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By Stephen J. Falvo
Predictive Maintenance Technician, Sauder Woodworking Company; Archbold, OH


While the possession of good technical skills by analysts is essential to any vibration analysis

program, technical skills alone, may not be enough to ensure desired results. At Sauder Woodworking

Company, we have discovered that good documentation and a high level of professionalism play

essential roles in the success of our predictive maintenance program. Incorporating these two elements

into your program can help establish consistency and credibility amongst your customers.

Documentation can take a wide variety of forms. During the eight years our vibration program has

been in place at Sauder, we have found case histories, year-end summaries, interaction with our

computerized maintenance management system, and videos have all worked together to build a solid

foundation for our program. Viewing documentation samples from the Sauder vibration program may

provide useful ideas to readers, which can be adapted for use in their programs.

To begin our look at the vibration analysis documentation profile for Sauder Woodworking Company,

we will first discuss the various documentation methods employed at Sauder, and then examine several

case histories that have occurred in recent years. Each of these case histories involved vital equipment

to plant operation and illuminated significant cost justification benchmarks for our predictive maintenance



At the end of each year, we compile a summary of relevant vibration related activities, which have

occurred during the year. The summaries have included reports on such items as significant case

histories, special projects, work orders generated throughout the year, and statistical information. The

case histories often detail situations where the predictive maintenance software has organized the data

into self-evident failure trends. Case histories may also be written to record an especially troublesome

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problem, which has been identified and corrected. The "Special Projects" section includes tasks, which

required on going effort to solve. These jobs typically involved more in-depth research, testing, and

experimentation than what is generally encountered on an everyday basis and may take weeks or months

before resolution is complete.

The "Work Order Histories" section organizes and lists all textual information and notes generated in

relation to examination of vibration routes throughout the year. Usually, when a problem is discovered

during the route collection / examination process we enter notes into a word processing document. The

text from that document is then copied into our Computerized Maintenance Management System to

create a work order. The textual information is also copied into the "Notes" for that specific machine,

within the predictive maintenance software. Handling the information this way has helped us to maintain

consistency and allows us good flexibility to access the information in a variety of venues.

The "Statistical Information" section of the year end summaries include sheets listing requests for

predictive maintenance services, logs of customer support calls we have made to our software supplier,

and a variety of spreadsheets compiling work orders and other predictive maintenance related documents

such as program goals and job descriptions. Once the year-end summary has been compiled, it can be

circulated throughout the plant to help inform interested parties about the value they are receiving from

their predictive maintenance program. The year-end summaries can also serve as important reference

tools for technicians to quickly access historic information related to their vibration program.


In March of 1995, Sauder Woodworking held its inaugural in house "Engineering & Maintenance Trade

Show." The show featured a variety of specialty equipment and services available for use at Sauder.

The trade show provided an excellent opportunity for the various specialty service providers to acquaint

potential customers with their services. It also lent itself towards fulfilling the responsibility of making each

person in the plant aware of our company's internal resources. The vibration analysis program was one

of twelve services represented at the show. The others are listed below.
• Calibration

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• Computer Integrated Manufacturing
• High Speed Motion Analysis
• Laser Alignment
• Motor Rebuilding & Electrical Testing
• PLC - Preventive Maintenance Related
• Process Analysis
• Repair Manuals
• Simulation
• Thermography
• Ultrasonics
• Vibration Analysis

Participation in the organization, preparation, and actual show activities provided the vibration analysis

department a stronger standing within the organization. At the show, attendees were given information

packets, which included a directory of services available and the phone numbers of service providers. In

retrospect, the show has been deemed a success.

It paved the way towards better utilization of our company's resources.


As vibration technicians, we are often asked questions such as “How hard is that supposed to shake?”

or “How much vibration is too much?” It is important to identify vibration tolerance standards that apply to

your various situations. These tolerances may be derived from industry standards or may be developed

by evaluating historic data relative to a user’s specific applications. What are the vibration tolerance

guidelines at your plant? Here is a sample of a guideline sheet we have used in our facility to identify

acceptable vibration amplitude levels for new equipment purchases.



