Students' Guide For Online Classes

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Students’ Guide for Online Classes

General Instructions ........................................................................................................................ 1
Step by Step Guide to Google Classroom....................................................................................... 2
1. Go to 2
2. Signing-in............................................................................................................................. 2
3. Selecting the Role ................................................................................................................ 2
4. Home Page view before joining any class ........................................................................... 3
5. Joining a class ...................................................................................................................... 3
i. Using Code to join: .......................................................................................................... 3
ii. Invitation from the course instructor ................................................................................ 4
6. Inside a class ........................................................................................................................ 4
7. The Stream ........................................................................................................................... 5
i. Adding post to the stream: ............................................................................................... 5
ii. Adding attachments to the stream .................................................................................... 5
8. Classwork Tab ..................................................................................................................... 6
i. Google Meet Option ......................................................................................................... 8
ii. Google Calendar ............................................................................................................... 8
iii. Class Drive Folder ........................................................................................................... 8
iv. View your work option .................................................................................................... 9
9. People Tab ........................................................................................................................... 9
10. Navigating the Menu ......................................................................................................... 10
11. Classroom Calendar .......................................................................................................... 10
12. Assignments ...................................................................................................................... 11
i. Accessing and Viewing the Assignments: ..................................................................... 11
ii. Submitting the Assignments ........................................................................................... 11
13. Quiz ................................................................................................................................... 12
i. Accessing and Viewing the Quiz: .................................................................................. 12
ii. Types of Quiz ................................................................................................................. 12
14. Nod - Reactions for Google Meet..................................................................................... 13
i. Adding Nod - Reaction Extension to Google Chrome for Google Meet ....................... 13

List of Figures:

Figure 1 Google Classroom Icon .................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 Signing in using official email ID .................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 Selecting the role of Student............................................................................................. 2
Figure 4 Google Classroom homepage view before joining any class ........................................... 3
Figure 5 Google Classroom homepage view before joining any class ........................................... 3
Figure 6 Joining a class ................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 7 Using code to join a class ................................................................................................. 3
Figure 8 Google classroom homepage view when course instructors invite you to the class. ....... 4
Figure 9 Google classroom homepage view after joining the classes ............................................ 4
Figure 10 Sample Class .................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 11 Adding post to the stream ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 12 Adding post to the stream ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 13 Sample post in the stream ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 14 Adding attachments to your post in stream .................................................................... 6
Figure 15 Sample Classwork Tabs ................................................................................................. 7
Figure 16 Google Calendar ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 17 Class Drive Folder .......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 18 People Tab ...................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 19 Google Classroom Menu .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 20 Classroom Calendar...................................................................................................... 10
Figure 21 Accessing and Viewing Assignments .......................................................................... 11
Figure 22 Assignment Submission and Assignment Rubrics ....................................................... 12
Figure 23 Viewing and Accessing Quizzes .................................................................................. 12
Figure 24 Search Nod Reactions for Google Meet ....................................................................... 13
Figure 25 Add Extension to Chrome ............................................................................................ 13
Figure 26 Confirm Adding Extension to Chrome......................................................................... 14
Figure 27 Nod-Reactions on Google Meet ................................................................................... 14

General Instructions

1. Online classes for Final Year Students will start from 4th May 2020.
2. Online classes for rest of undergrad students will start for 1st June 2020, depending on
government directives, if the closure is extended
3. Online classes will be conducted as per Spring 2020 timetable.
4. Online session will be recorded and shared with the students.
5. Other than online sessions, pre-recorded lectures will also be shared with students.
6. Google Classroom will be used for online classes.
7. Students shall have their official university email ID activated.
8. Student shall use Chrome Browser for Google Classroom.
9. During online session, microphones of the students will be off to avoid any disturbance
during the session.
10. Students shall send their questions via chat during the online session. Instructor will
address the questions at the end of the session. Instructor may also arrange another session
for addressing the questions of the students.
11. Students will be assigned assignments, quizzes or any other task by the instructor via
google classroom.

Step by Step Guide to Google Classroom
1. Go to

Figure 1 Google Classroom Icon

2. Signing-in
Sign in using your official university email ID

Figure 2 Signing in using official email ID

3. Selecting the Role

Select role of a Student

Figure 3 Selecting the role of Student
4. Home Page view before joining any class
Initially when you haven’t joined any class, google classroom homepage will look like:

Figure 4 Google Classroom homepage view before joining

5. Joining a class any class

There are two ways to join a class

i. Using Code
Figure 5 Google Classroom homepage view before joining
ii. Invitation from the course instructor
any class

i. Using Code to join:

Code will be provided to the students by the course instructor

Figure 6 Joining a class

Figure 7 Using code to join a class 3

ii. Invitation from the course instructor

Figure 8 Google classroom homepage view when course instructors invite you to the class.

