Similar Triangles Via Complex Numbers: Olympiad Corner

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Volume I, Number3 May -June.


Olympiad Corner
The SeventhAsian Pacific Mathematics
Olympiad was held on March 18. 1995. Similar Triangles via Complex Numbers
Thefive problems given in this contest are
Kin- Yin Li
listed below for you to try. Time allowed
wasfour hours. -Editors
Question 1. Determine all sequencesof Similar triangles are familiar to (W3-Wt>/(W2-Wt>= -<1>2. (Note that -<1>2=
real numbers al'~' ..., al995which satisfy: studentswho studied geometry. Here we :f:(cos 60° + i sin 60°).) This equation can
2yaft ...: (n-l) ~ an-I -(n-l) would like to look at an algebraic way of be simplified to Zt+<I>Z2+<I>2Z3
= 0 by
describing similar triangles by complex utilizing 1 +<1>+<1>2=0.Therefore, a triangle
for n = 1,2, "', 1994, and numbers. Recall that every point Z on the L1Zt~~ is equilateral if and only if
2val995 -1994 ~ aj + 1. coordinateplanecorrespondsto a complex ZI+ <l>Z2+<I>2Z3= O. Here <I>= (-1 + i,fj)/2
number z = r(cose + i sine), where r = Izi when 21, ~, ~ are in counterclockwise
Question 2. Let ai, ~, "', an be a and e = argz are the polar coordinates of direction and <I>= (-1 -i,fj)/2 when 21,
sequenceof integers with values between 2 z. (From now on, we will use capital ~, ~ are in clockwise direction.
and 1995 such that: letters for points and small letters for the
i) any two of the a;s are relatively prime. corresponding complex numbers.) , Example 1. (Napolean Triangle Theorem)
ii) each aj is either a prime or a product of Given ~ABC. Draw equilateral triangles
different primes. In general, there are two possible cases DBA, ECB, FAC on the opposite sides of
Determine the smallest possible value of n for similar triangles. Two triangles are AB, BC, CA as ~ABC, respectively. Let
to make sure that the sequencewill contain said to be directly similar if one can be G, H, I be the centroids of ~DBA, ~ECB,
a prime number. obtained by translating and rotating the ~FAC, respectively. Show that ~GHI is
other on the plane, then scaling up or
Question 3. Let PQRS be a cyclic equilateral.
down. (Note a triangle is not directly
quadrilateral (i.e., P, Q; R, S all lie on a Solution. Since d + <.>b+ <.>2a= 0, e + <'>C
similar to its reflection unless it is
circle) such that the segmentsPQ and RS + <.>2b= 0,1 + <.>a+ <.>2C= 0 and <.>3= 1,
isosceles or equilateral.) Suppose
are not parallel. Consider the set of circles AZI~~ is directly similar to A WI W2W3" we have
through P and Q, and the set of circles Then~l/~1 = W2W1IW3W1and L~ZI~ g + <.>h+ <.>2i
through R and S. Determine the set A of = L W2WI W3. These two equations are = (a+d+b)/3+<.>(b+e+c)/3+<.>2(c+l+a)/3
points of tangency of circles in these two equivalent to Iz2-zIVlz3-zll = IW2-W1Vlw3-WII = [(d+<.>b+<.>2a)+ <.>(e+<.>c+<.>2~)
sets. . and arg«Z2-zJI(Z3-ZJ) == arg«w2-wJI + <.>2(f+<.>a+<.>2c)]/3
= O.
(contmued on page 4)
(W3-WJ), which say exactly that
Example 2. Given an acute triangle
Editors: Cheung, Pat-Hong, Curr. Studies, HKU ~ = W2-WI AIA~3' let HI, H2, H3 be the feet of the
Ko, Tsz-Mei, EEE Dept, HKUST
Leung, Tat-Wing, Appl. Math Dept, HKPU
%3 -%1 W3 -WI altitudes dropped from AI, A2, A3,
Li, Kin- Yin, Math Dept, HKUST Reversing steps,we see that the equation respectively. Show that each of the
Ng, Keng Po Roger, lTC, HKPU implies the triangles are directly similar, triangles AIH2H3, A2HPI' A3HIH2 is
Artist: Yeung, Sau-Ying Camille, Fine Arts Dept, CU For the case6.ZI~ directly similar to the similar to l1AI A2AJ.
Acknowledgment: Thanks to Martha A. Dahlen, reflection of 6.WIW2W3,the equation is
-- Solution. Set up coordinates so that Al =
Technical Writer, HKUST. {or her cornrnents.
~ = W2-WI (0,0), A2 = (t,O)and A3 = (x,y), i.e., a( = 0,
The editorswelcomecontributionsfrom all teachers
-- a2 = t, aJ = x+iy. Observe that AIH2 =
%3-%1 W3-WI
and students.With your submission,pleaseinclude A1A2 COSLAl = tx/.[;9. Thus h2 =
your name,address,school,emailaddress;telephone because~ ' W;, W; provide a reflection of (tx/.[;9)(aJ/laJI) = ~(x+iy)/(~+f).
and fax numbers (if available). Electronic
submissions,especially in TeX, MS Word and WI' W2' W3' Also, hJ = x. Now
WordPerfect, are encouraged. The deadline for
Let 6.WI W2W3 be the equilateral
receivingmaterialfor the next issueis June10,1995.
Sendall correspondence to: triangle with vertices at 1, w, w2 (= /;)"),
~ =~ = -..!.--= ~.
h, -a\ X2+y2 x-iy ~ -a;
Dr. Li, Kin-Yin where w = (-1 :t i..j3)/2 is a cube root of
Departmentof Mathematics unity, We observe that WI+WW2+W2W3 = So, in fact, l1A\H2H3 is similar to (the
Hong Kong Universityof ScienceandTechnology 1 +W2+W4 = O. One can show that this reflection of) l1A1A~J. By changing
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon indices,we also get similarity for the other
equation is satisfied by any equilateral
triangle in general. A triangle 6.ZI~ is two triangles.
Fax: 2358-1643
equilateral if and only if (Z3-ZJ/(Z2-ZJ= (continuedon page 4)
Mathematical Excalibur Vol. 1, No: 3, May-Jun, 95