MARCH 9, 1999

New production equipment received at Sauder Woodworking Company is currently subjected to

acceptance testing based on the vibration criteria described in this document.

On most motor bearings and other integral rotating components, we collect two different
vibration readings. Each reading serves a specific purpose. The velocity reading measures
lower frequency vibration (0-60,000 cycles per minute) to give a picture of the current condition
of a bearing. The g/SE measurement detects vibration at very high frequencies, and is valuable
in forecasting the earliest signs of bearing failure. Definitions for both types of measurements
are show below.

Velocity (Inches Per Second) is a numeric value representative of actual movement occurring
at the component being tested. Velocity amplitudes above .314 ips are considered to be

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“rough” on general machinery. Reduced bearing life can be expected on equipment that
continually operates under “rough” velocity conditions.

G/SE (Acceleration with Spike Energy) is a subjective numeric value specific to EntekIRD
vibration equipment. G/SE amplitude is produced by “metal to metal” contact within a machine.
The metal contact creates very high frequencies, which are converted to a g/SE value. An
amplitude level of .50 g/SE is the typical alarm level for general machinery.

The aforementioned vibration criteria are used as general guidelines for acceptance of new
equipment, however, specific criteria for individual components may vary due to the unique
characteristics exhibited by some components and because of a greater or lesser sensitive
nature required of a particular process.

In recent months, we have utilized ISO 1940 for establishing balancing tolerances on machine tooling.

The ISO 1940 standards have also proven to be useful guidelines for negotiating acceptance criteria with

tooling and equipment suppliers and manufacturers.


Our vibration analysis program has striven to develop continuous improvement in our processes and

strategies, which ultimately lead to smoother running equipment. One strategy we have employed has

involved the calculation of vibration amplitude averages for homogeneous equipment types throughout

our facility. Calculating vibration amplitude averages for specific types of equipment establishes tangible

benchmarks. Utilizing these benchmarks makes it easier for a technician to determine where their time

and efforts should be focused. Recently, we have calculated averages for our Twin Cities blower

application. Being able to view all the current overall vibration amplitude information for this application,

on one page, has made it easier to see which units need attention and to know how much vibration is too

much. This spreadsheet can be viewed at the end of this document as the first item in the Appendix 1.


Videotapes can provide another source of documentation. A video can be especially useful to show a

unique process or situation that would be difficult to explain or recreate. In our plant, we had a continuing

problem with the fan end bearing spinning in an end bell housing on one particular style of board sizing

motor. Eventually, using the strobe light, we were able to perform a simple modal analysis study and

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determined that the motor mounting plate was resonating at the operating speed. Altering the running

speed of the motor and adding mass or stiffening to the plate were not readily feasible. To correct the

problem, we fabricated and installed a dynamic absorber. The fix was easy, inexpensive, and effective,

but its appearance looked unconventional on the machine.

The most effective way, to establish support for the dynamic absorbers to be installed at the machines,

was to demonstrate to each maintenance person the modal analysis and use of the absorber at the line.

To expedite the demonstration process, we utilized our in-house videographer to produce a short video to

explain why we needed the absorbers installed. The video was favorably received and has helped open

the door for other projects to be documented on videotape.


A newsletter can be a useful communication tool to help raise plant awareness of vibration issues and

activity. Newsletters could detail new happenings within the department, noteworthy saves, explanations

of services offered, and a hot list of pending work orders. Producing a periodic newsletter can provide

people throughout the organization with knowledge about the vibration program, how it is helping the

company, and how it can help them.


