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The copyright in this manual and its accompanying software are the property of Flaresim
Ltd with all rights reserved. Both this manual and the software have been provided pursuant
to a License Agreement containing restrictions on use.

Flaresim Ltd reserves the right to make changes to this manual or its accompanying
software without obligation to notify any person or organisation.

No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval

system or translated into any other language in any form or by any means, or disclosed to
third parties without the prior written consent of Flaresim Ltd.

Flaresim Ltd or its agents will replace any defective manual, program disks within 90 days
of purchase of the product providing that proof of purchase is evident. Neither Flaresim
Ltd nor its agents or dealers make any warranty, implied or otherwise, with respect to the
software or results generated by the software.

This program is intended for use by a qualified engineer to aid the design and analysis of
flare systems. The results calculated by this program may not be reliable if the input data
has not been appropriately specified or if the program is used without regard to its
documented limitations.
It is the responsibility of the user to interpret the results generated by this program. Flaresim
Ltd shall bear no liability for special, indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary or
punitive damages arising from use of this software.

The governing law of this warranty shall be that of England.

Manual Version 5.1. Copyright Flaresim Ltd, 2017

Installation 1-1

1 Installation

1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 Installation Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Package Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.4 System Privileges and UAC Options . . . . . 4

1.2 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

With Security Key5
1.2.1 Starting Flaresim Software Installation . . . 5
1.2.2 Installing .Net Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.3 Running Flaresim Installation. . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2.5 Security Key Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.2.6 Standalone License File Installation . . . . 15
1.2.7 Troubleshooting Standalone Installation. 18

1.3 Installing Flaresim - Network . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.3.1 Installing Server Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.3.2 Installing Server License File . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.3.3 Troubleshooting License File Installation 33
1.3.4 Installing Flaresim Clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.3.5 Configuring Flaresim Clients . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.3.6 Troubleshooting Flaresim Client . . . . . . . 38

1.4 Installing Flaresim Standalone For

Trial Or Short Term Lease40

Installation 1-2

1.4.1 Installing Flaresim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1.4.2 Generating PC Lock Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1.4.3 License File Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

1.5 Starting Flaresim Through Batch

or Script Files45
1.5.1 Starting Flaresim With A Batch File . . . . . 45
1.5.2 Starting Flaresim With A VB Script File . . 46

1.6 Flaresim File Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

1.6.1 Install Locations on Windows XP . . . . . . . 48
1.6.2 Install Locations on Windows Vista
and later versions49
1.6.3 Install Locations on Windows Vista-64bit
and later 64bit versions49

Installation 1-3

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 Installation Types

Before starting your Flaresim installation you should understand
what type of installation you are doing. The options are:

1. Installing standalone licensed version with security key

2. Installing network licensed version with security key

3. Installing standalone license for a trial or short term lease

without a security key.

This installation guide has sections for each of these options.

1.1.2 Package Requirements

Before installation, check that you have the following elements of
the Flaresim package.
• Program CD Rom or Flaresim Download Package
• USB Security ID Key, (not required for trial or short term lease)
• For network version installation, the program CD Rom or server
download package.
When you have a security key, you will also need a license file. This
will be sent to you separately by e-mail as an attachment after you
have confirmed receipt of your Flaresim package. You should save
the file to a temporary location so that it is ready when required by
the installation process.

When installing a trial version or short term license version of

Flaresim the license file must be generated for the specific PC on
which you will run Flaresim. In this case first Flaresim must be
installed and then FSWLicense utility can be run to generate the lock
code that will allow your license file to be generated.

1-4 Overview

1.1.3 System Requirements

Flaresim installation has the following system requirements.

Item Requirement

Operating system Windows 7, Windows 8.1,

Windows 10*

Disk space - Flaresim program ~58 MB

Disk space - Sample files (opt) ~2MB

Computer ID key device port USB port

Flaresim install files CD Romor download package

Internet Access For 280 Mb download of .Net frame-

work if not already installed and you
do not have the Flaresim CD.

* Flaresim is tested on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

1.1.4 System Privileges and UAC Options

The installation process requires permission to write files in:-
• C:\Program Files folder or C:\Program Files (x86) if you are
using a 64 bit operating system
• C:\Windows\System32 folder
• System registry.

