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 Wrath of Dol Arrah (5e Equipment)

o The Wrath of Dol Arrah. Original image manipulated from

o Wondrous Item (Orb), artifact (Any good, true neutral or lawful neutral being. Requires
16+ wisdom.)
o Description. An orb of churning blue plasma, about the size of a large grapefruit. The orb
gives off a constant blue light and hovers around the attuned being. It is warm to the
touch and the plasma feels similar to the consistency of a very thick, gritty liquid, like
water-saturated sand. Most people are mesmerized by the slow chaotic flow of the
plasma and are extremely satisfied staring into the orb for hours. When evil aligned
entities or beings are nearby the orb pulses a deep red.
o History. Long ago on an ancient frozen landmass known as Shatter Stone, two groups of
Quasi-Deities clashed in a struggle over the preservation or the ruin of the world,
Desteiriah. "The Profane" were six Quasi-Deities pursuing power, chaos and destruction
while a group of six Ascended Mortals, known only as "the Legendary Heroes", banded
together to opposed the Profane. The Profane were eventually banished by the
Legendary Heroes, but at a cost; all six of the heroes sacrificed their lives to defeat the
Profane. The remaining mortal forces warred with the Profane's remnant demon hoards
for a year and a day until at last the final creatures of evil were slain. Rumor has it that
certain relics were recovered from the corpses of the Legendary Heroes, and later
shrines were erected all over Shatter Stone, in which these relics were hidden away. The
temples have since eroded away and the relics have been lost to the eons. Ancient texts
and stories describing the heroes and their relics, however, do remain.
o Of the Faith
 Ivania, often referred to as "Ivania, of the faith", was not a priestess, far from it
in fact. When she was a girl a splinter sect of Malar, chaotic evil god of the hunt,
kidnapped her for use in a particularly horrific ritual. She and the other captured
children were branded on the back of their right hands with a magical tracking
spell in the shape of the Clawed Paw of Malar. The night of each full moon, the
children were forced to flee into the wilderness while the the cultists hunted
them down, crippled them, and ate them alive. The last child to be capture was
saved for the next full moon and given another chance to escape. Through a
series of fortunate events, a substantial amount of luck, and at the cost of other
children's lives, Ivania managed to escape the cultists. She stumbled upon a city
after weeks of wilderness survival, arriving half starved and nearly comatose
from exhaustion. Shortly after sneaking into the city, the Church of Pholtus,
lawful neutral deity of law, took her into custody. The church accused her of
worshiping Malar because of the brand on her right hand. The eccentric
magistrate charged her with consorting with evil deities and sentenced her to
death; her execution was scheduled for the next day. The church inquisitors
branded her forehead with the Silver Sun and Moons of Pholtus as an insult to
her supposed affiliation with Malar. The next day, she and a few other
condemned prisoners were secured to the central stake of large pyre. As she
stared up into the sky, tears streaming down her face, she noticed a dark speck
in the center of the sun. As she watched dispassionately the speck grew larger
and larger until she was looking at what appeared to be a colossal obsidian
dragon soaring straight for the city. The beast plowed into the city wall and
began a berserking rampage, destroying everything in sight. Hands still bound,
Ivania scrambled to the city gates, hoping to escape into the surrounding forest.
She made it to city's perimeter and took off sprinting toward the forest edge
with other fleeing residents. The obsidian dragon crashed to the earth in front
of her, gaze locked with hers. The dragon reared, its maw glowing with flames
as it prepared to incinerate the scattering people. Just then, a blue beam of light
lanced from the heavens and smote the dragon, punching a hole clean through
the beast's head. Ivania stared in awe before collecting herself and disappearing
into the forest.
 Over the years, religious fanatics continued to gravitate to Ivania, likely due to
the tracking brand burned into her soul by the Malar cultists. As a young adult,
and after enduring constant harassment and multiple attempts on her life by
religious entities, Ivania finally fought back. She mastered the arcane arts and
employed the weave of magic to destroy every religious group that pursued her,
regardless of alignment; she never sought out groups to destroy though.