After vibration technicians have been in place for a while and have begun to demonstrate themselves

knowledgeable in the vibration arena, it becomes important for the employer to protect their investment in

the technician. In the event that a technician should terminate their employment or transfer to another

position within their company, the employer may find himself or herself starting the training process over

with a new technician. To ease the transition of starting over with a new technician or adding new

technicians to increase staff, it may prove beneficial to develop a written training plan. We have used the

following plan on two occasions with positive results. A training plan can help both the new technician

and the manager gauge where they are and where they want to go with training.


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Effective collection techniques and practices
Quality of Data Collected
Consistency Builds Confidence
Corrupted Data
Interrupted Contact or Angle
Mismatched Prompt and Actual Location
Wait for Auto range to Settle
Placement of pickup at point
Applied Hand Pressure
Magnetic Mount Should Not Rock
Identifying individual points throughout all routes
Physically Locate Current Points
Label, Paint, or Mark Contact Point
Working with safety guards
Removing Guards
Reaching Through or Around Guards
Defeating Limit Switches
Timed Shut Down Guards
Personal safety while collecting data
Holding Data Collector
Shoulder Straps
Anticipating Slipping Off Point

Introduction to meter operation (operating system)
Meter and transducer ranges
Configuration Features
Transfer Parameters
Analysis functions
Data History
FFT Analysis
Time Waveform
Loading routes
Collecting data
Unloading data
Troubleshooting meter problems / Help line


Loading Routes
Unloading Data
Examining Data
Interpretation of FFTs
Identifying Trends
Software Features

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Printer Parameters
Building Routes
Compiling Lists
Saving, Deleting, and Recalling Lists
General Software Features
Setup Options
Pane Configurations


Vibration analysis
Breakdown Maint.
Preventive Maint.
Predictive Maint.
Proactive Maint.
Oil Analysis
Infrared Thermography


Microsoft Suite
Smart Suite
PM Power


CMMS software

Route data files (hard copy)
P/PM Technology
Sound & Vibration
The Practical Vibration Primer
Vibration Technology 1 - IRD Mechanalysis
1993 Vibration Institute Proceedings
Machinery Vibration Analysis (IRD Book 2)
Dynamic Balancing (IRD Book 3)
Sauder Woodworking Year End Summaries
Case Histories
Word Processing Archive
Amplitude Averaging Project
Resonant Frequency Video


Surveying situation
Utilize In House Specialists
Identifying problem

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Selecting proper tools
Vibration Meter
Vibration Pickups
Strobe Light
Infrared Pickup
Photoelectric Cell
Ultrasonics Meter
Determining remedy
Verbal Recommendations
Written Recommendations
Rapport With Customers

Manual Booklet
Using Strobe Alone
Using Strobe with Data Collector

Identifying Balancing Situations
Balancing Procedures
Safe Trial Weights
Adding Correction Weights

Explaining vibration principles to customers
Marketing vibration services
End Users


Inspecting failed bearings museum
Lab: Disassembly and inspection of recently removed bearings

Applied Vibration Analysis:
Collecting Spectral Data
Analyzing Spectral Data
Analyzing Bearing Vibrations
Analyzing Motor Vibrations
Analyzing Fan Vibrations
Analyzing Gear Vibrations
Analyzing Pump Vibrations
Analyzing Turbine Generator Vibs
Field Balancing:
Identifying Unbalance
Balancing Over-hung Rotors
Balancing Center-hung Rotors

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One of the best ways to document the value of a vibration analysis program is to track cost

information. The 200 and 250 horsepower motors, which drive our 29 receiver filter fans, located

throughout our facility, make up one of the most critical applications monitored within the vibration

analysis program. In this application, a total motor failure will cost approximately $10,000 for replacement

parts and labor. That amount does not include the potentially greater cost of lost production due to

downtime for a section of the plant, which may or may not be possible to recoup depending on the

schedule. Before 1995, we managed to compile only a minimal amount of costing information on the

receiver filter motors. During 1995, we began tracking cost information on the motors.

In January of 2000, we brought all the cost information together, on a spreadsheet, for the first time.

