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Chapter 4 went behind the demand curve. It saw how the assumption in many cases. The traditional profit-maximising
‘rational’ consumer weighs up the benefits (utility) of con- theory of the firm is examined in this and the following
suming various amounts of goods or combinations of goods two chapters. First we examine the general principles that
against their costs (their price). govern how much a firm supplies. Then, in Chapters 6 and
We now need to go behind the supply curve and find 7, we look at how supply is affected by the amount of com-
out just how the rational producer (or ‘firm’ as we call all petition a firm faces.
producers) will behave. In some circumstances, however, firms may not seek to
In this case, we shall be looking at the benefits and costs maximise profits. Instead they may seek to maximise sales,
to the firm of producing various quantities of goods and or the rate of growth of sales. Alternatively, they may have
using various alternative methods of production. We shall no single aim, but rather a series of potentially conflicting
be asking: aims held by different managers in different departments
of the firm. Sometimes there may be a conflict between the
• How much will be produced?
owners of the firm and those running it. Not surprisingly,
• What combination of inputs will be used?
a firm’s behaviour will depend on just what its aims are.
• How much profit will be made?
Chapter 8 looks at various alternative theories to profit
maximisation, each theory depending on the particular
Profit and the aims of a firm
aims of the firm.
The traditional theory of supply, or theory of the firm,
assumes that firms aim to maximise profit; this is a realistic


The cost of producing any level of output will depend on a manufacturer can use more electricity by turning on
the amount of inputs (or ‘factors of production’) used switches, but it might take a long time to obtain and install
and the price the firm must pay for them. Let us first more machines, and longer still to build a second or third
focus on the quantity of factors used. factory.
If, then, the firm wants to increase output in a hurry, it
Output depends on the amount of resources and will only be able to increase the quantity of certain inputs.
IDEA how they are used. Different amounts and It can use more raw materials, more fuel, more tools and
16 possibly more labour (by hiring extra workers or offering
combinations of inputs will lead to different
amounts of output. If output is to be produced overtime to its existing workforce). But it will have to make
efficiently, then inputs should be combined in the do with its existing buildings and most of its machinery.
optimum proportions. The distinction we are making here is between fixed fac-
tors and variable factors. A fixed factor is an input that can-
not be increased within a given time period (e.g. buildings).
A variable factor is one that can.
Short- and long-run changes in production
The distinction between fixed and variable factors
If a firm wants to increase production, it will take time to allows us to distinguish between the short run and the
acquire a greater quantity of certain inputs. For example, long run.

Rational producer behaviour When a firm weighs up the Fixed factor An input that cannot be increased in supply
costs and benefits of alternative courses of action and then within a given time period.
seeks to maximise its net benefit. Variable factor An input that can be increased in supply
Traditional theory of the firm The analysis of pricing within a given time period.
and output decisions of the firm under various market Short run The period of time over which at least one factor
conditions, assuming that the firm wishes to maximise is fixed.
Long run The period of time long enough for all factors to
Alternative theories of the firm Theories of the firm based be varied.
on the assumption that firms have aims other than profit
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The short run is a time period during which at least Take the case of a farm. Assume the fixed factor is land
one factor of production is fixed. In the short run, then, and the variable factor is labour. Since the land is fixed
output can be increased only by using more variable in supply, output per period of time can be increased only
factors. For example, if an airline wanted to carry more by increasing the amount of workers employed. But imag-
passengers in response to a rise in demand, it could pos- ine what would happen as more and more workers crowd
sibly accommodate more passengers on existing flights on to a fixed area of land. The land cannot go on yield-
if there was space. It could possibly increase the number ing more and more output indefinitely. After a point the
of flights with its existing fleet, by hiring more crew additions to output from each extra worker will begin to
and using more fuel. But in the short run it could not diminish.
buy more planes: there would not be time for them to be We can now state the law of diminishing (marginal)
built. returns.
The long run is a time period long enough for all inputs
to be varied. Given long enough, a firm can build addi-
KEY The law of diminishing marginal returns states that
tional factories and install new machines. IDEA when increasing amounts of a variable factor are
The actual length of the short run will differ from firm 17
used with a given amount of a fixed factor, there will
to firm. It is not a fixed period of time. Thus if it takes a
come a point when each extra unit of the variable
farmer a year to obtain new land, buildings and equip-
factor will produce less extra output than the
ment, the short run is any time period up to a year and the
previous unit.
long run is any time period longer than a year. If it takes an
airline two years to obtain an extra plane, the short run is
any period up to two years and the long run is any period A good example of the law of diminishing returns is
longer than two years. given in Case Study 5.1 in MyEconLab. It looks at dimin-
ishing returns to the application of nitrogen fertiliser on
1. How will the length of the short run for the airline farmland.

