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BBA 2017-20





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1 Introduction 3-7

Ayush Systems
2 7-25
Naturopathy In Depth

3 Current Status and Relevance of these Practices 26-27

4 Research Findings 27-28

5 Student’s Reflection 29

6 Summary & Conclusion 30

7 References 31
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1. Introduction

AYUSH stands for Ayurvedic, Yoga and treatment, Unani, Siddha and homoeopathy. It refers to the
Department of AYUSH. Earlier it had been called the Department of Indian System of medication
and homoeopathy (ISM&H). it had been renamed Department of AYUSH in November 2003 with
a read to offer a lot of stress on the development of Education and analysis in writing, Yoga and
treatment, Unani, Siddha and homoeopathy. In 2003, it was operative underneath the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare. Today, it's underneath the Ministry of AYUSH that was established
on nine November 2014. it's headquartered in national capital.

AYUSH is that the signifier of the medical systems that area unit being practiced in Asian
nation like writing, Yoga & treatment, Unani, Siddha and homoeopathy. These systems area
unit supported definite medical philosophies and represent a approach of healthy living with
established ideas on hindrance of diseases and promotion of health. the essential approach of of
these systems on health, unwellness and treatment area unit holistic. As a result
of this, there's a improvement of interest on AYUSH systems.


• To improve and upgrade the educational standard of Indian Systems of Medicine and

Homoeopathy colleges across the country

• To support and strengthen the research institutions for the research on diseases for which

they have an effective treatment

• To launch schemes for promotion and cultivation of medicinal plants used in these systems

of medicine

• To develop pharmacopoeial standards for Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy

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1. Central Sector Theme

• Scheme For Acquisition, Cataloging, Digitisation and Publication of Text Book &


• Priority area of COE during 2011-12) (NEW)(Implementation for 12th Plan

• Revised scheme for Up-Gradation to Centre of Excellence [Updated as on 30.5.2016]

• Scheme for Public Health Initiatives scheme (Implementation for 12th Plan)

• Scheme for Revitalisation Of Local Health Traditions, Midwifery Practices Etc .

(Scheme has been dropped in the 12th Plan)

• Scheme for Extra Mural Research projects on Indian Systems of Medicine and


• Central Sector Scheme for Promotion of Information, Education, and Communication


• Development of AYUSH industry Cluster(Implementation for 12th Plan)

CME Scheme

• CME Calendar for 2017-18

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• Expenditure on ALL ACDP Projects

• Summary of completed Projects

• Summary of Completed Project of DAME, Kerala

• Public Health Initiatives

• IEC Scheme Guidelines

• Ayurveda Party Guidelines

• Guidelines for organising of Yoga Fest and Utsav

• Revised Guidelines for National Level Arogya Fare

• Revised State Arogya Guidelines

• Revised scheme for CSS

Evolving Pharmacopoeial Standards for ASU and H Drugs, etc

• CoE


• AYUSH Industry Clusters

Central Sector Scheme of Yoga Training for Police Personnel

2. Centrally Sponsored Schemes

• National AYUSH Mission(NAM)

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3. Extra Mural Research

• Revised Scheme for Extra Mural Research

• Checklist of Mandatory requirements for EMR Projects

• Format for Bio Data of the investigators (PI and Co-PI)

4. Financial Sanctions

Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Quality Control of AYUSH Drugs

• Financial year 2000-10 of Quality Control of AYUSH Drugs

• Financial year 2008-09 of Quality Control of AYUSH Drugs

Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development of AYUSH Institutions

• Financial year 2008-09 of AYUSH Institutions

• Centrally sponsored scheme on National Mission on Medicinal Plants

Central Sector Schemes for Development of AYUSH Industry Cluster

• Grant-In-Aid released under the Cluster Scheme

• National AYUSH Mission

• Revised scheme for CSS

Central Sector Scheme for Upgradation to Centres of Excellence (CoE)

• Grant-In-Aid released under the CoE Scheme

5. Award Scheme of CCRUM (2019)

• AYUSH Award Scheme I : Best Research Paper Award

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• AYUSH Award Scheme II : Young Scientist Hard

• AYUSH Award Scheme III : Lifetime Achievement award

• AYUSH Award Scheme IV : Best Teacher Award

• Application Proforma for Nomination of Awards

2. AYUSH Systems

(i) Ayurveda

The word ‘Ayurveda’ has derived out of fusion of 2 separate words- Áyu’ i.e. life and ‘veda’ i.e.
knowledge. so in literal that means writing is that the science of life. writing may be a classical
system of preventive, encouraging and curative care originating from the Vedas documented around
5000 years agone and presently recognized and practiced in Asian nation and plenty
of countries within the world.

