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Computer Skills

Good Review-

● Is the navigation consistent? Is it easy to find? Does it facilitate or hinder the user
-I found a website that was on the topic of bullying and cyberbullying. It was very easy to
find, and it was very easy to use. In the top right corner and there tabs for tons of
different resources about the different types and different prevention tactics for the

● Does the layout look like a webpage? Does it help or hinder getting the point across?
-It does look like a webpage. It looks very professional and as soon as the website pulls
up, there is an introduction phrase about why this topic is important to be knowledgeable
on. It then has different links that one can click on to learn more.

● Is there a consistent theme to the design?

-The design is consistent due to the colors, and simplicity of the page.

● Is information clearly presented and easy to find?

-Yes, there are tabs that one can click on to learn about different topics about bullying-
what can kids do, laws or policies, preventions, etc.

● Are the graphics relevant to the design?

-Yes, the website has tons of pictures of what bullying can consist of: phones, students,
schools, etc.

● Do all of the links take you where you expect to go? Are the images visible? Does all of
the media (e.g., video, audio, etc.) work?
-Yes, all of the links and the images work. It is very informative.

Good Review-

● Is the navigation consistent? Is it easy to find? Does it facilitate or hinder the user
-It is fairly easy to find- in the top left corner, one has to go to the “causes” button and
then click on the bullying tab to locate the website.

● Does the layout look like a webpage? Does it help or hinder getting the point across?
-The layout makes the topic relevant. The front page is the stats of the successes that
are being done to prevent bullying. It helps get the point across to show that there are
initiatives being taken to prevent bullying.

● Is there a consistent theme to the design?

-Yes, if one scrolls down, it shows ways to prevent bullying through different tabs and
tactics that one can use.
● Is information clearly presented and easy to find?
-The information is easy to follow, it also helps that it gives different ways to help prevent
bullying. Giving just one way to help end it sometimes does not always help.

● Are the graphics relevant to the design?

-The graphics are relevant. The pictures and the colors through the website make the
point come across that this topic is bullying.

● Do all of the links take you where you expect to go? Are the images visible? Does all of
the media (e.g., video, audio, etc.) work?
-All of the links and images work. It is an informative website.

Bad Review-

● Is the navigation consistent? Is it easy to find? Does it facilitate or hinder the user
-The website is easy to find, but it is not easy to follow. It hinders the user experience
because I do not believe it is very helpful.

● Does the layout look like a webpage? Does it help or hinder getting the point across?
-The layout does not get the point across- yes, it gives details about what bullying is, and
how to prevent it, but I can see how someone would get distracted or doze off while
reading it.

● Is there a consistent theme to the design?

-It is consistent, but there is nothing there to grab one’s attention.

● Is information clearly presented and easy to find?

-It is clear, but it is not easy to read because there is nothing that catches one’s eye.

● Are the graphics relevant to the design?

-There really is no graphics.

● Do all of the links take you where you expect to go? Are the images visible? Does all of
the media (e.g., video, audio, etc.) work?
-All of the links work. There is a pdf at the end that contains a Bullying Guide, and the
videos also work.

Bad Review-

● Is the navigation consistent? Is it easy to find? Does it facilitate or hinder the user
-I do not like the navigation of this website. I think that it is great that this is a place
where individuals that have similar experiences can comment, but it is not very
● Does the layout look like a webpage? Does it help or hinder getting the point across?
-It is hindering the topic, it is hard to understand where to go next or what type of website
it is. It looks like the website states what cyberbullying is, and if one doesn’t see the
“next question” link, then it could get confusing.

● Is there a consistent theme to the design?

-It is consistent, but it is hard to understand.

● Is information clearly presented and easy to find?

-No, one has to scroll and search around for the next topic. Also, the sources do not
seem very reliable, there are just a lot of reviews from individuals commenting on the

● Are the graphics relevant to the design?

-There is no graphics, which makes the website hard to follow.

● Do all of the links take you where you expect to go? Are the images visible? Does all of
the media (e.g., video, audio, etc.) work?
-There are no links to click on except the next question one-that one does work.

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