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Eating disorders in adolescents with chronic gastrointestinal

and endocrine diseases
Jonathan T Avila, KT Park, Neville H Golden

Eating disorders are one of the most common chronic conditions in adolescents. The clinical symptoms can mimic Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2019
those of other chronic diseases including gastrointestinal and endocrine disorders. However, an eating disorder can Published Online
coexist with another chronic disease, making the diagnosis and management of both conditions challenging. This January 9, 2019
Review describes what is known about eating disorders in adolescents with chronic gastrointestinal and endocrine
diseases, focusing on coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and thyroid disorders. The prevalence
Department of Pediatrics,
and onset of each condition during adolescence is discussed, followed by a description of the associations among Division of Adolescent
the conditions and eating disorders. We also discuss management challenges posed by the coexistence of the Medicine (J T Avila MD,
two conditions. When both diseases coexist, a multidisciplinary approach is often needed to address the additional Prof N H Golden MD) and
Department of Pediatrics,
complexities posed.
Division of Gastroenterology
(K T Park MD), Lucile Packard
Introduction interleukin-6 in patients with anorexia nervosa. These Children’s Hospital, Stanford
Eating disorders are prevalent in adolescents and young cytokines are known to play a role in regulation of both University School of Medicine,
Palo Alto, CA, USA
adults aged from 12 to 25 years. More than 90% of patients mood and appetite. Furthermore, auto­antibodies against
Correspondence to:
with eating disorders present before the age of 25 years. neuro-peptides involved in appetite regulation and the
Prof Neville H Golden,
Some other chronic medical conditions, including coeliac stress response have been identified in patients with Department of Pediatrics,
disease, inflam­matory bowel disease, diabetes, and thyroid Division of Adolescent Medicine,
disease, can also begin during adolescence and need to be Lucile Packard Children’s
dis­tinguished from an eating disorder when evaluating Key messages Hospital, Stanford University
School of Medicine, Palo Alto,
an adolescent for weight loss, vomiting, abdominal dis­ • Signs and symptoms of eating disorders can mimic those CA 94304, USA
comfort, dizziness, or menstrual dysfunction. However, of chronic gastrointestinal and endocrine diseases.
emerging evidence shows that eating disorders and However, these diseases can also coexist.
chronic diseases can coexist1 and might even share • The approach to adolescents with an eating disorder and
common genetic susceptibilities,2,3 suggesting common a chronic gastrointestinal or endocrine disease should be
molecular pathways. Adolescents with chronic illness are multidisciplinary given the complexities in management
at high risk for engaging in unhealthy weight control of these conditions.
behaviours.4 Medications such as corticosteroids, used to • Adolescents with an eating disorder presenting with
treat some chronic medical conditions, can cause weight unexplained abdominal pain should be evaluated for
gain and body image dissatisfaction that can lead to coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
disordered eating. Diabetes and coeliac disease require • An elevated ESR or a low serum albumin concentration
attention to dietary intake for appropriate treatment, but should raise suspicion of inflammatory bowel disease.
preoccupation with dietary intake can become excessively • An eating disorder is one of the most common
restrictive, leading to weight loss and a fully developed comorbidities in patients with insulin-dependent
eating disorder. Finally, some medications such as thyroid diabetes. Intentional insulin omission is a common
hormone and insulin, used to treat certain chronic behaviour for weight manipulation, resulting in elevated
diseases, can be misused by an adolescent trying to lose glycated haemoglobin and other complications of
weight, making treatment of the chronic condition more persistent hyperglycaemia, including diabetic
challenging. ketoacidosis.
Evidence is emerging of links between eating disorders • Low triiodothyronine euthyroid sick syndrome is the most
and several autoimmune diseases with different genetic common thyroid function test abnormality seen in
backgrounds. Such diseases include coeliac disease, patients with malnutrition, and resolves with nutritional
inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and thyroid rehabilitation.
disorders,1,5,6 suggesting a possible role of autoimmunity • Surreptitious levothyroxine use (thyroiditis factitia)
in eating disorders. Evidence is also growing implicating might be seen in adolescents with an eating disorder who
changes in the microbiome and gut–brain interactions in have access to levothyroxine medication. Although their
the cause and course of anorexia nervosa.7 It has been thyroid function tests would be consistent with
postulated that exposure to microbes can result in hyperthyroidism, the absence of a goiter, a decreased
autoantibodies that could crossreact with neurons, radioactive iodine uptake, low thyroglobulin
possibly mediated via cytokines, and can play a role in concentrations, and high faecal thyroxine concentrations
the patho­ genesis of some neuropsychiatric illnesses.8 help to distinguish this condition from true hyperthyroid
A meta-analysis from 20189 found elevations in the pro­­­­­­­­ pathology.
inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-α and Published online January 9, 2019 1