We were attempting to determine if our efforts over the past five years, to improve the motor reliability,

had been successful or not. If not, management was prepared to enlist addition help from expensive

outside resources to improve the situation. By breaking down the costs related to these motors annually,

we gained a better overview of the situation than we had previously held. A summary of the costing data

is shown below.


1995 $13,575 (7 Failures)

1996 5,572 (6 Failures)

1997 7,440 (3 Failures)

1998 6,823 (4 Failures)

1999 19,150 (2 Failures)

No catastrophic mechanical failures were recorded from 1995 through 1999. The cost information

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from 1995 through 1998 was related to bearing failures, which were trended through vibration analysis.

The 1999 failures were due to electrical issues. Notwithstanding the high overall cost in 1999, we were

able to see that mechanically speaking the total cost of our repairs and total number of failures had

moderated. Before assembling the costing data, we were making decisions about this group of

equipment primarily on intuition. This real life exercise has caused us to re-evaluate the way we are

looking at other types of equipment within the facility and has re-emphasized the importance of tracking

our cost information accurately.


Over the past couple of years, a new buzzword has been circulating around our plant. The new word

is "professionalism." It is something that the maintenance managers are stressing with even greater

emphasis than ever before. Webster's dictionary defines professional as "exhibiting a courteous,

conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace." In our predictive maintenance

department, from its early beginnings, we have attempted to provide our services to the company with a

high degree of professionalism. In doing so, we have serviced our customers as if we were an outside

supplier who could be easily excused if performance was substandard.

Some of the practices and methods we have exercised to ensure professionalism are keeping

customers informed, being courteous, providing accurate user friendly reports of services rendered, and

serving as liaison amongst production, maintenance, and management personnel. The most important

aspects of keeping customers informed is providing prompt timely service when requested to perform

work, and offering progress reports on pending jobs. Simply being friendly and courteous has gone a

long way towards developing and maintaining goodwill with co-workers.

To express professionalism in reports, they should be written at a level corresponding to the level of

technical knowledge possessed by the customer. Writing reports loaded with technical jargon and hard to

decipher graphs can be counterproductive to actual objectives. Also, attention to spelling, grammar, and

overall layout can be valuable when producing reports. A carelessly organized, sloppy, report may

stimulate negative inferences and raise doubts about the quality of other aspects of a predictive


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maintenance person's work.

Possibly, one of the most important functions the predictive maintenance person can accomplish is to

serve as a bridge or channel through which information can be shared. Predictive maintenance

technicians' jobs afford them the opportunity to communicate throughout many work areas and on

multiple levels of staff. This situation gives them the opportunity and responsibility to be a link and an

observer, reporting relevant observations from their unique vantage. A word of caution should be offered

on this point, however. Special care should be exercised in making sure that observations that are

passed along do, in some way, tie into the predictive maintenance agenda.






On September 1, Paul Mallet requested that a vibration analysis be performed on the

60048 Homag edgebander. No vibration data had been collected on this machine since
November 1996, as it had not been operating in regular production. The initial data for this
analysis indicated several areas of concern. The Milling Motor and the Bottom Trim Motor both
had high overall velocity amplitude at 1x rpm indicative of unbalance. The Web Drive Motor
also showed increased overall velocity amplitude at 1x rpm.

On the Milling Motor, we observed overall 1x rpm velocity as high as .55 inches per second.
The plant wide average for this type of motor is .32 ips. The amplitude in this situation was
varying due to the Milling Motor coming in and out of phase with the Top Sizing Motor. When
the Milling Motor was operated without the other motors in the cabinet running, it tested at a
steady .33 ips. We removed the blades from the motor and found the motor to run at less than
.05 ips. Ultimately, after cleaning the blades and correcting a problem with the Top Sizing
Motor, it ran at a peak of .15 ips.

