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Name : Danisa Putriana

No. Reg : 185300089

Class : E 2018

Learning Speaking Through the Singing of Popular English Songs

At 10th grade SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Krian Sidoarjo

There are so many ways to make learning English more fun and enjoyable. One of them is
learning by providing popular songs in English and singing them can be a medium for
learning English speaking. Learning speaking by singing English songs that are popular with
students. is expected to be able to improve students' English speaking ability and is expected
to provide information and significant impact on students or those who want to learn English.
In everyday life language becomes one of the most important things because we need
language to communicate. In our own country we need Indonesian to communicate, but if
we are abroad we use English to communicate. Because as we know English is a foreign
language in our country and English is an international language used to communicate in the
world. music or singing is a universal language that is easy to remember and voiced to learn
a foreign language. Songs can be an exciting and fun way for students, by singing English
songs they can build imagination if they can sing songs according to the lyrics and
understand the lyrics of the song. The English songs they sing will improve students'
speaking skills and make them more confident in speaking English, and their pronunciation
becomes clearer and more accurate. These lessons are very effective in teaching students'
pronunciation by training themselves in daily life through their own desires or interests. In
addition to improving speaking learning by singing popular English songs can enrich their
vocabulary and be able to improve English listening skills

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