Bodyweight Fear of Negative feelings Dietary restriction Binge eating Purging

weight gain about shape or
Anorexia nervosa, Decreased Yes Yes Yes No No
restrictive type
Anorexia nervosa, binge Decreased Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
eating or purging type
Atypical anorexia nervosa Normal or increased Yes Yes Yes Sometimes Sometimes
Bulimia nervosa Normal or increased Yes Yes Sometimes Yes Yes
Binge eating disorder Normal or increased No Yes No Yes No
Avoidant restrictive food Decreased No No Yes No No
intake disorder
Rumination disorder Normal or decreased No No No No No
Pica Normal or decreased No No No No No

Table 1: Key clinical features of eating disorders per fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria22

both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.10 Recent specific cutoff for low bodyweight has been removed,
interest in the gut–brain axis has led to the discovery of guidance suggests that a body-mass index less than the
changes in the composition and diversity of the gut fifth percentile for age indicates a low bodyweight. In
microbiome (dysbiosis) in both anorexia nervosa11–15 and DSM-5, amenorrhoea has been removed as one of the
in inflam­matory bowel disease.16 Such alterations can required diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa because
cause down­stream depletion of short chain fatty acids, it does not apply to male patients, to female patients
especially butyrate, which acts not only as a physical before menarche, or to some female adolescents on
barrier of protection along the intestinal mucosa but also hormonal contraception. Atypical ano­ rexia nervosa
as a biochemical regulator of T-cell function. This describes patients who meet all criteria for anorexia
regulation is integral for correct recognition of self and nervosa, but despite substantial weight loss, their weight
non-self in humans.17 Such a mechanism could explain is within or above the normal range.
the coexistence of eating disorders with not only Key features of bulimia nervosa are recurrent episodes
gastrointestinal diseases but also diabetes18 and thyroid of binge eating and the use of inappropriate compensatory
disorders.19,20 We did the search according to PRISMA behaviours such as self-induced vomiting, excessive
guidelines.21 exercise, periods of starvation, or the use of laxatives,
diuretics, or diet pills to prevent weight gain. A binge is
Diagnostic criteria for eating disorders defined as the consumption of an objectively large
In 2013, the diagnostic criteria for eating disorders in the amount of food in a discrete period of time, accompanied
fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of by a subjective sense of loss of control over eating during
Mental Disorders were revised to improve clinical utility the episode. Patients with bulimia nervosa are usually of
of the diagnostic categories. Before the revision, the normal bodyweight. Patients who binge but do not
majority of children and adolescents presenting to engage in inappropriate compensatory behaviours are
clinical eating disorder programmes did not meet assigned the diagnosis of binge eating disorder.
diagnostic criteria for either anorexia nervosa or bulimia Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder describes
nervosa, and were assigned the diagnosis of eating individuals who avoid some foods because of taste,
disorder not otherwise specified.22,23 With the fifth edition texture, colour, smell, or fear of vomiting, with their
of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental reduced dietary intake leading to weight loss, failure to
Disorders (DSM-5),24 diagnostic criteria for anorexia gain weight, or interruption of growth. No fear of weight
nervosa and bulimia nervosa are less stringent, and new gain and no body image concerns are present. In clinical
diagnostic categories have been introduced, including samples, between 5% and 23% of patients referred to
avoidant restrictive food intake disorder and atypical specialised adolescent eating disorder programmes meet
anorexia nervosa (table 1). Furthermore, eating disorder criteria for avoidant restrictive food intake disorder.25,27,28
not otherwise specified was eliminated as a diagnostic Compared with patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia
category. As a result of application of the DSM-5 criteria, nervosa, adolescents with avoidant restrictive food intake
there have been modest increases in the number of disorder are more likely to be younger and male.27,28
children, adolescents, and young adults meeting criteria In DSM-5, rumination disorder and pica are included
for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.25,26 under the broad category of feeding and eating disorders.
The key features of anorexia nervosa are persistent low Rumination disorder describes the repeated regurgitation
bodyweight, marked fear of weight gain, and disturbance of recently eaten food over a period of at least 1 month.
in the way that body image is experienced. Although the The regurgitated food might be re-chewed, re-swallowed,

