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THE PROBLEM disturbed condition, the sediment yield over a 2-year

period goes from essentially nothing to about 1300 tons
T h e h u m a n propensity to occupy areas subject to for this 20-acre catchment in Maryland having West
occasional flooding, to alter natural watercourses, to Maryland silt loam soil on a 10% slope. N o conserva­
alter land forms, and to engage in other activities that tion practices were used except for the continuously
impact natural hydrologic and sedimentologic pro­ disturbed condition, which, in some cases, used mulch
cesses creates a need to offset those impacts thought to and sediment detention ponds. T h e figure illustrates
be detrimental through designed flow and sediment the effectiveness of sediment control practices in that
control systems. Land clearing, agricultural activities, the sediment yield was reduced on the continuously
construction, mining, urban and industrial develop­ disturbed area from about 1300 tons with no control
ment, and similar activities can have a major impact on practices to about 350 tons with mulch and a sediment
the quantity and rate of water runoff and on the rates detention pond. Procedures presented in this book can
of erosion and sediment transport that take place. be used to make comparative assessments like this for
Environmental concerns often make it desirable, if not many different situations.
necessary, to provide means of controlling runoff and Environmental regulations present great challenges
erosion from altered land areas to the level that would to engineers. They must design water and sediment
be present if no alterations were m a d e or to other control facilities that will e n h a n c e functional and aes­
legally specified levels. thetic aspects of projects, will not h a m p e r construction
Such an approach assumes that the hydrologic and or operational activities, and yet will meet exacting
sedimentologic responses of an area to climatic events state and federal regulations. T h u s a detailed knowl­
can be quantified for both the unaltered and the al­ edge of the principles and practices of hydrology and
tered state and that techniques for limiting the differ­ sediment control is required.
ence in responses to these two states are available.
Further it assumes that quantitative m e t h o d s for evalu­
ating control techniques are available. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES OF COVERAGE
Figure 1.1, adapted from McBurnie et al. (1990),
illustrates the impact of land use changes on peak This book has b e e n written to acquaint engineers
runoff rates and sediment yields. This figure shows that with hydrologic, hydraulic, and sedimentation princi­
as the land use changes from forest to a continuously ples that will be useful in designing water and sediment

2 1. Introduction

1 forest
2 meadow
> 3 mixed land use
4 d i s t u r b e d , m u l c h e d , s e d i m e n t pond
5 d i s t u r b e d , no m u l c h , s e d i m e n t pond
6 d i s t u r b e d , mulched
0 7 c o n v e n t i o n a l a g r i c u l t u r e , corn
8 d i s t u r b e d , no mulch
4 5 6
• sediment runoff

Figure 1.1 Land use impacts on runoff and erosion.