(ii) Unani
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Unani system of medication is a comprehensive medical system, that provides preventive,
promotive, curative and rehabilitative health care. The system is holistic in nature and takes into
account the total temperament of a personal instead of taking a theory approach towards disease. the
basics, identification and treatment modalities of the system area unit supported scientific
principles. the essential framework of this technique is predicated on the Hippocratic theory of
4 Humours, consistent with that any disturbance within the equilibrium of humours
causes unwellness and thus the distinctive the foremost appropriate diet and style for promoting the
health of a specific individual.

(iii) Siddha

The Siddha System of medication is one in every of the traditional systems of medication in Asian
country having its shut bed with Dravidian culture. The term Siddha means that achievements and
Siddhars square measure people who have achieved perfection in drugs. Eighteen Siddhars square
measure aforesaid to own contributed towards the systematic development of this technique and
recorded their experiences in Tamil language. The Siddha system of medication emphasizes on the
patient, setting, age, sex, race, habits, mental frame work, habitat, diet, appetite, fitness,
physiological constitution of the diseases for its treatment that is individualistic in
nature designation of diseases square measure done through examination of pulse, urine, eyes, study
of voice, color of body, tongue and standing of the digestion of individual patients.


The word “Yoga” comes from the Sanskritic language word “yuj” which suggests “to unite or
integrate.” Yoga is regarding the union of a person’s own consciousness and therefore the universal
consciousness. The discipline of Yoga consists of eight elements specifically, restraint (Yama),
observance of self-denial (Niyama), physical postures(Asana), respiratory management (Pranayam),
restraining of sense organs (Pratyahar), contemplation (Dharna), meditation (Dhyan) and Deep
meditation (Samadhi). These steps within the observe of Yoga have the potential to elevate
social and private behavior and to push physical health by higher circulation
of ventilated blood within the body, restraining the sense organs and thereby causing tranquility and
serenity of mind and spirit. The observe of Yoga has conjointly been found to be helpful within
the bar of sure psychoneurotic diseases and improves individual resistance and talent to
endure nerve-wracking things. Yoga could be a encouraging, preventive rehabilitative and curative
intervention for overall improvement of health standing. Variety of postures square
measure represented in Yoga literature to enhance health, to forestall diseases and to cure sickness.
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(v) Naturopathy

Naturopathy is unmoving within the healing knowledge of the many cultures and
times supported the principle of natural healing. The principles and practices of treatment square
measure integrated within the fashion, if the individuals observe living near
to nature. treatment could be a price effective healthful, non-invasive medical care involving the
utilization of natural materials for health care and healthy living. it's supported the theories of
vitality, boosting the self-healing capability of the body and therefore the principles of healthy
Naturopathy promotes healing by stimulating the body’s inherent power to regain health with the
assistance of 5 components of nature – Earth, Water, Air, hearth and Ether. it's a decision to “Return
to Nature” and to resort to an easy method of living consonant with the self, society
and setting. treatment advocates ‘Better Health while not Medicines’. it's reported to be effective in
allergic response and stress connected disorders.The speculation and observe of treatment square
measure supported a holistic viewpoint with explicit attention to easy feeding and living habits,
adoption of purificatory measures, use of treatment, cold packs, mud packs, baths,
massages, abstinence etc.

(vi) Homoeopathy

The word ‘Homoeopathy’ springs from 2 Greek words, Homois which means similar and
pathos which means suffering. homeopathy merely means that treating unwellnesss
with medicine that square measure capable of manufacturing symptoms kind of like that of
disease once taken by healthy individuals. it's supported the construct of healing- “Similia Similibus
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Curantur” which suggests “likes square measure cured by likes”. This law was given by
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ( 1755-1843) within the early nineteenth century. homeopathy, serving
suffering humanity for over 2 centuries and has withstood the upheavals of your time and has
emerged as a time tested medical care. Homeopathy is well tried and continues to be
followed successfully even these days.

(vii) Sowa Rigpa

“Sowa-Rigpa” usually called Tibetan system of medication is one in every of the oldest, Living and
well documented medical traditions of the planet. It originated from Sitsang and is popularly
practiced in Asian country, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia and Russia. the bulk of theory and observe of
Sowa-Rigpa is analogous to “Ayurveda”. the primary Ayurvedic influence came
to Sitsang throughout the third AD however it became in style solely once the seventh century with
the approach of Buddhism to Sitsang. There once this trend of exportation of Indian medical, along
side Buddhism & alternative Indian art & sciences were continued until early nineteenth century.

