50 Brain Teasers and Lateral Thinking Puzzles

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Acropolis Leadership Academy


50  Brain  Teasers  and  Lateral  Thinking  Puzzles  
Compiled  by  David  Koutsoukis    
1. What  starts  with  an  E,  ends  with  an  E  and  usually  contains  only  one  letter?  ENVELOPE.  
2. Which  word,  if  pronounced  right,  is  wrong,  but  if  pronounced  wrong  is  right?  Wrong!  
3. What  belongs  to  you  but  other  people  use  it  more  than  you?  Your  name!  
4. What  kind  of  cheese  is  made  backwards?  EDAM  cheese  (made  backwards  is  edam)  
5. Can  you  find  a  five  letter  word,  which,  when  typed  in  upper-­‐case,  reads  the  same  upside  down?  SWIMS.  
6. What  happens  only  in  the  middle  of  each  month,  in  all  of  the  seasons,  except  summer  and  happens  only  in  the  
night,  never  in  the  day?  The  letter  N.    
7. If  there  are  forty  cups  on  the  table  and  one  cup  breaks,  how  many  tea  cups  are  left?    
3!  We  started  with  4  tea  cups  (forty  cups)  and  one  broke.  
8. “This  is  an  unusual  paragraph.  I'm  curious  how  quickly  you  can  find  out  what  is  so  unusual  about  it?  looks  so  
plain  you  would  think  nothing  was  wrong  with  it!  In  fact,  nothing  is  wrong  with  it!  It  is  unusual  though.  Study  it,  
and  think  about  it,  but  you  still  may  not  find  anything  odd.  But  if  you  work  at  it  a  bit,  you  might  find  out!  Try  to  
do  so  without  any  coaching!”    
Answer:  There  is  no  letter  E  anywhere  in  it!  
9. In  which  sport  do  winners  move  backwards  and  losers  move  forwards?  Tug-­‐of-­‐war.  
10. What  common  word  has  4  vowels,  one  after  the  other?  Queue!  
11. Can  you  name  three  consecutive  days  without  using  the  words  Monday,  Tuesday,  Wednesday,  Thursday,  Friday,  
Saturday,  or  Sunday?  Yesterday,  Today,  and  Tomorrow!  
12. Why  are  1998  dollar  coins  worth  more  than  1997  dollar  coins?  Because  there  are  more  of  them!  
13. Kevin's  mother  has  three  children.  The  first  was  called  Alpha,  the  second  was  called  Beta.  What  was  the  name  
of  the  third?  Kevin,  since  it  was  Kevin's  mother  and  Kevin's  brothers  were  Alpha  and  Beta.  
14. What  word  is  the  same  backwards  and  upside  down?  NOON.  
15. What  can  go  up  a  chimney  down,  but  can't  go  down  a  chimney  up?  An  umbrella.  
16. There's   one   sport   in   which   neither   the   spectators   nor   the   participants   know   the   score   or   the   leader   until   the  
contest  ends.  What  is  it?    Boxing  
17. What  has  roads  but  no  cars,  rivers  but  no  water  and  hills  but  no  trees?  A  map!    
18. I  have  a  large  money  box,  10  inches  square  and  12  inches  tall.  Roughly  how  many  coins  can  I  place  in  my  empty  
money  box?  Just  one,  after  which  it  will  no  longer  be  empty!  
19. Why  did  the  inventor  of  man-­‐hole  covers  choose  round  ones,  since  square  ones  were  easier  to  make?  A  circular  
cover   is   the   only   shape   that   cannot   fall   through   its   own   hole   and,   therefore,   cannot   be   accidentally   dropped  
into  the  hole.  
20. Only   four   words   in   Standard   English   begin   with   the   letters   "dw".   Name   two   of   them:   dwarf   dwell   dweeb  
21. In  Aberland,  you  cannot  take  a  picture  of  a  man  with  a  wooden  leg.  Why  not?  You  cannot  take  pictures  with  a  
wooden  leg,  you  use  a  camera.  