2 Published online January 9, 2019


or spat out. The behaviour is not better explained the number of patients with atypical anorexia nervosa
by gastrointestinal disease and does not occur during requiring hospitalisation for medical instability grew five
an episode of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or times from 2005–10.
avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. Although these
symptoms occur most commonly in infants and children Specific eating disorders and chronic diseases
with intellectual disabilities, they can occur in children Coeliac disease
and adolescents of normal intelligence. Coeliac disease is an immune-mediated enteropathy
Pica describes the ingestion of one or more non- triggered by gluten ingestion resulting in small bowel
nutritive, non-food substances (such as hair, paper, paint, inflammation and chronic nutrient malabsorption.
among others) on a persistent basis for at least 1 month. Approximately three million people in the USA
Pica can be observed with other medical and psychiatric (paediatric prevalence of 1–13 per 1000) have coeliac
conditions such as developmental delay, autism spectrum disease,42,43 the majority of whom are undiagnosed or
disorder, and schizophrenia, but is only given a separate untreated.44 As the vast majority of patients with coeliac
diagnosis if the symptoms are serious enough to warrant disease have silent or subtle signs and symptoms,
additional clinical attention. characteristic poor weight gain and failure to thrive in an
adolescent or young adult might be the initial
Epidemiology of eating disorders presentation. Undiagnosed and untreated coeliac disease
Eating disorders typically arise during adolescence29 and can lead to substantial com­plications, including chronic
occur in all racial and ethnic groups. The highest nutritional deficiencies, progressive bone loss and
prevalence is in adolescent females. Approximately derangements, increased risk of early osteoporosis and
5–15% of patients diagnosed with an eating disorder are non-traumatic fractures of hip and vertebrae, and
male, with a 9:1 female-to-male preponderance.30 The intestinal lymphoma. Given these concerns, it is
proportion of male patients is higher in individuals important to consider serological screening for coeliac
presenting under the age of 13 years, with a female-to- disease in any adolescent and young adult being
male ratio closer to 6:1.31–33 considered for diagnosis of an eating disorder. The
The lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia standard screening for coeliac disease involves a one-
nervosa, and binge eating disorder is estimated to be time serological test for IgA antibodies to tissue trans­
0∙9%, 1∙5%, and 3∙5%, respectively for female individuals glutaminase and total IgA. The combination of high
and 0∙3%, 0∙5%, and 2∙0%, respectively for male levels of tissue transglutaminase IgA with a normal IgA
individuals.34 A large Dutch community cohort study26 while ingesting at least 3–10 g of gluten daily is both
found a lifetime diagnosis of any eating disorder in 5∙7% highly sensitive and specific (>95%) for coeliac disease.45
of adolescent females and 1∙2% of adolescent males. Patients with a positive serological test often require
Mean age at onset was 15∙1 years (SD 2∙8) for anorexia duodenal mucosal biopsy confirmation per American
nervosa, and 16∙0 years (1∙9) for bulimia nervosa.26 In the consensus guidelines.
UK, there has been a modest increase in the incidence of A 2015 population-based study5 described the
eating disorders from 2000 to 2009, with the highest significant association between coeliac disease and
incidence in adolescent females aged 15–19 years.35 A anorexia nervosa, both before and after the diagnosis of
study from Denmark revealed that over the observation coeliac disease. The investigators found the hazard ratio
period from 1995 to 2010, the most frequent age group at for later development of anorexia nervosa in individuals
first diagnosis of anorexia nervosa decreased from with biopsy-supported coeliac disease to be 1∙46 (95% CI
16–19 years in 1995 to 12–15 years in 2010.36 1∙08–1∙98), and a previous diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
Population-based estimates of the prevalence of avoidant was also associ­ ated with coeliac disease (odds ratio
restrictive food intake disorder are not known, but [OR] 2∙18, 95% CI 1∙45–3∙29).5 In the same study, the
adolescents with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder bidirectional association of the two diseases could imply
account for 12–23% of patients referred to specialised a shared genetic susceptibility or an incremental risk of
adolescent eating disorder programmes.25,27,28,37 Adolescents developing either anorexia nervosa or coeliac disease if
with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder differ from the other condition is present. The clinical implication of
individuals with other types of eating disorders. They are this study is that misdiagnosis or delayed treatment of
more likely to be males, to be a younger age, and to have a coeliac disease can occur during the peak age of onset of
longer duration of illness.27,28,37,38 Similar to avoidant an eating disorder. Undiagnosed or misdiagnosed coeliac
restrictive food intake disorder, population-based estimates disease and eating disorders can be devastating during a
of prevalence of atypical anorexia nervosa are not known. particularly vulnerable period of growth and develop­
Patients with atypical anorexia nervosa account for ment. It is important to note that both coeliac disease
approximately 30% of patients referred to specialised and anorexia nervosa can present with non-specific
adolescent eating disorder programmes28,39 and 25–50% of gastrointestinal discomfort, disordered defecation (either
all patients hospitalised on adolescent eating disorder constipation or diarrhoea), intestinal bloating, and failure
units.40,41 A study from Melbourne, Australia40 found that to thrive. Published online January 9, 2019 3