Generally these permissions are available if you have Administrator

privileges on your system. In some companies the system policies in
operation will not provide all of the privileges required and you will
need IT assistance to install Flaresim.

From version 3.0.6, the installation of Flaresim is compatible with

the User Account Control (UAC) feature that has been included in
Windows since Windows Vista.

Installation 1-5

1.2 Installing Flaresim Standalone

License With Security Key
The standalone license is where usage of the program is controlled
by a license file installed on the PC on which Flaresim is running.
The license file is locked to the security key which must be plugged
in to the PC to allow Flaresim to run.

The installation of Flaresim is a two step process. First the software

must be installed. Then the security key must be plugged in and the
license file installed to activate the software.

1.2.1 Starting Flaresim Software Installation

The installation of Flaresim is similar to the installation of other
Windows programs. The steps are:-
1. Shut down other windows programs. The Windows
Explorer program may be left open to start the Flaresim
Setup program.

2. Either: Insert the Flaresim CD Rom into your CD or DVD


If the AutoRun feature is enabled then step 3 will be per-

formed automatically and should be skipped.

Or: Extract install files from download package to a tempo-

rary location on your hard disk.

3. Through Windows Explorer or the Start - Run option, start

the setup program Setup.exe on the CD Rom or in the
temporary location used to extract the downloaded files.

The installation program will begin.

1-6 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

1.2.2 Installing .Net Framework

Starting with Flaresim version 5.0 the Full Extended version of
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or later is required to support
Flaresim. The installation program first checks whether this set of
support files is available. If it is then the installation process will
automatically start see 1.2.3.

If you do not have the required .Net Framework already installed on

your computer the following screen will be displayed and you will
be invited to install it. If you do not install it then the Flaresim
installation program will close.

Figure 1-1, .Net Framework Required

4. Click the Install button to start the .Net Framework

installation. This is a download installation and can take an
appreciable time to download and install.

5. Once the .Net Framework installation process has finished

the Flaresim installer will start as described in the following

Installation 1-7

1.2.3 Running Flaresim Installation

6. After verifying the availability of the .Net Framework
version 4.0 the Flaresim Installation wizard will start and
after a configuration screen for the Windows Installer the
follows screen will appear.

Click the Next button.

Figure 1-2, Flaresim Installation Wizard Start

Note that the setup program provides a Cancel button that

may be clicked to exit the installation procedure at any

7. The following License Agreement screen, Figure 1-3,

should then appear.

1-8 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 1-3, License Agreement

8. At this point you should read the License Agreement and

confirm your acceptance of its terms by clicking the accept

Once the accept option has been selected the Next button
will be activated and should be clicked to continue the
installation. The following screen, Figure 1-4, will appear.

If you do not wish to accept the license terms then click the
Cancel button to exit the setup program without installing
Flaresim. The license terms must be accepted before the
program will install.

Installation 1-9

Figure 1-4, Destination Folder

9. If you are content with the proposed installation folder in

your Program Files directory then click Next to continue.

Otherwise click the Browse button and use the standard

windows file browser to select the destination folder for the
Flaresim program. Once you are happy with your selection
click Next to continue.

The installation type screen, Figure 1-5, will appear.

1-10 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 1-5, Installation Type

10. On this screen for a full installation select the Typical

option and click Next.

The Custom option should be selected if you do not wish to

install the Flaresim sample files.

The final install screen will appear.

Figure 1-6, Ready to Install Screen

Installation 1-11

11. At this point Flaresim is ready to install. Click the Install

button to start the installation process.

If you wish to change any data entered in an earlier screen

the Back button may be used to return to earlier screens.

After clicking the Install button the installation will start.

12. The setup program will show the progress of the installation
as files are copied to your install folder as shown below.

Figure 1-7, Installation Progress

Should you need to halt the installation, the Cancel button

may be used to stop the installation. A confirmation dialog
will ask you to confirm that you wish to exit without com-
pleting the installation of the program.

13. Following completion of Flaresim installation the following

screen will be shown. Click the Finish button to complete
the installation process.

1-12 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Figure 1-8, Completion Screen

1.2.4 Installation of Sentinel Drivers

Following completion of the Flaresim installation process an
installer for the Sentinel Drivers for use of the security key will start
as shown below.

