Covid 19

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Covid-19284, as named by the World Health Organization after many weeks of deliberation, is not happenstance.
Covid, when translated in to Hebrew Gematria Numeric Valuation equates to “42”, which is representative of the 42-
Letter Name of G-D, during Acts of Great Power285.

Covid-19 (19 – ‫ )כוביד‬was named by the WHO in a form that begins with a Name of G-d.  It begins
with (‫ )כו‬or 26, as in the Tetragrammation (‫)יהוה‬, and it ends in Yad (‫)יד‬, Hand, as in the Hand of G-
d. In fact, being split into 28 and 14, Covid reflects the 3 Hands of G-d we just saw in the final word
of “the writing on the wall” in Daniel 5:25: “‫ ְּת ֵקל ּופַ ְר ִסין‬,‫ ְמנֵא ְמנֵא‬ :‫ ִּדי ְר ִׁשים‬,‫ ְּודנָה כְ תָ בָ א‬. And this is
the writing that was inscribed: MENE MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN.” While in Daniel’s time the
last word referred to Persia (Iran), today it also ties Iran to China (‫)סין‬, ִ Sin, the final 3 letters in the
word and verse286,287.

November 9, 2015 an article was published from researchers at the Wuhan Level-4 Biohazard Laboratory entitled “A
SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence” 292, this itself which had
followed a similar report dated in 2013. They had acquired the initial samples 291 from Winnipeg, Canada. The purpose
of this experiment was to identify how Bats carry viruses without themselves becoming infected. The information
being put out today is identifying the “Bat” component of this formula and concealing it with an outdoor market
having become overly-unsanitary. Which can not explain the veracity of the spread of this virus.

Though the particulars of how this virus was released into the general population is still, as of yet unknown; We can
posit with a fair amount of certainty that a group wanting population control via positive and preventive measures
may have had some input into rapidly decreasing the World’s largest population. The origins and release of Covid-19,
SARS, The AIDS Virus and others, are open questions. To those of Faith, these are but Challenges, Trials and
Tribulations that we can overcome.

Some Indices are positive, and some seem to be negative but are simply awaiting our input to become positive. Here
we see indices that can guide us to removing the negativity of this coronavirus, and exchange it for positive benefit.
As each human individual is comprised of Ten Attributes as “Created in His Image”, we can see the positive
outcomes of emulating these attributes, so as to remove the negative288.

Crown - Nobility
Corona in Latin means “crown”. A person’s crown (Keter in Hebrew) is comprised of three
superconscious powers of the psyche: Faith, Pleasure and Will. Keep our Faith in G-D strong.
Focus and take pleasures in His ways over those of society, and make His Will our own – on earth
as it I sin Heaven.

Wisdom – Sound Mind

On earth as in Heaven, requires a sound mind, focused and occupied with bring goodness into this
world. Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto Ourselves.

Understanding – Serenity in Purpose

Connecting the Intellectual with the Emotional requires serenity towards one’s purpose. Perceiving
the value of one’s Faith and Direction and of being able to channel that through Emotional Energy.

Knowledge – To Remember and Safeguard

Remember the purpose of our given Day of Rest, and safeguard it in all of these days.

Loving-kindness – The Merit of our Redemption

Showing Loving-kindness to those around us and to those afflicted. G-D is Love and our purpose
and value to society resides in our ability to bring Loving-kindness to others.

Might – Strength
Our Might is our Faith. Bring strength to every moment, and to our every interaction with those
outside of us, so that they may be comforted; And in turn be strengthened. We can be The Light
upon Nations.

Beauty – Compassion
Compassion is a beauty which transcends the ordinary. It radiates to not just the recipient and
deliverer, but to all those cognoscente of the act.

Victory – Confidence
That our actions are in the path of Faith. It is said that a Righteous Person will get up (from their
fall) seven-times. So yes, we may fall and take a step (or a few back) but we are on the correct path
and we will overcome the trials and tribulations before us.

Acknowledgement – Of Truth
Simplicity in knowing that our belief and actions are in the right direction. Peace of mind.

Foundation – Our Forebearers

We are products of those before us, and within each of us is an encapsulation of trials and
tribulations which they themselves had to overcome. The growths within them provides the
opportunities for us today.

Kingdom – Our beings and Our Homes are Our Temples

In these days, we must safeguard our persons and the persons of our loved ones, ad those around us.
We extend this safeguarding to our homes to ensure that they are properly provisioned with
physical sustenance of nourishment and spiritual sustenance of Faith. That our schools and social
activities conduce the Faith in our lives and repel advancements of degeneration.

Amen (it is true)

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