From The Editors' Desk:

Cryptarithms and Alphametics

A cryptarithmor alphametic is a puzzle We may check our solution that it is
to find the original digits in an encrypted arithmetically correct and each letter
equation which is made by substituting indeed represents a distinct digit (with
distinctlettersfor distinct digits in a simple A=9.. E=O and T=l). Also, from our
:. arithmetic problem. Here is an example. reasoning,we see that the solution for this
Consider the alphametic puzzle is unique.
+ A Thereare manyamusingalphametics
TEE that make sense in English or some
language.Here is one with a unique
in which eachletter representsa distinct
solution.Do youthink youcansolveit?
This is the last issue for the 94-95
digit. The puzzle is to find the original
academicyear.Thanks for all the supports,
digits each letter representsso that the FORTY
resultis arithmeticallycorrect. TEN
comments,suggestions,and especially the + TEN
elegant solutions for the Problem Corner. SIXTY
To solve this puzzle, we may reason a$
We will give out a few book prizes to show
follows. Since T is the "carry" from the
our appreciation. We are also planning a How about this cryptarithm in which
"tens" column, T must be equal to I and
Best Paper Award for articles to be thephrase "Qui Trouve Ceci" means "Who
thus we get
submitted in the next academic year. can solve this?" Each letter represents a
Details will be given in the September Al distinct digit and each # represents any
issue. Meanwhile, we encourage our + A digit (not necessaryto be distinct).
readers to spend some spare time writing lEE
intriguing articles for the Mathematical
Now, onthe tenscolumn,sinceA;t E, QUI} TROUVE
there must be a carry from the umts .ill
column,i.e., A+l = lO+E. ThusA=9 and ###
***************** .ill
E=O. Therefore,the solutionshouldbe ###
For the 95-96 academic year, we plan
tohavefive issuesto be delivered on Sept. 91 !ll
+ 9 ###
Nov, Jan,Mar and May. If you would like
to receiveyour personal copy directly, send 100 .ill
five stamped self-addressedenvelopes to
Dr. Tsz-Mei Ko, Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Department of MathematicalThumbnotes:
Electrical and Electronic: Engineering,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon. Please write
"Math Excalibur 95-96" at the lower left
comer on all five envelopes. ~ ~ oiot~ i!, 1(lI Df.f.
Pto «<~ ~

