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As the Children of Israel departed out of Egypt, they were faced with two battles. The first was on the Sixth Day of
their Exodus. With the Sea of Reeds before them and the Mountains of Pi-Hahiroth and Baal Zephon on either side of
them, the Egyptian Army of Pharaoh came upon them. And the Children of Israel were commanded with “G-d will
fight for you, and you shall hold your peace"80. Pharaoh represented a physical threat, to which we were protected.

The second battle was with Amalek81. As they were encamped in “Rephidim”, a name which means “Challenge and
Strife” for the Children strove with G-D and questioned if HE was with them or not. “Then came Amalek and
attacked Israel in Rephidim …”. With this second battle, we are told to wage war against Amalek whenever and
wherever we meet him. That this battles, G-D would not wage for us because it was our own internal battle of Faith,
the removal of challenges and strife to G-D that would provide us with the victory over Amalek. Amalek, with the
same numeric/gematric valuation as the word “Doubt”, is that within our society that provides the impetus for us to
doubt our Faith. Evolution or Creationism; Choice or Life; Feelings or Facts; For Myself or … Love, Faith, and G-D.

A Century ago, Polish Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan 146 (Chafetz Chaim, January 26, 1838 –
September 15, 1933) stated that the Messianic Era would be revealed in the Hebrew Year of
5778 (2017/2018 of the Common Era).
That the War of Gog and Magog would be fought in three (3) stages; WWI, WWII, and World
War III. His statement was that the Second World War would start twenty-five years (25 years)
after the commencement of the First World War; And that the Third World War would
commence seventy-two years (7 Sabbatical years plus 2 years) from the conclusion of the
Second. 1914 plus 25 years brings us to 1945, which is 72 years prior to 201783.

The First Two World Wars were both Physical War’s, and a loss of millions of lives to protect the physical Freedoms
and Liberties of each person.

The Third World War, is the War Against Amalek, those who negate G-D and strive to remove His presence from
society and our lives. This Last War will have its physical skirmishes, but as stated by Israeli, Rabbi Ben Artzi 84 “the
current situation is unformed and wrought with confusion”. A lack of Knowledge abounds to which a War between
Cultures has been formed.

During this period, it is stated that:

(a) A US President will be chosen162. One who supports and is admired by the Jewish people of Israel for
their fortitude and convictions to G-D; and who is disliked by the Jews of America 116 due to their having
distanced themselves from their teachings of G-D, and their lack of moral strength. This, in clear alignment with
the warning of the Fourth Blood Moon.

(b) Europe will become a Muslim Continent accelerated after the Turkish Revolution solidifying Erdogan as
its President and self-declared 12th Imam. Just recently.

This Third Worldwide War, the War on Culture began in earnest in the year 5778. 2017-2018 was a period when the
secularist and anti-G-dliness groups began to worry. The continuation of the Obama legacy 174,200, through Hilary
Clinton was defeated. The eight-years of social and moral degradation that they “progressed” through, were now at a
standstill. Freedom and Liberty, through Faith in G-d is strengthening through Nations. All Peoples, in particular
those whom were emotionally and intellectual enslaved by progressive doctrines138, are seeing through the injustice127.

One reason as to why the battle has intensified is that they whom oppose G-D are losing158,181,182. They are losing122,168
their prior identities133,186 and are simply afraid of being alone166. A secondary reason is that we are approaching the
initial milestone of Agenda-21, for the year 2021, and these forces need to accelerate their actions so as to remain on
schedule. The European Union and single monetary currency were the Brain-child of The Club of Rome, over 50
years ago. Slow and steady they may achieve their openly stated goals.

For We of Faith188, these are but Challenges that we can overcome, and when so doing, strengthen our foundation, and
bring on Earth as in Heaven. These opposing forces whom are against G-D, are simple individuals with a choice, and
whom have selected poorly. There is nothing frightful about them other that they exist, and have made a poor
selection. These can always be reversed; in particular when confronted by Peoples of Faith, Living their Faith.

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