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How is SEO affected by your Web Host?

Business and companies that are wanting to upscale their appearance or presence on the Internet must
abide by the rules of Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Placing high on the Search Engine Results
Pages (SERPs) will lead to improvement in the website’s visibility, searchability and credibility, since
Google owns approximately 92 percent of the search engine market.

In order to make the most of the advantages of SEO, businesses should firstly make sure that their
webpages or website is completely functional with a dependable web host. Choosing an unsuitable web
hosting provider, without any careful consideration, can ultimately do more harm than good. This is
where we come in, since Navicosoft values your time and money and aims for the success of your online

There are multiple reasons why choosing the right web hosting provider is important to your website’s

 Loading Speed – The faster the website, the better the user experience. This is why Google has
set the ‘two second threshold’ for ecommerce websites. With reference to a business outlook,
sales and visibility are enhanced through a good page loading speed. Even though the page
loading speed is not dependent on the web host alone, having a dependable web hosting provider
can facilitate the loading time with latest infrastructure and technologies.
 Server Uptime and Downtime – Search engines place a great deal of importance on a website’s
reliability. This is essentially centered on the server’s uptime and downtime and the measure is
necessary to sustain the quality of search results. Downtime is the amount of time a website is
unreachable because of server issues. The web host ensures that the website has enough resources
to be functional and available 99.9% of the time, able to withstand high volume of traffic.
 Server Location – The server location is directly linked to the speed of the website. It is
recommended to choose a web hosting provider that is located near the visitors of the website to
reduce inactivity on the site. For instance, if you are a global business, choose a web host with a
network of globally distributed servers. Therefore, wherever your visitors are, your website will
always rank high on Google’s SERPs.

Nevertheless, apart from the key considerations mentioned above, it is also crucial to make sure that the
chosen web host provider has first-rate security features, customer support and upgrade possibilities.

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