control facilities. Some of the material will be a review with an understanding of:
to some readers; however, nearly all engineers will find
1. hydrologic principles and techniques sufficient to
material in this treatment that supplements their cur­
estimate runoff rates, volumes, and hydrographs from a
rent knowledge.
variety of scenarios;
T h e treatment presented here is not theoretical;
2. open channel hydraulics in d e p t h sufficient to
however, a d e q u a t e theory is presented to develop a
design stable channels in erodible and nonerodible
firm understanding of principles. T h e effort is directed
toward practical design methodologies. T h e procedures
3. hydraulics in d e p t h sufficient for the design of
are presented in sufficient detail so that the m e t h o d s
simple d r o p structures, pipe spillways, emergency spill­
can be applied directly to actual situations. N u m e r o u s
ways, and culverts;
realistic, solved problems using the m e t h o d s p r e s e n t e d
4. flow routing in detail sufficient for the design of
are included.
water retention and sediment detention basins;
T h e book is not intended to replace or compete with
5. the principles of sediment production and sedi­
federal and state publications regarding acceptable de­
m e n t control, including both structural and nonstruc­
sign procedures. It is not a design manual as such but
tural methods;
presents design techniques that will apply in many
6. principles for evaluating stable alluvial channels
situations. Often more than one solution technique
and for predicting the impact of changes in channel
may be possible and appropriate. T h e design engineer
properties d u e to anthropogenic and natural changes;
must select the best technique to use u n d e r a given set
7. basic definitions and principles of ground water
of circumstances.
T o prevent the book from becoming excessively long,
8. requirements and techniques for monitoring hy­
considerable material has been included by reference
drologic systems; and
only. For instance, state manuals, U.S. Soil Conserva­
9. the basis for and use of hydrologic models.
tion Service reports, U.S Corps of Engineers manuals,
and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publica­ T h e selection of the notation to use in the book
tions contain much valuable information but are in p r e s e n t e d special problems since information from sev­
themselves voluminous documents and thus not repro­ eral disciplines including hydrology, hydraulics, sedi­
duced herein. m e n t transport, erosion, geomorphology, and statistics
In view of the uncertain and dynamic n a t u r e of is included. T h e decision was m a d e to h o n o r tradi­
federal and state environmental regulations regarding tional notation in these various fields as m u c h as possi­
water and sediment control from disturbed areas, it is ble to simplify supplementing the material from other
not the purpose of this treatment to tell the engineer reference sources. T h u s the notation from chapter to
what must be done to comply with existing laws and chapter may differ d e p e n d i n g on the topic u n d e r dis­
regulations. Rather, the purpose of this t r e a t m e n t is to cussion. Within a chapter, a consistent notation was
provide those in charge of sediment and water control used if possible.
General Considerations 3

T h e r e are many worked problems throughout the cross-drainage on slopes, e m b a n k m e n t s , and haul roads
text. Often the calculations for the problems were may result in gullies. Delays in vegetating exposed
carried out using computer programs and spread sheets slopes can result in substantial sheet and rill erosion,
with the final results r o u n d e d to the n u m b e r of signifi­ which, if unchecked, may lead to gullies.
cant figures shown in the problems after all calcula­ It should be kept in mind that natural streams have
tions were completed. In some cases, this rounding at developed over the centuries a state of dynamic equi­
the end of the calculations produces slightly different librium with t h e a m o u n t of sediment and water they
results in the third significant figure than is obtained by carry. W h e n this equilibrium is disturbed, the stream
hand calculations when rounding is d o n e after each attempts to adjust to the new conditions. Thus, in­
step in the calculation. This is especially noticeable creased water and sediment loads may result in stream
when logarithmic or exponential relationships are in­ channel erosion in t h e form of bed and bank erosion. It
volved. may result in sediment deposition within the channel
and thus a reduction in channel water-carrying capac­
ity. It may result in a combination of these things
d e p e n d i n g on the local situation.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Effective water and sediment m a n a g e m e n t is greatly
aided by
Water and sediment m a n a g e m e n t must be consid­
1. preplanning of water and sediment control strate­
ered from the very beginning in developing plans for
altering the physical setting of a drainage area. Cer­
2. installing diversions and vegetated waterways well
tainly the final desired configuration of the area will
a h e a d of the actual operation so that t h e vegetation
play a dominate role in t h e design. T h e p r e o p e r a t i o n
can be established prior to disturbance;
plan must consider such things as the installation of
3. keeping all reclamation activities current;
perimeter controls to prevent excessive water from
4. exposing and working as small an area at any one
entering the site and from leaving the site in an uncon­
time as practical;
trolled fashion while the site is undergoing change. T h e
5. controlling w a t e r and sediment on the site;
rate and extent of vegetation removal a h e a d of the
6. using good engineering practice in designing wa­
operation, the placement of spoil and topsoil, and the
ter conveyances; a n d
amount of packing or sealing of the final graded fill
must all b e considered. 7. having an aggressive m a i n t e n a n c e program.
W h e n developing plans, every opportunity should be Complete p r e o p e r a t i o n investigation and planning
taken to control water where it falls and sediment are essential. Not only must the natural topography
where it lies as this will generally be m o r e effective, and drainage system be inventoried, but the desired
more permanent, and cheaper than control at some final topography, drainage configuration, and land use
other point. Preventing erosion or accelerated runoff is anticipated. T h e a m o u n t s and types of spoil and soil
preferred to trying to reduce runoff rates and sediment material and w h e r e it is to b e stockpiled or finally
concentrations at later stages in the runoff process. placed must be d e t e r m i n e d . T h e location of roadways
Consideration must be given to controlling sediment and diversions must be specified. T h e n a t u r e and fre­
production on facilities constructed in conjunction with quency of road culverts must be determined as well as
the site itself. For instance, haul and construction the type of road ditches and erosion protection to be
roads are major contributors of sediment and runoff. used in conjunction with these ditches.
Likewise, access roads and construction activities T h e entire operation should be scheduled so that
around sediment detention basins, staging areas, and vegetated channels a n d diversions can b e established
other high traffic areas often result in substantial sedi­ before major land disturbances start and so that all
ment production. reclamation activities can remain current. T h e amount
Water control facilities such as channels, diversions of sediment production from an exposed site is some­
and culverts must be properly designed and main­ what proportional to the length of time the site is
tained. Improper design often results in failures caused exposed. T h u s , a slope exposed for 2 months will likely
by excessive flows or by erosion and sedimentation yield twice the sediment as o n e exposed for 1 month.
associated with normal flows. I n a d e q u a t e consideration W a t e r and sediment control practices should be in­
of the dissipation of energy at the outfall of a culvert stalled at the problem location as much as possible. It
can result in a scour hole and eventual failure of the is considerably c h e a p e r a n d m o r e p e r m a n e n t to do this
culvert. Excessive flow velocities in channels and diver­ as opposed to an a t t e m p t at a more downstream con­
sions can result in the formation of gullies. I n a d e q u a t e trol. In general, water control is also an effective sedi-
4 1 . Introduction