? depend on the state of the aerospace industry?

2. Up to roughly how long is the short run in the following
cases? The short-run production function: total
(a) A firm supplying DJs for clubs and parties product
(b) Nuclear power generation
(c) A small grocery retailing business Let us now see how the law of diminishing returns affects
(d) ‘Superstore Hypermarkets Ltd’ total output, or total physical product (TPP) as it is some-
In each case specify your assumptions. times called.
The relationship between inputs and output is shown in
For the remainder of this section we will concentrate on a production function. In the simple case of the farm with
short-run production. only two factors – namely, a fixed supply of land (L̄n) and a
variable supply of farm workers (Lb) – the production func-
tion would be
The law of diminishing returns
TPP = f (L̄n,Lb)
Production in the short run is subject to diminishing returns.
You may well have heard of ‘the law of diminishing This states that total physical product (i.e. the output of
returns’: it is one of the most famous of all ‘laws’ of eco- the farm) over a given period of time is a function of (i.e.
nomics. To illustrate how this law underlies short-run pro- depends on) the quantity of land and labour employed. We
duction let us take the simplest possible case where there could express the precise relationship using an equation
are just two factors: one fixed and one variable. (an example is given in Box 5.4).

Law of diminishing (marginal) returns When one or Production function The mathematical relationship
more factors are held fixed, there will come a point beyond between the output of a good and the inputs used to
which the extra output from additional units of the variable produce it. It shows how output will be affected by
factor will diminish. changes in the quantity of one or more of the inputs.
Total physical product The total output of a product
per period of time that is obtained from a given amount
of inputs.
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Population growth + diminishing returns = starvation

The law of diminishing returns has potentially cataclysmic cannot keep pace with this. It is likely to grow at only an
implications for the future populations of the world. arithmetical rate, like the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. It is
If the population of the world grows rapidly, then clear that population, if unchecked, will soon outstrip
food output may not keep pace with it. There could be food supply.
diminishing returns to labour as more and more people So what is the check on population growth?
crowd on to the limited amount of land available. According to Malthus, it is starvation. As population
This is already a problem in some of the poorest grows, so food output per head will fall until, with more
countries of the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. and more people starving, the death rate will rise. Only
The land is barely able to support current population then will population growth stabilise at the rate of growth
levels. Only one or two bad harvests are needed to cause of food output.
mass starvation – witness the appalling famines in recent Have Malthus’ predictions been borne out by events?
years in Ethiopia and Sudan. Two factors have mitigated the forces that Malthus
The relationship between population and food output described:
was analysed as long ago as 1798 by the Reverend • The rate of population growth tends to slow down as
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834) in his Essay on the countries become more developed. Although improved
Principle of Population. This book was a bestseller and health prolongs life, this tends to be more than offset
made Robert Malthus perhaps the best known of all social by a decline in the birth rate as people choose to have
scientists of his day. smaller families. This is illustrated in the table below.
Malthus argued as follows: Population growth peaked in the 1960s, has fallen
I say that the power of population is indefinitely substantially since then and is projected to fall further
greater than the power in the earth to produce in future decades.
subsistence for man. • Technological improvements in farming have greatly
Population when unchecked, increases in a increased food output per hectare. (See Case Study 5.1
geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an in MyEconLab for an example.)
arithmetical ratio. A slight acquaintance with numbers
The growth in food output has thus exceeded the rate
will show the immensity of the first power in
of population growth in developed countries. Also certain
comparison with the second.1
developing countries have seen significant advances in
What Malthus was saying is that world population agriculture. These include the ‘green revolution’ of the
tends to double about every 25 years or so if unchecked. It 1960s, whereby new high-yielding crop varieties were
grows geometrically, like the series 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, developed (especially in the cases of wheat and rice), and
etc. But food output, because of diminishing returns, the development of genetically modified crops in recent

