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Background of Study:

All human being are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all
the rights and freedom, without distinction of any kind. All are equal before the law and the
entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. Everyone has the right to equal
access to public service. The first such property is universality that is the assumption that if
human right exist they necessarily belong to each and everyone of us. Universality is probable
the single most important an contested issue in the discourse on human rights and is essential for
their application as much as for their theorization. Thus, we will spend sufficient time detailing
two of the main criticisms leveled at the theory of universality: First:- The Philosophical
criticism of the idea of natural law. Second:- The charge that universalism is necessarily
insensitive toward cultural difference.

Human rights can be violated either by state action or by private action. Human rights were
originally conceived as safeguards against oppression by the rules and their importance as such
has not diminished. It need hardly be emphasized that only a wholly independent judiciary can
guarantee human rights against incursions by stat action. When it comes to the violated of human
rights by private action, it is important to appreciate that most disputes involve a conflict of
rights or claimed rights with regard to liberty. The resolution of such disputes affects not only the
liberty of the complainant but also of the defendant. If we are to mark sense of the varying
theoretical perspective that dominate the different discipline as a number of such traditions will
feature throughout this volume and many cause confusion. Because so many of the substantive
area included in this book have subjected to detailed examination by various social science
practitioners, they in many cases the debates within each filed take the form of debates between
major theoretical traditions in the social science. There is of course in existence a general theory
of human rights and this huge and colorful tradition is discussed in detail.

The discourse on human rights may be a relatively modern creation but the ideal that
underpin it can be traced back at least as far as the classics if not before. Indeed most ancient
religions included codes of practice which might be interpreted as implying certain rights, even if
these were largely stratified. Ancient and classical philosophers also contributed to this
discourse. The Enliglltenment allowed for a renewal of secular moral universalism and it is from
these roots that we can trance the evolution of the idea of human rights recognizable today. The
discussion of human rights largely shifted away from the philosophical and theological arena
toward that the of active politics the space occupied so vociferously by pain and max. There was
countries and cession of citizenship rights held by individuals with in countries and the
increasingly internationalized nature of the politics and trade provoked and increasing awareness
of the need for international law. As Kant himself said:-

“The people of the earth have entered into a universal community and it has developed
to the point where a violation of rights in one part of the world is Feld everywhere.”
Statement of the problem:
To topic of my research is Review the Book written on Human Rights in Pakistan.

Main Objective:

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