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Open letter to Donald J. Trump as Commander in Chief of the U.S.

Armed Forces
20 April 2020

Mr. President,

When you took up Ronald Reagan’s phrase «make America great again», on the campaign trail,
you energized a movement across America as a continent. A dormant majority in the USA woke
up to the reality of Globalism and of its use of the Left as a main political front. The American
continent is inextricably linked to the United States and vice versa; therefore, people everywhere
in the Western Hemisphere were also paying attention. This is why true Pan-Americanism
resuscitated in the hearts and minds of freedom-loving persons across this side of the world.
The anti-Western project has lost the ideological battle for the Americas. Need proof? Just look
at Colombia and Brazil.

As you are acutely aware, Venezuela is the eye of the storm that currently endangers this Pan-
American resurrection of liberty and sovereignty. My country is today beach head, base of
operations, and pivot point for the forces of the globally-organized enemies of the West. Of
course, I’m not only including the visible, the flashy, and the near-peer adversaries of the U.S.
under this rubric: I’m referring also to the more-hidden forces of criminality, violent extremism,
occult supranational interests, covert organizations, and powerful threat networks. The territory
of Venezuela, nominally supervised by a communist puppet regime, is the meeting, testing, and
launching ground for the continuous undermining of the United States of America, who represent
Western civilization’s very last fighting chance. As you can sense, this is no small challenge.

Maduro never has been but a tiny cog in the Red Machine. “Operation Guaidó” never was but a
time-purchasing maneuver by the international communist axis. The Venezuelan Opposition will
never serve but as the political arm of the Marxist regime. Enhanced counter-narcotics
operations never will amount to more than the prelude to what history demands of
USSOUTHCOM. Many leaders inside the Defense Department and in the federal law-
enforcement agencies know what needs to be done – and what it takes to do it.

The very first step is to engage in active political defense. Imposing sanctions on the crooked
MUD is a prerequisite in securing the success of the offensive. Your administration knows that
the treatment of the Venezuelan Opposition has to be symmetrical vis-a-vis the treatment of the
Government. Their joint lobby cannot be allowed to operate in the U.S. Their operators cannot
be allowed to keep circumventing financial restraints on behalf of the regime. As long as the
MUD evades justice, Venezuela will never be free of communism and will never know the future.

A military intervention is needed after securing your political flanks. The maneuvers of the Lima
Group have vehemently demonstrated that the global Left is well prepared to pervert almost any
initiative against it. They are currently ready, willing, and able to respond to attacks from all
fronts of this existential struggle – short of kinetic, conventional warfare. That’s why the use of
force is the right -in fact, the only- resort: the Left cannot withstand it, hence they do everything
in their power to avoid such a scenario.

Venezuela is not Iraq nor Afghanistan nor Syria nor Somalia. Let’s get this straight once and for
all. The Venezuelan people yearn for liberation. We are a nation of civilized values, turned
upside down by our enemies. Chief among them is the chavista regime, which ultimately is a
foreign occupation force. The number one destabilizing factor in our territory, and that of our
neighbors, is the ruling class that must be brought to justice. From day one of liberation, we, the
citizens, will cooperate in the re-establishment of stability, governance, defense, and security.
The patriotic elements within our military will be a crucial enabler in that mission.

The Resistance exists. Patriots are not alone. We are not an isolated voice in the field. We have
been defeated before... broken down, dispersed, atomized, and fractured. But the spirit of
resistance lives on in every single Venezuelan soul who believes in reconquering freedom and
prosperity for our land and our kin. You do not have to call on the ruling class to seek an
emergency administration for the “day after” or a transition. Non-partisan individuals will emerge
to take over the reigns of the country and be prudent, virtuous enough to do what shall be done
in order to forge a destiny worthy of our spirit. The nation comes first, above any party.

JFK’s legacy of caring about the neighborhood should be upheld. 59 years ago to this date,
President Kennedy gave his famous speech reacting to the Bay of Pigs effort in Cuba. Therein,
he brought up the dangerous potential of the inter-American doctrine of non-intervention
becoming a pretext for inaction born out of negligence or cowardice. In contrast, the Pan-
American spirit of this continent’s republics and their founding fathers compels us to act as
partners do, and to declare total war on the communist menace, just like JFK did in that speech.

Óscar Pérez ought not to have died in vain. He is a symbol of what our enemies fear the most.
As a national hero, his message is now forever written in stone: the only way to fight it fighting. It
is high time to accomplish what he and many others have attempted. Vanquishing evil in our
Hemisphere is long overdue.

I strongly advice you to go over the heads of the State Department, the National Security
Council, the CIA, and Elliot Abrams. These actors purposely dismiss the ideological sources of
the enemy’s conduct. They have never even acknowledged the existence, let alone the power,
of the Foro de São Paulo. Now extended into the Grupo de Puebla, this socialist lodge, founded
by Fidel Castro and “Lula”, is largely responsible for taking Latin America and the Caribbean off
the path of development that began to clear up in the 1990s.

Victory in Venezuela will constitute a major achievement against the strategic threat of
geopolitical competition from the so-called great powers that defy the West. The enemy boldly
dreams of reaching anti-access/area-denial status of action within our neighborhood, in order to
level the playing field, as a response to what U.S. power projection denies them in their own
vicinities. It is now very obvious to you that the Cold War never ended. Together, our countries
can begin to win it – once and for all.

Sir, you have it in your hands to prevent Venezuela from being wiped off the map. Venezuela is
the solution!

David J. Guenni B.

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