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Reflection: Senior Circle, CBD


This presentation is for a group of seniors that meet monthly and learn about a health topic.
They participate voluntarily and receive a sponsored lunch. I will be creating this presentation and
presenting the information with my two co-residents. We have agreed to the suggested topic and have
divided up the topics each of us will research and cover. Will decided to use shared google slides for
easy collaborative work. I will be focused on the introduction and background of CBD, in which I really
don’t know much about. I am excited and nervous to teach a topic that I know little about. I know this
will take research time, clinical judgment, and work to obtain reputable information sources. We plan to
make this visually appealing, easy to read on slides and printed handouts for the elderly, and free from
medical jargon.


This presentation was a complete success. We had excellent feedback about the visual
appearance of our slides and the information presented. We had great audience participation and we
were able to work together to professionally answer questions. If a question could not be answered at
that moment, I was able to look it up while my co-resident was presenting and we answered them in the
Q&A portion. The audience was appreciative of our time and were engaged. In the future, if we did this
again, I would want to do a quick verbal review of each other’s slides with teaching to ensure we were
all aware of the same information. Other than that, it transitioned well and we had fun participating in
this project. Also, it provided practice with fielding random questions that you could not prepare for.

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