India being the birth place of Buddha and Buddhism has continuously been a favourite place for
learning Buddhist art and culture for Sitsangan students; legion Asian
countryn students were conjointly invited to Tibet for deferral of Buddhism and alternative Indian
art and sciences. This long association with Asian country had resulted in translation and
preservation of thousands of Indian literature on varied subjects like faith, sciences, arts, culture and
language etc. in Tibetan language. Out of those around twenty-five texts associated with drugs also
are preserved in each canonical and non-canonical varieties of Tibetan literature.


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Naturopathy could be a system of man building harmonical with the constructive principles of
Nature on physical, mental, ethical and non secular planes of
living. It's nice health encouraging, sickness preventive and curative similarly as restorative

According to the pronunciamento of British Naturopathic Association, "Naturopathy could be

a system of treatment that recognises the existence of the important curative force inside the body."
It so advocates aiding the human system to get rid of the reason for sickness i.e. toxins
by activity unwanted and unused matters from the chassis for set diseases.


• All diseases, their causes and treatment area unit one. aside from traumatic and environmental
conditions, the reason for all diseases is one i.e. accumulation of morbid matter within the body.
The treatment of all diseases is elimination of morbid matter from the body.

• The primary reason for sickness is accumulation of morbid matter. microorganism and viruses
enter and survive within the body solely once the buildup of morbid matter once a favourable
atmosphere for his or her growth is established within the body. Hence, the fundamental reason
for sickness is morbid matter and microorganism secondary causes.

• Acute diseases area unit self-healing efforts of the body. Hence, they're our friends, not the
enemy. Chronic diseases area unit the end result of wrong treatment and suppression of acute

• Nature is that the greatest expert. The chassis itself has the healing power to stop itself
from sickness and regain health if unhealthy.

• In Nature Cure it's not the sickness however the complete body of the patient that is caused and
is revived.

• Naturopathy Cures Patients littered with chronic ailments are treated with
success in relatively less time by treatment.

• In Nature Cure the suppressed diseases area unit delivered to the surface and area
unit removed for good.

• Naturopathy treats all the aspects like physical, mental, social and non secular at a similar time.

• Naturopathy treats the body as a full.

• According to treatment, “Food is simply the Medicine” no external medications area unit used.
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Types of Naturopathy

Diet Therapy

Contemporary seasonal fruits, contemporary inexperienced ivy-covered vegetables and sprouts area
unit wonderful.

These diets area unit generally classified into 3 sorts that area unit as follows:

• Eliminative Diet: Liquids-Lemon, acid juices, Tender milk, Vegetable soups, Buttermilk, wheat-
grass juices etc.

• Soothing Diet ; Fruits, Salads, Boiled/Steamed Vegetables, Sprouts, Vegetable Indian relish etc.

• Constructive Diet: Wholesome flour, Unpolished rice, very little pulses, Sprouts, Curd etc.

Being basic, these diets facilitate in rising health, purifying the body and rendering it proof
against sickness.Our diet ought to accommodates two hundredth acidic and eightieth basic food for
maintaining health. A balanced food could be a should for a person seeking physiological state.
Food is considered medication in treatment.
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Fasting Therapy

Fasting is primarily the act of choosing to abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for
a amount of your time. The word comes from the English language, ‘Feastan’ means that to quick,
observe, be strict. In Sanskrit ‘ Vrat’ means that ‘determination’ and ‘Upavasa’ means that ‘near to
God’. a quick could also be total or partial regarding that from that one fasts, and should be
prolonged or intermittent on the amount of fast. fast is a crucial treatment modality for health
preservation. In fasting, mental readiness is an important precondition. Prolonged fast ought to be
done solely below the oversight of a competent healer.

A preventative live, that should be determined all told cases of fast, is that the complete remotion of
the bowels at the start of the quick by irrigation in order that the patient isn't daunted by gas
or mouldering matter fashioned from the excrements remaining within the body. Enemas ought
to be used a minimum of each alternate day throughout the fast amount. the overall liquid
intake ought to be roughly six to eight glasses. tons of energy is spent throughout the quick within
the method of eliminating accumulated poisons and waste materials. it's so, of utmost importance
that the patient gets the maximum amount physical rest and mental relaxation
as doable throughout the quick.
The success of the quick depends for the most part on however it's broken. the most rules for
break within the quick are: don't eat, eat slowly and chew your food totally and take many days for
the gradual amendment to the conventional diet.

