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Grammar Assignment

Directions: use either active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verb in the

Carl Gauss (recognize) .......................................1 as a mathematical genius when he was ten.

One day a professor gave him an arithmatic problem. Carl (ask) .......................................2 to
add up all the numbers from 1 to 10 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, etc). It
(take) .......................................3 him only eight seconds to solve the problem. How could he
do it so quickly? Can you do it quickly?
Carl could do it because he (know) .......................................4 that each pair of numbers – 1
plus 100, 2 plus 99, 3 plus 98, and so on to 50 plus 51 – equivaled 101. So he
(multiply) .......................................5 50 times 101 and (come) .......................................6 up
with the answer: 5,050.

Directions: use the verb in the parentheses with the modal or phrasal modal that sounds
best to you. All of the sentences are passive.
Some UFO sightings (explain,not) .......................................7 easily. They are inexplicable.

The hospital in that small town is very old and can no longer serve the needs of the
community. A new hospital (build) ........................................ .8

Blue whales and other endangered species (save) .......................................9 from extinction.
Do you agree?

Directions: use active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in the
Before she graduated last May, Susan (offer, already) .......................................10 a position
with a law firm.

A: yesterday (be) .......................................11 a terrible day.

B: what (happen) .......................................12?
A: first, I (flunk) .......................................13 a test, or at least I think I did. Then I
(drop) .......................................14 my books while I (walk) .......................................15
across campus, and they (fall) .......................................16 into a mud puddle. And finally,
my bicycle (steal) .......................................17 .
B: you should have stayed in bed.

The olympic Games began more than 2,000 years ago in Olympia, a small town in Greece. At
that time, only Greek men (allow) .......................................18 to compete. People of other
nationalities (invite, not) .......................................19 to participate, and women
(forbid) .......................................20 to set foot in the area where the games
(hold) ........................................21.
Directions: supply the correct of the verb in the parentheses and an appropriate
preposition. Use the Simple Present
Water (compose) .......................................22 hydrogen and oxygen.

I (satisfy) .......................................23 the progress I have made.

Jim got a bad grade because he didn’t study. He (disappoint) .......................................24


The administration (commit) .......................................25 improving the quality of education

at our school.

Pat (finish) .......................................26 her composition.

Directions: complete the sentences with an appropriate form of GET and the given verbs.

We didn’t have a map, so we (lose) .......................................27 .

Just try to take it easy. Don’t (upset) .......................................28 .

I (disgust) .......................................29 and left because the things they were saying at the
meeting were ridiculous.

I’ll be ready to leave as soon as I (pack) .......................................30 .

I (pay) .......................................31 on Fridays. I’ll give you the money I owe you next Friday.

Directions: Complete the sentences with the present or past participial of the verbs in the

A kid accidentally threw a ball at one of the school windows. Someone needs to repair the
(break) .......................................32 window.

The teacher gave us a (challenge) .......................................33 assignment, but we all

enjoyed doing it.

A (grow) .......................................34 child needs a (balance) .......................................35 diet.

The equator is the (divide) .......................................36 line between the Northern and
Sothern hemispheres.

The psychologist spoke to us about some of the (amaze) .......................................37

coincidences in the lives of twins living apart from each other from birth.
Directions: Use the words in the parentheses to complete the sentences. Use any
appropriate verb tense. Some of the completion contain noun clauses, and some contain

A: Oops! I made a mistake. Where (my eraser, be) .......................................38? Didn’t I lend
it to you?
B: I don’t have it. Ask Sally where (it, be) .......................................39 . I think I saw her using

A: Are you a student here? I’m a student here, too. Tell me what classes (you,
take) .......................................40 this term. Maybe we’re in some of the same classes.
B: Math 4, English 2, History 6, and Chemistry 101. What classes (you,
take) .......................................41?

A: Mr. Lee is a recent immigrant, isn’t he? How long (he, be) .......................................42 in
this country?
B: I have no idea, but I’ll be seeing Mr. Lee this afternoon. Would you like me to ask him
how long (he, live) .......................................43 here?

Directions: Give the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Some of the verbs are

Her advisor recommended that she (take) .......................................44 five course.

The students requested that the test (postpone) .......................................45 , but the
instructor decided against a postponement.

It was such a beautiful day that one of the students suggested we

(have) .......................................46 class outside.

Directions: complete these sentences with an appropriate preposition and verb form.

The rain prevented us (complete) .......................................47 the work.

I believe (be) .......................................48 honest all times.

Everyone in the neighborhood participated (search) .......................................49 for the lost


The mayor made another public statement for the purpose

(clarify) .......................................50 the new tax proposal.

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