Figure 1-9, Sentinel Drivers Installation

Installation 1-13

14. Click the Next button to start the Sentinel software


It is also possible that the drivers required to support Senti-

nel security keys are already installed on your PC to support
other applications for example, the Aspentech suite. If this
is the case you may be offered an Upgrade button in place of
the Next button.

15. A screen displaying the Sentinel Protection software license

will then be displayed. This license must be accepted to
allow the installation to proceed. Click the Next button.

16. The next screen, Figure 1-10, allows you to select the
installation type. Select the Complete option which installs
drivers for both the Flaresim USB security key and legacy
25-pin parallel port security keys.

Figure 1-10, Sentinel Driver Installation Type

1-14 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

17. The next screen will indicate that the Sentinel Protection
Installer is ready to begin. Click the Install button to start it.

Figure 1-11, Sentinel Driver Ready To Install

18. Once complete the following view, will be displayed. Click

the Finish button to complete the driver installation.

Figure 1-12, Sentinel Diver Installation Complete

Installation 1-15

1.2.5 Security Key Installation

19. At this point you are ready to install your security key.

If you have USB security key then plug it into a free USB
port on your computer. The first time this is done, you
should expect to see confirmation that a Sentinel Ultrapro
device has been detected and the driver installed.

1.2.6 Standalone License File Installation

Flaresim requires installation of a license file before it will run.

For a standalone Flaresim installation with a security key this license

is sent to you by email after you have confirmed receipt of the
Flaresim package and security key. Ensure this is copied to a
suitable temporary location before starting the installation process.

20. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense from the

Flaresim 5.0 folder in the Start Programs menu. The
Flaresim License Installer program will open and display
the following view.

Figure 1-13, Flaresim License Installer

1-16 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

21. Click the button labelled “Install Standalone or Demo

License”. The view will change to allow you to select the
license file to be installed as shown below.

Figure 1-14, Select Flaresim Standalone License File

22. Click the Browse button to open a standard Windows file

browser and select the Flaresim license file from the
temporary location to which you have saved your license
file. Alternatively you can type the full path and license file
name into the field provided.

23. When you have entered the license file name, click the
Install button. If the license file has been correctly installed
the following message will be displayed. Click the Ok
button to finish the license installation process and close the
license installer.

Figure 1-15, Successful License Installation

Installation 1-17

You may see the following message before the confirmation

of license installation referring to the existence of an
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

Figure 1-16, LSFORCEHOST Warning

If you see this message it means that the configuration file

called “lshost” that the Flaresim License Installer creates in
the Flaresim program folder could be overridden by the
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable. This
could prevent Flaresim using the installed license file. The
solution to this is to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 1.5.

If there is any problem in writing the license file or “lshost”

configuration file, a pop-up message will describe the prob-
lem. This problem is usually due to system administration
policies that prevent programs from writing within the
“C:\Program Files” folder. You will need to contact your IT
support for assistance.

24. At this point Flaresim installation is complete. You can now

start Flaresim from the shortcut in the Flaresim 5.0 folder in
the Windows - Start menu.

If you are new to Flaresim we would recommend that you

work through the examples in the Getting Started section of
the manual or help system.

1-18 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

1.2.7 Troubleshooting Standalone Installation

If an error message similar to that shown in Figure 1-17 below, is
seen when starting Flaresim then the likely cause is that the security
key is not correctly installed.

Figure 1-17, Unable to obtain license file

Checking Computer ID Key Installation.

A security key problem can be tested for by running the program

wechoid.exe which can be found in the support sub-folder of the
Flaresim program folder (normally C:\Program Files\Flaresim 5.0).

Running this program should give an output similar to that shown in

Figure 1-18 below. If the Computer ID entry is visible and holds a
value then the security device is correctly installed.

If the Computer ID section of the wechoid.exe output is greyed out

or no data is shown then the security device is not correctly installed.
You should check the security key connection and confirm that
security keys for other products are not also attached. Reinstalling
the driver software from the Sentinel sub-folder or your Flaresim
program folder should be tried.