We have sent out the computer
program FRACTINT to all interested
readers. If youhaverequestedbut not yet
receivedthe software,contactRogerNg.
/ ~-:«-~~~~ ~~I;'
o~-1:r-~ ~o~ 0
.!J:oJ: ti.e~ ?;>
***************** rt.1&"',
. II
f ~

Are you interested in math or in

winning a math olympiad gold medal?
The Preliminary Selection Exam for the l(4toV!il.t.I\/t-:
~'-" coU'l.I:+Ll.p,!

1996 Hong Kong Math Olympiad Team 'tl.\~_AE,~ \,)

will be held in Hong Kong Polytechnic L6AE."CAPI( ~,t(~Ot
University on May 27, 1995, You may ask h"tP.n~1\- , ~~!
your mathteacherfor further information if
you are interested in participating in this
~ ) ~ &~{ib. UT.~
exam,The 1996IMO will be held in India.

Mathematical Excalibur Vol. 1, No.3, May-Jun,95
Page 3

Problem Corner Paul's College), SZE Hoi WING (St. Without loss of generality, assume
Paul's Co-ed College) and WONG Chun a ~ b. The first triangle comes from (~f ==
We welcome readers to submit Keung (St. Paul's Co-ed College). (a2+b2)c4 ==(a(:2)2 + (bC2)2. The second
solutionsto theproblemsposedbelowfor
Since b ==(P(I) -P(-I))/2 ~ 2/2 = 1, triangle comes from (~)2 ==(a2 + b2)2~ ==
publication consideration. Solutions (a4 -2a2b2 + b4 + 4a2b2)~ ==[(a2-b2)cf +
shouldbe precededby the solver'sname, the maximum possible values of b is at
[2abcf. The third triangle comes from (~)2
addressandschoolafftliation. Pleasesend most 1. Now the polynomial P(x) = Jil/2 +
==(~+b2)3 ==(a6 -6a4b2 + 9a2b4) + (9a4b2 -
submissionsto Dr. Kin Y: Li, Department x -1/2 = (x + 1)2/2-1 satisfy the condition
6a2b4 + b6) ==[ala2-3b2lf + [b(3a2-b2)f.
of Mathematics,Hong Kong llniversity of I p(x)I ~1 for -1~x~ 1 because0 ~ x+l ~ 2.
Scienceand Technology,Clear Water So the maximum of b is 1.
For the first and second triangles.
Bay,Kowloon. Solutionsto thefollowing 2abc = ac2 or bC2implies c = 2b or 2a.
problemsshouldbe submittedby June 1O, Comments: With -1 ~ x ~ 1 replaced by
Substitute c = 2b or 2a into a2 + b2 = C
1995. 0 ~ x ~ 1, the problem appeared in the
will lead to the contradiction .;3 = alb or
bla. So these two triangles cannot be
Problem 11. Simplify
Other commendedsolyers: CHAN Wing congruent.
L tan(n)tan(n+1). Sum (HKUST), CHEUNG Kwok Koon
Similarly, for the fIrst and third
n=! (S.KH. Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary
triangles, since b(3a2-b2)= a~ or bC2will
School), W. H. FOK (Hornantin
(There is an answer with two terms lead to /2 = (a+b)/a or da by simple
Government Secondary School), Michael
involving tan 1, tan 1996and integers.) algebra, these two triangles cannot be
LAM Wing Young (St. Paul's College),
UN Kwong Shing (University of Illinois) congruent.
Problem 12. Show that for any integer
andLIU Wai Kwong (pui Tak Canossian
n > 12, there is a right triangle whose Finally, for the second and third
sides are integers and whose area is College). triangles, b(3a2-b2)= (a2-b2)cor 2abc will
betweenn and2n. (Source:1993Korean lead to v'5 = (c-b)/b or (c+a)/a (again by
Problem 7. If positive integers a" b, C
satisfy a2+ b2 = e, show that there are at simple algebra). So these two triangles
cannot be congruent.
least three noncongruent right triangles
Problem 13. SupposeXk' Yk(k = 1,2, ..',
with integer sides having hypotenuses all
1995)are positive and Xl + ~ + ...+ XI99S
= Comments: Au Kwok Nin obtainedthe
equal to C3.
Yl + Y2+ ...+ YI99S
= 1. Prove that sametriangles systematicallyby writing
C6= (~cosne)2+ (~sinne)2for n = 1,2,3
Solution: Independentsolutionby LIN
E _XkYk~ .!. and expressedcos ne, sin ne in termsof
k-l xk+Yk 2 Kwong Shing (Universityoflllinois) and cos e = alc, sin e = blc. CheungKwok
LIU Wai Kwong (Pui Tak Canossian
College). (continuedonpage 4)
Problem 14. Suppose ~ABC, ~A'B'C'
are (directly) similar to each other and
~AA~", ~BB'B". ~CC'C" are also
(directly)similar to eachother. Showthat
~A"B"C" is (directly)similar to ~ABC. Proof Without Words
Problem 15. Is there an infinite sequence
ao-aI, a2, 000of nonzero real numbers such
thatfor n = 1, 2, 3, 000,
the polynomial Pn(X)
= ao + a\x + a"x2 + 000 + a,.x"has exactly n
distinctreal roots? (Source: 1990 Putnam