and the top diagram in Figure 5.1 show how total wheat
Table 5.1 Wheat production per year from a output per year varies as extra workers are employed on a
particular farm
fixed amount of land.
Number of TPP APP MPP With nobody working on the land, output will be zero
workers (Lb) = TPP/Lb)
(= = ΔTPP/Δ
(= ΔLb) (point a). As the first farm workers are taken on, wheat
output initially rises more and more rapidly. The assump-
a 0 0 –
3 tion behind this is that with only one or two workers
1 3 3
7 efficiency is low, since the workers are spread too thinly.
2 10 5
b 14
3 24 8 With more workers, however, they can work together –
c 4 36 9 each, perhaps, doing some specialist job – and thus they
5 40 8 can use the land more efficiently. In Table 5.1, output rises
6 42 7
d 0 more and more rapidly up to the employment of the third
7 42 6
−2 worker (point b). In Figure 5.1 the TPP curve gets steeper up
8 40 5
to point b.
After point b, however, diminishing marginal returns
Alternatively, the production function could be set in: output rises less and less rapidly, and the TPP curve
expressed in the form of a table or a graph. Table 5.1 and correspondingly becomes less steeply sloped.
Figure 5.1 show a hypothetical production function for a When point d is reached, wheat output is at a maxi-
farm producing wheat. The first two columns of Table 5.1 mum: the land is yielding as much as it can. Any more
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years. In some countries food output growth has World population levels and growth: actual and
outstripped population growth. India, for example, now projected
exports grain.
Average annual rate of increase (%)
Nevertheless, the Malthusian spectre is very real for
some of the poorest developing countries, which are Year World More Less
simply unable to feed their populations satisfactorily. population developed developed
It is these poorest countries of the world which have some (billions) World regions regions
of the highest rates of population growth – around 3 per 1950 2.5
cent per annum in many African countries. 1.8 1.2 2.1
A further cause for concern arises from the move in 1960 3.0
Asia towards a westernised diet, with meat and dairy 2.0 1.0 2.4
products playing a larger part. This further increases 1970 3.7
pressure on the land, since cattle require considerably 1.9 0.7 2.2
more grain to produce meat than would be needed to 1980 4.5
feed humans a vegetarian diet. 1.7 0.6 2.1
A third factor is cited by some commentators, who 1990 5.3
remain unconvinced of the strength of Malthus’ gloomy 1.4 0.3 1.7
prognostication for the world. They believe that he 2000 6.1
seriously underestimated humankind’s capacity to 1.2 0.3 1.4
innovate; perhaps human ingenuity is one resource that 2010 6.9
doesn’t suffer from diminishing returns. 1.0 0.2 1.2
2020 7.7
1. Why might it be possible for there to be a zero marginal 0.8 0.1 1.0
2030 8.3
? productivity of labour on many family farms in poor
countries and yet just enough food for all the members
of the family to survive? (Illustrate using MPP and APP 2040 8.8
0.6 0.0 0.7

curves.) 0.4 − 0.1 0.5

2. The figures in the following table are based on the 2050 9.2
assumption that birth rates will fall faster than Sources: Various.
death rates. Under what circumstances might these
forecasts underestimate the rate of growth of world
population? 1
T. R. Malthus, First Essay on Population (Macmillan, 1926), pp. 13–14.

workers employed after that are likely to get in each other’s Average physical product
way. Thus beyond point d, output is likely to fall again: This is output (TPP) per unit of the variable factor (Q v ). In
eight workers produce less than seven workers. the case of the farm, it is the output of wheat per worker.