If the Computer ID key still cannot be seen by wechoid.exe even

after reboot then the security device may be faulty and you should

Installation 1-19

Figure 1-18, Wechoid.exe Output

If Flaresim fails to obtain a license after you have confirmed that the
security key is working properly then the possible reasons are:

License File not Installed

Check for the presence of a file called “lservrc” in the Flaresim
program folder. If it is not there follow the instructions in section
1.2.6 to install the license file.

Wrong License File

If you have multiple license files (e.g. for versions of Flaresim prior
to version 3.0 or multiple copies) then confirm you have installed the
correct one. You can use the Flaresim License Installer multiple
times to try different licence files.

1-20 Installing Flaresim Standalone License

Incorrect Code in License File

It is possible that your license file was not correctly coded. Contact for assistance.

Environment Variables Specifying Server Location

The Flaresim License Installer configures a file called “lshost” in the

Flaresim program folder to specify that Flaresim is using a
standalone license. If an environment variable called LSHOST or
LSFORCEHOST exists in the system it will override this file. The
Flaresim License Installer detects and warns about this problem
when installing a standalone license. The solution to this problem is
to start Flaresim through a batch file or script file as described in
section 1.5

Installation 1-21

1.3 Installing Flaresim - Network

The network version of Flaresim allows the use of Flaresim from
multiple client systems with the total number of copies in use being
controlled by a central Flaresim license server.

Installing the Flaresim network version is a 4 step process.

1. The server software must be installed on a server or other
PC to become the license server.

2. The license file must be added to the license server.

3. The Flaresim client software must be installed on each

machine that will run Flaresim.

4. The FSWLicense program should be run on the client

systems to configure the name of the license server.


If you already have a Sentinel RMS License Manager version 8.4

installed for a version of Flaresim prior to 5.0 it must be uninstalled
and replaced with the new Sentinel RMS License Manager version
8.6 server that ships with Flaresim 5.0.

If you are intending to manage Flaresim licenses through an existing

Sentinel RMS server installation that you are running to support
other products (e.g. Aspentech products) then you need to confirm
that it is version 8.6 or later. If not you should uninstall it before
installing the Sentinel RMS 8.6 server software that ships with
Flaresim 5.0. Sentinel license files created for earlier versions are
always supported by later server versions.
We have found that the in place upgrade of Sentinel RMS License
Manager is not completely reliable. Therefore we recommend
1. Uninstall Sentinel RMS License Manager 8.5 or earlier

2. Reboot the server

before installing the version 8.6 server software.

1-22 Installing Flaresim - Network

1.3.1 Installing Server Software

The Flaresim server software is the Sentinel RMS product from
Safenet Inc. Full details of this product are given in the online
manuals which can be found in the SysAdminHelp sub-folder of the
Server folder of the Flaresim CD or server download package.

The following instructions are provided as a quick guide to installing

your server software with a basic configuration. For more detailed
information on the management of Sentinel RMS servers consult the
online manuals.

The installation of the server software is similar to the installation of

other Windows programs. The steps are:-
1. Shut down other windows programs. The Windows
Explorer program may be left open to start the server setup
program if required.

2. Either insert the Flaresim CD Rom into your CD or DVD

drive or, if you have the server download package extract its
files to a suitable temporary location.

3. Start the Setup.exe program from the folder \Server\Setup

either through Windows Explorer or the Start - Run option.

On starting the server setup program the following view

will appear

Installation 1-23

Figure 1-19, Server Setup Opening View

4. Click the Next button to continue. The following license

agreement view will be displayed

Figure 1-20, Server Setup License Agreement

5. Click the appropriate radio button to accept the server

software license agreement and click Next to continue. You

1-24 Installing Flaresim - Network

must accept the license agreement in order to be able to

install the Sentinel RMS License Manager software.

The following view will then appear.

Figure 1-21, User Selection

6. This view defines whether the software will be installed for

all users of this computer or only the current user. Generally
you will want to install it for all users. Once you have made
your selection click Next to continue. The following view
will be shown.

Installation 1-25

Figure 1-22, Server Software location

7. This view defines the location to which the server software

will be installed, click Next to continue. The following
screen will be displayed.