22. How  far  can  a  horse  run  into  a  forest?  Half  way  -­‐  after  which  it  would  be  running  out!  
23. What  does  this  represent:  mce,  mce,  mce?  Three  Blind  Mice:  they  have  no  I’s!  
24. A  man  looks  at  a  photograph  and  says,  "Brothers  and  sisters  have  I  none,  but  this  man's  father  is  my  father's  
son."  How  is  the  man  in  the  photograph  related  to  him?    "My  father's  son"  is  himself  (since  he  has  no  siblings),  
so  he's  saying  that  he  is  "this  man's  father",  which  means  that  he  is  looking  at  a  photograph  of  his  son.  
25. A  murderer  is  condemned  to  death.  He  has  to  choose  between  three  rooms.  The  first  is  full  of  raging  fires,  the  
second  is  full  of  assassins  with   loaded  guns,  and  the  third  is  full  of  lions  that  haven't  eaten  in  3  years.  Which  
room  is  safest  for  him?  The  third.  Lions  that  haven't  eaten  in  three  years  are  dead.  
26. There  are  two  plastic  jugs  filled  with  water.  How  could  you  put  all  of  this  water  into  a  barrel,  without  using  the  
jugs  or  any  dividers,  and  still  tell  which  water  came  from  which  jug?  Freeze  them  first.  Take  them  out  of  the  jugs  
and  put  the  ice  in  the  barrel.  You  will  be  able  to  tell  which  water  came  from  which  jug.  
27. There  is  a  mute  who  wants  to  buy  a  toothbrush.  By  imitating  the  action  of  brushing  one's  teeth  he  successfully  
expresses  himself  to  the  shopkeeper  and  the  purchase  is  done.  Now  if  there  is  a  blind  man  who  wishes  to  buy  a  
pair  of  sunglasses,  how  should  he  express  himself?  He  just  has  to  open  his  mouth  and  ask!  
28. You   are   running   in   a   race.   You   overtake   the   second   person.   What   position   are   you   in?   If   your   answer   is   first,  
then  you  are  absolutely  wrong!  If  you  overtake  the  second  person  and  you  take  his  place,  you  are  second!  
29. If   you   overtake   the   last   person,   what   position   are   you   in?   If   you   answered   second   last,   then   you   are   wrong  
again.  How  can  you  overtake  the  LAST  person?!  
30. Take   1000   and   add   40   to   it.   Now   add   another   1000.   Now   add   30.   Add   another   1000.   Now   add   20.   Now   add  
another  1000.  Now  add  10.  What  is  the  total?  Did  you  get  5000?  The  correct  answer  is  actually  4100.    
31. Mary's   father   has   five   daughters:   1.   Nana,   2.Nene,   3.   Nini,   4.   Nono.   What   is   the   name   of   the   fifth   daughter?  
Nunu?  NO!  Of  course  not.  Her  name  is  Mary.  
32. A  man  walks  up  to  you  and  says  -­‐  "everything  I  say  to  you  is  a  lie."  Is  he  telling  you  the  truth  or  is  he  lying?    He's  
lying.  Even  though  he's  lying  when  he  says  "everything"  he  says  is  a  lie,  some  of  the  things  he  says  can  be  a  lie,  
and  this  is  one  of  them.    
33. A  woman  has  7  children,  half  of  them  are  boys.  How  can  this  be  possible?  All  the  children  are  boys,  so  1/2  half  
are  boys  and  so  is  the  other  half.    
34. A  farmer  and  his  hired  help  were  carrying  grain  to  the  barn.  The  farmer  carried  one  sack  of  grain  and  the  hired  
help  carried  two  sacks.  Who  carried  the  heavier  load  and  why?    The  farmer's  load  was  heavier.  His  hired  help  
only   carried   two   sacks,   while   the   farmer   carries   one   sack,   but   his   sack   is   a   sack   of   grain.   The   hired   help   only  
carried  2  sacks  -­‐  both  empty.    