Problem 6. For quadratic polynomials
P(x) = ar + bx + c with real coefficients
satisfying Ip(x) I s 1 for -1 s x s I, find the
maximum possible values of b and give a
polynomial attaining the maximal b

Solution: Independent solution by

sin{x+y) = p = sin x cos y + cos x sin y
KWOK Wing Yin (St. Clare's Girls'
School), Bobby POON Wai Hoi (St.
Mathematical Excalibur Vol. 1, No.3,May-Jun,95
Page 4

Problem Corner Solution: Bobby POON Wai Hoi, St. Solution. We have Pk+l-ak+1 = <L>(pk-ak+.)'
(continuedfrom page 3) Paul's College. where cu = cosI20o-isinI20o=(-I-iv'3)/2.

First construct parallelograms ABGF Adding proper multiples of these equations

Koon observedthatthe greatestcommon (so as to cancel all p;s) , we consider
and CDFH. Since BG, AD, CH are
divisors of the sidesof the triangleswere
parallel, LGBE = LHCE. Also, BG/CH =
divisible by differentpowers of c, hence (p \ 986-a 1986)+CU(P 1985-a 198S)+ CU2(p 1984-a 1984)
AFIDF= AB/CD = BE/CE. So, ABGEis CU1985/~ )
thetrianglescouldno! be congruent. + ...+ \l'1-al
similar to A CHE. Then G, E, H must be = CU(P198S -a1986) + CU2(P1984 -a198S)
collinear and GE/HE = AB/CD = GF/HF. \1'1983 -a1984 ) + ...+
+ CU3/~ CU1986(p 0 -al ).
Other commended solvers: AU Kwok
Nin(Tsung Tsin College), C1:IAN Wing Therefore,LGFE=LHFEor LBPE=LCQE.
Cancelling common terms on both sides,
Sum (HKUS1), CHEUNG Kwok Koon noting
.1986 CU Po = Po = PI986' th en transposmg .
(S.KH. Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary Other commendedsolvers: CHEUNG all terms on the left side to the right, we get
School)andFUNG Tak Kwan & POON Kwok Koon (S.K..H.Bishop Mok Sau
0 = (l-cu )(al986+cual98S+cu2aI984+...+cuI98Sa.)
Wing Chi (La Salle College). Tseng SecondarySchool),W. H. FOK
= 662(I-cu)(a3+cua2+cu2a.)
(Homantin Government Secondary
ProblemS. (1963 Moscow Mathematical School),MichaelLAM Wing Young (St. by the definition ofak and the fact cu3 = 1.
Olympiad) Let at = a2 = 1 and an = (an.? + Paul'sCollege)and LIU Wai Kwong (Pui Since cu * 1, 6.A1A~3 is equilateral.
2)/an-2for n = 3, 4, "'. Show that anis an Tak Canossian College).
integer for n = 3, 4, '.'.
Problem 10. Show that every integer k>1 Olympiad Corner
Solution: Independentsolution by CHAN
hasa multiple which is less than k4and can (continuedfrom page 1)
Chi Kin (pak Kau English School),
be written in base 10 with at most four
Michael LAM Wing Young and Bobby
different digits. [Hint: First consider Question 4. Let C be a circle with
POON Wai Hoi (St. Paul's College).
numbers with digits 0 and 1 only.] (This radius R and center 0, and S a fixed point
Since at~; a2 = 1 and anan-2 = an-( + 2 was a problem proposed by Poland in a in the interior of C. Let AA' and BB' be
for all integer n ~ 3, we have an * 0 and past IMO.) perpendicular chords through S. Consider
anan-2-an-( = 2 = an+tan-l-an2 for n ~ 3. the rectangles SAMB, SBN:4', SA'M'B',
We obtain (an+t+an-Jlan= (an+an-Jlan-tby Solution: Official IMO solution. andSB'NA. Fmd the set of all points M, N',