Figure 1-23, Select Installation Options

1-26 Installing Flaresim - Network

8. This view allows selection of the Installation Options. Since

Flaresim licenses are locked to Computer ID keys you must
select the Complete option to install the device drivers for
the keys as well as the server software. Click Next button to
continue. The following view will be displayed.

Figure 1-24, Firewall Settings

9. A port must be opened through any server firewall to allow

communication between the Flaresim server and client PCs.
This screen allows you to tell the installer to do this
automatically. The standard port used by the Sentinel RMS
system is 5093.

If you are using 3rd Party firewall software you may need to
do this separately. The system administrators help system
has the information you need to do this (Server\SysAdmin-
Help folder on CD).

Select the check box and click Next. The following screen
will be displayed.

Installation 1-27

Figure 1-25, Ready to Install

10. This confirms that you are ready to begin installation of the
Sentinel RMS server software. Click the Install button.

The server software install process will then start. On

completion the following screen will be displayed.

Figure 1-26, Server Installation Complete

1-28 Installing Flaresim - Network

11. At this point the server software is installed and the server
service will have been started. Click the Finish button to
close the window.

12. You may wish to confirm that the server service has
installed correctly by checking the list of running services
through the Services application. The server service is
called Sentinel RMS License Manager.

By default, this service will be set to start automatically

each time the computer is started.

13. Optionally copy the server utility programs to your server as


Open Windows Explorer and browse to the directory

[Drive]:\Server\\W32 where [Drive] is the drive
letter of your CD drive.

Select and copy all the files from this directory to an

appropriate place on your server. It is up to your local
policies whether to make these file available to Flaresim
users as well as server administrators.

1.3.2 Installing Server License File

The Sentinel RMS server software requires installation of a license
file before it will be able to authorise Flaresim client software to run.
This license file will normally be locked to the security key supplied
with Flaresim.

Your license file will be sent to you by email after you have
confirmed receipt of the Flaresim package and security key. Ensure
this is copied to a suitable temporary location before starting the
installation process.

The procedure to install the security key and license file is as

follows. The license file will normally be found on the Flaresim CD.

14. Locate and install your security key on your server system.

Installation 1-29

15. Open Windows Explorer and use it to browse to and start

the program WlmAdmin.exe from either the Flaresim CD or
the location to which you copied the server utility software.

When open, the program will display the following view.

Figure 1-27, WlmAdmin Program

16. Expand the tree of SubNet servers by clicking the

symbol next to the SubNet servers entry. If your system is
the only Sentinel server on the network then you will see
only its name in the list. If other servers are present locate
the server to which you have connected the Flaresim
security device.

1-30 Installing Flaresim - Network

17. Right click the name of your server in the SubNet server
list. From the pop-up menus select Add Feature - From a
File -, To Server and its File as the options appear as shown

Figure 1-28, WlmAdmin - Adding license

18. Left click on the To Server and its File option. Select your
license file (.lic extension) in the browser and click Open.
WlmAdmin will add your license to the server and display
the confirmation message shown below.

Installation 1-31

Figure 1-29, License Confirmation Message

If you see any other message then please take a copy of it

for possible referral to

19. You will now be able to click the Flaresim license to display
its details as shown below. Note that the WlmAdmin
program can be used to show usage details of licenses at any

1-32 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 1-30, WlmAdmin License details

Installation 1-33

1.3.3 Troubleshooting License File Installation

Should you get an error message when installing the license file
perhaps of the form shown below then the first thing to check is that
the Computer ID key is plugged in and accessible.

Figure 1-31, License Installation Error

This can be done by running the program wechoid.exe which can be

found in the folder Server\\W32 on your Flaresim CD.

Running this program should give an output similar to that shown

below. If the Computer ID entry is visible and holds a value then the
security device is correctly installed.

1-34 Installing Flaresim - Network

Figure 1-32, Wechid.exe Output

If the Computer ID section of the wechoid.exe output is greyed out

or no data is shown then the security device is not correctly installed.
A possible solution to this problem is to reinstall the security device
drivers from the Drivers folder on the Flaresim CD. If the security
device still cannot be seen by wechoid.exe even after reboot then the
security device may be faulty and you should contact

If the license file will not install when the wechoid.exe output shows
that the security device is visible then there may be a problem with
the license file and you should contact

1.3.4 Installing Flaresim Clients

Once the Flaresim license server is up and running you can install
the Flaresim program on as many systems as you wish. These are the
“Flaresim Client” systems. The number of copies of Flaresim that

Installation 1-35

can be run at a single time will be controlled by the number of

licenses available on the server.