Benefits and Physiological effects of fast

The physiological effects given by fast (Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting) area unit the
following: raised internal secretion sensitivity that ends up in reduced
plasma aldohexose and internal secretion concentrations and improved aldohexose tolerance,
reduced levels of aerophilic stress as indicated by shrivelled aerophilic harm to proteins, lipids
and polymer, raised resistance to varied forms of stress as well as heat, aerophilic and metabolic
stresses and increased immune operate.
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Mud Therapy

Mud therapy is extremely straightforward and effective treatment modality. The mud used for this
could be clean and brought from three to four foot. depth from the surface of the bottom.
There ought to be no contamination of stone items or chemical manures etc. in the mud.
Mud is one among 5 parts of nature having Brobdingnagian impact on the body each in health
and illness.

Benefits of applying mud:

• Its black color absorbs all the colors of the Sun and conveys them to the body.

• Mud retains wet for a protracted time, once applied over the part it causes cooling.

• Its form and consistency is modified simply by adding water.

• It is low cost and simply obtainable.

Benefits of mud pack

• When applied to the abdomen it relieves all sorts of upset stomach. it's effective in
decreasing internal organ heat and stimulates bodily process.

• A thick mud pack applied to the top in symptom headache, relieves the pain directly. thus this is
often counseled whenever there's necessity for a chronic cold application.

• Application of the pack over the eyes is helpful in cases of pinkeye, hemorrhages within
the eyeball, itching, allergy, errors of refraction like short sight and long sight and
particularly helpful in eye disease wherever it helps to scale back eyeball tension.
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Mud Pack for Face
Soaked mud is applied on the face and allowed to dry for half-hour. this is often useful in up the
complexion of the skin and removing pimples and open skin pores that successively facilitate
elimination. This is also useful in eliminating dark circles round the eyes. when half-hour,
face ought to be washed totally with cold water.

Mud Bath
Mud is also applied to the patient in sitting or lying position. This helps to enhance the skin
condition by increasing the circulation and energizing the skin tissues. Care ought to be taken to
avoid catching cold throughout the tub. Afterwards, the patient should be totally washed with cold
water jet spray. If the patient feels chill, heat water ought to be used. The patient is, then, dried
quickly and transferred to a heat bed. The length of bath is also forty five to hr.

Benefits of bath

• The effects of mud square measure refreshing, energizing, and invigorating.

• For wounds and skin diseases, application of mud is that the solely true bandage.

• Mud medical care is employed for giving coolness to body.

• It dilutes and absorbs the toxicant substances of body and ultimately eliminates them from body.

• Mud is employed with success in several diseases like constipation, headache thanks to tension,
high pressure level, skin diseases etc.

• Gandhiji wont to take mud pack to urge obviate constipation.

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It's the treatment of disorders mistreatment completely different sorts of water. These sorts of water
application square measure in observe since old days. Hydrothermal medical care in addition uses
its temperature effects, as in hot & cold baths, saunas, wraps, etc and all told its forms-solid, fluid,
vapour, ice and steam, internally and outwardly.
Water is no doubt the foremost ancient of all remedial agents for sickness. This nice healing agent
has currently been systematised and created into a science.

Effects & uses of Water

• Taking tub properly with clean cold water is a wonderful style of hydropathy. Such baths open up
all the pores of the skin and create the body light-weight and recent. within the cold tub all
systems and muscles of body get activated and therefore the blood circulation improves when tub.
The previous tradition of taking tub in rivers, ponds or waterfalls on specific occasions is nearly a
natural style of hydropathy solely.

• It is the foremost versatile medium for manufacturing the thermal and mechanical effects
desired and might be applied to a restricted space or to the total body surface.

• It is capable of riveting heat and additionally offers out heat with nice readiness. It can, therefore,
be used either for abstracting heat from the body or act heat thereto. although cold water
is mainly used, the aim isn't to require away or scale back the bodily heat, however to
extend the important power to come up with a lot of heat than what's lost.

• Being a alcahest, its use internally, within the style of irrigation or purge or Water drinking aid
greatly within the elimination of acid, urea, salts, excessive sugar, and lots of different blood and
food chemicals that square measure waste merchandise.