ment control. Erosion tends to increase as the peak ACCEPTED DESIGN PRACTICE VERSUS STATE
flow rate and the runoff volume increase. OF THE ART
Downstream sediment control measures, largely sed­
iment basins, should be installed early before t h e oper­ Accepted design practices a r e those practices that
ation begins. This gives time for a good job in con­ have come into general usage because of their simplic­
structing the facility and for stabilizing all slopes before ity and relative accuracy. Accepted design practices are
the facility is asked to perform the duty for which it emphasized in this t r e a t m e n t . In new areas, sufficient
was designed. In some instances it may be necessary to time has not elapsed for accepted design practices to
introduce chemicals into the s e d i m e n t - w a t e r mixture e m e r g e . In such cases, state of the art p r o c e d u r e s can
in order to cause the sediment particles to aggregate be used. State of the art p r o c e d u r e s are based on t h e
and thus be more easily removed by a sediment basin. latest research but are not yet in general practice. F o r
All water conveyances must be designed to have example, for small detention structures accepted d e ­
a d e q u a t e capacity, to be stable over the range of flows sign practices are available for certain aspects such as
u n d e r which they will be expected to function, and to flood retardation. However, accepted design proce­
have a d e q u a t e energy dissipation. dures for the design of these basins based on detention
It must be recognized that every hydrologic design is time are not available. In this book, a state of t h e art
subject to the random vagaries of natural weather. p r o c e d u r e is proposed. Similarly, state of the art proce­
Regardless of the design used, a certain level of proba­ dures for sediment yield and sediment and erosion
bility exists that the design condition will be exceeded. problems are given.
Determining the acceptable risk of such a failure be­
comes a part of the design process.
Finally, importance of timely, effective, and routine
maintenance cannot be overemphasized. T h e first sign McBurnie, J. C , Barfield, B. J., Clar, M. L., and Shaver, E. (1990).
of a developing gully or of scour around a structure is Maryland sediment detention pond design criteria and perfor­
the sign for immediate and effective m a i n t e n a n c e . T h e mance. Appl. Eng. Agric. 6(2):167-173.

maintenance operations and procedures must go on for

some time after the completion of the actual operation.

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