rearranging terms. Hence, the value of M', andN when A moves around the whole
Choose n such that 2ft-I~ k < 2ft. Let S circle.
(an+an-Jlan-tis constant for n ~ 3. Since
be the setof nonnegative integersless than
(a3.f-aJla2= 4, we have (an+an-2)lan-l =4,
10ftthat can be written with digits 0 or 1 Question 5. Find the minimum positive
i.e., an = 4an-t-an-2for n ~ 3. This shows
only. Then S has 2ft elements and the integer k such that there exists a function!
that anis in fact an odd integer for all n ~ 1.
largest number m in S is composed of n from the set Z of all integersto {I, 2, .", k}
ones. Since 2ft > k, by the pigeonhole with the property that.f(x)..f(y) whenever
Comments: Most solvers observed that an
principle, there are two numbers x, y in S Ix-yl E {5, 7, .I2}.
depends on an-Iand an.2,and thus guessed
which have the same remainder Upon
that ancan be expressedas ran-l+ San-2 for
division by k, i.e., x = y (mod k). Then Ix-yl *****************
some r, s. They went on to find r = 4 and
s = -1 by setting n = 3, 4, then confirmed is a multiple of k and Olympiad News:
the guess by mathematical induction. Ix-yl ~ m < 10ft-Ix 1.2 < 16ft-I~ k4.
Congratulations to CHEUNG Kwok
Finally, considering the cases of Koon (p. 7, SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng
Other commendedsolvers: CHAN Wi~g
subtracting a 0,1 digit by another0,1 digit Secondary School), HO Wing Yip (p. 6,
Sum (HKUS1), CHEUNG Kwok Koon
with possible carries,we see that Ix -yl can Clementi Secondary School)~ MOK Tze
(S.KH. Bishop Mok SauTseng Secondary
be written with digits 0,1,8,9 only. Tao (p. 5, Queen's College), POON Wai
School), HUI Vue Hon Bernard
Hoi Bobby (p.- 6, St. Paul's College),
(HKUS1), UN Kwong Shing (University
WONG Him Ting (p. 7, Salesian English
of lllinois), LIU Wai Kwong (pui Tak
School)and YU Chun ling (p. 6, Ying Wa
Canossian College) and Alex MOK Chi Similar Triangles ... College) for being selected as the 1995
Chiu (Homantin Government Secondary (continuedfrom page 1) Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Team
School). Members.The selectionwas basedon their
Example 3. A triangle A1A~3 and a point outstanding performances in the Hong
Problem 9. On sides AD and BC of a Poare given in the plane. For s ~ 4, define Kong Math Olympiad Training Program.
convexquadrilateralABCD with AB < CD, A. = A..3. For k ~ 0, defme Pk+1to be the They will represent Hong Kong to
locate points F and E, respectively, such image of Pk under rotation with center at participate in the 36th International
thatAF/FD = BE/EC =AB/CD. Suppose Ak+1through angle 1200 clockwise. Prove Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) to be held
EF when extendedbeyond F meetsline BA that if P1986= Po, then llA,A~3 is in Toronto, Canada this summer. Hong
at P and meets line CD at Q. Show that equilateral. (This was a problem on the Kong was ranked 16 among 69
1986IMO.) participating teams in 1994.

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