The short-run production function: average
Thus in Table 5.1 the average physical product of labour
and marginal product
when four workers are employed is 36/4 = 9 tonnes per year.
In addition to total physical product, two other important
concepts are illustrated by a production function: namely, Marginal physical product
average physical product (APP) and marginal physical This is the extra output (ΔTPP) produced by employing one
product (MPP). more unit of the variable factor.

Average physical product Total output (TPP) per unit of Marginal physical product The extra output gained by
the variable factor in question: APP = TPP/Qv. the employment of one more unit of the variable factor:
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Figure 5.1 Wheat production per year (tonnes)



Is the baker using his loaf?

Just up the road from where John lives is a bread shop. • There is only one cash till. Assistants frequently
Like many others, he buys his bread there on a Saturday had to wait while other assistants used it.
morning. Not surprisingly, Saturday morning is the busiest • There is only one pile of tissue paper for wrapping
time of the week for the shop and as a result it takes on the bread. Again the assistants often had to wait.
extra assistants.
The fifth and maybe even the fourth assistant ended
During the week only one assistant serves the
up serving very few extra customers.
customers, but on a Saturday morning there used to be
five serving. But could they serve five times as many John is still going to the same bread shop and they still
customers? No, they could not. There were diminishing have only one till and one pile of tissue paper. But now
returns to labour. only three assistants are employed on a Saturday! The
shop, however, is just as busy.
The trouble is that certain factors of production in the
shop are fixed:
How would you advise the baker as to whether he should
• The shop is a fixed size. It gets very crowded on
Saturday morning. Assistants sometimes had to wait
while customers squeezed past each other to get to the
? (a) employ four assistants on a Saturday; (b) extend his
shop, thereby allowing more customers to be served on a
Saturday morning?
counter, and with five serving, the assistants
themselves used to get in each other’s way.
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Thus in Table 5.1 the marginal physical product of the TPP rises from 3 to 10 tonnes (ΔTPP = 7). MPP is thus 7:
fourth worker is 12 tonnes. The reason is that by employing the slope of the line between points g and h.
the fourth worker, wheat output has risen from 24 tonnes • MPP rises at first: the slope of the TPP curve gets steeper.
to 36 tonnes: a rise of 12 tonnes. • MPP reaches a maximum at point b. At that point the
In symbols, marginal physical product is given by slope of the TPP curve is at its steepest.
• After point b, diminishing returns set in. MPP falls. TPP
becomes less steep.
Thus in our example: • APP rises at first. It continues rising as long as the addi-
tion to output from the last worker (MPP) is greater than
MPP = 12/1 = 12
the average output (APP): the MPP pulls the APP up (see
The reason why we divide the increase in output (ΔTPP) Box 5.3). This continues beyond point b. Even though
by the increase in the quantity of the variable factor (ΔQv) MPP is now falling, the APP goes on rising as long as the
is that some variable factors can be increased only in mul- MPP is still above the APP. Thus APP goes on rising to
tiple units. For example, if we wanted to know the MPP of point c.
fertiliser and we found out how much extra wheat was • Beyond point c, MPP is below APP. New workers add less
produced by using an extra 20 kg bag, we would have to to output than the average. This pulls the average down:
divide this output by 20 (ΔQv) to find the MPP of one more APP falls.
kilogram. • As long as MPP is greater than zero, TPP will go on ris-
Note that in Table 5.1 the figures for MPP are entered in ing: new workers add to total output.
the spaces between the other figures. The reason is that • At point d, TPP is at a maximum (its slope is zero).
MPP can be seen as the difference in output between one An additional worker will add nothing to output: MPP is KI 17
level of input and another. Thus in the table the difference zero.
in output between five and six workers is 2 tonnes. • Beyond point d, TPP falls. MPP is negative.
The figures for APP and MPP are plotted in the lower dia-
gram of Figure 5.1. We can draw a number of conclusions 1. What is the significance of the slope of the line ac in the
from these diagrams:

• The MPP between two points is equal to the slope of the

? top part of Figure 5.1?
2. Given that there is a fixed supply of land in the world,
what implications can you draw from Figure 5.1 about
TPP curve between those two points. For example, when the effects of an increase in world population for food
the number of workers increases from 1 to 2 (ΔLb = 1), output per head? (See Box 5.1.)


In this chapter we have just examined the concepts of From this example we can derive the three universal
average and marginal physical product. We shall be rules about averages and marginals:
coming across several other average and marginal
• If the marginal equals the average, the average will not
concepts later on. It is useful at this stage to examine
the general relationship between averages and
marginals. In all cases there are three simple rules • If the marginal is above the average, the average will
that relate them. rise.
To illustrate these rules, consider the following • If the marginal is below the average, the average will
example. fall.
Imagine a room with ten people in it. Assume that the
average age of those present is 20. A cricketer scores the following number of runs in five
Now if a 20-year-old enters the room (the marginal
age), this will not affect the average age. It will remain
at 20. If a 56-year-old now comes in, the average age
? successive innings:

will rise: not to 56, of course, but to 23. This is found
by dividing the sum of everyone’s ages (276) by the These can be seen as the marginal number of runs from
number of people (12). If then a child of 10 were to each innings. Calculate the total and average number of
enter the room, this would pull the average age runs after each innings. Show how the average and
down. marginal scores illustrate the three rules above.
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Using calculus again

The total physical product of a variable factor (e.g. Maximum output (484 tonnes) is achieved with 8 kg of
fertiliser) can be expressed as an equation. For example: fertiliser per hectare. At that level, MPP is zero: no
additional output can be gained.
TPP = 100 + 32Qf + 10Q f2 − Q f3 (1)
where TPP is the output of grain in tonnes per hectare, Qf TPP APP MPP
and Qf is the quantity of fertiliser applied in kilograms
per hectare. 1 141 141 49
From this we can derive the APP function. APP is 2 196 98 60
simply TPP/Qf: i.e. output per kilogram of fertiliser. 3 259 86 65
Thus: 4 324 81 64
5 385 77 57
100 6 436 72 44
APP = + 32 + 10Q f − Q f2 (2)
Qf 7 471 67 25
8 484 60 0
We can also derive the MPP function. MPP is the rate
9 469 52 −31
of increase in TPP as additional fertiliser is applied.
It is thus the first derivative of TPP: dTPP/dQf.
Thus: This maximum level of TPP can be discovered from the
equations by using a simple technique. If MPP is zero at
MPP = 32 + 20Q f − 3Q f 2
(3) this level, then simply find the value of Q f where
From these three equations we can derive the table MPP = 32 + 20Q f − 3Q f2 = 0 (4)
Solving this equation gives Q f = 8.

Check out some figures by substituting values of Q f into 1

By applying the second derivative test (see Appendix 1) you can verify that

? each of the three equations.

Qf = 8 gives the maximum TPP rather than the minimum. (Both the maximum
and the minimum point of a curve have a slope equal to zero.)

Section summary
1. A production function shows the relationship between are used, so each additional unit of the variable factor
the amount of inputs used and the amount of output will add less to output than previous units: marginal
produced from them (per period of time). physical product will diminish and total physical
2. In the short run it is assumed that one or more factors product will rise less and less rapidly.
(inputs) are fixed in supply. The actual length of the 4. As long as marginal physical product is above
short run will vary from industry to industry. average physical product, average physical product
3. Production in the short run is subject to diminishing will rise. Once MPP has fallen below APP, however,
returns. As greater quantities of the variable factor(s) APP will fall.