• It ought to even be noted that the thriving use of those strategies desires a definite level of
important power. As in acute conditions there's the next degree of important power,
and thus there's a certainty of important reaction. In chronic cases, wherever the important power
is lower, these baths square measure less helpful, however in such cases the packs square
measure helpful as a result of they're milder in their application.
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Water is used in many forms in treatment. The various forms of treatments are:

Compresses and Fomentation:

1. Cold Compress: Abdominal Cold Compress.

2. Heating Compress: Chest pack, abdominal pack, wet girdle pack, throat pack, Knee pack,
and full wet sheet pack.

3. Hot and Cold Compresses: Head, Lung, Kidney, Gastro-Hepatic, pelvic & Abdominal hot
and cold compresses.

4. Fomentation

1. Hip Bath- Cold, Neutral, Hot, Stiz Bath and alternative hip bath.
2. Spinal Bath & Spinal Spray:-Cold, Neutral, Hot
3. Foot and Arm Bath: Cold, Hot Foot Bath, Arm Bath, Hot Foot and Arm bath Combined,
Contrast Arm Bath and Contrast Foot Bath.
4. Steam Inhalation & Steam Bath

◦ Sauna Bath
◦ Sponge Bath

Jet Spray massages

1. Cold, Neutral, Hot, Alternate, Circular jet Spray massage
2. Affusion Baths: Cold Affusions, Neutral Affusions, Hot Affusions, Hot and Cold Affusions
3. Cold Shower
4. Trauma

Immersion Baths
Cold Immersion Bath, Cold Immersion with Friction, Neutral Immersion Bath, Hot Immersion,
Neutral Half Bath, Graduated Immersion Bath with Epsom Salt, Asthma Bath, Whirlpool Bath,
underwater massage.
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Colon Hydrotherapy

It is the method of cleansing and flushing out colon or intestine. It uses clean filtered
water underneath mild pressure (without pain) to scrub out or detoxify colon of
stagnated feculent materials. The quantity of sessions can rely on individual. most of the
people need a series of 3-6 treatments to receive a radical cleansing of the colon.

Benefits and Physiological effects

The healthful and healing properties of hydropathy square measure supported its mechanical and/or
thermal effects. It exploits the body’s reaction to hot and cold stimuli, to
the prolonged application of warmth, to pressure exerted by the water and to the feeling it offers.
Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, retardation down the activity of internal organs. Cold,
in distinction, stimulates and invigorates, increasing internal activity.
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Massage Therapy

Massage is a superb kind of passive exercise. The word comes from the Greek word
‘massier’ which implies to kneed, from French "friction of kneading", or from Arabic massa that
means "to bit, feel or handle" or from Latin massa that means "mass, dough”. Massage is that
the apply of sentimental tissue manipulation with physical (anatomical), useful (physiological), and
in some cases psychological functions and goals. If properly done on a vacant body, it may
be extremely stimulating and vitalizing.

Massage is additionally a modality of treatment and quite essential for maintaining physiological
state. Massage involves working on and manipulating the body with pressure – structured,
unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with
mechanical aids. the results of exercise may be derived from massage. varied oils square
measure used as lubricants like mustard oil, sesame oil, copra oil, olive oil, aroma oils etc. that even
have therapeutic effects.

There square measure seven basic modes of manipulation in massage and these
are: bit, massage (stroking), friction (rubbing), massage (kneading), massage (percussion), vibration
(shaking or trembling) and Joint movement. Movements vary per sickness condition
and elements applied.

Another kind of massage useful in most ailments square measure the vibrating massage, Powder
massage, Water massage, Dry massage. Powders of margosa leaves, rose petals and are used as
lubricants for massage.
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Physiological Effects of Massage

Reflex Effects (responses mediate by the nervous system)

• Vasodilation of arteries

• Stimulation of bodily process (aids in digestion)

• Increase or decrease in tonicity

• Increases activity of the organs within the cavum

• Triggers the relief response

• Soothing or stimulating impact on muscles

• Stimulates the center, will increase strength and rate of contraction

• Increases potency of the system

Mechanical Effects (responses ensuing from directly applied manual pressure)

• Increased blood vessel come

• Increased humor flow, humor emptying

• Circulatory potency

• Loosening of secretion (respiratory system)

• Breakdown of fibrosis/adhesions

• Stretch to shortened muscles/loosens muscle fibres

• Increased muscle temperature

• Stretches connective tissue

• Decreased tonicity/increased muscle tone

• Increased vary of Motion

• Restoration of correct joint mechanics/biomechanics

• Elimination of muscle imbalances

• Strengthen weakened muscles

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Acupressure is associate ancient healing art that uses the fingers or any dulled objects to press key
points known as ‘Acu Points’ (Energy hold on points) on the surface rhythmically on the skin to
stimulate the body’s natural self-curative skills. once these points square measure ironed,
they unharness muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and also the body’s force to
help healing.