Rumors suggested that every time Ivania destroyed a hostile religious sect, she
gave herself a brand of the corresponding deity's symbol, with the slight
addition of a slash through the symbol's center. The stories surrounding her
seem to carry a common theme- whenever caught in an impossible situation,
some kind of blue radiant light always came to Ivania's aid. Peoples persecuted
by religious institutions began to revere her as a quasi-deity and believed that
the deity Dol Arrah was her guardian angel because of the radiant light that
aided her. If that is true, no one knows what reason Dol Arrah would have for
protecting Ivania. Despite Ivania's extreme dislike of all things religious, people
took to calling her "Ivania, of the Faith", viewing her as an unwilling champion of
Dol Arrah.
 During the final battle between the Profane and Legendary Heroes, it is said that
Ivania used her own body as a conduit to channel an immense blast of radiant
energy, annihilating the demon portal fueling the Profane's army of
o Properties
 Presence of the Profane. Passive. When evil aligned entities or beings are within
approximately 50 ft of the orb, it pulses a deep red once and delivers a psychic
shock to the attuned wielder.
 Blaze of Glory. Passive. The orb acts as a light source in dim light and darkness.
The orb turns darkness into dim light and dim light into bright light. Magical
darkness is perfectly penetrated by the orb, turning it into bright light. The
wielder and all allies gain one Hit Dice in temporary hit points which are
refreshed once per day the first time the wielder/allies are touched by the orb's
 One With Wrath. Passive. When the wielder settles in for a rest they may
instead choose to mediate with the Wrath of Dol Arrah. After two hours of
staring into the orb, make a DC 12 wisdom saving throw. On a successful save
the wielder may ask Dol Arrah a question that may or may not be answered,
he/she is also refreshed as if they had completed a long rest and they gain
temporary hit points equal to three Hit Dice + CON (replaces the temporary hit
points gained from Blaze of Glory). On a failed save the wielder completes a
short rest, is pseudo-blinded (bright light becomes dim light, dim light becomes
darkness and normal/magical darkness cannot be penetrated by any mundane
or magical means (including the dark vision trait) and the wielder cannot again
attempt to meditate with the orb until they complete a normal long rest.
 Brilliant Rays. Bonus Action. The Wrath of Dol Arrah can fire 1d4 rays of brilliant
blue light, each dealing 3d4 radiant damage. One or more of the rays can be
directed toward allies instead to deal 3d4 points of magical healing each.
 Solar Wrath. Full Round Action. Once per lunar cycle (approx 30 days), the
Wrath of Dol Arrah may be used to call down a blast of radiant energy in the
form of a pillar of light. The pillar affects a circular area with a 35 ft radius as
well as all the empty space above the affected area, up to an altitude of 10,000
ft. The beam can penetrate up to 5d8 feet of hard rock, half that of metal and
double that of dirt/soil. Creatures caught in the blast suffer 10d20 times 4
radiant damage and 10d10 times 2 force damage. The wielder can cast Solar
Wrath on a point that is within line of sight and no further than 5000 feet away.
Once Solar Wrath has been used, the orb becomes inert for 1 day, during which
it no longer hovers, glows or provides any of the above effects. If the orb is
exposed to at least 1 hour of constant sun light during that day, at the end of
the 24 hours, it will begin to function normally again. If not, the orb must be
exposed to 1 hour of constant sunlight to begin functioning normally again.
 Destroying the The Wrath of Dol Arrah. The Wrath of Dol Arrah is rendered
powerless when it sustains 50 point of cold damage and is destroyed when it
sustains 100 points of cold damage. The orb's power can be restored by placing
it in a forge fire for eight hours starting at dusk and then allowing it to bask in
bright sunlight for four hours uninterrupted. When the orb is destroyed, it
shatters into frozen fragments. To mend the orb, the fragments must be boiled
in molten silver for four hours, two hours before and after the sun's highest
point in the sky. Upon draining the silver, the orb will be intact. The
reconstructed orb must then be allowed bask under a full moon from the
moment the moon first breaks the horizon to dawn. When dawn breaks, the orb
must be struck with a large enough concentration of radiant energy. If enough
radiant energy is absorbed by the orb at dawn, it will be restored to full

 Omni Haft (5e Equipment)

o Weapon (Shapeshifter), artifact (A being of any alignment may attune the Omni Haft.
