8 Tips To Become A Successful Entrepreneur Online - Free Guide Book!

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how to start if you don't know where to start

Create work that you love. Earn an income as you make an

impact. Design a life that fulfills your own goals.
Face your fears. And become your own boss.

hey, I'M CIARA!

I made this guide book because I used to be in your exact shoes...

wanting to learn how it was possible to build a successful business
online, doing something I loved that aligned with my core values, that
made a positive impact on the lives of others, and allowed for time,
location, and financial f r e e d o m.
I help people just like you who are looking to start a purposeful +
profitable business online and have a mentor to guide them along
their journey to success. Specifically, I mentor a team of female
entrepreneurs in both personal development & the skillset needed to
create long-term success while starting their businesses sharing
true health principles [mental, physical, financial health], wellness, &
sustainability online... in short, I teach you how to create a life by
Make sure to follow me on Instagram @ cantiknomad and share your
thoughts on how the guidebook helped you get started on your online
entrepreneurial journey!


Take the jump! If you are dissatisfied with your current

circumstances - no one can fix them but you. Blaming the
economy, your boss, your partner, your friends/family will not
serve a purpose to making you successful or bringing in the
abundance of cash that you actually want to have in your
bank account. Change can only start once you make a
conscious decision to show up for yourself, take the jump,
and make it happen! Your biggest regret will be not starting



Figure out what the right business is for YOU. Give yourself
permission to explore and be willing to look at different
facets (personality, social styles, age, your passions, who
you follow on instagram, what content you are looking at,
what makes you happy, what do you want to be doing with
your free time) of yourself and start listening to your
We tend to ignore our intuition even though deep down we
often know the truth. The more we keep avoiding our
intuition - the harder it’s going to smack us on the head to
wake up and get to work on what our ACTUAL purpose is here
in the world. If you’ve always felt that niggle deep down that
you are meant for more, that is because you simply are.
Start to reflect and ask yourself, what would you do even if
you weren’t getting paid to do it? What makes you light up?
What gives you energy even when you’re feeling tired? What
would you do day in and day out, and do it happily?




There are a few common approaches to becoming an

Do what you know - Reflect on the work you have done
previously for others in the past and start to think about how
you could package those skills and offer them as your own
personal services or products. Utilize your unique skills and
Do what others do - learn about other businesses that
interest you. We are absolutely shifting to an online world in
both business and social life (even more so than before). I
highly suggest starting a business that can be done both
online and offline so that you can leverage different ways to
earn an income. There are SO many business opportunities
online from content creation, coaching, marketing (affiliate,
network, lifestyle), the list can truly go on forever. Once you
find a business that you like, or a mentor or coach that you
would like to work with in order to learn the skillset and tools
you need to become profitable and successful - emulate
that! Reach out to other people who already are successful
at what you want to do and ask them for advice, apply to
work with mentors or coaches, invest in a course or program,
and/or spend as much time as you can researching what
opportunities are out there and what steps you’re going to
need to get going with to start this thing!




Solve A Common Problem - Is there a gap in the market? Is

there a service or product that you would like to create and
bring to the market?  There is always a problem that needs
solving in the world, and more specifically within YOUR ideal
target market.
“Market” is referring to the people that you would ideally like
to work with or gain business from, think of them as your
This can be the “highest-risk” of the three options above so
if you choose to solve a problem by entirely creating your
own product or service from scratch, make sure that you
become a student again and you are ready to gain knowledge
and do some market research before you dive right into
spending a lot of money to birth your idea.
The best business you can build
is one where the product sells itself
and the company already proves to
be successful.

Position yourself behind a product

that is a massive solution to a
massive problem.

Remember : You can be working

hard & be dedicated... but don't work
hard & be dedicated to the wrong
things that aren't going to get you to
CIARA MARIE the freedom and happiness you want
@CANTIKNOMAD in your life.

Write Out Your Why and Utilize This As Your Business Plan.
So nowadays, most people working online don’t create
business plans like you would if you were creating a traditional
brick & mortar business. But creating a business
"plan" will most definitely help you to gain clarity, focus, and
confidence as to what you are doing and WHY you are doing it.
A plan doesn’t need to be more than one page - but the more
clear you are on your goals, strategies, and action steps (at
the start, be open and available to pivot in your business!)
that helps your business to become more real. The more clear
you get on your WHY the easier it is going to be to reach your
goals. Start to think about and write out what you want for
What is your monthly income looking like?
What kind of people are you working with?
What value do you provide for others?
How are you making an impact?
How does the work that you are doing make you feel?
Do you have time location and financial freedom or a clear
ability to see how you would be able to reach that in your life?
What does your life look like when you have that type of


Know your target audience before you start spending money

on getting your business, product, or service out in the world! 
Before you start spending money, find out if people will
actually buy your products or services and want to work with
you to better themselves. They absolutely will if you are
always leading with value. This is one of the most important
things you can do!
Start to validate your market and understand who it is you’re
speaking too and why you are speaking to them.
What are you providing them with your business and why do
they need it? It is SO important to remember in business -
when you are speaking to everyone, you are literally speaking
to no one!!!
There are so many ways to gather this data and it does not
have to be complicated or hard - especially if you are using
social media just ENGAGE with your current audience online!
Utilize your DM's & ask direct questions about what they need
or would want to have access to in order to benefit xyz or
solve xyz problem. That is by-far the most powerful feedback
you will be able to obtain!