Acupuncture and G-Jo use an equivalent points, whereas G-Jo uses the mild however firm pressure
of hands or any dulled objects, however stylostixis employs needles, G-Jo has been practiced as a
healing art for a minimum of five,000 years. this whole health system has been documented to be
used in treating over 3000 conditions. currently acupoints square measure usually treated
utilizing transdermic electrical nerve stimulation (aka TENS) and optical maser light-
weight from optical maser or diode diodes in specific wavelengths shown to possess fast and lasting

Acupressure philosophy and acupoint stimulation is predicated on an equivalent principles

as stylostixis. By exploitation pressure, electrical stimulation or optical maser light-weight rather
than needles, it works to stimulate specific reflex points situated on the lines of energy that run
through the body, known as meridians.

To find the suitable purpose, gently probe the realm till it's found that time which provides a "funny
bone" feeling or is sensitive, tender or sore. Then press onerous enough to create the purpose hurt.
Stimulation is given by steady pressure or 5 seconds on and 5 seconds off rotating
pressure. sometimes one minute is decent for every treatment session.

Acupressure may be effective in serving to relieve headaches, eyestrain, sinus issues, neck pain,
backaches, arthritis, muscle aches, and tension thanks to stress, ulcer pain, discharge cramps, lower
back aches, constipation, and dyspepsia, anxiety, insomnia.
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Acupuncture is that the procedure of inserting and manipulating fine thin needles into specific
points on the body to alleviate pain or for therapeutic functions. The word treatment comes from the
Latin acus, "needle", and pungere, "to prick”.

According to ancient Chinese medical theory, treatment points area unit settled on
meridians on that ki, the very important energy, flows. there's no familiar anatomical or microscopic
anatomy basis for the existence of treatment points or meridians.

In China, the apply of treatment will maybe be derived as way back because the period of time, with
the Bian shi, or sharpened stones. Acupuncture’s origins in China area unit unsure. The earliest
Chinese medical text that initial describes treatment is that the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of general
medicine (History of Acupuncture) Huangdi Neijing, that was compiled around 305–204 B.C. Some
hieroglyphics are found qualitative analysis back to one thousand B.C. that
will indicate associate early use of treatment.According to one legend, treatment started in
China once some troopers UN agency were wounded by arrows in battle practiced a relief of pain
in different elements of the body, and consequently individuals started experimenting with arrows
(and later needles) as medical care.Acupuncture unfold from China to Korean Peninsula, Japan and
Vietnam et al in East Asia. Portuguese missionaries within the sixteenth century were among the
primary to bring reports of treatment to the West.
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Chromo Therapy

Seven colors of Sun rays have completely different therapeutic effects. These colors are-Violet,
Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. For being healthy and in treatment of
various diseases, these colors work effectively. Water and oil exposed to sun for fixed hours
in colored bottles and colored glasses, area unit used as devices of Chromo medical care for
treating completely different disorders. the straightforward ways of Chromo medical
care facilitate within the method of recovery during a} very effective manner.

Air Therapy

Fresh air is most essential permanently health. The advantage of air medical care may be achieved
by means that of Air bathtub. everyone ought to take associate air bathtub daily for twenty minutes
or longer if potential. it's a lot of advantageous once combined with morning cold rub and
exercises. during this method, one ought to walk daily once removing garments|the garments}
or sporting lightweight clothes at a lonely clean place wherever adequate contemporary air is on the
market. Another alternate technique is in a very created area while not a roof and encircled by
shutter-like walls thus on permit free passage of air however forestall any read of the inside.
Air baths have a soothing and tonic impact upon the ample nerve endings everywhere the surface of
the body. it's sensible ends up in cases of nervousness, nervous breakdown, rheumatism, skin,
mental and varied different chronic disorders.
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Magnet therapy

Magnet therapy may be a clinical system within which human ailments area unit treated and cured
through the applying of magnets to the body of the patients. it's the only, least expensive and
fully painless system of treatment with virtually no aspect or once effects. the sole tool used is that
the magnet.
Magnetic treatment is applied on to the body elements by the therapeutic magnets accessible in
numerous powers or as general treatment to the body. additionally magnetic belts area
unit accessible for various elements e.g. Abdomen, knee, wrist etc. Magnetic necklaces, glasses and
bracelets are used for treatment.
Helps in equalisation the energy; Improves circulation to the applied area; will increase the
warmthness within the body.

