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Session 4 : Microsoft Excel- Workingwith Lookup.

1. There is a different spare parts available in my shop. If customer is asking for any
spare parts’s cost, my customer executive should be able to tell the customer
when the name of the product is given.

Data file :-- hlookup.xlsx

2. Develop a formula that will track unit price or quantity based on ordered

Data file :-- order.xlsx

3. Scoring pattern with Letter grade and Verbal Description is given in spreadsheet.
When your are entering marks scored by the students in the exam the worksheet
should trace the proper letter grade and verbal description as per given pattern.

Data file :-- Students grade vlookup.xlsx

4. Student record file is available and clerk need to generate students email id
based on the id no.
Create a sheet Marksheet with Student Id, Name, Class, Average, Grade

Data File :-- Student.xlsx

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