bowel disease with quantitative calprotectin levels more

Recommended screening laboratory tests than 50 μg/g.46 Calprotectin, a calcium-containing protein
Complete blood count
ESR that makes up 60% of the cytosolic protein of neutrophils
Serum chemistry panel and monocytes, is released during acute and chronic
Liver function tests, albumin
Thyroid function tests (thyroid stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, triiodothyronine)
inflammation.47 Having a low threshold for testing stool
Urinalysis calprotectin before treatment of an eating disorder is
25-hydroxyvitamin D advised as reliance on polymeric formula supplementation
If amenorrhoea test for luteinising hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, oestradiol in patients with anorexia nervosa to achieve daily caloric
If suspicious of gastrointestinal disease test for coeliac screen, stool calprotectin needs can concomitantly treat undiagnosed small bowel
If goiter on exam test for thyroid peroxidase antibodies, thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins,
and antithyroglobulin antibodies Crohn’s disease. Exclusive enteral therapy with use of
polymeric formulas has been shown to have a treatment
effect similar to corticosteroids during treatment
Expected findings in anorexia nervosa Findings suggestive of other gastrointestinal or The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease is made on
Complete blood count endocrinological chronic diseases the basis of a combination of history, physical, and
White blood cells: normal or decreased Complete blood count
Haemoglobin: normal or decreased White blood cells: can be increased in untreated
laboratory findings, oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and
Platelets: normal or decreased coeliac disease or inflammatory bowel disease, ileocolonoscopy with histology, and imaging of the small
can also be normal; normal in thyroid disease bowel.49 Crohn’s disease of the duodenum, jejunum, and
Decreased ESR and diabetes
Haemoglobin: decreased in inflammatory bowel ileum can be elusive to diagnose because of the relapsing
Chemistry panel disease and coeliac disease and remitting nature of the inflammation and the difficulty
Na+, K+, Mg, or P: normal or decreased Platelets: increased in inflammatory bowel disease
Transaminases: normal or increased and inflammatory conditions
of obtaining histopathology in the small intestine. It is not
uncommon for patients with isolated small bowel Crohn’s
Other laboratory tests Increased ESR in inflammatory bowel disease and disease to have negative results in endoscopic and
Thyroid function tests: decreased triiodothyronine other inflammatory conditions
Urinalysis: normal or increased ketones colonoscopic investigations. A referral to an inflammatory
(starvation) Chemistry panel bowel disease specialist and a targeted evaluation of the
25-hydroxyvitamin D: often decreased Decreased Na+ and increased K+ in adrenal
insufficiency; increased glucose in diabetes
small bowel are often necessary with use of advanced
Albumin is decreased in inflammatory bowel endoscopic techniques (ie, enteroscopy or wireless capsule