Education in Naturopathy

The development and promotion of Yoga and Naturopathy could not be attained as expected at par
with Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy due to huge dearth for qualified manpower.
However, in the recent years, many NGOs and Voluntary Organizations have come up to establish
Yoga and Naturopathy Health Homes as well as Degree Colleges.At present, there are 12 such
Colleges in India,

1. Three in Karnataka affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore

2. Four in Tamil Nadu MGR Medical University, Chennai
3. Two in Andhra Pradesh, University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada
4. One in AYUSH University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
5. One in Bharkatulla University, Bhopal & Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, Gujarat
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Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

• First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere)

Naturopathic physicians choose the most non-invasive and least toxic treatments necessary for each


• The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturae)

Naturopathic doctors recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.

• Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam)

Naturopathic doctors identify, address and remove the underlying causes of disease.

• Doctor as Teacher (Docere)

Educating and supporting patients on personal health management is an important role for

naturopathic doctors. They empower patients to take responsibility for their own health. They also

acknowledge the therapeutic value inherent in the doctor-patient relationship.

• Treat the Whole Person (Tolle totum)

This is a holistic concept that recognizes the body as an integrated whole. Naturopathic doctors treat

the patient, not the disease. A naturopathic assessment addresses the nutritional status, lifestyle,

family history, physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors in a person’s


• Prevention (Praevenic)

Naturopathic doctors promote a focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.
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3. Current Status and Relevance of these practices

Approximately five hundred naturopathy Hospitals (big and medium) unfold throughout the
country area unit providing outdoor/ indoor health care services to the common public of
rural additionally as urban areas in an efficient manner with or while not Government support. the
govt of Republic of India additionally recognized the necessity for systematic analysis for the
event of naturopathy and fashioned 2 autonomous organizations beneath the Ministry of Health &
Family Welfare, Department of AYUSH to seem when its development.

The Central Council for analysis in Yoga & naturopathy (CCRYN), New Delhi was based in 1978
with Associate in Nursing objective to conduct research project within the field of Yoga
& t r e a t m e n t a n d t o d e t e r m i n e t h e e f f e c t u a l n e s s o f Yo g a
& naturopathy in numerous sickness conditions. The Council runs its activities with the
assistance of assorted schemes i.e. clinical analysis theme, literary analysis theme, running OPDs
and conducting keep work yoga categories for the general public. The Council
provides monetary help to premier Medical additionally Yoga and treatment establishments within
the country for endeavor analysis studies on these systems.

National Institute of naturopathy (NIN), Pune is based in 1986 with the target to conduct, facilitate
& encourage analysis activities all told aspects regarding human health and to develop treatment as
a system of medication and as the simplest way of life is another objective.
As presently there's no Central restrictive Body for Registration of Practitioners of Yoga
& naturopathy, Standardization of courses and enfranchisement of treatment Hospitals, the progress
of naturopathy isn't reaching up to the expected level.

However, a number of the States have provision of Registration of those practitioners as undera.

• Board of Indian Medicine, Secunderabad, Govt. of A.P. and Andhra Board of Ayurveda,
Secunderabad, Govt. of A.P. b.

• Karnataka Ayurveda, Unani & Naturopathy Practitioners Board, Bangalore, Govt. of

Karnataka c.

• Tamil Nadu Board of Indian Medicine, Chennai, Govt. of Tamil Nadu d.

• M.P. Ayurveda evam Prakritik Chikitsa Board, Bhopal e.

• Chhatisgarh Ayurvedic, Unani tatha Prakritik Chikitsa Board, Raipur.

Some more States are actively considering introducing regulation on the practice of Naturopathy.
Some have also made Naturopathy Development Boards for the furtherance of the system of
Naturopathy in their States.
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Naturopathy is an experienced science having its definite role and importance in the treatment and
management of various disease conditions. A new trend of integrating the practices of naturopathy
in ameliorating suffering of patients by leading practitioners of other systems is developing which
indicates the importance of naturopathy today and its possible role in future

4. Research Findings

Therapeutic Approach

Naturopathy is having its specific therapeutic approach which is different from other systems of
medicine. It treats the body as a whole. The fundamental difference of Naturopathy with other
systems is that its theory and practice are based on a holistic view point whereas the later approach
is reductive.

Naturopathy does not believe in the specific cause of disease and its specific treatment but takes
into account the totality of factors responsible for disease such as one’s unnatural habits of
living,thinking, working, sleeping, relaxing, sexual indulgence etc. and also considers the
environmental factors which disturb the normal functioning of the body on the whole which leads to
a morbid, weak and toxic state.