Figure 9 Google classroom homepage view after joining the classes

6. Inside a class:
You can see three tabs on the top: Stream, Classwork and People.

Figure 10 Sample Class
7. The Stream
Students can view and access announcements, assignments, discussion topics, and comments.
If enabled by the teacher, students can also add posts and leave comments.

i. Adding post to the stream:

Figure 11 Adding post to the stream

Figure 12 Adding post to the stream

Figure 13 Sample post in the stream

ii. Adding attachments to the stream

You can add attachments with your post in the form of

a. Files Attachments: files saved locally in your computer

b. Google Drive: Files saved in your google drive
c. Youtube videos
d. Web Links to other websites and resources

Figure 14 Adding attachments to your post in stream

8. Classwork Tab

You can access the following from the classwork tab:

i. Lecture Videos shared by the instructor

ii. Documents/reference material shared by the instructor
iii. Links to other relevant resources shared by the instructor
iv. Assignments
v. Quizzes
vi. Google Calendar
vii. Class Drive Folder
viii. View your work option

The Classwork interface for all classes will be different depending upon the how the instructor
has organized his/her classroom

Various examples of different classrooms are shared

i ii iii

i ii iii

Figure 15 Sample Classwork Tabs 7

i. Google Meet Option
This is an option for live online video session with the instructor.
ii. Google Calendar
Shows you due dates for the submission of quiz, assignment or any other task assigned by the
instructor for the specific class you are in. It opens up google calendar in a separate tab. This
calendar is different from classroom calendar as discussed in section 11.

Figure 16 Google Calendar

iii. Class Drive Folder

You can access or upload files related to the coursework here.

Figure 17 Class Drive Folder

iv. View your work option
You can view work assigned to you.

9. People Tab

You can view the name of the instructor and list of you classmates registered with you in
the class.

Figure 18 People Tab

10. Navigating the Menu
Click on the three lines at the top left of the screen as highlighted in figure 16, you will
see a drop-down menu:

Takes you to the homepage of

google classrom

Opens classroom calendar

Takes youfrom
(different to thegoogle
homepage of
discussed in section

Shows you the list of classes

Opens areclassroom
enrolled in.
(different from google
calendar discussed in section
Shows you the list of classes
you are enrolled in.

Figure 19 Google Classroom Menu

11. Classroom Calendar

Access google classroom calendar using the icon shown in figure 17. Its shows you the
due dates for various tasks assigned to you in different classes.

For navigating the dates

For navigating the dates

Figure 20 Classroom Calendar

Option to view due dates of
tasks assigned in all classes
or a specific class 10

Option to view due dates of

12. Assignments

i. Accessing and Viewing the Assignments:

Assignments can be accessed from the classroom tab.

Figure 21 Accessing and Viewing Assignments

ii. Submitting the assignments

Assignments can be submitted in one of the following ways as per the criteria set
by the course instructor:
a. Google Drive
b. Link
c. File Attachments: Files saved in your computer.
i. Students may solve it on paper and share the picture of their work
with the instructor
ii. Report and technical writings may be share in the form of word
iii. Or any other file format
d. Online docs, slides, sheets and drawings may also be used for assignment
Students can also view Rubrics and CLOs.

Figure 22 Assignment Submission and Assignment Rubrics

13. Quiz
i. Accessing and Viewing the Quiz:
Assigned quizzes can be accessed from the classroom tab.

Figure 23 Viewing and Accessing Quizzes

ii. Types of Quiz

Quizzes may be of the following type:

a. Multiple Choice Question: Instructor may share a timed google form.

b. Numerical Problem:
i. Student may solve the quiz on a paper and submit picture of the
solution or
ii. Instructor may only ask for the answer.
c. Theoretical Questions: Instructor may ask to submit it via
i. Word doc/Google doc.
ii. Google form.
iii. Picture of the solution etc.

14. Nod - Reactions for Google Meet

Nod adds quick reactions to google meet e.g raising hand, thumbs up etc.
i. Adding Nod - Reactions Extension to Google Chrome for Google Meet

Figure 24 Search Nod Reactions for Google Meet

Figure 25 Add Extension to Chrome

Figure 26 Confirm Adding Extension to Chrome

Nod -Reactions
Extension Icon on
Chrome Browser

Nod -Reactions
during google meet

Figure 27 Nod-Reactions on Google Meet


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