Requires 16+ strength.)
o Description. The Omni Haft takes many forms but generally it is a simple rod of worked
metal with a grip hammered into one end, with or without a hilt. It is about 1 ft long and
thicker than one would expect. The metal appears to be an alloy, mostly dark iron,
streaked with different silver-like metals and flecked with gold. When struck against a
hard object, the rod vibrates giving off a deep, pleasant humming sound much like a
tuning fork.
o History. Long ago on an ancient frozen landmass known as Shatter Stone, two groups of
Quasi-Deities clashed in a struggle over the preservation or the ruin of the world,
Desteiriah. "The Profane" were six Quasi-Deities pursuing power, chaos and destruction
while a group of six Ascended Mortals, known only as "the Legendary Heroes", banded
together to opposed the Profane. The Profane were eventually banished by the
Legendary Heroes, but at a cost; all six of the heroes sacrificed their lives to defeat the
Profane. The remaining mortal forces warred with the Profane's remnant demon hoards
for a year and a day until at last the final creatures of evil were slain. Rumor has it that
certain relics were recovered from the corpses of the Legendary Heroes, and later
shrines were erected all over Shatter Stone, in which these relics were hidden away. The
temples have since eroded away and the relics have been lost to the eons. Ancient texts
and stories describing the heroes and their relics, however, do remain.
o The Many
 Amongst the Legendary Heroes was a being known as Senairium, the Many. He
was a single entity divided between six individually animated bodies. Each
animated body carried a different weapon; a flail, a polearm, a giant greataxe,
dual hand hammers, a repeating heavy crossbow, and a gnarled staff. After the
final battle with the Profane, fragments of the six weapons were melded
together to form a metal rod that resembled the haft of an unfinished weapon.
Historical references document the ownership of the rod until approximately
1000 years after the Profane were defeated. The last known person to possess
the rod was Lord Nicovanti De Fairah, from whom the rod was apparently
stolen. Occasionally, the odd rumor seems to hint at the Omni Haft's existence,
but no one has been able to track it down.
o Properties
 Bonus Stats. Passive. +2 to hit and the wielder is proficient with all forms of the
Omni Haft.
 The Choosing. Passive. When the wielder draws the Omni Haft and wills it to
activate, roll 1d6. Based of the result of the roll, the Omni Haft will take the
form of one of the six weapons: 1-Flail, 2-Polearm, 3-Greataxe, 4-Dual
Hammers, 5-Repeating Heavy Crossbow, 6-Gnarled Staff. See below for
individual weapons stats and effects. Once the Omni Haft has taken form, it
cannot change for the rest of the encounter with the exception of the Impress
Will ability. When not in combat, the wielder may concentrate for 10 minutes
on which weapon he/she wishes the Omni Haft to become. If concentration is
broken, the Omni Haft reverts to it's dormant state.
 Flail (1) – 75% chance to halve the target's AC for a single attack. When
making an attack roll, roll 1d4 as well; if the result of the 1d4 is anything
except "1", the target's AC is temporarily reduced by half (rounding up)
for this attack only. Regardless of whether the targets AC is halved, and
if the attack roll exceeds the target's AC, the difference between the
target's AC and the final attack roll result is added to the damage dealt.
The Flail deals 2d8+STR bludgeoning damage on hit.
 Polearm (2) – 75% chance to heal the wielder for the amount of damage
dealt by the weapon. When making an attack roll, roll 1d4 as well; if the
result of the 1d4 is anything except "1" and the attack deals damage,
the weilder is healed for an amount equal to the damage dealt by the
weapon. The Polearm deals 2d10+STR piercing on hit (reach, two
handed, heavy).
