David Bunce Remarks On NYSTI Closure: 12/22/10 (BD MTG 12 22 10 Bunce Board - Address)

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Prepared Remarks by David Bunce

Interim Producing Artistic Director, New York State Theatre Institute

December 22, 2010

It appears that the New York State Theatre Institute (NYSTI) is coming to a close. After thirty
six years of providing the children of New York State with lessons in humanity, connections to
curriculum, Broadway quality productions, theatre training and learning skills, the curtain will
close, the lights will dim, the theatre will go silent and the doors will be locked.

At this time, we thank the members of the New York State Theatre Institute Corporation Board
of Directors for keeping us alive until December 31 and allowing us to continue our work
through this holiday season. We thank you for reopening the early retirement incentive window
so that eligible staff could participate. And we thank you for resolving to have NYSTI assets
safely held in escrow so that we may continue the fight for restoration of the program.

But we must admonish Governor David Paterson and his administration for their short sighted,
apparently targeted attack on NYSTI. It is not a recent attack. It is an attack that started two years
ago with a recommended reduction in NYSTI funding in the 2009-10 Executive Budget Bill. An
attack that continued in the 2010-11 Executive Budget Bill with a 50% reduction in funding and
a recommendation to zero out funding by 2011-12.

There is legislation through the “Dignity For All Students Act” to combat bullying, but no
money for the NYSTI teachers and interns who are in the field working to make our schools
safer. There is money for innovative approaches to education, but no money for the educational
program with a 36 year history of proven effectiveness using the very same innovations

We hear from the Paterson Administration that these are very difficult times and that difficult
decisions must be made. And we understand that. But this is not a decision, Governor Paterson,
this is a choice. We are told that the deficit on the 2010-11 NYS budget was 9 billion dollars. 9
billion of a 139 billion dollar budget is 6.4%. 6.4%.

Why is the NYSTI cut so disproportionate? Why with a deficit of 6.4% is NYSTI being cut

Perhaps the Paterson Administration would argue that there are initiatives that are a better
investment for the State of New York. We say Governor Paterson that there is no more important
investment than the future of the children of New York State.

And we would contend that NYSTI’s economic impact is far reaching on many levels. How
much revenue has been generated by NYSTI introducing 1.5 million New York youth to the
magic of theatre? How many of those children have become the adults who support Broadway?
And how much tax payer money is saved as NYSTI has introduced students from marginalized
populations to lessons of humanity and given them direction and purpose?
Closing NYSTI will eliminate $4,000,000 a year in economic development to the city of Troy. It
will eliminate a proposed $1,000,000 a year in generated NYSTI revenue. And it will eliminate
$500,000 a year in in-kind contribution from Russell Sage College. And all to save the State

NYSTI provides proven effective education to the children of New York State for less than $60
per child per year. Whether these students attend a production or Theatre Arts School or spend
their entire high school senior year with us as interns. Whatever the level of service, the cost to
New York State is less than $60 per child annually.

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Franklin Roosevelt funded theatre as part of the
Works Progress Administration. During the worst of economic times, President Roosevelt made
the choice to support the theatre.

During the bombings of World War II, Winston Churchill kept the Theatres of London open.
When asked how he could justify funding the theatres when all the world seemed to be falling
apart, he is reported to have replied, “Well what the hell are we fighting for?”

Both of these men had the foresight and the wisdom to understand that during the worst of times
the humanity of theatre was needed more than ever.

What are we saving this money for Governor Paterson?

I came from Connecticut 27 years ago to work as an actor and teacher for the people of NYS and
the Theatre Institute. I was amazed that there was a state with the wisdom and foresight to
support a theatre for children. I thought of how enlightened, how progressive New Yorkers must
be. And I thought of the message to the children. The message that they were important, that they
were the future, that the leaders of the State of New York recognized them and believed in them.

The children did not cause New York’s fiscal crisis. The children did not cause the allegations
toward the previous NYSTI administration. And yet by choosing to not fund the New York State
Theatre Institute, it is the children who will pay the price. It is the children who will lose.

We hope Governor Elect Andrew Cuomo will have the wisdom of Roosevelt, the courage of
Churchill and the foresight to include NYSTI in his 2011-12 Executive Budget Bill. We believe
in the legislature and look forward to working with them as we volunteer to help them restore
funding to NYSTI.

Difficult times require courage and hope. We believe the doors will open, the lights will come
on, the students will once again file into the theatre and the day will come when the parents, the
children, the artists and the educators will hold their heads high and proclaim with pride that the
New York State Theatre Institute is alive and well.

David Bunce

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