The installation of the Flaresim software for use with a Flaresim

license server is the same as for a standalone installation as
described in section 1.2 above, steps 1 through 13.

Since there is no need for a security key on a Flaresim client in a

network installation you should click Cancel when the Sentinel
Protection Installer view is displayed, step14., Figure 1-9.

1.3.5 Configuring Flaresim Clients

Each Flaresim client installation should be configured to specify the
location of the Flaresim license server. This is done by running the
Flaresim License Installer utility on the client system.

20. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense from the

Flaresim 5.0 folder in the Start Programs menu. The
Flaresim License Installer program will open and display
the following view.

Figure 1-33, Flaresim License Installer

1-36 Installing Flaresim - Network

21. Click the button titled “Configure Network Server”. The

view will change to allow you to specify the name of the
license server as shown below.

Figure 1-34, Configure Network Server

22. Enter the name of your Flaresim license server and click the
Configure button. A file called “lshost” will be written to
the Flaresim program folder containing the name of the
server which will help Flaresim locate on program startup.

If the “lshost” file has been correctly installed the following

message will be displayed. Click the Ok button to finish the
configuration process and close the license installer.

Figure 1-35, Successful Server Configuration

Installation 1-37

You may see the following message before the confirmation

of license installation referring to the existence of an
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

Figure 1-36, LSFORCEHOST Warning

If you see this message it means that the configuration file

called “lshost” that the Flaresim License Installer creates in
the Flaresim program folder could be overriden by the
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable. This
could prevent Flaresim using the installed license file. The
solution to this is to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 1.5.

If there is any problem in writing the license file or “lshost”

configuration file, a pop-up message will describe the prob-
lem. This problem is usually due to system administration
policies that prevent programs from writing within the
“C:\Program Files” folder. You will need to contact your IT
support for assistance.

23. At this point Flaresim installation is complete. You can now

start Flaresim from the shortcut in the Flaresim 5.0 folder in
the Windows - Start menu.

If you are new to Flaresim we would recommend that you

work through the examples in the Getting Started section of
the manual or help system.

1-38 Installing Flaresim - Network

1.3.6 Troubleshooting Flaresim Client

If the Flaresim client program fails to find a server license when it
starts up the following message will be displayed.

Figure 1-37, License Error

The following check list offers possible reasons why Flaresim might
not be able to locate the license server to obtain a license.
• All available licenses are in use.
• Client system does not have network access to the server.
• Environment variables Not Specifying Server Correctly.

Checking Available Licenses

The first step in resolving these problems is to run the WlmAdmin

program from the client system and open the list of subnet servers.
A copy of the WlmAdmin utility is installed on the Flaresim client
in the Support sub-folder within the Flaresim program folder.

If the Flaresim server can be seen, open the Flaresim license to check
whether there is a license available. If all are in use the client must
wait until a license becomes free. It can take up to 5 minutes for a
license to become free after another user has shut down Flaresim.

Checking Access To The Server

If the WlmAdmin program does not list a Flaresim server when run
on the client then the problem likely lies in the client system not
having network access to the server. You will need to check all
elements of the network routing (e.g. firewalls, routers) to ensure
that the server can be found by the client system and that
communications over port 5093 are open

Installation 1-39

Environment Variables Specifying Server Location

The Flaresim License Installer configures a file called “lshost” in the

Flaresim program folder to specify the Flaresim server location. If
an environment variable called LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST exists
it will override this file. The Flaresim License Installer detects and
warns about this problem when configuring the Flaresim server.

The solution is either to fix the LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST

environment variables or to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 1.5.

If you modify the environment variables you should note:-

• A LSFORCEHOST environment variable can specify one Senti-
nel server only and will take precedence over a LSHOST envi-
ronment variable. e.g.
• A LSHOST environment variable can specify multiple servers
that will be contacted in turn. If you are specifying multiple serv-
ers then use a “~” character to separate the name e.g.
set LSHOST =

Further help on license server setup and possible problems can be

found in the online manual in the SysAdminHelp folder on the
Flaresim CD.

