2 18 20 Journal Club Pre and Post Reflection Ppi and Enteritis

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Reflection: Journal Club PPI and Enteritis


I chose this article as it pertained to the population of my current adult med II rotation. I was
seeing a lot of patients with a gastroenteritis diagnosis and was somewhat confused as what to do about
it. Was it an indication for antibiotics or not? I now see that it is a non-specific case of gut/stomach
irritation and in the case of this article it can be viral. The practitioners on this rotation see in-patient
and out-patient clients and a majority of them are on proton pump inhibitors. I also liked how this article
was new (2019) and I thought that it would be appropriate for the knowledge background of the
student. It was a struggle putting effort into this journal club as we only have one student in facility this
month but I treated my pre-work the same as usual by creating a journal club handout.


I am happy that I put effort into this journal club despite having only one participant. I felt that
we had a thorough conversation about this article and both elaborated on critique points. He was
engaged and I asked him multiple questions as well as offered my opinions and thoughts in a respectful
manner. I reviewed some important “drug literature” terms in regard to statistics, Pearson co-efficient,
and validity. I thought that having my typed handout not only showed that I put effort into our
discussion but was pertinent for my organization of thoughts. Overall, this was a successful journal club
and I was surprisingly pleased with only having one participant. I learned from him as well.

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