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1. Why there is need to study organizational behaviour?

2. Define organizational behaviour in your own words.
3. What are the different approaches of OB?
4. Explain various contributing disciplines in the field of OB.
5. Explain the challenges and opportunities of OB.
6. What are the various determinants of OB?
7. Briefly explain the concept of Human Relation approach.
8. What do you understand by workforce diversity?
9. Differentiate between proactive and reactive change.
10. How do people react to an organizational change?
11. “Resistance to change is human nature”. Explain.
12. Describe various elements involved in the process of organizational change management.
13. Define personality.
14. What is MBTI?
15. What are the big five traits of personality?
16. Define Id, Ego and Super Ego.
17. What are type A and type B personality?
18. Explain trait theory of personality given by Cattell.
19. What do you understand by Locus of control?
20. What are the determinants of personality of an individual?
21. What do you understand by learning?
22. Explain features of learning.
23. What is reinforcement?
24. Explain learning theories.
25. What is operant conditioning?
26. Explain classical conditioning theory?
27. Explain cognitive learning theory.
28. How learning is different from maturation?
29. What do you understand by psychological capital?
30. Define perception.
31. Explain how perception is related with emotions of an individual.
32. Explain the significance of perception.
33. What is perceptual selectivity?
34. What are the various errors and distortion in perception?
35. What do understand by stereotyping?
36. What do you mean by halo effect?
37. Why Motivation is important to managers?
38. In order from lowest to highest, what are Maslow’s five classes of needs?
39. Explain the nature of motivation.
40. Explain McGregor’s theory X and theory Y.
41. Explain Herzberg two factor theory of motivation.
42. Explain the concept of emotional intelligence.
43. Discuss important dimensions of emotional intelligence.
44. How can employees manage emotional intelligence at workplace?
45. Why negative emotions are harmful at workplace?
46. What do you mean by psychological disorders?
47. Why people join the group?
48. What is meant by group dynamics?
49. What do you mean by formal and informal groups?
50. Explain the stages of formal group development.
51. Differentiate between group and teams.
52. Explain the process of group decision making.
53. What do you mean by transactional analysis?
54. Explain the concept of Johari Window.
55. Explain leadership and its function.
56. Describe qualities of a good leader.
57. Explain different style of leadership.
58. Explain the concept of power.
59. Why power is important in organization.
60. Define communication.
61. Explain the term ‘Grapevine’.
62. What are the barriers to effective communications?


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