disease or chronic kidney disease endoscopy) or highly sensitive radiological imaging
Other laboratory tests (ie, magnetic resonance enterography).
Increased triiodothyronine in Graves’ disease In a large Finnish cohort6 of patients with anorexia
Urinalysis: increased glucose and sometimes
increased ketones in diabetes nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder,
increased prevalence of gastrointestinal disease was largely
explained by Crohn’s disease (0∙6% in patients vs 0∙2% in
Figure 1: Recommended laboratory tests in adolescents and young adults with weight loss, and expected
findings in anorexia nervosa and in other chronic gastrointestinal or endocrinological medical diseases
controls, OR 3∙1, 95% CI 1∙5–6∙3), and not by coeliac
disease (OR 1∙4, 0∙7–3∙1), or ulcerative colitis (OR 1∙6,
0∙7–3∙2). This increased prevalence of gastrointestinal
Inflammatory bowel disease disease was significantly increased in patients with
Inflammatory bowel diseases, consisting of Crohn’s anorexia nervosa, but not in individuals with bulimia
disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic inflammatory nervosa or binge eating disorder.6
disorders of the gastrointestinal tract that are most In contrast to coeliac disease, bidirectionality of asso­
commonly diagnosed between adolescence and young ciation between inflammatory bowel disease and eating
adulthood. Although it is common to have haematochezia disorders has not been shown. However, given the
as one of the initial presenting signs of inflammatory emerging relationship between dysbiotic gut microbiota
bowel disease, especially in ulcerative colitis, some and inflammatory bowel disease, it would be forward-
phenotypes of inflammatory bowel disease are more thinking to consider dietary regimens that optimise
indolent in disease progression. microbiota health in addition to meeting caloric goals
An elevated ESR or a low serum albumin level in an in the treatment of patients with eating disorders.
adolescent suspected of having anorexia nervosa, should Specifically, while there is ongoing debate about whether
raise suspicion of inflammatory bowel disease (figure 1). a typical diet of people in developed countries has causal
Similar to the subtle clinical progression of undiagnosed links to autoimmunity triggering new-onset inflam­
coeliac disease, the indolent nature of some inflammatory matory bowel disease, it is interesting to note the
bowel disease presentations make co-occurrence with an evidence supporting the association of dysbiosis and
eating disorder in the adolescent and young adult cohorts inflammatory bowel disease, especially in paediatric
more probable. The clinician caring for suspected or Crohn’s disease.16 Reproducible research has shown that
diagnosed patients with an eating disorder should be there is loss of microbial diversity and total abundance of
mindful of the stool calprotectin screening test, which has commensal gut bacteria in patients with inflammatory
a more than 90% sensitivity for underlying inflam­matory bowel disease, specifically depletion of bacteria from the