1-40 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial Or

1.4 Installing Flaresim Standalone

For Trial Or Short Term Lease
When Flaresim is supplied for a short term (1 month) lease or a trial
a security key is not provided. Instead a “Demo” license must be
generated and installed which locks the Flaresim license to a single

The installation of Flaresim for use with a Trial or Short Term

license is a multiple step process:-
• Flaresim is installed.
• A hard disk lock code is generated for the PC on which Flaresim
is installed.
• The lock code is sent to
• A “Demo” license file is generated for this lock code by Softbits
Consultants and emailed
• The license file is installed to activate Flaresim.

1.4.1 Installing Flaresim

Installation of Flaresim for use with a trial or short term license is
exactly the same as the installation procedure described in Section
1.2 above, steps 1 - 13.
Since there is no need for a security key when installing Flaresim for
use with a trial or short term license Cancel when the Sentinel
Protection Installer view is displayed, step 14. Figure 1-9.

1.4.2 Generating PC Lock Code

A lock code must be generated that is specific to the PC on which
Flaresim is installed. This can be done through the Flaresim License
1. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense from the
Flaresim 5.0 folder in the Start Programs menu. The Fla-
resim License Installer program will open and display the
following view.

Installation 1-41

Figure 1-38, Flaresim License Installer

2. Click the button labelled “Generate Lock Code for Demo

License”. The lock code will be generated and displayed the
view shown below.

Figure 1-39, Lock Code Generated

3. This lock code must be sent to The

lock code has already been copied to the clipboard to help
you. Create an email addressed to
and use the Edit-Paste or Ctrl-V option to past the code into
your email.

1-42 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial Or

4. Close the FSWLicense program when you have completed

your email.

1.4.3 License File Installation

When you receive your licence by email after sending in the lock
code, copy it to a suitable temporary location before starting the
installation process.

5. Start the Flaresim License Installer, FSWLicense as in Step

1 above to display the view shown in Figure 1-38.

6. Click the button labelled “Install Standalone or Demo

License”. The view will change to allow you to select the
license file to be installed as shown below.

Figure 1-40, Select Flaresim Standalone License File

7. Click the Browse button to open a standard Windows file

browser and select the Flaresim license file from the
temporary location to which you have saved it.
Alternatively you can type the full path and license file
name into the field provided.

8. When you have entered the license file name, click the
Install button. If the license file has been correctly installed
the following message will be displayed. Click the Ok

Installation 1-43

button to finish the license installation process and close the

license installer.

Figure 1-41, Successful License Installation

You may see the following message before the confirmation

of license installation referring to the existence of an
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

Figure 1-42, LSFORCEHOST Warning

If you see this message it means that the configuration file

called “lshost” that the Flaresim License Installer creates in
the Flaresim program folder could be overriden by the
LSHOST or LSFORCEHOST environment variable. This
could prevent Flaresim using the installed license file. The
solution to this is to start Flaresim through a batch file or
script file as described in section 1.5.

If there is any problem in writing the license file or “lshost”

configuration file, a pop-up message will describe the prob-
lem. This problem is usually due to system administration
policies that prevent programs from writing within the

1-44 Installing Flaresim Standalone For Trial Or

“C:\Program Files” folder. You will need to contact your IT

support for assistance.

9. At this point Flaresim installation is complete. You can now

start Flaresim from the shortcut in the Flaresim 5.0 folder in
the Windows - Start menu.

If you are new to Flaresim we would recommend that you

work through the examples in the Getting Started section of
the manual or help system.

Installation 1-45

1.5 Starting Flaresim Through Batch

or Script Files
Normally Flaresim is started by the shortcut installed in the Start
menu which invokes the Flaresim.exe directly.

However as discussed in the earlier sections, there are circumstances

when an environment variable called “LSHOST” or
“LSFORCEHOST” can reference a different Sentinel server to that
required for Flaresim. This can prevent Flaresim from starting even
when the configuration for the Flaresim server or standalone
operation has been set correctly by the FlaresimLicense utility.

The solution is to start Flaresim through a batch file or a Windows

Visual Basic script file.