 Greataxe (3) – As the wielder's health gets lower, damage dealt gets a
multiplier equal Max HP/Current HP rounded to the nearest whole
number, with a cap of 5 (multipliers can only be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). The
Greataxe deals (2d12+STR) x multiplier, slashing damage on hit (heavy,
two handed).
 Dual Hammers (4) – 50% chance to cause 1d4 exhaustion on hit with the
twin hammers (applies only once per attack, not per hammer). On a
successful hit, roll 1d4; if the result is a "4" or "3", the target takes 1d4
points of exhaustion. Together, the hammers deal 2d6+STR bludgeoning
(light, two handed) and are not affected by normal two-weapon fighting
restrictions. Both hammers are used on all attacks, even attacks made
with bonus actions.
 Repeating Heavy Crossbow (5) – 75% chance on hit to make the target
flatfooted until the end of your next turn and reduce the target's
movement speed by half. Once per wielder's turn, on a successful hit,
roll 1d4; if the result is anything except "1", the target becomes
flatfooted until the end of your next turn. The crossbow can be fired six
times before reloading and the wielder may fire two bolts with one
attack. The crossbow requires a bonus action to reload. The crossbow
has two jagged blades protruding from its front that allow the crossbow
to be used for melee attacks as well. Melee attacks with the crossbow
deal 3d4 slashing damage (finesse). Ranged attacks deal 1d10+DEX
piercing (100/400) (heavy, two handed).
 Gnarled Staff (6) – Inflicts two random conditions on a successful hit
(roll 2d8 twice to determine which conditions are applied, see below).
Re-roll if the target is already afflicted with the condition(s). If the target
is afflicted by all 14 conditions, the target is critically hit instead. The
Staff deals 3d6+STR bludgeoning on hit (reach). 2-Blinded, 3-Charmed,
4-Deafened, 5-Frightened, 6-Grappled, 7-Incapacitated, 8-Invisible, 9-
Paralyzed, 10-Petrified, 11-Poisoned, 12-Prone, 13-Restrained, 14-
Stunned, 15-Unconscious, 16-Wielder's choice.
 Impress Will. Bonus Action. Once per day the wielder may impress their will on
the Omni Haft and choose which of the six weapons it becomes. The Omni Haft
will remain in the chosen form until it is sheathed. Impress Will can be used at
any time during combat, but only as a bonus action (or as a standard action if
desired). If used outside of combat, the Omni Haft remains in the chosen form
for 10 minutes.
 Hive Mind. Passive. The wielder is able to tap into the perception of all willing
allies within 20 ft; the wielder knows what his/her allies know and each round,
the first attack of opportunity against the wielder has disadvantage.
 Omni Cleave. Standard Action. One normal attack roll to hit. Once per day the
wielder may unleash the full might of the Omni Haft, dealing one attack from
each weapon form and applying all effects as appropriate against a single target.
(WARNING: this is a non-trivial attack and requires a large number of rolls; its
 Destroying the The Omni Haft. The Omni Haft is rendered powerless if it sustains
50 points of psychic or radiant damage and it is destroyed if it sustains 100
points of radiant damage. The Omni Haft's power may be restored by allowing it
to bask uninterrupted for 4 hours under a moonless night sky. If the Omni Haft
is destroyed it may be mended by melting down the remnants and adding
precious metals (silver, gold, platinum, titanium, etc.) to make up the difference;
once the metals are fully melted and mixed, they must be shaped into a rod and
quenched with the blood of six living creatures while it remains incandescent
from the forge.