4 Published online January 9, 2019


phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes.50 Loss of bacterial development of chronic complications of type 1 diabetes
species from these phyla allows increased interactions of but also increases the risk for acute medical complications
the host immune system with the environmental such as diabetic ketoacidosis.54 It is not surprising,
antigens within the mucosal lining of the intestinal therefore, that intentional insulin omission is associated
tract.17 Although the question of causality about diet and with a three-times increase in mortality and a reduced
inflammatory bowel disease continues, research has mean age of death by more than 10 years.60 The opposite
shown that a diet high in animal fats and processed foods behaviour, intentional insulin overdose, has also been
is associated with an increased risk of developing Crohn’s described in patients with type 1 diabetes and bulimia
disease and ulcerative colitis. Conversely, regular intake nervosa, done specifically to abate cravings for binge
of foods rich in dietary plant fibres has been shown eating.61 Although excess insulin leads to hypoglycaemia,
to be protective against new-onset inflammatory HbA1c in these patients is also typically elevated, suggesting
bowel disease.51 Therefore, in the management and an overall hyperglycaemic state, probably from binge
rehabilitation of patients with known eating disorders, eating followed by compensatory insulin omissions.
thoughtful consideration about incorporating plant- Carbohydrate avoidance is commonly observed in
based fibres in meals would optimise gut bacterial health patients with anorexia nervosa. With coexisting type 1
in a population with known dysbiosis. diabetes, carbohydrate restriction or elimination can
decrease insulin needs and lower HbA1C, which in turn
Type 1 diabetes might be misinterpreted as an improvement in glycaemic
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in control. This behaviour also increases the risk for
youth (less than 20 years), affecting approximately 0∙2% of starvation ketoacidosis and the rare complication of
children and adolescents in the USA.52 Around 87% of new euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis.62 Additionally, it also
cases of diabetes in adolescents are classified as type 1 impairs appropriate hepatic storage of substrates needed
diabetes,52 characterised by partial or total deficiency of for gluconeogenesis, thus increasing the risk of hypo­
insulin production due to autoimmune destruction of glycaemia during the initial nutritional rehabilitation of
pancreatic β cells. More than 50% of patients with type 1 these patients.63 In patients with undiagnosed type 1
diabetes present after the age of 10 years.52 Weight loss, diabetes, the course of re-feeding could be atypical with
along with polyuria and polydipsia, is one of the classic an inappropriately slow rate of weight gain, unusual
presenting symptoms, and is often followed by rapid hunger or increase in appetite, or glycosuria. As
weight gain after initiation of insulin therapy.53 carbohydrate restriction lowers HbA1c, this serological
Eating disorders represent one of the most common test could be unreliable in the evaluation of diabetes in
psychiatric diagnoses in adolescents with type 1 diabetes,54 these patients.64 Other screening tests, such as 2 h
with a prevalence twice as high as in individuals without postprandial blood glucose levels, might be more helpful.
diabetes.55 Although a coexisting eating disorder might
be more common in female adolescents,56 in a large Type 2 diabetes
population-based study, adolescent males with type 1 Type 2 diabetes is characterised by insulin resistance and
diabetes were twice as likely to report body development impaired glucose metabolism. Its incidence has
concerns and unhealthy methods of weight control increased in children and adolescents, especially in the
compared with their male peers without type 1 diabetes.4 USA, where it might be as frequent as type 1 in some
Several factors associated with type 1 diabetes could put regions of the country.65 Obesity is the most common
these adolescents at risk for developing an eating disorder, comorbidity in youth (less than 20 years) with type 2
including but not limited to: disruption in typical eating diabetes.65 As unhealthy weight control behaviours are
patterns, including having to calculate the carbohydrate more common in overweight and obese people,66 it
content of every meal and continually having to evaluate should not be surprising that in the multicentre TODAY
the effect of food and exercise on blood glucose levels; study67 of adolescents with recent diagnosis of type 2
rapid weight changes at time of diagnosis and initial diabetes, 6% of the participants met criteria for clinical
treatment; psychological distress at time of diagnosis and binge eating, and 20% for subclinical binge eating. Binge
stressors of living with a chronic disease; and body image eating was associated with higher levels and rates of
emphasis as part of typical adolescent development.57,58 extreme obesity, global eating disorder scores, depressive
Intentional omission of insulin for weight loss purposes symptoms, and impaired quality of life.67 In a systematic
is probably the most common unhealthy weight control review and meta-analysis of observational studies,
method used by patients on insulin therapy.54,58,59 This patients with bulimia nervosa were found to have an
behaviour has rendered the informal term diabulimia, a increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes across all
portmanteau of diabetes and bulimia.54,58 Without insulin, studies, whereas for individuals with binge eating
glucose cannot be metabolised, resulting in hyper­ disorder, the increased risk was seen only in cross-
glycaemia, glycosuria, and weight loss. The subsequent sectional studies, but not in cohort studies.68 This finding
hyperglycaemic state, as evidenced by elevated glycated was important as obesity is more common in binge
haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), not only accelerates the eating disorder than in bulimia nervosa.69 The increased Published online January 9, 2019 5


