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Youth Preacher’s Training Course APRIL 2020, ISKCON, Pune

Dear Maharaja/prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

VOICE (Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education), Pune has been preaching to college youth since
1996. By Krishna's mercy hundreds and thousands of youths are picking up KC seriously and many
brahmacaris from various ISKCON temples have been visiting time to time to stay at Pune for a few months to
participate and share and learn the preaching methods and avail of the preaching materials. Often many temple
Presidents find it difficult to spare their devotees for a long time due to innumerable sevas in their temple.

Keeping this in mind, we have organized in the past Youth Preacher’s Training Course (YPTC) – a training
program for aspiring youth preachers, who can eventually blossom into youth, children and congregation
preachers. In between, we had stopped conducting the same. However, we are recommencing this as an annual
event as a service to vaishnavas interested in this four day training program.

Name of Course : Youth Preacher Training Course, Level 1 and 2

Seminar Presenters : Qualified VOICE Faculty, who have been in this field for at least 8 to 10 years

Dates of Courses : April 11th-14th, 2020 (for all levels)

Venue : ISKCON, NVCC, Pune

Eligibility : - should be an initiated devotee

- in good standing (16 rounds, 4 regs)
- submissive to their temple authority
- should mail a recommendation letter from Temple President to keeping in CC
- knows spoken English
- preferably a graduate
- pure in character and behavior

We look forward to offering our humble services to you and your temple. Our main motivation in conducting
this program is to serve the lotus feet of all the followers of Srila Prabhupada and be of some use to them in
making the dream of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada come true.

May all our ISKCON temples be flooded with young, dynamic, spirited youths who can shoulder the burden of
expanding and reaching Srila Prabhupada's message to one and all. Hare Krishna.

Your servants
Radheshyam das, President, ISKCON, Pune
Director, Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education (VOICE) &

Antardvipa das, Chairman, VOICE, ISKCON-NVCC, Pune


4-day Youth Preacher Training Course - Level 1 (for those who want to start youth preaching)
 STARTING : Write down clear plan of action on how to start youth preaching at your temple
 SOLIDIFYING : Organise one time, six session DYS program and bring out a solidified number of youths.
 PUBLIC SPEAKING: Learning to present ‘one time’ and ‘Discover Your Self’ course and answer questions.
 FOLLOWUP : Mention all aspects of follow up of youths during one time, DYS and after.
 DEVELOPING QUALITIES & SKILLS : in preaching to youth
 PUBLIC SPEAKING : Present and evaluate a talk on any topic related to youth

4-day Youth Preacher Training Course - Level 2 (for those who have a BACE/VOICE/Youth center)
 QUALITIES OF YOUTH PREACHER : List the Qualities necessary for a Youth Preacher or Facilitator
 LONGTERM PLANNING : Differentiate between long term and short term welfare in college
 MANAGING BACE/VOICE: List all posts in a VOICE set up with responsibility of each individual.
 YOUTH COUNSELING : Helping youth with their counseling problems while practicing KC
 TEACHING BALANCING : Teach youths how to balance sadhana, college study/office duty,
preaching etc
 DEALING WITH PARENTS, NEIGHBOURS & FRIENDS : of inmates of youth center
 TRAINING MODULES : List all the different aspects of training and education for VOICE inmates

Srila Prabhupada on ‘Youth Preaching’

….try to recruit some of the intelligent class of student class to take up this Krsna Consciousness philosophy
and study it carefully. Try to recruit some of such men to become our devotees. There is need for intelligent
young men to train them up as future leaders and preachers to go all over the world for spreading the message
of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If we simply go to the college on one night and leave immediately for another
place, it will be difficult to make very much impression upon these students. I think it is better to stay at one
place for some time, at least one week, or as long as the students are interested, and try to sell as many books as
possible. After your lecture in the college you may request if there are any interested students, that they may
make further programs for you in their homes, or in some club or hall, like that, so that you may remain some
time longer and concentrate on recruiting two or three good men, whoever appears to be the most interested,
and by your diligent preaching to them you may be able to persuade some of them to become our devotees…..
Of course we shall not expect them immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is
planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school,
that is our great victory. And if they like, they may go and live in one of our centers, wherever they like, and
learn further. But we shall not present Krsna Consciousness as anything dry or like set of rules and regulations
only, no. Krsna Consciousness is the topmost philosophy also, the highest knowledge of educational experience,
so try to impress this aspect of offering the perfect scientific understanding of everything as it is, not the
temporary and unsatisfactory and incomplete understanding of things. Try to present everything very logically
and always quoting our Sanskrit authorities in connection with the main points, and that will impress them
greatly. Yes, and if you also yourselves write something daily, that will sharpen your use of language and you
will be able to make your points very clear. And if you dress neatly and conduct yourselves properly, that will
help further.
- Srila Prabhupada’s Letter to Satsvarupa, Hrdayananda 9 January 1973

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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