Decide what you are wanting, able, and willing to invest in

your business to get started. If you are serious about
becoming an entrepreneur you will more likely than not,
be investing your own personal money into getting
yourself started. Take some time to figure out how much
money you are willing to put towards your business to get
things going - because it truly does take money to make
money, but at the same time it doesn’t have to take a lot
of money to make money.

As you are creating your personal business plan, you will need
to consider what type of business you are building and the
amount of money that it will take to start up. Things to
consider may also include equipment that is needed (laptop,
phone, camera, lighting, microphone, coaching, etc.)
Depending what business you will want to start will depend on
the amount of money that you will need in order to launch and



Building A Support Network + Community IS KEY. As you

enter the entrepreneur world, it can feel very lonely and
at times you’ll start to question why the heck you even
decided to do this in the first place! Trust me, I’ve been
there a million times - but at the end of the day you are
more satisfied knowing that you are truly building YOUR
own legacy versus someone else’s for them.
You are most like the top 5 people that you spend your
If your current friends do not have entrepreneurship
mindsets or business mindsets, or even positive
mindsets at that - it is going to be a lot harder to feel
success in your wins and the support to want to
continue when things get sticky. Having a community of
people who are in the same business/profession as you
will help A LOT in terms of growth, motivation, and
determination to succeed.
It is also extremely helpful to have a mentor or coach
that you resonate with & feel connected to in terms of
values and desires, helping to guide you through your
own business so that you know you are staying on track
and doing things that are most productive in order for
you to achieve success. Mentors know more than you
currently do & have been through the same steps... so
they are able to give you shortcuts by sharing their
expertise. Working with a mentor helps to illuminate
your path as an entrepreneur and helps to smooth out
the journey for you! CIARA MARIE


How Can You Be Of Value? Serve instead of Sell.

Okay - so if you are starting a business, you are going to need

to be selling something in exchange for money, right? Whether
it is a product, a service, content, a skillset, etc. you are
selling. A lot of times there is this stigma behind selling. The
amount of times I have heard “I don’t want to be a
salesperson…” makes me laugh. In order to get what you want,
you have to either sell yourself or you will be sold. Simply put. I
always tell the entrepreneurs that I mentor in my business -
being in sales is being of service. Start to think of it that way.
Focus on serving others. How are you helping them by offering
your product/service? How can you change their lives and
make an impact with what it is you are charging for? The more
people you serve, the more money you will make. And you will
easily make money when whatever it is you choose to do, feels
good to you.



Release your fears of failure.

The only way that you can fail as an entrepreneur is by NOT
starting, NOT taking action, and NOT trying.
At the absolute most, you will always be failing forward… you
can never learn from your mistakes or how to do/be better in
order to get closer to your vision of your dream reality - if you
do not first try. I truly hope you have the courage to become
more fearful of what your life will look like if you never pursue
your dreams of becoming an entrepreneur doing and being
what you love, sharing your unique gifts and voice with the
world, and making an actual difference rather than being
another employee creating someone else’s dream. What
greater challenge than the opportunity to overcome your fears
and actually create the life you have always wanted? That is
so empowering, and I just gave myself chills writing it. I hope it
did the same for you.
“Facing your fears and living a life
that’s free is easy. Spending the rest
of your days living half a life is hard.”




When you find a career that fulfills what

kind of work you want to be doing in the
world, you will feel inspired and excited
to show up & build your business every
single day.

When you have a business mentor that

helps guide you along your journey to
success... You'll reach your financial
goals faster & with ease.

Understanding who you are speaking to,

and specifically how you are adding value
to their life with your offer,  you will be
able to grow your audience & turn your
followers into your clients.


Congratulations on taking the steps towards
becoming a successful entrepreneur owning an
online business!
Life as an entrepreneur has its challenges - but
it's one of the most rewarding things you can do
for yourself.
You have the power and the ability to create the
exact type of life you want to live in your mind,
and with belief and determination you equally
have the power and ability to bring all of those
mental creations into existence.
You deserve to live your dream life. You deserve
to be a successful business owner. You deserve
to experience constant freedom and abundance.
So, get out there and do the damn thing!

If you are ready to take action & start your successful

business online working along side of me creating a life of
true health & freedom...

Book a complimentary 30-minute Alchemizing Abundance
session here.

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