Thyroid disorders
Endocrinological dysfunction affecting the thyroid axis is
Thyroid gland
often seen in eating disorders.70 Normally, thyroxine is
metabolised into triiodothyronine by monodeiodination
at its outer ring. In starvation states, however, the
decreased secretion of leptin from adipose tissue
mediates thyroxine monodeiodination to occur at the
inner ring instead,72 resulting in the preferential
formation of reverse triiodothyronine, the metabolically
I I inactive isomer of triiodothyronine (figure 2).70 This
HO O C C H change results in low triiodothyronine euthyroid sick
H COOH syndrome, character­ ised by low triiodothyronine but
Normal state Malnutrition
usually normal thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating
Thyroxine hormone (TSH) concentrations. Low triiodothyronine
euthyroid sick syndrome is more commonly seen in
HO O R HO O R anorexia nervosa than in bulimia nervosa,70 with some
studies suggesting that low triiodothyronine is seen more
specifically during the periods between binge eating.73
Triiodothyronine Reverse triiodothyronine (inactive)
The decrease in triiodothyronine is a com­ pensatory
adaptation in starvation states to lower metabolic needs
Figure 2: Mechanism for low triiodothyronine euthyroid sick syndrome in malnutrition
and decrease energy imbalance, but it results in
In the normal state, thyroxine is converted to triidonthyonine (grey arrows). In malnutrition, thyroxine is bradycardia, hypothermia, and delayed deep tendon
preferentially converted to reverse triiodonthyronine (red arrows). R=CH2CH(NH2)(COOH) group attached to the reflexes.70 Following weight restoration, triiodothyronine
inner aromatic ring. concentrations normalise with resolution of these
clinical signs.70
Thyrotoxicosis factitia is another cause of reversible
Thyroid- Free Total Antibodies Other
stimulating thyroxine triiodothyronine abnormalities in thyroid function tests in patients with
hormone eating disorders. In thyrotoxicosis factitia, exogenous
Hashimoto’s Increased Decreased Decreased Thyroid peroxidase thyroid hormone is taken surreptitiously or in excess for
thyroiditis and weight control purposes.74 The resulting biochemical
antithyroglobulin profile is similar to that of hyperthyroidism, with low TSH
and elevated thyroxine or triiodothyronine, or both. In
Low Normal or Normal or Decreased None Reversible with
contrast to true hyperthyroidism, the supraphysiological
triiodothyronine decreased decreased weight
euthyroid sick restoration thyroid hormones in thyrotoxicosis factitia lead to a
syndrome hypoactive thyroid gland with decreased iodine uptake,
Graves’ disease Decreased Increased Increased Thyroid- Enlarged thyroid so there is no enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter).74
stimulating gland (goiter), Serum thyroglobulin and faecal thyroxine concentrations
immunoglobulin increased
might be helpful in differentiating thyrotoxicosis factitia
iodine uptake from a true thyroid pathology.74 In thyrotoxicosis factitia,
Thyroiditis factitia Decreased Increased Increased None Decreased serum thyroglobulin concentrations are decreased and
thyroglobulin, faecal thyroxine concentrations elevated, whereas in either
increased faecal
silent thyroiditis or true hyperthyroidism, the reverse
pattern is expected (table 2).74
Table 2: Laboratory and imaging tests associated with different thyroid disturbances Although not as commonly seen as thyrotoxicosis
factitia or low triiodothyronine euthyroid sick syndrome,
a true thyroid pathology could also coexist with an eating
risk seen in bulimia nervosa could be in part due to an disorder, although there are no large population-based
association with hyperinsulinaemia or polycystic ovarian studies assessing its prevalence among patients with
syndrome, or both,70 which were not factored into the eating disorders. To date, there has only been a limited
analysis of the review. Hyper­ insulinaemic states, number of published case reports on the topic (17 on
commonly seen in type 2 diabetes due to impaired hyperthyroidism coexisting with an eating disorder, all
glucose metabolism, stimulate appetite and could in female patients,75–77 and two on hypothyroidism and
contribute to binge eating.70,71 These observations suggest anorexia nervosa, both in adolescents78,79). The prevalence
that patients with type 2 diabetes should be screened for of both disorders, however, might be higher than what
unhealthy methods of weight control, and that patients is suggested by the medical literature. In a study of
with binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa should 50 adult women attending a thyroid clinic, three women
similarly be screened for type 2 diabetes. with hypothyroidism aged 26–29 years met criteria

