 2000 expected insurance claims from of Occupational and Environmental Health,
the 2001/2002 fires in Australia will be
environmental impact” Department of Epidemiology & Preventive
Medicine, Monash University, Commercial
more than A$70 million, with at least as One contentious issue is the use of pre- Road, Prahran, Victoria 3181, Australia;
much again spent on fighting the fires. scribed burning to reduce natural fuel malcolm.sim@med.monash.edu.au
After the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires, loads in the bush. There is conflict
a full economic assessment was between those concerned about the eco-
undertaken.13 Including such costs as logical effects of prescribed burns and
impact on state forests, bushfire mitiga- those bodies concerned with bushfire REFERENCES
tion methods, and medical treatment, prevention. In Australia, such burns need
the authors calculated the total cost to be 1 Liu D, Trager IB, Balmes JR, et al. The effect of
approval, and often an environmental
smoke inhalation on lung function and airway
around A$400 million. impact study has to be undertaken, which responsiveness in wildland fire fighters. Am
Despite the obvious negative effects on can take several weeks. Prescribed burn- Rev Respir Dis 1992;146:1469–73.
a community affected by bushfires, one ing reduces fuel load around a property, 2 Environment and Geo-Information Unit.
positive aspect has recently received and should reduce the intensity of a fire, Forest fires in Southern Europe. Report No. 1.
Directorate-General Environment Civil
considerable publicity in Australia, making future bushfires more manage- Protection and Environmental Accidents of The
where firefighting is undertaken by a able. Prescribed burns do have environ- European Commission; 2001. Available at
large volunteer workforce. This com- mental impacts, such as the generation of http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/
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and plant species. Decision makers have from forest fires: the Indonesian experience.
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Dis 1988;176:30–9.
water in seconds. Better methods of pre- the recent bushfires in Australia, despite 9 McFarlane AC, Raphael B. Ash Wednesday:
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Authors’ affiliations 13 Healey DT, Jarrett FG, McKay JM, eds. The
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cency usually sets in, until the next con- Preventive Medicine, Monash University, experience. Melbourne: Oxford University
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