For treatment, it primarily stresses to correct all the factors involved and allows the body to recover
itself. Hence, the Naturopath helps in nature’s effort to overcome disease by removing the obstacles
in the way of self correcting efforts of the body by applying correct natural modalities and
controlling the natural forces to work within the safe limits. This specific therapeutic approach is
the actual strength of naturopathy.


• To standardize the treatment procedures of naturopathy to create them simpler and result more

• To develop common protocols of treatment for the treatment and management of

varied malady conditions i.e. artery malady (CAD), diabetes, asthma, Arthritis, cardiovascular
disease and Anxiety etc. so these can be adopted/followed by the researchers to check its impact
and effectiveness as an efficient mode of treatment.
Page 28 of 31
• To prepare normal text books on varied subjects of treatment for college students supported up to
this point info, information and proof.

• To improve the standard of treatment in treatment hospitals by fixing the minimum standards.

• To adopt higher documentation techniques for preparation of case histories and maintenance of
treatment and follow up records etc.

• To establish treatment as Associate in Nursing proof based mostly medication (EBM) and create it
a globally accepted mode of treatment.

• To prepare an information bank of treatment hospitals, clinics, books, photos of treatment

procedures and practitioners functioning within the country.

• To take steps to chop down the increasing expenses in health health care delivery and to scale
back the burden of treatment from the folk by distributive the message
of treatment for hindrance of diseases.

• To develop treatment hospitals as analysis centers for treatment of specific malady conditions.

• To take necessary measures to comprehend the dream of health for tired a

relatively shorter amount of your time by adopting treatment.

• To integrate treatment as add on medical care in analysis studies and conjointly within
the treatment and management of manner connected malady conditions.

• To promote the normal Indian manner/positive lifestyle and its advantages among the folks.

• To study on the attitude/ level of awareness of physicians with relevancy the treatment system of
drugs with a read to utilize the collected information to win over such physicians to refer the
patients to treatment hospitals.

• To enhance the extent of awareness among the folks relating to the health
care advantages of treatment.

• To study the perception of patients visiting treatment hospitals for rising the standard and
facilities of treatment.

• To set up a treatment info and documentation centre (NIDC).

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5. Student Reflection

According to us AYUSH is India’s prime healthcare system, and there’s broad future scope
for its expansion among youth and its potential to be realised by the youth.
The role of AYUSH system in delivering health care services within the rural Bharat is

Nowadays, people heavily rely on the modern healthcare system. But in addition to this, if a person
uses AYUSH therapies for maintenance of his health then his health related misery will be cut down
to a drastic extent; in this regard, government and other institutions must promote a holistic way in
treatment of diseases and maintenance of health. All traditional medicinal systems should be
popularized. Each patient should be separately evaluated to decide which therapy will be best-suited
to him or her. Pediatric, geriatric and gynecology patients deserve a sager treatment through

Acute life-threatening conditions should be dealt with by modern healthcare. More chronic
conditions, where long-term treatment is necessary as in rheumatology and lifestyle disorders,
should get help from alternative medicines. AYUSH must be given preference during therapies for
rejuvenation, mental health, sexual disorders, dermatology and cosmetology. AYUSH may play an
important part in reducing the cost of healthcare to the government especially in rural areas.
Promotion of AYUSH therapies will go a long way in prevention strategies for the community.
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6. Summary and Conclusion

Nowadays, people heavily rely on the modern healthcare system. But in addition to this, if a person
uses AYUSH therapies for maintenance of his health then his health-related misery will be cut
down to a drastic extent; in this regard, government and other institutions must promote a
holistic way in treatment of diseases and maintenance of health. All traditional medicinal systems
should be popularised. Each patient should be separately evaluated to decide which therapy will
be best-suited to him or her. Pediatric,geriatric and gynecology patients deserve a sager
treatment through AYUSH.

Acute life-threatening conditions should be dealt with by modern healthcare. More chronic
conditions, where long-term treatment is necessary as in rheumatology and lifestyle disorders,
should get help from alternative medicines. AYUSH must be given preference during therapies for
rejuvenation, mental health, sexual disorders, dermatology and cosmetology. AYUSH may play an
important part in reducing the cost of healthcare to the government especially in rural areas.
Promotion of AYUSH therapies will go a long way in prevention strategies for the community.
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7. References








• h t t p s : / / w w w . r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p u b l i c a t i o n /

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