Due to the phasing problem, which affected the Milling Motor, we also checked the other motors
in the cabinet to determine which other motor might be working to cause the excessive
vibration. The Bottom Sizing Motor was running smoothly, but the Top Sizing Motor was
shaking at approximately .27 ips. While this number is typically acceptable, in this case it was
exciting a phasing condition. Upon removal of the blade we discovered two problems. First, an
alignment pin was missing from the quick mount hub. We Loctited two new pins into the tool
mounting hub.


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On the blade itself, we observed the wax residue from when the blade had been last
serviced. While a good amount of the residue had worn away, there was still enough wax
left (1.1 grams) to negatively impact the balance of the tool on the motor. The balance
tolerance for the sizing motors is 1.2 to 2.4 gram inches of unbalance. With the new pins
in place and the wax removed, the Top Sizing Motor vibration dropped to .13 ips, slightly
below the plant wide average of .15 for this type of motor. The blade is shown below,
before the wax was removed.


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Two potential safety concerns related to the Top Sizing Motor involved the brake and
the corresponding panel selection switch. The electronic brake did not work causing the
motor to exhibit a lengthy coast down time. Also, the motor selection push button switch
for the Top Sizing Motor was found to be “Motor 2” on the control panel. However, the
second motor in the sizing cabinet was actually the Bottom Sizing Motor. Repair of the
inoperable brake and rewiring motors “two” and “three” (the Top and Bottom Sizing
Motors) should also be considered, as the machine is being reconditioned.

High amplitude overall velocity was recorded on the Bottom Trim Motor. The .74 ips
was well above the .33 ips plant wide average for trim motors. Upon inspection of the
blade and motor we observed that the key had been removed from the motor shaft and the
blade did not have any keyways broached in it.

After making up a new key for the motor shaft and installing a symmetrical blade with two
keyways, the overall vibration amplitude was at an acceptable .16 ips.

A vibration issue was also detected at the Web Drive Motor, as a marked increase in
overall 1x rpm vibration had taken place, since the last data was collected in 1996. We


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removed the motor to inspect the bevel wheel and friction ring. We did notice a gouge in
the friction ring, but if the mark were a problem it would have shown up at a lower
frequency than the 1,800 cycles per minute vibration peak we had observed. The cooling
fan cover on the motor was also pushed in against the cooling fan. After straightening the
cover, the motor did run slightly smoother, but still exhibited more vibration amplitude
than desirable. At this time our recommendation would be to continue to operate the
Web Drive Motor. The bottom-mounting bolthole for the motor assembly (the one
which also holds the support foot) has stripped out threads, which should be repaired.
Replacing the slightly damaged cooling fan would be an optional repair, but not

During our inspection of the motor, however, we noticed that the motor brake had
been removed. The brake should be replaced to avoid any safety related issues related to
its absence.

We spoke to the First Shift operator Mike Liechty and asked him to share any
problems he was aware of with the machine. He passed along the following list.

• The missing Web Drive brake (already mentioned).

• Infeed Top Web Board Height Limit Switch not working
• Moveable Infeed Board Alignment Fence not square
• Support rollers for the overhung portion of the board not level (especially at outfeed
end of line)
• Miscellaneous mechanical digitizers need attention
• The large pressure wheel needs aligned as banding rides up or down the board
• The Top Copy wheel for the Top Trim Motor has been frequently removed to run a
particular order, and the aluminum block has been burred making it increasingly difficult
to mount or remove the wheel

We have also enclosed our initial vibration data collected on 9-3-99, the follow up data after
corrections were made (9-7-99), as well as readings on the frequency exchange motors that
looked to be in excellent condition. The data is shown in report form from our EntekIRD
vibration software database. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or
concerns you may have regarding this report.

Vibration Analysis Technician
Sauder Woodworking Co.



JANUARY 25, 2000

In response to the two 300 horse power air compressor drive motors which failed in

December of 1999, we have increased the vibration route collection frequency for these units to
six times per year, up from quarterly. New vibration route data was collected on January 18 .