35. A  boy  was  at  a  carnival  and  went  to  a  booth  where  a  man  said  to  the  boy,  "If  I  write  your  exact  weight  on  this  
piece  of  paper  then  you  have  to  give  me  $50,  but  if  I  cannot,  I  will  pay  you  $50."  The  boy  looked  around  and  saw  
no  scale  so  he  agrees,  thinking  no  matter  what  the  carny  writes  he'll  just  say  he  weighs  more  or  less.  In  the  end  
the  boy  ended  up  paying  the  man  $50.  How  did  the  man  win  the  bet?  The  man  did  exactly  as  he  said  he  would  
and  wrote  "your  exact  weight"  on  the  paper.    
36. The  word  CANDY  can  be  spelled  using  just  2  letters.  Can  you  figure  out  how?  The  answer:  C  and  Y!    
37. A  man  was  born  in  1955.  He's  alive  and  well  today  at  age  33.  How  is  this  possible?  He  was  born  in  the  hospital  
with  the  room  number  1955.    
38. Bill  bets  Craig  $100  that  he  can  predict  the  score  of  the  hockey  game  before  it  starts.  Craig  agrees,  but  loses  the  
bet.  Why  did  Craig  lose  the  bet?  Bill  said  the  score  would  be  0-­‐0  and  he  was  right.  "Before"  any  hockey  game  
starts,  the  score  is  always  0-­‐0.    
39. What  is  the  next  3  letters  in  this  riddle?  o  t  t  f  f  s  s  _  _  _    Answer:  e  n  t.  They  represent  the  first  letter  when  
writing  the  numbers  one  thru  ten.    
40. Say  "silk"  five  times.    Now  spell  "silk."    What  do  cows  drink?  Cows  drink  water!  
41. What  do  you  put  in  a  toaster?  Bread,  not  toast!  
42. If  a  red  house  is  made  from  red  bricks,  and  a  blue  house  is  made  from  blue  bricks,  and  a  pink  house  is  made  
from  pink  bricks  and  a  black  house  is  made  from  black  bricks,  what  is  a  green  house  made  from??  Greenhouses  
are  made  from  glass!  
43. Name  the  one  sport  in  which  neither  the  spectators  nor  the  participants  know  the  score  or  the  leader  until  the  
contest  ends.  Boxing  
44. At   noon   and   midnight   the   hour   and   minute   hands   are   exactly   coincident   with   each   other.   How   many   other  
times  between  noon  and  midnight  do  the  hour  and  minute  hands  cross?  10  times  (not  11  as  most  people  think.)  
45. In  many  liquor  stores,  you  can  buy  pear  brandy,  with  a  real  pear  inside  the  bottle.  The  pear  is  whole  and  ripe,  
and  the  bottle  is  genuine;  it  hasn't  been  cut  in  any  way.  How  did  the  pear  get  inside  the  bottle?  The  pear  grew  
inside  the  bottle.  
46. There  were  an  electrician  and  a  plumber  waiting  in  line  for  admission  to  the  Home  Show.  One  of  them  was  the  
father  of  the  other's  son.    How  could  this  be  possible?  They  were  husband  and  wife.  
47. In  which  sport  are  the  shoes  made  entirely  of  metal?  Horse  racing.  
48. What  is  so  fragile  that  when  you  say  its  name  you  break  it?  Silence  
49. Forward  I  am  heavy,  backwards  I  am  not.  What  am  I?  A  TON  
50. How  would  you  rearrange  the  letters  in  the  words  "new  door"  to  make  one  word?    There  is  only  one  correct  
answer.  Rearranging  the  letters  of  "new  door"  makes  “one  word”?  
                                   For  more  resource  sheets  visit  www.acropolisleadership.com  

                                                                                                               Why  not  have  David  Koutsoukis  present  at  your  next  conference?  

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