 Cloak of the Gentle Breeze (5e Equipment)

o Wondrous Item (cloak), artifact (Any good or neutral being. Requires 16+ dexterity.)
o Description. A silky thin and ragged cloak of a deep burgundy; the fabric feels like cool
water to the touch and is almost weightless. The cloak appears to constantly flutter as if
the wearer were standing in the gentlest of breezes whether there is no wind at all or a
raging storm. While worn, the wearer feels either a refreshingly cool wind or a gentle
warming breeze on their face, whichever best suits the wearer's preference.
o History. Long ago on an ancient frozen landmass known as Shatter Stone, two groups of
Quasi-Deities clashed in a struggle over the preservation or the ruin of the world,
Desteiriah. "The Profane" were six Quasi-Deities pursuing power, chaos and destruction
while a group of six Ascended Mortals, known only as "the Legendary Heroes", banded
together to opposed the Profane. The Profane were eventually banished by the
Legendary Heroes, but at a cost; all six of the heroes sacrificed their lives to defeat the
Profane. The remaining mortal forces warred with the Profane's remnant demon hoards
for a year and a day until at last the final creatures of evil were slain. Rumor has it that
certain relics were recovered from the corpses of the Legendary Heroes, and later
shrines were erected all over Shatter Stone, in which these relics were hidden away. The
temples have since eroded away and the relics have been lost to the eons. Ancient texts
and stories describing the heroes and their relics, however, do remain.
o The Wind Walker
 Amongst the Legendary Heroes was a female half-elf known as Vaith, the Wind
Walker. According to legend, those loyal to Vaith recovered her tattered cloak
from the lowest branch on a dead oak tree overlooking the summit where the
final battle between the Profane and the Legendary Heroes was fought. For
hundreds of years, Vaith's Cloak of the Gentle Breeze remained on display in her
temple on Shatter Stone until a band of raiders stole in during the night,
slaughtered the worshiping clerics and looted everything of value. The cloak has
not been seen since.
o Properties
 Stat Bonus. Passive. The wearer gains a +1 to dexterity and +1 to constitution.
These stats may raise the wearer's attributes above the 20 cap and stack with
other enhancements that allow the wear to exceed the 20 cap.
 Comforting Embrace. Passive. When exposed to the elements, pull the Cloak of
the Gentle Breeze close and take heart for all will be well in the end. The wearer
has resistance to all non-magical environmental damage/hazards including, but
not limited to (at DM's discretion) cold, heat, toxic gases, disease, water,
lightning, etc. The wearer also has advantage on saving throws to resist
environmental drains and negative effects.
 Warding Wrap. Passive. Whenever the wearer is hit by an attack (physical or
magical) he/she has a 25% chance to gain resistance against the damage. These
odds increase to 50%, 75% and 100% each time the wear takes damage and fails
to gain resistance. If 100% is reached, the wearer will be immune to the next
damaging attack against them. Use 1d4 to determine success- at 25% a "4" on
1d4 is a success; at 50% a "4" or "3" on a 1d4 is a success, at 75% a "4", "3", or
"2" is a success. The success percentage threshold is reset to 25% after the
wearer successfully resists an attack's damage or activates the 100% immunity
 Wraith Walk. Bonus Action. The cloak may be used to turn the wearer invisible a
number of times per day equal to their wisdom modifier. Attacking or other
non-minor actions will break the effect (at the DM's discretion).
 Wind Walker. Bonus Action. Once per day the wearer may enter a state of
heightened awareness and speed, negating all attacks of opportunity against the
wearer for the duration of the encounter, increase their movement speed by
+15 ft and allowing them to maintain consciousness and half their movement
speed if reduced to 0 hp.
 Destroying the Cloak of the Gentle Breeze. The Cloak of the Gentle Breeze can
be rendered powerless if it sustains 50 points of necrotic or shadow damage and
destroyed if it sustains 100 points of necrotic or shadow damage. To restore its
power, the cloak must be submerged in a gently flowing stream or brook for a
day and a night, then hung up to air dry is a light breeze for 4 hours. If
destroyed, the remnants can be used to fully restore the cloak by stitching them
together with fine burgundy silk thread and hanging the cloak on the lowest
branch of an oak tree to flutter in the wind for a cumulative year and a day on a
single oak tree. When the cloak is retrieved on the final day, the oak tree will be

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