While examining the route data, we observed that the overall gse amplitude had risen to


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alarming levels on many of the motor bearings. This information was viewed as especially

disturbing, as every drive motor that has displayed high overall gse amplitudes, in the past, has

incurred bearing failure.

At least one bearing on four different motors exhibited overall gse amplitude of 1.6 or higher.

Gse amplitude of .5 is typically cause for concern on this type of motor. Based on our concern

about the rapid deterioration of these motors, we sent the bearings of one of the most recent

failed motors on to SKF for evaluation. The shaft end bearing showed excessive cage

movement. The loose fitting cage had actually made contact with the inner race. The balls

showed significant wear which could be felt with one’s fingernail. The outer and inner races of

both bearings displayed general wear, especially in the load zone.

The PM instructions for these motors said to grease each bearing with 1 ½ pumps of grease

every six months. We checked with the PM technician and confirmed that the motors were

being serviced per the PM instructions. From previous experience on motors in the 200 to 250

hp range, we knew that specifications called for between 36 and 60 pumps every six months.

Based on evidence of the ME2101 bearing and the PM lubrication schedule of adding 1 ½

pumps every six months, we believe that the 300 hp motors, driving the compressors, are

suffering from a lack of lubrication. At the current rate of lubrication it would take several years

just to fill the grease tube that leads to the bearing. We recommend adjusting the quantity of

grease administered on the PM instruction to meet the specifications recommended for SKF

6314 and 6318 bearings.

We did attempt to grease most of these motors on January 21 . During that process, gse

spectra were collected from ME2956 and ME3676 motors on which bearing fault frequencies

could be clearly observed. These fault frequencies would suggest that some significant

component damage has already occurred within those bearings. We are optimistic that grease

will wick past the shields on the other motors that still exhibit high overall gse amplitude. The

text and tabular results, of that work, are shown below.

On January 21 we added grease to most of the compressor drive motors throughout
the plant. The following chart shows the motor greased, amount and type of grease
added, and any significant changes in the overall gse (metal to metal contact) amplitude
level. On most of the bearings, where the gse amplitude did drop, it was a gradual drop


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indicating that the bearing probably had both shields intact. The only exception to that
response was on ME2509 at Barre Road where the overall gse amplitude dropped
th th
dramatically after the 14 pump on the opposite drive end and on the 25 pump on the
shaft end. ME2509 probably does not have both shields in either bearing.


ME2956 MOBILE 70 4.0 2.5 50
ME3677 MOBILE 60 50 .50 .30
ME2509 MOBILE 25 .3 .15 35 .33 .14
ME2101 HYDRO 50 50
ME2508 HYDRO 60 1.0 1.0 60 .60 .40
ME3676 HYDRO 80 2.0 1.2 50 3.5 2.5

The vibration analysis technicians consider their recent work on the compressor motors to be

noteworthy. It now seems clear that Sauder Woodworking Co. could have expected to continue

to experience motor failures on the compressors for as long as the PM lubrication instructions

required only 1-½ pumps of grease. Furthermore, at least two of these motors had failed due to

bearing problems, before the December 1999 motor. The failure of those motors was also

almost certainly due to a lack of lubrication, which SWC inflicted upon itself.

The previous, impending, and future motor failures on these units, as well as, the expense of

air compressor rental, and potential production down time situations all add up to a relevant

financial consideration. If we had not located the source of our compressor motor problems at

this time, we could expect at least two more motor failures in the near future. The cost of two

new motors and potential air compressor rental fees would be somewhat in excess of $20,000.

Hopefully, we have caught this problem in time to prevent any further motor bearing failures in
the near future, not withstanding the two aforementioned motors checked on January 21 .

Vibration Analysis Technician


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Sauder Woodworking Co.