1.5.1 Starting Flaresim With A Batch File

For this solution you need to create a text file called
StartFlaresim.bat and locate this in the same folder as the
Flaresim.exe program (normally C:\Program Files\Flaresim 5.0).

The contents of this file should be

set LSFORCEHOST=[Your server name]
start Flaresim.exe

[Your server name] should be replaced by the name of your Flaresim

license server. So if the server is called then
the line would read:-

With this file in place in the Flaresim program folder you can then
start Flaresim by double clicking on the file StartFlaresim.bat. You
could also modify the properties of the Flaresim item in the Start
menu to reference the StartFlaresim.bat file in place of Flaresim.exe.

Using a batch file to start Flaresim can also be useful when a

Sentinel server installation for another product interferes with the

1-46 Starting Flaresim Through Batch or Script

startup of Flaresim with a standalone or trial license. In this case the

contents of the StartFlaresim.bat file would be
start Flaresim.exe

Samples batch files can be found in the Support sub-folder in the

Flaresim program folder.

1.5.2 Starting Flaresim With A VB Script File

For this solution you need to create a text file called
StartFlaresim.vbs which can be located anywhere on the PC.

The contents of this file should be

Option Explicit
Dim MyShell, MyEnv, WshShell, WshEnv, WshEnv1
Dim oShell, vSysRoot

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set WshEnv1 = WshShell.Environment("Process")
WshEnv1("LSFORCEHOST") = “[Your server name]”

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("") """C:\Program Files\Softbits\Flaresim 5.0\Flaresim.exe""", 1, False
Set oShell = Nothing

[Your server name] should be replaced by the name of your Flaresim

license server. So if the server is called then
the line would read:-
WshEnv1("LSFORCEHOST") = “”

If you are running under a 64-bit operating system the line """C:\Program Files\Softbits\Flaresim 5,0\Flaresim.exe""", 1, False

should be changed to """C:\Program Files (x86)\Softbits\Flaresim 5.0\Flaresim.exe""", 1, False

This reflects the fact that 32-bit programs such as Flaresim are
installed in C:\Program File (x86)\ rather than simply C:\Program

Installation 1-47

Using the StartFlaresim.vbs VB script file is similar to the batch file,

simply double click the file in Windows Explorer or modify the
Flaresim Start menu item properties to reference StartFlaresim.vbs
in place of Flaresim.exe

Using a VB script file to start Flaresim can also be useful when a

Sentinel server installation for another product interferes with the
startup of Flaresim with a standalone or trial license. In this case the
WshEnv1("LSFORCEHOST") = “[Your server name]”

would need modifying to


Samples VB script files can be found in the Support sub-folder in the

Flaresim program folder.

1-48 Flaresim File Locations

1.6 Flaresim File Locations

A Flaresim client installation comprises a number of files split into
the following groups.
Program Files Program - Flaresim.exe
Support libraries - various .dll files
License installer - FSWLicense.exe
Installed license file - lservrc
Help files - FSWHelp.chm, *.HLP
Documentation folder - Flaresim.pdf

Support Files Layout files - *.lay

Default case file - Default.fsw
Default report definition - Flaresim.xsl
Units definitions - Units.xml
Component database - LibraryComponents.xml
Default preference file - Preferences.xml
Default preferences file - PrintPreference.xml
Report logo file - Logo.gif

Sample Files Examples - *.fsw

Report sub-folders

1.6.1 Install Locations on Windows 7, 8.1, 10

32 bit versions
The default install locations for the different groups of files when
Flaresim is installed on Windows 32bit are as follows.
Program Files C:\Program Files\Flaresim 5.0
Support Files C:\ProgramData\Flaresim Ltd\Flaresim 5.0
Sample Files [User Documents]\Flaresim Ltd\Flaresim

Installation 1-49

1.6.2 Install Locations on Windows 7, 8.1, 10 64

bit versions
The default install locations for the different groups of files when
Flaresim is installed on Windows Vista or later 64bit are as follows.
Program Files C:\Program Files (x86)\Flaresim 5.0
Support Files C:\ProgramData\Flaresim Ltd\Flaresim 5.0
Sample Files [User Documents]\Flaresim Ltd\Flaresim

1-50 Flaresim File Locations


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