6 Published online January 9, 2019


for bulimia nervosa.80 However, as two of the three

women also endorsed intentionally abusing their thyroid Search strategy and selection criteria
hormone for weight loss, these cases could actually We searched PubMed and MEDLINE for articles published
represent thyrotoxicosis factitia rather than a truly between Jan 1, 1995, and June 30, 2018 with the terms:
shared asso­ciation between hypothyroidism and bulimia (“chronic disease”, “diabetes mellitus”, “celiac disease”,
nervosa. “inflammatory bowel diseases”, “ulcerative colitis”, “thyroid
In the case reports of hyperthyroidism,75–77 elevated disease”) AND (“anorexia nervosa”, “binge eating disorder,”
triiodothyronine concentrations were associated with “avoidant restrictive food intake disorder” OR “bulimia
binge eating or purging behaviours in adults but not in nervosa”) according to PRISMA guidelines. These specific
adolescents. These behaviours also improved with chronic medical illnesses were selected on the basis of the
treatment of their thyroid disorder and normalisation of chronic medical diseases most frequently encountered in
triiodothyronine concentrations. Binge eating was likely adolescents with eating disorders treated in a large
the result of appetite increase caused by elevated specialised multidisciplinary adolescent eating disorder
triiodothyronine, similar to the relationship between treatment programme located within a tertiary care
binge eating and hyperinsulinaemia discussed earlier. children’s hospital. We focused on comorbid medical diseases
In the case reports76,78,79 in which the thyroid disease and in which the coexistence of both diseases could make
the eating disorder were both diagnosed at the time of management difficult. We searched only for articles published
presentation, the diagnosis of a thyroid pathology was in English or those translated into English involving
often masked because of normal thyroxine or triiodo­ adolescents or young adults and excluded animal studies
thyronine concentrations, even when a goiter was (appendix). Additionally, supplemental searches for the See Online for appendix
present. Yet, in all of these cases, TSH concentrations separate topics in this Review were done. We included
were slightly above or below normal limits. With weight randomised controlled trials, observational studies,
restoration, thyroid function tests gradually became retrospective studies, meta-analyses, review articles,
more consistent with the underlying thyroid pathology, editorials, case reports, and other relevant articles.
whether hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. The initial
re-feeding course in these patients was often atypical as
well. For instance, in a case of undiagnosed hypo­ are not typical for the eating disorder. Similarly,
thyroidism, sinus bradycardia persisted despite weight adolescents with chronic gastrointestinal and endocrine
gain.78 In a case of undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, the re- diseases should be screened for unhealthy methods of
feeding course was notable for an inappropriately slow weight control. When an eating disorder coexists with a
weight gain, rise of heart rate above the normal range, chronic disease, frequent communication among health-
and temperature reaching low-grade pyrexia.76 In another care professionals is advised. The con­tinued discovery of
patient, the hyperthyroid-induced hypermetabolic state possible genetic, immunological, and environmental
coupled with dietary restrictions from the eating disorder factors shared by eating disorders and chronic medical
led to multivitamin deficiency with subsequent severe diseases will increase our under­ standing of the
polyneuropathy from deficient amounts of vitamins E, mechanisms under­ lying the shared pathogenesis of
B6, and folic acid,77 and could have increased the risk of these conditions.
electrolyte deficiencies in another patient.75 Contributors
Treatment of the underlying thyroid disorder can be NHG drafted the manuscript. JTA did the systematic review.
challenging in the setting of an eating disorder due to a NHG contributed to the introduction, search strategy and selection
criteria, diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, and conclusion.
patient’s desire to remain in a hypermetabolic state to JTA contributed to the sections on diabetes and thyroid disorders.
facilitate weight loss, fear of weight gain with treatment, KTP contributed to the sections on coeliac disease and inflammatory
and self-induced vomiting of the thyroid medication. As bowel disease. All authors reviewed and edited the manuscript and
a result, non-adherence was commonly observed in accept responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of the work.
patients with hyperthyroidism, and thyroid medication Declaration of interests
abuse (as in thyrotoxicosis factitia) has been observed in KTP reports grants from the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, Takeda
Pharmaceutical, Abbvie, Prometheus, and Inova Diagnostics, all outside
individuals with hypothyroidism. the submitted work. JTA and NHG declare no competing interests.
Conclusion Supported in part by The Mary Gallo Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship
Eating disorders and some chronic gastrointestinal Fund (JTA), National Institutes of Health—National Institute of Diabetes
and endocrine diseases begin during adolescence and and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (DK094868), Crohn’s & Colitis
ly present with similar symptoms. The Foundation (KTP), and National Institutes of Health—Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
conditions can be misdiagnosed inter­ changeably, but (RO1 HD082166; NHG).
they can also coexist, making manage­ment challenging.
Adolescents with a suspected eating disorder should be 1 Wotton CJ, James A, Goldacre MJ. Coexistence of eating disorders
screened for coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and autoimmune diseases: record linkage cohort study, UK.
Int J Eat Disord 2016; 49: 663–72.
diabetes, and thyroid disease, especially when symptoms Published online January 9, 2019 7


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