FEBRUARY 1, 2000

We performed a vibration analysis of the Inspection Conveyor drive roller on the Meyers Road
Hymen line in January at the request of Steve Fry, Kevin Kieffer, and Larry Wyse. Vibration
analysis technician Jim Buchhop performed the initial analysis on January 7 per work order

During that visit, Jim measured the overall velocity amplitude on the drive roller and conveyor
frame. Based on those measurements, he concluded that there did not appear to be excessive
vibration on the machine at that time. He did suggest to Steve Fry that some stiffening could be
added to help reduce the observable nuisance vibration on the conveyor framework.
On January 27 Jim went back out to the Hymen, along with fellow vibration analysis technician
Steve Falvo, to re-evaluate the conveyor drive system per work order 17307. In the interim
period, since the first visit, a structural support had been welded into the conveyor frame. The
support, however, had not alleviated the general perception that there was still some form of
vibration problem.

During the second vibration analysis of the conveyor system, a bump test was performed on the
drive roller to identify its resonant frequencies. The spectral results of the bump test indicated
resonant frequencies at 236 and 1,444 cycles per minute. While it is completely normal for a
component to display some resonant frequency or frequencies, resonant frequencies can
become critical frequencies if the component is subjected to vibration frequencies at or near the
resonant frequencies for any appreciable duration.

While inspecting the drive roller system, we became aware of a structural concern. The two
drive rollers are coupled together with a splined shaft, which is supported by a single self-
aligning bearing. By not isolating each drive roller with a bearing at each end, the splined shaft
is required to provide support as well as coupling for the rollers. In the inspection conveyor area
this concern had already been realized, as the south end of the splined shaft exhibited severe

wear. A clearance of approximately 1/16 could be easily observed on the shaft.

The inspection conveyor speed of the 70282 Hymen varies during production relative to the
speed at the laminator. When the machine was at operating at higher speeds, spectral data
was collected to help confirm the source of the vibration. The spectrum was collected over a
frequency range of 0 to 12,000 cycles per minute. The first significant peak occurred at 1,374
cpm. The 1,374 peak and its harmonics are highlighted in the first view shown below.


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1,374 & harmonics

The 1,374 peak was derived by multiplying the drive shaft rpm of 230 by six (the number of
splines on the splined coupler) for a total or 1,380 cpm. The resultant harmonics of 1,374 are
typical indicators of the severity and misalignment.

The next view highlights the numerous smaller peaks, which can be observed between each of
the 1,374 harmonics. Using a sideband cursor, with the primary cursor set at the largest of the
1,374 harmonics, we can see that the small peaks occur at an interval of 230 cycles per minute.
The 230 cpm corresponds to the running speed of the conveyor drive shaft as confirmed by
digital tachometer using a photocell. In a spectrum collected on a healthy piece of equipment,
we would expect to view only a small peak at one times the running speed. We would not
anticipate viewing any harmonics.


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Based on the vibration data collected and our observations, it would appear that the drive rollers
are exciting their resonant frequencies as they operate at higher operating speeds. The 236
and 1,444 cpm resonant frequency peaks are close matches to the 230 and 1,374 cpm peaks
we recorded during operation.

We would recommend that the rollers be independently supported with one bearing on each
end, four bearings per two rollers. And, that a LoveJoy style (rubber spider used for cushioning)
coupling be used to connect the rollers. The coupling style employed should not have six
splined elements, which could trigger the resonance in the roller at full operating speed. If these
corrections did not reduce vibration levels sufficiently, further analysis would be required.

Please contact Steve Falvo at 419-446-3862 with any questions or concerns related to this
vibration analysis report.

Stephen J. Falvo
Vibration Analysis Technician
Sauder Woodworking Company


As predictive maintenance departments march through the twenty-first century, the importance of

good documentation and high levels of professionalism will gain increasing importance. At Sauder

Woodworking Company, we have attempted to operate the Predictive Maintenance Department at a

service level equal to, or greater than what might be available from an outside service supplier. We

continually strive to justify our department's existence by scrutinizing our documentation and customer

feedback for significant successes and failures. It is an ongoing concern, in the Predictive Maintenance

Department, to be a valuable component in building a successful future together at Sauder Woodworking



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