We have seen how output changes as inputs are varied in defined opportunity cost. It is the cost of any activity mea-
the short run. We now use this information to show how sured in terms of the sacrifice made in doing it: in other
costs vary with the amount a firm produces. Obviously, words, the cost measured in terms of the opportunities
before deciding how much to produce, it has to know the forgone.
precise level of costs for each level of output. How do we apply this principle of opportunity cost to a
But first we must be clear on just what we mean by the firm? First we must discover what factors of production it is
word ‘costs’. The term is used differently by economists
and accountants.

Measuring costs of production
Opportunity cost Cost measured in terms of the next
When measuring costs, economists always use the concept best alternative forgone.
of opportunity cost. Remember from Chapter 1 how we
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Section summary
1. When measuring costs of production, we should be less rapidly at first as more is produced, but then, when
careful to use the concept of opportunity cost. In the diminishing returns set in, it will increase more and
case of factors not owned by the firm, the opportunity more rapidly.
cost is simply the explicit cost of purchasing or hiring 4. Marginal cost is the cost of producing one more unit of
them. It is the price paid for them. In the case of factors output. It will probably fall at first (corresponding to the
already owned by the firm, it is the implicit cost of what part of the TVC curve where the slope is getting
the factor could have earned for the firm in its next best shallower), but will start to rise as soon as diminishing
alternative use. returns set in.
2. In the short run, some factors are fixed in supply. Their 5. Average cost, like total cost, can be divided into fixed
total costs are thus fixed with respect to output. In the and variable costs. Average fixed cost will decline as
case of variable factors, their total cost will increase as more output is produced. The reason is that the total
more output is produced and hence as more of the fixed cost is being spread over a greater and greater
variable factor is used. number of units of output. Average variable cost will
3. Total cost can be divided into total fixed and total tend to decline at first, but once the marginal cost has
variable costs. Total variable cost will tend to increase risen above it, it must then rise.


In the long run, all factors of production are variable. There marginal returns (where only the variable factor increases).
is time for the firm to build a new factory (maybe in a dif- The differences between marginal returns to a variable fac-
ferent part of the country), to install new machines, to use tor and returns to scale are illustrated in Table 5.4.
different techniques of production, and in general to com-
bine its inputs in whatever proportion and in whatever
KI 16 quantities it chooses. Table 5.4 Short-run and long-run increases in
p124 output
In the long run, then, there are several decisions that a
firm has to make: decisions about the scale and location of Short run Long run
its operations and what techniques of production it should
Input 1 Input 2 Output Input 1 Input 2 Output
use. These decisions affect the costs of production. It is
important, therefore, to get them right. 3 1 25 1 1 15
3 2 45 2 2 35
3 3 60 3 3 60
The scale of production 3 4 70 4 4 90
3 5 75 5 5 125
If a firm were to double all of its inputs – something it could
do in the long run – would it double its output? Or will out-
put more than double or less than double? We can distin- In the short run, input 1 is assumed to be fixed in supply
guish three possible situations: (at 3 units). Output can be increased only by using more of
the variable factor (input 2). In the long run, however, both
Constant returns to scale. This is where a given percentage input 1 and input 2 are variable.
increase in inputs will lead to the same percentage increase
in output. Referring still to Table 5.4, are there diminishing or

Increasing returns to scale. This is where a given percentage

? increasing marginal returns, and are there decreasing
or increasing returns to scale?

increase in inputs will lead to a larger percentage increase in

output. Economies of scale
The concept of increasing returns to scale is closely linked
to that of economies of scale. A firm experiences economies
Decreasing returns to scale. This is where a given per-
centage increase in inputs will lead to a smaller percentage
increase in output.
Notice the terminology here. The words ‘to scale’ mean Economies of scale When increasing the scale of
that all inputs increase by the same proportion. Decreasing production leads to a lower cost per unit of output.
returns to scale are therefore quite different from diminishing

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